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Posts posted by abhishikta

  1. 13 minutes ago, 1blankstare said:

    So I'm getting that he's just their as an audience. The BBMA is like 3hours. So will their be non US performers, like zZ and Jane zhang, his studio said he's performing light. So it means he's also performing?


    As far I know, ZZ or Jane won't be performing tonight (not sure, though). But rumour has it that BTS will have a surprise performance. 

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  2. 6 minutes ago, bearology said:

    Theres nothing written on it. It just has this diamond/squared sort of pattern (not that clear). Looks terribly like a handmade ring and that is why fans think that JY was the one behind it. He went to a handmade jewellery workshop and he mentioned he made a bracelet in his photobook. 


    Thank you so much for the reply! Yes, I'm aware of the probablity of the ring being a gift from JY; going by the pattern of the carving, I just wondered if ZZ had it engraved or not:sweatingbullets:. Wish you a good day. 



    • Like 2
  3. 10 minutes ago, urslae said:

    off topic but can someone explain to me what you mean when you say "richard simmons"


    Hey there!

    This is a very valid question because it took me days to get out of this confusion when I faced it.:w00t: The thing is, Soompi has an automated profanity filter, meaning whenever we use any 'f-word' or anything that can be considered as vulger or even the slang for intercourse, it changes them into 'richard simmons'. :sweatingbullets:

    So, Richard Simmons is the dude that butts in whevever we get a bit carried away with our passion.:w00t:



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  4. Woah! My name has popped up like hashtags here! I don't frequent soompi much these days. But when my friend Luana messaged me to tell me to follow the current ongoings, I came running! And now, I'm pacing on the roof and it's 40 degree outside. No kidding. 

    Okay, first off, I AM A PROUD CPF OF YUZHOU. I LOVE THESE BOYS AS MY BABIES, MY KIDS. I LOVE THEM WITHOUT INHIBITIONS. Those who follow me on IG or on Wattpad hopefully know exactly how much I am invested in YuZhou. They are a huge part of my life. 

    Secondly,  I RESPECT EVERY OTHER CPFs. If you are a CPF and truly love the boys, I respect and love you. There are people who are onlys or do not support YuZhou and that's their opinion. BUT if I see them spewing any negativity about my boys I don't hesitate to speak up. I stand up for the things I believe. 

    I don't know why my name came up suddenly but I guess I have to clear some things once again. About the answer I once gave @swong2330 was that she expressed that I was being bullied here with which I did not agree with. Because NOBODY EVER BULLIED ME HERE. We are not as A, B, C here, we are YuZhou CPFs! We have a common goal here and that's to protect, love and cherish ZZ and JY together and individually. Yes, I am connected to you (and some other members and I'm sorry I don't go to FB anymore :( ) through FB and we talked more about Agatha Christie and LGBTQ rights than our fandoms. You have your own fandom, I have mine. You are not YuZhou, I am not QingYu. I don't compare them and I like to keep it that way. And I will also never forget that you urged me to write my YuZhou fics. 

    @psychology92 We have never interacted before. I am glad to see another dedicated CPF here. I am friendly towards everyone who are friendly towards me. 

    @CrystalClear (did I tag the right Crystal? There were so many in the list!) Girl, I love you and you know that, right? I love your passion about the boys and this fandom. Every time I see ZZ wearing his ring, it reminds me of you. 

    When I first joined this fandom, Soompi was an oasis to me. It gave me life. It made me a better fan. I don't come here much because I have my reasons, but I love and respect this place. My very first YuZhou story, through which I began my journey, was dedicated to all the CPFs here. 

    Umm, should I address something else? I haven't read all the posts thoroughly. If I am leaving something out, you can tag and question me. 

    I love my boys and if you too, then my love extends to you too. Actual love for the boys,  NOT pretend to be supportive and then start nitpicking them. And no two fandoms are alike. They have their own sufferings, their own stand points. And there is a reason why YuZhou is an international phenomenon. It does not happen often when the love of two persons (without any PDA or fan service) binds numeours hearts, irrespective of race, age or country, in a single thread. We are the fandom that endured and excelled. I am proud all of you that believe in YuZhou. 

    O-kay. Can't think of saying anything else. I'm a YuZhou CPF and I am in this together with you all other CPFs and I think this should be the focal point of our activities. 

    My brain is leaking in this heat. Gotta go. Take care. Dream on. Pray for candies. YuZhou Forever! 




    P.S- I don't come here often because I can't manage to get time!! I have a full time work, I write loads.I have two other fandoms and a blog. I don't even go to any other social media that IG and Wattpad. And operating soompi through phone is a torture. But I always tell other new fans to join this forum, this family!! I love the updates and I always ask about the regulars to my bestie who is a lurker here!! (I do that, don't I, Lu?) I LOVE SHANGYIN SOOMPI FAMILY. I LOVE IT. 

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  5. Hey guuuuuuuuuuuys!

    Captain Whale has emerged waving YuZhou flag! 

    Credits on the pics. Got them all from IG.


    What to do, there was no other background in the entire airport to click a pic.:phew:






    Some other pics:

    Those arms had me saying, "handle my Kitty baby with care, won't you?":sweatingbullets: But he looks Hot Damn good!!!






    Abbie (still alive and kicking and screaming)

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  6. @jingyuzhou

    I can almost see Fensong making that sad little pouty face and mumbling, "But I'm the real Fensong.":w00t: And I'll keep your tips in mind the next time I encounter such posts. Thankies!:wub: 


    As for JY's number thing, maybe that date has a personal significance which is not yet of a public knowledge. Because it's not really usual for people choosing someone else's birth month as their ID unless that person is really emotionally close to them. But that's just what I personally think. 


    And those gifs of yours....BLESS YOU! 


    ZZ petting his little Yin Zi and lightly scratching it while the camera is on the roll....And JY be like, "I can't look or I'll pounce!" Once again I wish I had Harry Potter's cloak of Invisibility and a Time Turner.:w00t: 


    @kuraitenshi1104- That is one hell of an interesting folklore/myth in regards with our boys. Once again highlighting the role of Universe and Fate at play. Thank you so much for sharing this. *waving super like emoji placard at ya*:wub:


    @psychology92- Oh, okay, That's nice! Thank you for letting us know.:D


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  7. @1blankstare- If google is not trolling me, then, IG is banned in China.:huh: And what is 'taolu'? All I can find is something related to Wushu or other martial arts. 


    @kuraitenshi1104- I really liked your theory!:D Do post more, please. 


    @Key Harumi- Our boys are indeed the physical manifestation of the Universal force and Fate. It's amazing how everything around them revolves around and involves each other. *fangirling intensifies* :wub:


    Also, do you know or have any idea what's this? Is it really Prome?




    Wish you all have a good day/night. May the YuZhou bless all of us with candies. Stay addicted. Much love. :heart:


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  8. @1blankstare- Thank you, sweetie! And I didn't know about the omurice thing. Interesting! I like your explanations too! Seems like the tidbits we are associating with the pic gelling pretty well.:w00t: Irrespective of it's farfetched'ness. But that pic is definitely cryptic and not a random thing, especially when it was chosen for IG, which is easier to operate from abroad!:phew: Someone's frequenting their IG a bit too much these days, no?B) 

    Happy Pikachu day!


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  9. @bearology After seeing your post about ZZ's new display pic, I did my googling and guess what I found- 


    In China, tomato represents "one's Chi or inner energy and symbolic of joy." In Japanese symbolism, it represents "triumph." And in early European cultures, tomatoes were called "love apples" and were considered to be aphrodisiac. Aaaaaaaand, tomato is one of the primary vegetables in Moroccan cuisine as well as in agriculture.B) Everything in synch with the current happenings of ZZ's life, I'd say.

    Your comment about decoding the pic was probably rhetorical, but I could 't help myself from jumping in. :sweatingbullets:

    (Info sourceb L.Z. Marie)

    EDIT- Tomato is one of the male virility boosting foods! So, Pikachu drinking tomato ketchup from a lying position is..umm..very innocent thing, I'm sure. Not at all cencor provoking.:phew: It's just mine pervy mind running wild.



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  10. @bearology- Now that you've mentioned, I've seen that clip too, of ZZ turning back to see what was the ruckus. Probably you have posted it here? Okay, so that was what happened. I'm glad that it was a misunderstanding between the fan and the security and nothing more severe. And she is all right now. But seriously poor ZZ, always has to take the full burn of every little thing that happen around him, even though he's always so mindful about his fans.

    Anyway, thank you so much for letting us knoknow in such a detailed way. I appreciate it very much. :D

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  11. @Naira Jeanne- Yeah, I saw that too! Thanks to my friend, Luana (aren't you the coolest dudette?) who showed it to me. And I laughed my head off!:w00t: All I saw were double eyelids, plump lower lip and a tomboyish kind of aura! (Pure delulu. What I can say, I'm embarrassingly optimistic about my ships:w00t:). And JY's facial expression left me with tears in my eyes! 


    @adph- Yes, most definitely. Just what I said in another post. :D

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  12. @1blankstare- Exactly! Just as I say, I really think it's a symbolic representation. The entire advert was ambiguous. I mean why not reveal the gender of the person when it's a given that it'd be a girl? Because they wanted us to connect the dots. Why highlights only the hands throughout the vid? Because they wanted us to notice and compare. I'm dead sure that in full advert the person will be a girl, if they decide to shed off the ambiguity. But that does not negate these points in any way. The purpose of the ad was to generate speculations. Deliberate ambiguity is never accidental. That person is a symbol of a thought. Or maybe a fact. Very thought provoking, I'd say. And this is all my own speculations and therefore, aspectual. 

    Hope we all getget our sugar shot soon!


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  13. 2 hours ago, adph said:

    Question: So for the OSM ad, it's really a guy's hand? right? even if its not ZZ's. 


    It doesn't have to be precisely ZZ's hand. The symbolic representation is enough of a confirmation. Although, that can be kitty's too. Shot seperately and stitched the clip later. But the chances are slim. But their hands are quite look alike. :lol: And the true identity of that mysterious person can only be revealed by the creators of the advert. In my personal opinion, it will always remain ambiguous because there is no way the brand will feature a man as JY's interest more clearly. But based on what they did with their JY exclusive livestreaming (?) advert, I don't think those of us who felt that was a man's hand are experiencing mass delusion. But that's just what I think.:D Not a battle cry for those who don't agree!:w00t:



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  14. @adph- Hehe, thank you so much for appreciating my rants!:wub: I just like to observe things and make deductions based on them. (Sherlock is my bae, just so you know!B)). 

    Have a good week. Stay addicted. 





    @gesseki- Hey! :D After a long time! Hope you are all right. However, as far my memories go, "Shangyin" indeed means 'addicted'. Hailuoyin is heroin, of course. So, I think you are absolutely spot on!!:D

    Have a good week!



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  15. 18 minutes ago, jingyuzhou said:

    already expected there will be better "outcome" for OSM ad thanks for the link @bearology:D (yes, spotted meow near that statue right one XD)

    i was honestly trying not to listen to the heroes in other version, it got me goosebump maybe i'm not used to listen to remake yet, sorry zz x.x

    @abhishikta hahaha yeah ofc it's not jy hands because the plot of the ad was jy saw attractive someone mystery (girl/boy) because the person used OSM skincare (i guess?) XD plus, no one mentioned this, i also have to include half-shot skinny legs there, belongs to the mysterious person? since jy was wearing dark jeans. i like your opinion though:tongue: thanks!


    I've made exactly the same observation about those denim clad legs on Instagram (we've been discussing it for quite a while there)! Those legs are definitely not JY and not of a girl's either. And the colour of the jeans matches with that of the person with pink shirt. (And people have made a comparable collage between that hand and ZZ's, and all I say is MASSIVE CANDY)! I'll post it once I get the permission from the poster. :wub: Thank you!


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