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Posts posted by ma5querade

  1. 18 hours ago, mikal11 said:

    Why dont you create an account with Mega? Its stopping halfway because you dont have enough space; a situation that would be fixed if you just create an account. Its free.


    I already did, it's cz of my internet connection :(

    But that's okay i just can't download them anymore... Thankfully the GMM sub is catching up fast..thanks anyway 

    • Like 2
  2. May I ask if P' @delightful still give permission to member who uploaded your subbed episodes thru googledrive for other members who can't use Mega app? Coz i recall before sotus went to hiatus the eps used to be uploaded to gdrive too under your permission. 

    It's just that it's soo hard for me to download thru Mega (idk why it always breaks down halfway), so i'm really lagging behind to watch your subs now :""

    But i totally understand if it's no longer permitted since it's your copyright..and thanks always for all your hardwork :wub:

    • Like 2
  3. 2 hours ago, erngust said:

    where has this good thing gone by?


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    sorry, but my skills is kinda limited on this... just for the meantime...



    I couldn't agree more with what you and @salz said. Gosh! Singto might as well just sue this lousy editing team for doing injustice to him :angry: i recalled in interview he said that the crying scene was hard for him cz he doesn't usually cry in real life and now that it came out beautifully and long-anticipated by audience they just have to cut it?? He must've worked so hard for that scene!

     And they did that before always to our couple :( Now i'm worried they might also cut the bridge kiss scene (the 1 they called to be real hot) and we wudn't know cz they aren't in ANY teaser :tears:  PLEASE DON'T CUT OUR KISS SCENES!!

    I hope Thai fans there give their critiques on review board or sth and they'll fix their editing in future eps. LoL sorry for my long rant everyone

    • Like 10
  4. 42 minutes ago, delightful said:

    But Arthit just ate a whole LOT of pepper with his noodles!!!!! Will Kongpope, who can't eat spicy food, be okay?!?!?!?! :blink:


    :astonished::D now that i think bout it, Krist also said he ate Durian just right before doing the bridge kiss. LMAO it'd be a hilarious twist if that also happened in the novel, durian and hot pepper! Kong would've been in agony (thou he wouldn't care as long as he could devour that mouth hahah)

    Zuper thanks for all the spoiler, you literally make me CRAVE for sth other than foods :"")

    Tbh it's kinda a good thing that you delayed translating the novel...coz it'd be a potent remedy for my Sotus withdrawal :bawling: Seriously i hv no idea what i would do after the series ends!

    • Like 7
  5. 2 hours ago, delightful said:

    Why do I keep reading this part over and over? WHY!??!?!!! It's just like I like to torture myself or something! This is when Arthit sees Kongpope on the balcony and he calls him...:tears:



    “I want you to return the books to the library. And you can just keep the comic books, I’ll go pay the fees at the store. That’s it…”

    “Hold on… Are you mad at me?”


    “Then… Why aren’t you talking to me? Or are you mad that I wouldn’t answer your question that night? If you still really want to know, then I will tell you.”

    Kongpope looked in the direction of Arthit’s balcony. He wished his words would carry over to the person over there.

    “I don’t know when it started, I don’t know how it started. Even though you’re a man, and I’m a man. But I just can’t help these feelings.”

    Everything went quiet just like the breath of the person listening. This was followed by words that were filled with every emotion and feeling he had left in him.

    “P’Arthit, I’ve wanted to tell you for a long time that… I……”

    Beep… Beep… Beep… Beep…

    :tears: YOU PINK MILK MONSTER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    I'm missing your novel translation so bad right now after watching ep 10 since for me there are things left unanswered and can only be cleared after reading the novel :tears:

    Cud you enlighten me with sth here, at that time after their encounter on comp lab, did Kong end up bring Arthit's books to his dorm again? Why didnt Arthit just take them away from Kong's hand? Or there was something more that Kong said that wasn't in the series? And looking at the teaser Kong didnt run after Arthit after he left the room right? 

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  6. 4 hours ago, yorimichi said:

    Hahahaha! I just realised that Kongpope wears different shoes when he returns to his apartment with Arthit^^

    Probably because he can put them on faster but I was seriously switching between the scenes and thinking that something feels wrongXD

    LOL the one i caught wearing different shoes was Arthit...at 1st it was light blue sneakers then changed to white canvas shoes (the one he wore at the bus trip). But Kong still wore that brown leather shoes, right? 

    Also notice that Arthit's bangs shifted several times during the time at the comp lab before talking to Kong XDD i repeated the scene to see Kong's expression clearly instead i caught on the editing mistake

    • Like 4
  7. 28 minutes ago, delightful said:

    See, that's where I think my perspective is different from a lot of people's. I don't see that being an 'uke' or 'getting penetrated' as being 'lesser', I actually have more fondness/respect for the 'uke' than anyone else. To me.. for a 'man' like Arthit, who claims he wouldn't ever fall for another man besides Kongpope, to let Kongpope do those things to him just shows how great his love is. And to me that's very powerful, there's nothing to be 'ashamed' or feel that it's 'lesser' in any way. Am I weird? Am I the only one that thinks about it this way?

    And thank you for your kind words! I don't mind a nice discussion every now and then as long as we respect each other's views. I always feel that there's two sides .. or maybe more to everyone's story. ;)


    You're not alone gal! I found my kindred spirit LOL and that's the very reason why i always fall for the 'uke' characters in every BL i read or watch as long as they aren't displayed too timidly and can stand for themselves. As long as they're consentual to it and that's just show how much they love each other :)

    • Like 6
  8. 13 minutes ago, yana2407 said:

    Strolling around Singto's IG...(like everyone else here...heh heh)...his english is so good! Way better than mine!! Anyone knows why? I mean, maybe he lives in overseas before...or just really good English user...he truly knows how to reach to us through his caption... :) 


    Well, in his profile it is stated that he mastered in English, so possibly he took lesson for it :P

    Anyway, a bit off topic... something to keep us busy till SOTUS comes back, esp for those who like 19 days.. here are some ff 

    JianYi x ZhanXi


    HeTian x Mo


    let's support the authors so they'll write more, they're seriously good

    For more FF https://archiveofourown.org/tags/19天 - Old先 | 19 Days - Old Xian/works

    • Like 6
  9. 2 hours ago, delightful said:


    That last line by Singto is gold. Just like in the series! :heart:

    What did he say on that last lines?? @delightful

    41 minutes ago, _-Mio-_ said:


    OMG #MAJORNOSEBLEED NOT OKAY! hahaha But, yeah... it can mean that... maybe we are going too far? ha? :lol: We shouldn't go... there. haha lol hahaha 

     Doesn't it stand for his name?? Krittps : Krist Perawat Sangpotirat ? Not sure about the double 'T' though

    LOL sorry if i ruined your imagination 555 but thats a good pun right there "krist to p'singto"

    • Like 4

    Seriously? Does Krist pay someone to response to all Singto's tweets or somethin?? *LMAO* he could always response within minutes 

    2 hours ago, erngust said:

    thanks for the trip back to that kilig-inducing moments, @ikkiek (note: kilig = encapsulates giddiness+heart-throbbing+thrilling reflex emotions, usually like the feelings upon seeing your crush approaching)...

    a bit of imposition, hope you won't mind... can you do a quick translation of the following as well?

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    on Krist and Singto's first twitter-linkup + dinner date:






    Seriously...does Krist pay someone to response to all Singto's tweets or somethin?? LMAO :P he never fails to response within minutes! 

    Either he's such a determined stalker or he puts his smartphone on standby mode for all Singto's socmed 5555555 *THEIR FANSERVICE IS AWESOME*


    • Like 7
  11. 28 minutes ago, delightful said:

    Thank the heavens that you didn't save Amorous Love!!! I would faint if I saw that on your list!

    Yeah, thanks for uploading it to google drive for other members here. @YourWillingVictim

    OMG you're such a generous person to care about us with limited internet quota *Hugs* :wub: 

    Plus it's a good thing i suppose coz there's no ads in g-drive so we can watch it without giving benefit to those pirates who steal your work :tears: 

    • Like 4
  12. 56 minutes ago, delightful said:


    Awwwe, that's so sweet of you! I can't believe you like to read my interpretation of the novel and series. Please keep in mind that what I believe may not be what the author or series' director intended. But I am commenting as an audience who have re-read and re-watched all the available materials so far. LOL! I'm an OBSESSED fan, if you will.

    And I added my comments at first to at least 'keep' a little bit of myself when people 'take' my fansubs without permission, but I have heard a lot of good things from you guys. I guess since most of us can't or wouldn't watch BL stuff with other people, it's nice when I add my comments at certain points. Like you said, it feels like I'm sitting there watching it with you guys. It makes me so happy because it's not an annoyance to you guys and on the contrary you all find it to be added enjoyment. And no worries, your English is very good! :)


    It is a fan-translated version by me of SOTUS. I know I have said I wouldn't do it, but since I kept getting PMs from members here that they weren't share it, I thought about it. I will try my best to translate them while I wait for the new episodes each week. I don't make any promises and I can tell you for sure that my translations cannot compare to Bittersweet's actual words. Thai is such a beautiful language and has so many words that cannot be translated into English, and some words even loses it's 'emotions' when it is translated. Of course to some of us learning another language with just the reason of reading SOTUS is an absurd idea. LOL! This is the best I can do, and I hope that everyone will follow my rules. I must repeat that if I find any part of my translations posted anywhere I will stop. This is a very serious and sensitive issue as I was myself a fanfic author before and when my fanfics were translated into other languages without my knowledge I wasn't so happy with it.

    But with that said, I have attempted to keep the writing style that Bittersweet uses, it may be against my education, trust me it is very hard for me to write and know it's not proper English form, but I want to keep it as Bittersweet intended it to flow. There are even some sentences that make me cringe because it isn't 'right' in my opinion, that is when I tell myself that this is Bittersweet's words, I am only a tool to translate it. I know we have Google, but we have all seen what a GREAT job Google can do. (sarcasm) LOL! So, please excuse a couple of odd sounding/looking sentences/paragraphs, I am writing it as close to the actual novel as possible. 

    Once chapter one is finished I will upload it as a file and you guys can download it. 


    I was just joking when I said Kongpope fell for his P'Arthit at first sight, I just loved their interaction from the start. LOL! A little spice to start things out. LOL!

    How do I protect the file so it can't be edited or copied? I've never done that before. :huh:


    I'm not a very hi-tech myself...but if anyone here know another way plz share it to @delightful 

    Anyway this is what I do to protect my papers while in school... hope it could help.... 



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  13. 4 hours ago, delightful said:

    You mean since the first time he laid eyes on P'Arthit? LOL! I'll see what I can 'write' my fanfic on. hahaha


    Aaww... i've no idea.. i always thought that what Kong feels for P'Arthit wasn't a love at 1st sight sorta thing since he seemed to despise Arthit after the 'I like men' ordeal :blink: but i must be wrong...seriously need to know what makes he likes arthit that much

    2 hours ago, delightful said:

    So... don't post this anywhere... or ever speak of it to anyone... I'll see if I can post it chapter by chapter. I'm like swallowing my own words here so please don't ruin this by posting it anywhere else. Leave my translations alone if you cannot follow by my rules. This is for your eyes only, okay? Promise me before you download them. I'm almost done with the first chapter.. here is what I'm 'writing' now. :sweatingbullets:


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    Chapter One



    Rules For First Year Students No. 1 : Do Not Contradict The Hazing Team





    The shouting of the question was very aggressive, just like a guard shouting at a prisoner. Just that the prisoners right now weren’t in jail, instead they were sitting in the cheer room of the Engineering department. The 3rd year seniors were standing stiff in front of the Freshmen, sending out chilling stares as if the new students had wrong them from another life.



    Especially ‘Arthit’,  the man with an arrogant face and fierce looking eyes, he was the head of the hazing team for the department of Industrial Engineering. Who had just yelled at the new students for answering too softly, but in reality, even if the new students had answered loud enough he was still going to answer that he couldn’t hear them.



    ... Why? Do you have an issue with this? This is the right of the hazing team, whose intentions have been passed down for many generations. The hazing team has gone through all of it themselves and this was just the beginning, the real deal would be much more difficult than this.



    The people tasked as the hazing team had to keep a taciturn face, before repeating again the question that was filled with definite resolution.



    “I will ask again! How many of you are there in this class?”



    The whole cheer room became silent, just as Arthit had predicted.



    … This was a given as the beginning of the school year had only begun two days ago, who would remember their new friends or how many there were in the class. Especially when it came to the Engineering department, which had the most students in the university, it was in the thousands. Answering a calculus equation was a lot easier than having to answer this question.



    The situation they were in was already in his favor, it created pressure for the freshmen all around the room.



    … Who said the hazing of the Engineering department had to be barbaric. There wasn’t a need to speak improperly since they were students at a university, they didn’t need to use such lowly tactics. It would be troublesome if the professors started to keep a close eye on them. So the rules were that the hazing team had to speak properly to the new students, but those proper words were the ones that were slowly becoming the most intimidating. To the point where the new students were all becoming afraid and succumbing to the pressure from the seniors.



    “No one is answering. Does that mean no one cares about their new friends? Is that why no one can remember their new friends from the same year?



    The head of the hazing team slowly walked around the room as he shouted, displaying his power and trying to intimidate the new students. He surveyed the faces of the new students that were full of fright, some of them even had tears in their eyes, indicating that his training was effective.



    … In actuality he wasn’t such a mean guy, he wasn’t a psycho who liked to watch other people cry that much. It was his duty as the head of the hazing team, but when he saw that the female students were crying his heart was starting to waver, especially the pretty ones. He wanted to go and hug them and pacify their fears, but he had to keep his straight face and watch them with angry eyes. Then the male student sitting next to the crying female student handed her a handkerchief, she accepted with a thankful smile as she wiped her tears.



    … Oh wow… Isn’t he sweet? Is he even aware of the head of the hazing team?... The head of the hazing team was standing right there and he has the nerves to try and pick up a girl? The head of the hazing team had the young female student where he wanted, he was going to ask for her phone number once this was all over, but this kid had beaten him to it.



    You… This youngster wants to show how manly he is?... Well, if you want to show off your manliness … fine… he was going to be given a chance.



    “You, you over there, stand up!!”



    He bawled out the younger man who was the owner of the handkerchief. It shocked the pretty girl sitting next to him, she turned to him with a worried expression, because he was called out by the head of the hazing team. But the person that was targeted showed a pretentious face as if it wasn’t a big deal, he stood up to show his full height, which somewhat startled the older man. The head of the hazing team who was 178cm thought he was already pretty tall, but this kid was hovering over him by a good 10cm. His eyebrows were thick and his face was also very good looking, radiating an aura that covered up the rest of the guys in the room.



    It… gave his feet an itch all of a sudden, which doubled his disapproving thoughts.



    … Which was fine, he could give this kid a good lesson for being better looking than everyone on the hazing team.



    “Say your name and your student code number loudly!”



    “My name is Kongpope, code number 0062!”



    “Tell me how many are in your class this year!”



    “I don’t know! I’ve never counted!”



    Not only did the eyebrows of the person listening quiver, his hand was also quivering to the point that he wanted to land a punch on this kid’s pretentious face.



    … You’re really stirring my foot, kid… stirring my foot… his answers were obviously contradicting to the leader’s question.


    You have my word for this! And maybe you should protect the file so that it can't be edited, copied, or cut....

    Can't thankyou enough for your superb translation :heart: khop khun kaa... 

    • Like 3
  14. 27 minutes ago, delightful said:

    So.. this is a little translation of that part where Kongpope went up to the stand. It's not much, but I just wanted you all to know what Arthit's thoughts were. And why he didn't want to go down at first... sorry gotta run to work, if not I would of had done more of it. ^_^


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    Arthit watched as the younger students gathered at the center of the field, they all gathered around in formation. He didn't know what they were planning on doing, but he was sure the mastermind was none other than that person. That person who caught Arthit's eyes to stare at only him as he walked up to the stand and came up each level only to stop in front of Arthit.

    ...Arthit was facing 0062 Kongpope.

    "What is your business?"

    "I'm here as a representative for the first year students, I've come to ask you to come down to the field."

    His straightforward words were very clear and precise, it put Arthit at a stand still. Arthit didn't think the first year student would ask him to come down with such a carefree expression. How come they tried so hard on the other levels? And now that it was Arthit's turn they weren't going to prove anything to him? Was Kongpope thinking that Arthit was going to just let him get the flag this easily? This is insulting to Arthit's status as the leader of the hazing team!

    Arthit's unsatisfied face started to show, but he had to keep his feelings in check, he had to show that he was in control. He answered as the leader.

    "Why do I have to go down there with you?"

    "Because we want to show you our spirits."

    His explanation made Arthit understand a little of their intentions, the first year students wants to do something that is why he was asked to go down. But of course Arthit wasn't going down easily. Plus the first year students messed up big time by sending the person who he had the most problem with as a representative to negotiate with him.

    ... Just knowing... that whenever they talked, they never could speak nicely to each other, not even once. Just thinking of the last time they spoke should already be a good enough example. The day when they went to have dinner with their co-code members. And he found out the truth that this person wanted to study economics and not engineering. Why did he come to all the activitie if he was thinking of transferring? And wanting to be accepted as a junior to their department shouldn't even matter to him, he didn't need to prove anything to anyone here.



    Thanks for elaborating... What can we int'l fans do w/o you? :* @delightful

    You can choose any timeframe you want for fanfic and we'll be so happy, as for me since i'm dying to read the novel translation but sadly cudn't, i'd devour every Kong-arthit ff i cud lay my hands on *lol* 

    But if u're up to translating another part of novel, may i suggest the part when Kong started to feel sth weird towards arthit?  I know it's bcz he is privy to see the nice side of arthit and all....but i'm totally curious of his innermind when that happened :sweatingbullets:

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  15. To anyone who has read the Sotus novel...can you plz explain why in ep 7 capturing the flag Kongpope was the one facing p'Arthit instead of Tiw? Cz he wasn't the class rep, was he? Is it what really happened in the book? Maybe bcz when it comes to Arthit, kongpope always be the one volunteering himself :wub: *giggle* 

    Or was it only happened in the drama to give more airtime for the CP?

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  16. 1 hour ago, MaguStrates said:

    GMMTV's youtube just posted this. 

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    They are so fabulous :lol:

    @Timothy Teo You beat me in posting by 3 minutes. haha

    OMG!! OMG!! SO TOOT *rofl* :w00t:  p'arthit and p'knot is soo convincing I can't believe my eyes :blink: *THIS MADE MY DAY*

    I recalled Arthit called Kongpope a toot when he couldnt eat spicy dish... and now he's the one being a toot!! 

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  17. I'm not so sure but it's said that CJD bought the right for 19days live action a while ago. I guess since CJD is an author herself maybe she wants to write the script on her own :sweatingbullets:

    Anyway a lot of fans conveying their concern about this to Old Xian, worrying that the live action won't capture the heart of story n the characters made by her. Well i guess we should just wait n see

    @originalnickname do you have the link to watch 'how to win at checker everytime' with engsubbed? ? I've been looking for it but only find the latins. Need much much distraction before next ep of SOTUS *lol* thankyouu


    17 hours ago, orangesun said:


    @ma5querade Do you know why Old xian won't be involved in live action? That would be kinda weird right..

    • Like 6
  18. 3 hours ago, meifang89 said:

    Thank you for the summary and the link. :lol: But seriously ch 178 still not in relationship?! This is the most slow bl comic I've ever seen. 


    3 hours ago, meifang89 said:

    Thank you for the summary and the link. :lol: But seriously ch 178 still not in relationship?! This is the most slow bl comic I've ever seen. 

    It's because every chapter is only 8-10 panels in average. The manhua has little lines and more prominent in displaying the story with emotions. You really should try it and if you like shonen ai with dazzling arts and bunch of hunks you wont regret it  *lol* :wub: everyone there is so  manly and not the typical uke-seme :DD  Old xian is seriously some talented artist, sadly she won't be involved in the live action making :bawling:

    Actually 19 days has huge int'l fanbase with readers in mangago reaching millions! I really wish there'd be a thread for it too just like this amazing Sotus thread :rolleyes:  I recommend to check out its official Old Xian's translator here http://yaoi-blcd.tumblr.com and support the original works. There are other stories too which are as good

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  19. 8 hours ago, tammy_P said:


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    Actually, they did it ever since P'Arthit still studied in Uni. Yehaa !! Kong truly kept his word. He did what he made announcement  in Cheer-Room. P'Arthit is his Wifie indeed. (well well !!)


    Really?? :o How did Bittersweet hinting that in her book? Is it implicitly stated? Share it plz i'm curious to death *lol*

    • Like 5
  20. 4 hours ago, delightful said:


    I've been living here for a long time. I'm working now.. been out of school for quite some time now. I'm thinking of going back though, I'll see how it turns out next year.

    My relatives in Thailand send me just random stuff they think I'll like... they said I could request anything, but it'll be weird to tell them I want SOTUS the novel. I don't have the courage to ask for that! Plus they'll get the wrong idea that I'm not into guys if I order a book with 2 leading men. LOL! Yes, they are very old fashion. My cousins would also think the same thing if I asked them to send it to me. And don't even get me started on my friends, I don't even know any of their addresses or numbers anymore. I think most of them are either living abroad like me or married with children.

    If I had known I was going to fall in love with SOTUS in the future, I would of had chosen to continue my school in Thailand. I would probably be there now if I had chosen that path. :(

    I think many fujoshis out there can relate to what you say there. I feel you, dear..My relatives just got back from Bkk but as much as I wanted to, I cudn't ask em to buy any Sotus or BL-related thingy lest they'll think weird bout me :'(  

    Idk any fujoshi or fudanshi in real life and even if one of my friends was, i wouldn't know cz this is sth i keep to myself *lol*. So this online forum is the only way i can share my thoughts and fangirling happily XD And I've watched many BL movies and series but this is the 1st forum that I join. All because of SOTUS and all of the amazing fans here  <3<3<3

    Rest assured that I won't share any of your works to anyone since i don't own any blog or streaming account or anything like that hehehe. Please send me the special chapters translation as well :*

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