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Posts posted by jembut

  1. 21 minutes ago, pixiie07 said:


    You know I was thinking about that in episode 10 when Arthit met Namtarn...I said what if Jay come and tell Arthit that Namtarn always loved him, something like that.. or Namtarn telling him that she is starting to love him :vicx:  
    No! you may be actually right! I was thinking the same thing..! :blush: I hope Arthit will not be confused with that :S 

    Yeah, but i think that would be an awkward ending lol and may got so many protest because the storyline changed

    13 minutes ago, Gilbert Gonzales said:

    Hello, i was wondering if anyone has the English sub of this video.  The lady was just way too funny.  Singto and Krisst could not stopped from laughing.  Would love to know what they were talking about it.   Thanks in advance!


    I think i already saw the subbed one in dailymotion but i forgot the title

    7 minutes ago, aaddler said:

    I feel like the scene where Arthit moved Kong's gear to the drawer was kind of symbolic of him letting go of his feelings for Namtarn and distinguishing them from his feelings for Kongpope. I think even if she did confess, Arthit would just distance himself, maybe after some internal conflict about it. Let's be honest, Namtarn basically confessed to him that she and Jay were on the rocks and all he did about it was offer a friendly ear and obsess about Kongpope.

    Yeah i see, but that the story from the novel right, I just had some fantasy that the ending will be different lol, but i think that would be not happened because it will got so many protest from their viewers lol

    • Like 1
  2. 2 hours ago, aaddler said:

    What I'm curious about is if we are going to see any more of Namtarn/Jay in the remaining episodes or if that is just going to be a random loose thread they leave hanging. I feel like they got way too much screen time to just serve as a foil for the conversation between Namtarn and Arthit. On the other hand this series does kind of shuffle the supporting characters off to the side. Wad is practically a missing person at this point.

    Let me tell you, if I were Namtarn I would be like: Oon, how exactly do you know how Kongpope wakes up in the morning? And what he likes to eat? And how slow he is to dress

    Maybe in the series they will give us a twist, a different plot from the novel, maybe namtarn will be break up with jay, and then she confess to arthit that she like him because arthit always give her his attention that she cannot got it from jay. Actually this scene happened after the kiss scene in the bridge so it will give arthit more confusion and will give us more angst. (Please forgive my fantasy hohoho)

    • Like 3
  3. 2 hours ago, fujoshi88 said:

    i think tsundere like Arthit is usually the bottom. lol

    I dont think so, maybe arthit's face is cuter than kong but if we see from their habit, i think kong is the uke because kong is more dandy than arthit, he even takes a lot of time to get dresses, also kong is so maternal, he even preparing a breakfast for arthit (usually a male who live in a dorm eat a breakfast outside rather than bringing it to the dorm)

    • Like 2
  4. 9 minutes ago, LollipopWay said:


    Newwie and Tawan acted as a bl couple in Kiss the Series. They are really close friends in rl ^_^

    Oh I see

    Btw about kiss the series, is it a good BL?

    Are there any skinship activity? Because i do not really like any skinship scene, i prefer the drama that focusing on the heart conflict between the main lead, like sotus

    • Like 1
  5. On 25/9/2016 at 4:34 AM, Kate Kang Sunyalux said:


    Sing answering fans about which brand of camera he use now.

    Krist: Which brand of condom do you use?

    Singto: Which brand do you want me to use?


    OMG I do not know that our cute Krist is a ...... pervert

    But i was more surprised that how can singto replied like that because i read his biography that he is typical of a calm and stolid person

    • Like 5
  6. 44 minutes ago, delightful said:

    Maprang was teasing May, just like how Arthit called Bright 'Khun Bright'. LOL! And also Maprang wouldn't use 'Ai' for May, girls usually don't use anything in front of their friend's names.

    Thank you for your explanation

    Btw i see your comment on the subbed video on the nott and arthit conversation scene at the restaurant, that their conversation should be on amphawa right?

    Does it mean that they won't including the special chapter that happen in amphawa, so they just put that conversation into the chapter 12 just in the resraurant?

    • Like 3
  7. 16 minutes ago, tsoon0708 said:


    I don't know Thai, but I took those moments to be said in a joking way, kind of like how people use "Mr" and "Miss" in English to imply humor and sarcasm when talking to people they really don't need to adress formally.

    Like: "Miss May, you better listen to your friend, because she knows best!"

    and "My dear Mr. Bright, you should watch your mouth!"

    Like, as if your parents talk to oyu and say, "Listen up Mr/Miss Jembut, as long as you put your feet under my table..."

    Ohh i see, now i understand

    Thank you for your explanation

    • Like 3
  8. 7 minutes ago, delightful said:


    It's too confusing to explain it. 'Mun' and 'Kae' are informal ways of referring to others. Arthit used 'mun' to refer to that junior when he was talking to P'Nott during their conversation. 

    Just use 'P' towards older people you are closer to, and use 'khun' to strangers or people you're not close to. It's more formal to use 'khun' then 'P', so if you're meeting someone new or haven't gotten closed to them then use 'khun'. 

    I still confused, why in chapter 12 maprang call may using Khun May?(the horoscope scene in library). I think they were close friend right? Why she using Khun instead of Ai to call May

    • Like 5
  9. 3 hours ago, Jay BudLight said:

    Ha Ha Ha This is an interesting post. It said that a Chinese fan saw the dancing wooden model in the scene Arthit and Kongphob were together, but the wooden model cried in the scene after Kongphob crying. Very good job indeed!!! :w00t:

    Singto said "Ha Ha Ha Finally, somebody's seen it."

    Running day (Posted by P'Jane) So cute :wub:



    Why thai people often typing "555555"

    What does it means?

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