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Posts posted by zhelina

  1. 8 hours ago, Jillia said:

    I wonder though how much power the Cho Clan actually holds and if Ha Yeon is a little naive when she thinks marrying Lee Yeong would actually give him much power.

    We were introduced to her father as somebody who is at least aquainted to Kim Hun. Kim Hun right away declares that he wants Yoon Sung to marry Ha Yeon to combine their two families or as I would say it: so that Kim Hun has power over the Cho Clan.

    In the episodes afterwards Minister Cho is meeting the King and the King proposes the same plan just that Ha Yeon is to marry Lee Yeong. The King believes if his son marries a woman from the Cho Clan the power of the Kim Clan will be weakened.

    And Minister Cho doesn't tell Kim Hun about the meeting and the King's plan.

    In episode 11 we have a very significant meeting between Kim Hun and Minister Cho. And Kim Hun makes clear that he knows of Minister Cho meeting with the King and that he knows of the plan. But he hides it behind his little monologue that to find the future crown princess the royal palace will stop all the young girls from getting married and they will begin with the selection process for the crown princess. But he knows the candidate for the crown princess has been found already so this shouldn't take too long. Meaning: I know what the king asked you for. And then he says "if it's not a crown princess from the Kim Clan then who should it be".  Meaning: you know it shouldn't be a woman from the Cho Clan but from the Kim Clan.

    He threatens Minister Cho by saying that it's his decision to make whether he will be an ally to Kim Hun or let Ha Yeon marry the Crown Prince and therefore give up that right.

    And while Minister Cho looks like he is worried at the same time it's interesting to see that it's Kim Hun who feels the need to make sure the Cho Clan is on his side. Because apparently he knows that if not a lady from the Kim Clan is married to the Crown Prince, the person who fights the most against him won't be under the Kim Clan's thumb. And it shows that apparently the Cho Clan actually holds some power otherwise why would a person who feels so assured of his own power feel the need to meet Minister Cho like this?


    So, cho clan still under the authority of Kim clan ???

    Sorry I can't speak english 

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