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Isabella Noir

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Posts posted by Isabella Noir

  1. I am super annoyed with Soo after ep 18, because I hate how she bulldozed over So and Baek Ah explaining to her why Chae Ryung was being punished, and harped on the fact that So killed her “little sister”, while conveniently ignoring the fact that that “little sister” basically killed his brother, no matter who she was working with. 

    Despite that, there are 3 things that I thought are worth mentioning by way of explaining her breakdown in regards to the thing about Chae Ryung:

    1. So’s casual cruelty here; not his punishment of her, but the way he chose to do so, is in the exact way that she hates. I know Soo seems to have assimilated better and better into Goryeo at some points; some even remark that her ease of acting like a woman of Goryeo instead of the 21st century is a bit puzzling considering how other aspects of this time still unnerve her. But beating someone like an animal is something that her 21st century morals fundamentally reject; in fact it is Chae Ryung whom she defended from Yeon Hwa’s similar treatment. If you think about it, such an action from even the man she loves must still be revolting, and perhaps doubly so when it mimics that of a woman who has basically been making her miserable whenever she can
    2. Her support of So to be king has been tentative all this while, and even when she sees him smiling kindly when dressed in kingly garb, she still vows to make him a monarch who will not go down in history as a cruel one; clearly she still has hang-ups about him turning psycho after getting the crown. His decision to beat a slave to death, despite his previous defence of her against a beating and his refusal to work slaves to death, etc. shows a change in his attitude, even if his circumstances has forced his hand. But I think this made Soo realise that he could still very well turn out far worse than she hoped for him to be, and worse still, she has little ability to prevent this from happening in actual fact. 
    3. Chae Ryung’s words about having only done these things for the sake of her first love, and that Soo would understand she has no regrets clearly disturbed her when she read the letter. And later on, she tells Baek Ah that Chae Ryung was only a girl in love; something that got her a lot of flak because everyone was like what the richard simmons she killed someone for that blind love. But here’s the thing; when Soo explains to Baek Ah why she is so devastated, she doesn’t call So by his personal name or even as the king. She refers to him as the man she loves, and I think this is the root of her decision to leave the palace, if this ends up being the last straw that sends her out of the palace, instead of a miscarriage as it was in C-BBJX: she realised that like Chae Ryung was, she’s in love with someone so much so that if he went too far, she could very well end up complicit in actions that she cannot stomach. In fact, her decision to lie and legitimise So’s claim is something very unlike what we would imagine an idealistic Soo to stand by, so perhaps these little concessions that she has already made only highlights to her that this is a slippery slope she could very well end up sliding down, and by then she will be in a situation where she hates herself for doing these things and hates So for making her do them and to her utmost misery, she can’t stop because she loves him too much to leave him. 
    • Like 18
  2. Ahhhhh here are some of my thoughts about ep 17 I'm sorry if it went a bit out of control ughhhhhh; I’m so upset. Maybe it’s just because it’s the international version but that was so bad narratively, editing-wise, and also for our characters like...

    Plot things that could have gone hella better:



    • what the richard simmons was happening when So tried to take over the palace okay as far as I could tell this is how it went: 
      • Soo knows there’s going to be a revolt; tries to clear a path inside the palace
      • wrench in plans; gets called in by Yo for tea and witnesses his fight + his crazy
      • So getting ready to fight his way into the palace 
      • Yeon Hwa plots with mum and decides to support So; opens the gates for him
      • So crashes in, tears up the blank will, Soo hails him as king and shocks the richard simmons out of Worst Mum Ever 

    • Why was Yeon Hwa’s help necessary at all if Yo was going to keel over and die ?? I know in theory it stopped bloodshed but most of her help seems completely negated now that the king is suspiciously dead while alone with Soo (think about it if you were anyone walking in that room and seeing the king dead the the usurper and his known woman is standing there how richard simmons shady is that) Also if they were going to make the “make me queen” thing a thing why can’t Yeon Hwa have made it clear from the start it’s so weird that So is saying i’ll remember this without suspecting that there is one thing Yeon Hwa is ever after
    • So if you are smart enough to start a richard simmons revolution why did you tear the will up and throw the pieces up in the air?? Especially since he knows the paper is empty either show Soo that first to make her less frightened, or forge it, or at least keep the will and burn it to dust later not leave it out in the open 
    • Soo I like that you had the balls to hail your lover as king after being manhandled and stared at by a demented old witch but instead of falling unconvincingly to the floor or staring at Yo in a wide-eyed manner when he shoved the will in your face, couldn’t you have taken it and at least read it, then decide that if you are really going to throw in your lot with So, the least you could do was forge his name or just hide the will and said you got the verbal will whatever anything is better than leaving it up to fate??
    • Yo I finally love you after like 17 eps and this is really sad because you really touched me talking about how you tormented all your brothers and one in particular because you don’t want to end up like him (I’m only being a little sarcastic) but like MAYBE SOME OF THIS COULD HAVE BEEN SHOWN EARLIER AND NOT AFTER YOU TRANSFORMED INTO A NUT 
    • Soo you are really stupid to not have thought about being queen if the king asked to marry you and for you to have his children i mean he said it literally as many words and if you did consider becoming his wife proper CAN’T YOU JUST STICK IT TO JUNG and tell him to richard simmons off instead of let him talk about camels do you really thing he’s going to bring you to the desert 
    • On a related note, Jung you are clearly beyond help after acknowledging that your hatred is irrational and then sticking by it anyways please leAVE
    • Woo Hee killng that guy and trying to hide it is going to bite everyone in the richard simmons just you wait 

    Editing: The whiplash was so real in this episode what is actually happening 90% of the scenes looked chopped up and smooshed together and it’s even worse than usual WHY CAN’T WE HAVE NICE THINGS EP 16 WAS SO GOOD i mean case in point the scene when So, Soo and Baek Ah were eating together what the richard simmons it cut from them in court to them at a table and then random food piling up on a bowl before they giggle while Baek Ah looks bewildered like I FEEL YOU BRO IM CONFUSED TOO WHAT THE richard simmons IS HAPPENING HERE  

    In-universe stuff:

    • This has to be the fastest richard simmons is falling apart at so Soo is already dying?? Damn please tell me they don’t go the miscarriage route if she already knows her heart is barely able to sustain her body and she wants to spend more time with So please for the love of whatever deity that sent her back don’t try to get pregnant 
    • I love Gwangjong who stuck it to his mum mostly and patronisingly told her that she’s empress dowager whether she likes it or not but also that descent into madness was richard simmons terrifying on the upside he doesn’t seem to have reverted to pre-Soo rawness but on the downside he seems to have lost it 
      • When he yelled at Soo that she cannot speak to anyone without his permission and then slammed the door in her face without hearing her explanation oh my lord that was such a 180 from his usual sweetness to her
      • It’s creepy because its showing through even in the nice scenes like when he asked her to have his children maybe it’s the new get-up but he seems to have a newfound coldness that is so unnerving
      • The scene when he tells Jimong to kill anyone who opposed him like yep I see the ruthless king coming out and LJK brought a crazy out alright but I’m not sure why we had a puppy So for the past 6? eps when he was going to turn right around and lose it the moment he sits on that godawful throne
      • Did anyone notice how uncomfortable Baek Ah looked in some scenes in court because I feel you bro what the richard simmons is this trainwreck several days into our hero’s reign but also im afraid that Baek Ah is afraid of his brother it’s heartbreaking and a bit terrifying 
    • The Hwangbo clan is on Queen Hwangbo is my new bae always knew those 2 children must have gotten it from someone; i really liked how she out-snaked even her daughter and threw away her son so to speak, and it seems like today’s theme is scheme to make everyone miserable because Wook’s part in the last part to force Gwangjong to marry Yeon Hwa was predictable but beautifully nasty, cunning, petty, and so, so consistent with the Wook that we know now 


    • Like 9
  3. 13 minutes ago, oyashirazu said:

    Does anyone have a clue whether we've ever seen this particular costume on Wang So?


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    It must be from when he still wears his mask. Maybe it's just the inner layer of another outfit but I've never seen this kind of white "collar" part with flower pattern beneath one of his robes. I've seen him wear white beneath his robes but never with a pattern like this. 

    Just wishful thinking but I wondered if maybe there was another scene supposed to happen after the poison scene of Wang So recovering. He wouldn't bother to apply make-up when sick, right? Also, there's either Jung or Eun in the background of the first picture - if it's Jung the scene might indeed happen after the poison scene since everyone wore there festive robes on that day but if it's Eun it must be before the poison scene because his hair is in a ponytail (= unmarried). Can anyone make out whether it's Jung or Eun? Both have the same hairstyle at some point in the story with that golden hair ornament.

    So, does this suggest another deleted scene or is it just LJG in the middle of trying on some possible future costumes? Maybe they decided to not let him wear this outfit because it's "too white" for him :P But would have loved to see him in this :wub:

    It's from this namooactors article:


    I noticed pictures and BTS videos from LJG's agency namooactors tend to show us spoilers of scenes happening in later episodes or scenes which never make it into the end product at all (which I'm grateful for) :D

    I think this might have been from the very beginning, during the ritual? I remember seeing him wearing the dark red skirt-like thing when he was chasing after the assassin! 

    • Like 11
  4. I'm not sure if this is true but I feel like they abandoned the leave-the-palace-with-the-14th-prince plot now? To be honest I have no idea how this was resolved in BBJX, but right now it seems like Soo has even more of an official position than RX did? I mean she's dressed so well and has her own entourage and all, openly going to the king's household in full sight of everyone. In that case, even if Wang So ends up marrying someone else as his official queen, I don't think it looks socially acceptable for a prince to marry one of the king's women as his first wife?? Not sure how big a deal this is in Goryeo, but it seems like a lot of sagueks about royal harems make a huge deal out of how women who belong to the king are stuck like that until they die, so eh it seems quite unfeasible for her to marry Jung as an out now? 

    • Like 8
  5. 4 minutes ago, violet90 said:


    that's why we can see how much HS love WS in here.. she sacrifice herself in loving him... to be his lover without a title and added to that HS is like a mistress in modern era cause WS is another person husband.. that's against everything that she believe and to live with that day by day will torn her apart.. no matter how much WS give her love or everything its not going to be enough cause she hurting herself by loving him..

    in a way i don't think HS have a say in inner court but she sure have a say in what WS decide in inner court cause HS is someone that WS trust the most.. so HS will challenge YH no matter what.. 

    Agreed! Although about the inner court thing, I'm not sure to what extent is this true in the Goryeo era, but a big plot point in kdramas and cdramas is that the king is ironically powerless there while the queen/highest ranking concubine is the Big Bad. So actually if HS isn't an official concubine, she's relatively safer since WS can protect her from YH better than if she were subject to the queen's jurisdiction (rip her in that case). And since HS won't be attending the queen in the inner court, there's also a smaller chance she'll clash with YH directly over anything. Everyone can live longer this way lolololol

    • Like 11
  6. 8 minutes ago, sw33tz said:


    Been lurking around as I can't stand not having an episode to watch, i agree with your thoughts on this one, as he might have married for the shows, and could have kept Soo along the side? I watched the chinese version so many times I lost count, but the king kept her by his side, never gave her a 'title' so she never went down in history... but he still made sure she knew when she went back to the future through a drawing. 

    Maybe this version would keep the fact that So never made Soo anything official? and just loved her till the end of time? OR

    In chinese dramas, there is this thing where a lower concubine has a kid and the kid is given to someone else to raise, and the kid is kinda theirs, can it be that those kids were Soo's? but given to the official Queen instead? Not sure if it happens in Kdrama but def seen it many times in Cdramas. 

    Having loved BBJX chinese version before it came out (long preview was released and I was hooked), till it came out, till today, I love this version too! It is different, yet it retains some of the best quotes and best scenes! No wonder it is breaking records in China :)

    Mm yes I think the adoption thing happens too! Kind of off topic but in the Joseon era, the one I can remember is Queen Inhyeon being deposed by Sukjong on the pretext that she refused to adopt Jang Hee-bin's son, even though he needed to be the son of a queen to be crown prince. 

    Personally, I feel like given what we know of Soo as of now, being an unofficial lover is already pushing the limits of her modern sensibilities; I don't think she will be down with being a concubine haha also Yeon Hwa would make her life hell if Soo ever challenged her authority in the inner court so... 

    • Like 3
  7. 1 hour ago, jenzotaku said:







    I might be wrong but just a minor correction: I think the 'Zhao' in the preview is actually So, not the girl, because the hanja of his name is 昭 and that is how it is read. Also going by that version of the preview (which I saw in chinese), the person saying it to Hae Soo referred to him as 昭哥, so it's probably one of his younger siblings; maybe Baek Ha?

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