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Posts posted by chilu

  1. 31 minutes ago, singtokrist said:


    Thaaaank you for this. This made my day! Ahh. So excited for when these scenes come out. I am very excited for the laps under the rain scene (even more than Kong's confession huhu for some reason). May I ask though if the book ends with the wedding scene or if the couple gets to act all couple-y in more pages? ^^ 


    !!!! THIS. I would love to see some more of Kong and Arthit on my screen. I'd be patient every Saturday if I have to lol.


    From what I've seen, the series will be composed of 15 episodes and an extra episode (this episode might feature special chapters from the novel). Source


    So we might see Arthit and Kong acting as a couple if these special chapters are taking place after the novel.

    My big wish would be that these episodes represent a first season and we'll have a sequel, I'm pretty sure the producers of the show can ask the author to continue their story on screen.

    • Like 4
  2. Thanks for the spoilers from the book @laval.


    Some scenes from MVs, opening and trailers make sense now. Especially the field scene, it was the one I was the most curious of.

    So far, the series seems to follow the novel storyline, although Prem/Wad might become canon in the series. *crossing my fingers*

    Hopefully, if the series is a success, it will still continue even if they finish the novel story. *want to see Arthit&Kong as a couple.*


    • Like 7
  3. 1 hour ago, singtokrist said:


    Hello! Haha I did the same thing as well. I just recently joined Soompi all for the sake of Sotus lmfao. HAHAHA. And yes, when Kong discovered Arthit's gooey side, my heart had palpitations!! I was one with Kong in being smitten by Arthit, who was something more than just the prickly senior.


    (did Kong discover that Arthit was the one who placed the name card at his locker? ooooh I did not know *goes into happiness overdrive* Haha)

    I'm glad I'm not the only one. ^^ Frankly, I'm enjoying every time Kong discover a new side of Artit, the way Kong looks afterwards is just making me want to squeal haha He is definitely falling in love with our Artit :wub:

    Kong haven't discovered that Artit was the one who placed the name card and I'm hoping he will in the next episodes~ I want to see Artit denying it like for the pink milk XD

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  4. Hello guys, I'm new here. I've joined this forum just for the sake of this wonderful thread on SOTUS that I've discovered lately~

    Although I've only watched the two first episodes, I'm so hooked. The main casts are just wonderful. And I definitely love how Kong slowly discovers the real Artit (especially in ep.2, I mean the name card, the prince contest & the freaking oranges XDDDD). And of course, Artit is such a tsundere :D. I definitely can't wait for the subbed version of episode 3. 

    I'm still waiting for more storylines for the supporting casts to make a judgement but so far, I like them.

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