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Posts posted by polaroidpicture

  1. 21 minutes ago, MaguStrates said:

    I was watching @delightful's subbed episode 7 and came up to this part and paused. Arthit was so pissed off at finding out that Kong wanted to study economics and not engineering. 

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    When Nott asked Arthit why he was so pissed off at Kong, I had to pause and look up a Tsundere song that came to mind to describe Arthit's attitude torwad Kong: 

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    The Original Tsundere Song/ Disney's Hercules- I won't say I'm in love. 

    In my imagination, I can see Arthit in Meg's place singing this and his friends, Nott, Prem, Off, etc. in the background singing the background lines of the Muses. hahaha. 

    I'll even insert the Thai version to make it more appropriate to Sotus. haha

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    Lol. Maybe I need more sleep. My imagination is running wild. lol 


    @MaguStrates, that's one  of my absolute favorite songs! I used to sing to it all the time.  And i can definitely see Arthit singing that with regards to Kong. The denial is deep with this one! 

    • Like 3
  2. Thank you so so much, @delightful Not much happened this episode but it was full of love and camaderie. I need not mention my Prem/Wad as I've already waxed poetic about the pharmacy scene before. I just love how committed Kong is to earning Arthit's trust and respect. He pushes but it's all out of affection! I flove how honest he is about his feelings and wishes; Arthit can't help but be swept along. 

    • Like 8
  3. 1 hour ago, jaelephy said:


    honestly, I am indifferent to them. As the characters, I am not attached to them so whether they become a couple or just stay at the bromance stage, I don't really care. I know it sounds harsh...it isn't intended to; it's just how I feel. No hard feelings.


    As for the excitement, I heard that many fans of the book wanted them to be a couple and plus Fluke has a major fan following so I am not surprised about the level of interest in the pair. 


    And also, I have been searching for this since yesterday (I watched this some time ago and never saved the link I guess) but Fluke did this short BL movie - Remark and imo it's pretty good. I loved it. If anyone is interested in watching: https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B99-F6i4Vt64V2cwNEkyQzFwODg/edit


    No worries. That's what's so amazing about Sotus and this forum. There's something for everyone! We can squee and rejoice about whatever calls to us. 

    Thank you so much for sharing the link. I have become a recent fan of his after watching My Bromance so I look forward to seeing more of his work. Thanks again! 

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  4. @jaelephyand @delightful, I definitely see your points. Wad's character and arc has definitely suffered from poor development. I think maybe the writers weren't sure how to go about depicting an 'emo' loner. They couldn't have him consistently hanging out with the cool kids so they just have on the periphery, to be included when Em or Oak or Kong need him or call him over I.e. the basketball team, questions about his injuries etc. 

    i honestly don't think the Prem/Wad relationship would take any screen time away from the main couple as they already carry 85% to 90% of the scenes, whether it be w/ their respective friends, by themselves or together. A small scene here and there to show the development of their bromance or relationship would work just fine. Especially considering the amount of excitement that one scene in Ep 7 inspired on Instagram and Twitter. I can't read Thai but I think they were trending #2 or #3 on Twitter. Someone correct me if I'm wrong. And GMM seems determined to promote their coupling. 

    I know I'll be happy with whatever they decide to do. 




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  5. 28 minutes ago, meifang89 said:

    I agree with you! I think Wad also feel the same towards Prem, he must be feel remorse and grateful because he behave harshly but Prem still help him when he's in danger so it seems not one sided:D

    No need to feel sorry I wish I can express myself like you. My english not good:P.


    :::fangirls you:: Pfft. You express yourself amazingly well.

    Thank you for all that you do @delightful! You can never know how much your and others' contributions  mean to us fans.  Please take your time! 

    • Like 2
  6. 56 minutes ago, meifang89 said:

    Yeah! It's like they change to a new person. So lovely to see:wub:.


    Like I said I think he's always been attracted to some extent to Wad. He literally almost broke his neck looking back at Wad the first time he saw him. That wasn't just about acknowledgement. He stared at him so intensely that I wondered if they'd had a one night stand Wad skipped out on prior to that.  His anger towards Wad was so over the top at the next meeting. Ego hurt!  I think Wad's lack of respect fueled an already charged situation and made it so much worse. But tempers finally seemed to cool after the altercation and Prem's coming to his aid tentatively opened up an avenue for some understanding and possibly more. 

    I think Prem understands that he behaved irrationally and made things difficult for them both. His apology is both due to the shame he feels for letting his junior down but also, I believe, because he wants to start over with Wad. I can't get over how he just stared so intensely at Wad's face, this time full of want and hope (ep 8 preview). I just hope it isn't one-sided. 

    Sorry for going on and on! I told you I'm soooo invested! 

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  7. 19 minutes ago, tsoon0708 said:

    Okay, let's see if this works. Here's my fanfic as a thanks to you guys (it's set during Kong's first week):

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    When Kong went to bed, he didn’t expect the night to be restless.  He was so sore from all the squatting that P’Arthit had punished him with that he expected to fall asleep immediately and be out until morning.




    Instead, he lay in bed and couldn’t stop thinking about how unfair the whole situation was. SOTUS allowed their seniors to punish the freshmen even though none of them had done anything wrong. Kong certainly hadn’t done anything wrong when pointing out that 1000 signatures in one week was too much, had he? Nobody could get that many in that short amount of time. He hadn’t been impolite or disrespectful; he’d merely been honest and concerned for everybody’s signature numbers. Why did P’Arthit have to be so annoyingly uptight about him questioning the concept?




    Okay, so maybe Kong shouldn’t have questioned the very first task given to them. That had been a bit rude, to tell the truth. Kong sighed and nestled around with his pillow. But still. There was no need for P’Arthit to single him out every chance he got from that moment onward… 




    Kong turned around in bed and grunted angrily. He hadn’t even said or done anything before P’Arthit had called him over in the dining area. In fact, Kong had done exactly what P’Arthit had asked them all to do. He’d been collecting signatures. The only reason Kong could see behind P’Arthit’s actions was that the junior enjoyed being mean to the freshmen, and mean to Kong in particular.




    Okay, granted, he should have known that collecting signatures for somebody else was most likely not expected of them. And Kong had to admit that he had been a bit cheeky when pointing out that nobody had specified he wasn’t allowed to do it. The darkness of his bedroom hid the smirk that played around his lips. Kong sighed. But P’Arthit could have just let the issue slide or at least given Kong a less demeaning task. But, then again, Arthit probably found satisfaction in the humiliation of others.


    To be honest, Kong had felt a bit intimidated when getting on the table and stating loudly that he was into men. But that had been it. He hadn’t been ashamed or anything. After all, there was nothing wrong with men liking men. 


    Not to mention, in retrospect, P’Arthit’s task had actually worked out well in Kong’s favour. Thanks to having stood up on that table and having been seen and talked about by everybody, the signatures in his little book came flying in. Sometimes he didn’t even have to address his seniors. Many now came up to him to talk about his table declaration and then offered to sign his book out of sympathy or respect for his courage, and he didn’t even have to ask. “Too bad, Arthit,” Kong thought, “Seems like you’ve actually helped instead of punishing me.”


    But if Kong had gotten the upper hand, then why couldn’t he fall asleep still? Why did this whole thing bother him so much?


    Kong glanced at the alarm clock next to his bed and sighed. It was much too late already. He should be sleeping so he could get a fresh start in the morning. Who knew what the juniors would ask of them next…


    It took him over an hour to finally fall asleep, and when he did, it wasn’t the dreamless, exhausted sleep that he’d been hoping for. Kong fell into an uneasy one that had him turn and toss and relive every single moment of the day, doing the same things over and over again, sometimes as he had done in reality, sometimes doing them differently I hopes of a better outcome. And it all ended in the dining area, with P’Arthit telling him to stand on the table and let the world know that he liked men…




    Kong wanted to shout at Arthit, but of course he couldn’t. The guy was his senior and respect was important, although he hadn’t truly earned it. So Kong sighed and walked to the end of the table area and climbed on the last free one.


    His classmates looked weird from up above. Distant and unsettling. Even the ones he had befriended in the past couple of days and the ones he’d known before. They all looked like strangers now. And all the strangers were staring at him. Waiting for him to mess up. Waiting for him to make a fool of himself.


    Kong rarely felt this alone and helpless. Carefully he glanced around the area until his eyes fell onto the seniors’ table and P’ Arthit. Within the second Kong’s mood changed. All helplessness slid off his shoulders and was replaced with stupid courage. This wasn’t a humiliation. This wasn’t a punishment. This was a challenge. And Kong, more determined than ever, accepted it wholeheartedly.



    Taking a deep breath, Kong straightened his spine, so he stood tall and secure. He lifted his chin and held his head high and proud, because he would win this. Arthit would not wear him down. Not now. Not ever.



    Loudly, and without any reservations, Kong shouted, “I like men!”


    He didn’t even hear the gasps surrounding him and how mouths opened in surprise and shock all around him. Kong solely focused on Arthit and shouted again, this time even louder, “I like men!”


    Arthit’s expression was unreadable, but he was watching and that was the only thing that mattered, so Kong raised his voice one last time, “I like men!”


    If Arthit had wanted him to feel humiliated, he had made a mistake. If anything, Kong felt empowered. He’d never felt more confident than when climbing down the table, ready for the next part of the task.


    Shoulders pulled back and a confident smile on his face, Kong stepped towards the nearest student. “Would you like to be my boyfriend?” he asked him and set off a wave of whispers and catcalls in the crowd.


    The poor guy he’d asked just shook his head and stammered something unintelligible. So Kong quickly moved on to the next one, but not without stealing a glance towards Arthit, making sure he was still being watched.


    “Would you like to be my boyfriend?” Kong kept asking one after the other. Some politely declined, others just blushed and pretended not to have heard the question. But Kong didn’t care, he went on and on, asking more guys while constantly glancing over to Arthit in hope of a reaction.


    Unfortunately, Arthit wasn’t showing any. He was watching alright, but even though his eyes never left Kong, it almost seemed as if he was bored by the whole situation. Somehow that only made Kong angrier.


    After a while Kong stepped back in front of his seniors, looking straight at Arthit with his head still held high, and deliberately ignoring any of the other students at Arthit’s table.


    “Did you complete your task?” Arthit sneered and Kong could hardly keep back a grin.


    “Not fully. I only asked 9 guys so far.” He said with restraint.


    “Then what are you doing back here?” Arthit looked annoyed and shook his head as he turned away. “Can’t even fulfil such a simple task…”


    “You didn’t specify who to ask,” Kong explained. He paused until Arthit turned around and Kong was back in the center of his attention. “Which is why I decided to only ask guys who might say yes.”


    Arthit raises a brow and then barks out in laughter. “I’m impressed you found 9, then.”


    “Oh, no no. No need to worry. I did find all 10.” The laughter stops and all eyes were back on Kong as he put on a brave smile. “… Would you like to be my boyfriend, P’Arthit?”



    And then, just when Kong saw Arthit’s stoic expression falter and he caught a glimpse of genuine… was that interest???




    Right in that moment - because fate is brutal but fair in letting us know when we need to turn our dreams into reality - Kong’s alarm clock went off…



    Cheeky Kong is my favorite Kong! He's always catching Arthit off-guard. I thoroughly enjoyed your fic. Hope to see more! 

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  8. 13 minutes ago, kahoko said:

    I'm finally done with Ep 7 raw and these guys keep killing me. They're so cute!!!! I'll have to agree with PremWad shippers, I'd love to see them as a couple, but since in the novel it doesn't go that way I'm not sure we'll get to see it :S




    Kristt is definitely a troll, but gotta love him <3 Good to see White with them!!! I miss Love Sick so badly. Anyone keeping up with War of Convent? I think I got to ep 4 and forgot to keep watching it.


    ::fingers crossed:: Hoping for further development! 

    I love Krist and his trolling! His efforts to gain Singto's attention are tireless and hilarious to boot. Hanging out with him would be a blast! 

    As for WoC, watched two episodes and then forgot to continue as I became obsessed with Sotus. 



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  9. 49 minutes ago, Kareezsa Zanoria said:

    Yeah, Prem definitely realised what an absolute a*ss he was being to his junior and felt super sad/guilty about it.. which is not entirely his fault either because Wad was equally being an a*ss too lol. I mean i understand it was a misunderstanding from the start (idt they ever cleared that up tbh? lol) but Wad retaliated badly which worsened the situation. I hope for more romance bromance between these two ;)  :P So yeah, after reading everyone's thoughts i have a feeling it might be like a earn/pete situation.. all ambiguous and stuff at most :tears:

    hahaha omg. Our poor little Arthit doesn't even realise his own feelings and why he's so affected by the idea of Kong leaving >.<; gahh

    Also with how fast this series is going, i reaaally hope they dont try to fill up the episodes by dragging out the angst between Kongpope and Arthit- that's like the worst case scenario, because honestly i dont think my heart will be able to take so much angst :tears:


    I know that there's only bromance in the novel but I would love to see more. I have a soft spot for these two, especially Wad, who seems like a misunderstood introvert (like me!). I could be reading too much into it.  I'm a hopeless romantic so I'll probably go down with this ship. 

    Arthit is too funny! He's sooooo into Kong and he doesn't even realize it. And I too hope that the angst doesn't last more than one episode. Speaking as someone who had to endure two episodes of angsty misunderstandings between Frame and Book in MIR, I will seriously cry. 





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  10. Hi there! Longtime lurker here, finally decided to take the plunge after the lovely but awkward Prem/Wad pharmacy scene. I don't know what it is about those two but I'm so invested! I think Prem's been attracted or semi-curious since the first time he laid eyes on Wad. His ego just couldn't handle the fact that Wad didn't acknowledge him. I think he realizes now that he went about it the wrong way! There's so much there! You don't see him get that worked up by anyone else. I hope they explore it! 

    Thank you all for making this such an awesome place for fans of this show.  Reading each and every new page is such a joyful experience.  :heart:

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