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Posts posted by sunallyce24

  1. 2 hours ago, saegukyoin said:


    I do not know how long you took to make the 3 seconds GIF and what are the skills to creating it. And I do not know how long you took to draft the words you posted and the thought process that goes in your head into forming the sentences you have thoughtfully crafted, but I do know one thing – it has clearly affected a very skillful actress to the point that she had to miss a highly-anticipated award ceremony meant to honor her hours of hard work and celebrating with the people she achieved the awards with.

    The hours of hard work where she had to endure tremendous heat and later unbearable cold to get her scenes done. The hours of hard work where she had to learn new crafts and skills like learning the gayageum, the drums and horse riding. The hours of hard work where she had to do dangerous stunts like hanging on a wire on a roof top to catch chickens, diving in a pool and a muddy outdoor lake, practice dance routines in the studio and do a 3-day shooting of the dance scene. Binding her chest throughout most part of the long months of shooting. Not to mention memorizing the long scripts, endure long hours of early morning and night shootings.

    I hope someday you will understand all the efforts needed in achieving this kind of craft and what it means to be present at an award ceremony being honored and recognized for that very craft. And when you do, I hope you will find the courage to make an apology to YJ, BG, and all the fans who anticipated last night’s moment of glory, but were robbed of our dreams…….


    Sorry to cut short some of your post.

    You literally wrote all these thoughts going through my worried mind. Kamsaihamida!

    As at now, can only pray that YooJungie can recover and fully heal her heart & body. When she is ready, let her shine. Maybe 'they' kept forgetting she is only 18. 

    • Like 18
  2. I really hope that KDY will not steal any limelights from BoYoo Couple moments during the Awards.

    Actually, there are times I felt that KDY was a fleck of dust in my eyes whenever I was looking hard for any BoYoo sightings. On the other hands, he might be a smokescreen/diversion for PBG & KYJ, which is a good thing.

    For the special moments at the Couple Awards, I hope that KDY will not be involved.

    I rather see SJK & JG Bromance.... ahem!! :P

    • Like 10
  3. 2 hours ago, superfangermany_stv said:


    OMG!!!!! ARE U SERIOUS!!!! ME!!!!ME!!!!! I'll be in Hong Kong!!!!! Where is this held and where can I get tickets? I need to get my friends back in HK to help get me tickets. :dizzy:

    @pupxprince @joanndev077 Welcome aboard!!

    Our ship is so blessed. We are fed with so much "honey" everyday. I'm so grateful. :tears:

    I actually want to attach a gif here. But have no idea how to. Can a kind soul here enlighten me? :)

    If KYJ is PBG's special guest in the HK Fanmeet, I would definitely make an effort to fly there.

    Hey @superfangermany_stv please find the 'lobangs' from your HK friends where and how to purchase the tickets, who knows? Singapore BoYoo Shippers can go together. It will surely be fun.

    • Like 22
  4. 3 hours ago, Jillia said:

    Let's keep the thread clean from other "otps". Discuss them in the respective shipper threads, please. Thank you!

    Also: YAY! For PBG and KYJ to attend the awards soon. :wub: Hopefully we will be able to see them together on the red carpet. I have a feeling it won't be the case but I can still hope, right? :D

    That's why I am not expecting too much so that if they do walk the Red Carpet together, it will be a double bonus. I was over anticipating the CEBU trip and landed with a bump.

    Now, my wish is smaller but hoping for more.

    Anyway, there is still the KBS Awards in December. So this Awards in November is already a small boon!

    • Like 19
  5. 1 hour ago, liemkopi said:


    My username is a giveaway that I'm a Singaporean too..... that's one of our favourite pastime, isn't it:)

    This is such a happy thread so I'm glad to be part of it. After this MDBC, I find it hard to watch the others with too much kissing scenes as I now find them unnecessary and not romantic anymore..... wonder what MDBC has done to me?!

    Here's a treat. I'm sure there are more than 7 things I love about KYJ:) One addtion one that I have is her maturity and sensibility when dealing with media reporters:)

    A very lovely FMV:)

    All credits to the uploaders for the 2 youtube videos.


    Haha! I knew it. My favourite past-time too.

    I really enjoy reading the postings and spazzings in this forum. Everyone is warm and friendly.

    • Like 14
  6. 3 minutes ago, Mepuppy said:

    Ok.. those who know Chinese, please feel free to correct me if I get it wrong.

    PBG : He is always learning to improve himself, very approachable, gentle but quiet, magnanimous, compassionate, ambitious for glory. Fated to enjoy family life. He is fiercely loyal on the inside but do not show on the outside.

    He is approachable but can be distant as well, he is prone to jealousy!!

    KYJ : Quiet temperament and rational. She has the aura of glamour in her gentleness. Has a never-give-up spirit. She does not look very energetic on the outside but she has capability and will certainly achieve success.Her life is progressive but will emerge a leader eventually. She may attain happiness from family. Prone to jealousy and financial gain.

    Compatibility index : 92 (out of 100, I think)

    Your names and 5 elements are very compatible, excellent! Congrats!

    Wow!! Impressive!! 92% is very compatible indeed.

    Goodness, it's already written in the stars. LOLs 

    • Like 21
  7. 13 minutes ago, Ct Dora said:

    When news picked them up dispatch n fact will be next. This is so not good. Hopefully their agencies r clever at answering. How good is sidus n blossom pr?

    Oh no! Does that meant back in Korea will be worst? Back to worse-than-formality stance again?

    Please don't let it spoil the end of the year Best Couple Awards moments.

    I know that it can't be as fairy-like as SongSong but at least they can hold hands and walk the red carpet. *drooling*

    KYJ looks sooooo... adorable and cute with the Snow app. What a adorable baby rabbit *muack*

    • Like 17
  8. Finally, we got to see some lights.

    KDY is the smoke-screen? body-guard? protector of PBG & KYJ? or he simply loves to be around PBG. 

    From all these happenings, we can only concluded that it will be very difficult to see BG/YJ interactions in public unless they assumed the characters they portrayed. So scenes like puppies crownings, helpless laughters, staring & grinning at each other, private talking/whispering will be in the past. Only possibilities of these happening again will be when they are reunited in a new project or in the Worse Scenario - - got caught by Despatch.

    Just a simple picture of PBG & KYJ together is enough to send us soaring to the Moon.

    If only the Management Company allow them to mingle like normal friends or Oppa-Dongseang just like the pictures taken with JY. Things might not be so FISHY. Maybe they don't allow it was due to the fact  that both tend to get carried away, always sticking by themselves and in their own world.

    Only hope that their destiny will be intertwined in the future and let Fate leads the way.

    Meantime, cannot be too greedy, just let them continue to maintain and strengthen this friendship till the time is ripe.

    It will be tough for shippers like us when in future, they are paired with other actors/actresses and in other ships. That will be a real test of endurance for BoYoo Shippers.

    For now, I am very happy. I have my wish for that single shot of BG & YJ in the same frame. That's Good for me.

    • Like 20
  9. 7 minutes ago, Mepuppy said:

    To think 2 months ago before I embark on this addictive MDBC journey, my life was peaceful but... BORING. 

    Episode after episode, the addiction grew stronger and I had to scavenge the MDBC forum for updates, info, reviews ... anything under the sun that will quench my thirst for the drama.

    Then the unthinkable happened. RO and CP started to tear at the fabric of my mental and moral well-being. Soon, i was consumed with insatiable lust... The kind of lust that only a shipper would know. 

    I wanted to see more hugs. Then I wanted more kisses. Eventually, I could only be satisfied with bed scenes or the remote possibility of it.

    The drama ended just when we were swept up in its whirlwind. It dumped us, like the cruel tornado wiping out anything or anyone in its way, before we could even exhale.

    I don't know what the hell I'm writing about la!!


    Haha.. you really make me laugh so hard when I am actually suffering badly on a moonless Moonday. Thanks for lifting my spirits.

    Well said @Mepuppy, I am sure most of us started that way and ended this way.

    No worries. I know what you are writing, Chingu.


    • Like 14
  10. 8 minutes ago, Fiona Ang said:

    Sorry to cut your post, that's why their agencies is even more worry than ever.... imagine they sit together and what happen... ppl outside the restaurant are all eyeing..... they are young can't control much especially BG lol... he is so tempted and touchy towards YJ.....no no.... they have to separated.... I salute to both DY and JY... they are keeping both side company....great friends :)

    Andweh-yo! Does it meant we will not even get a chance to see them walk the red carpet like the SongSong Couple at the end of the year award?!

    Never for once in my life that I felt being a teen is a deficit.

    This is indeed a very rocky and tough time for us shippers.

    • Like 9
  11. 1 hour ago, Fiona Ang said:

    After few days speculation, I believe before they go for the trip, they are brief or have discussed to set 2 set of team for our F4 members, DY and BG one team, YJ and JY one team....this is to avoid further rumours...they are organized in the way that they do not interact at all... no chance for them to meet, chat even photos taken but fans... this is all planned.

    They are indeed well prepared as MDBC over, they are no longer LY and RO, their agencies and team all wanted to protect..as they know alot of fans out there want to see them as a couple and wanted to dig more... whether they are a couple or not.... it's up to individual to gauge...if they are not a couple... they can take pic and enjoy together..yes rumours will stir up but everyone can feel whether a couple is genuine or for drama purpose...but being so protective is something weird like I have said earlier some lead indeed avoid each other deliberately to avoid rumours... but actually indeed date secretly..

    Yes, YJ is young and she is the more sensible one as she being in this line since young....she is doing everything deliberately it's obvious... she stay away and stick onto her mum and manager... I believe both BG and YJ are informed by their agencies what to do(if they want to date) basically if they don't date they will avoid but will not so overdo...

    I guess after MDBC both will not have any interaction for us...but behind we never know... the last time I ship PSH and JYH... both do interact after dramas and keep in touch well... you can see some of JYH's variety show when the host ask about PSH, he is smiling all the way...

    It will be a long way... but will sail together :)



    Thanks for the head-up.

    Seriously, how can they expect us to see a 360 degree change of behavior overnight (after the fans autograph session).

    Friendship build over the months don't just flip like that.

    Our OTP must be going through a lot of stress. Even if they have nothing special going on, I am sure they have enjoy each other companies and having so much fun together. Just watch the BTS, all will understand.

    Hope that uri poor puppies will take this break to de-stress and able to cope with this turn of event.

    May they stay in contact (we don't have to know) and their friendship continues to flourish.

    Lastly, this whole thingy is super FISHY.

    • Like 17
  12. 19 minutes ago, saaraahaanaa said:

    @hanalove9 hehe.. No fanfic dear, I want real life otp happy ending, with rainbow n kisses! That's why I join this thread hehe.. 

    @sunallyce24 how could we have the same thought??? I post somewhat similar scenario also!! Yes for happy ending! I truly hope they keep in touch as friends/siblings, then when the time is right, bam real life couples...  :wub:


    Same wavelength? Nah... more likely sharing same love and dreams for OTP.

    Lets leave it at the hands of FATE. Even if they were to be in some kinda relationship, it still takes lots of investment of loving, time and effort to maintain and keep it going stronger. Look what happen to Zac Efron & Vanessa Hudgens after High School Musical? I was so disappointed.

    • Like 11
  13. Real or Reel? Life imitating Art.

    Speaking from a Shipper's heart. Please bear in mind, this is only my delusional mind.

    PBG & KYJ started off like CP & RO, crowning around like puppies and best pals. 

    Now they have hit the CP-RO separation stage, BG-YJ seemed to be distance with each other. Difficulties to catch both in the same picture frame.

    RO facing obstacles being a rebel's daughter while YJ being a minor.

    CP was heartbroken when RO wanted to leave his side.  BG appeared lost at YJ's distancing herself.

    RO did all for the best interest of CP. who knows, KYJ did it for the best of their careers.

    There was a separation period before CP & RO are able to happily walk down the flowery path.

    Can we hope for the same for PBG & KYJ few years down the lane?

    Happy Sunday to all.

    Still yearning for a happy shot of BG & YJ to ease my anxiety.

    • Like 22
  14. Seriously, for the price of stardom.

    I felt heartache and sad for PBG when some criticized his behavior. And I though that if one supports a favorite star, one should have more empathy and understanding. Goodness, he is just showing how he felt and his response when he is in "danger zone". All the good friends and colleagues around him must have sensed his fear and trying their best to "protect him. And that create a ruckus!

    Are they really PBG's fans or what?

    Hope that KYJ's arrival will bring laughters and fun to Bogummy. I love their clowning around and helpless laughters. It seemed that they share same humor and easily breaks into laughters at even simple things.

    This might be their last fun gathering till who knows when.

    Wishing both to stay healthy, happy and attain great recognition for their acting skills.


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  15. My motherly instinct tells me that it is normal to follow YJ to CEBU after so many negative reports recently. But my shippers heart goes ... Awwwwww... they have so little time left to have fun together and then here comes Mummy. Oh boy! Hope Bogummy magic works on mummy too. Let's just wait and see. Uri puppies gonna meet again soon.... lalalala...

    • Like 14
  16. Hopefully when they are in CEBU, free of press, nosey hounds but with sunny and carefree ambience - they will be able to relax, have fun and revitalize. Hope uri puppies maintain this unique friendship and stay in contact.

    Looking forward to seeing PBG and KYJ acting in awesome dramas and winning prestigious awards.

    Who can predict they might be reunited in another blockbuster.

    That is my wish for this glorious pair. Just by looking at them makes me smile endlessly.

    • Like 15
  17. 4 hours ago, electricblue said:

    To me looks like a a lovers spat more than agency warning JY literally giving a cold shoulder to BG and BG is unhappy and felt lost. If her agency warn YJ not to be too close to BG after the fansign meeting Depatch photo. I am very sure  JY will still talk to BG but not close and touchy remember she is human vitamin I do not think just because of her agency warning she hurt a person so close to her for these few months. 

    She is not a newbie but well known actress and well loved by Koreans her agency dare not give her warning instead maybe advise her if she leave the agency to join Blossom agency( Bogum effect) after her contract finish it is a big loss to her agency.

    As for the group photo YJ sit next to BG but not very close and she refused to have eye contact with BG she even hold the love hand sign to her heart ignoring BG, poor BG turn to BY to do the love hand sign instead.

    I am shipping them but also hope they considerate on their career first,BG is 23 years in future he were  team up with other younger actresses and were be doing a lot of kissing scene hope it will not break YJ heart. I hope few years later they cast in next MDBC drama meet in modern times and fall in love for real give is genuine hot kisses.

    * Sorry for the bad English



    KYJ is a matured actress although she is still a teenager.  I think it could be something serious e.g. affecting both careers rather than boy-girl jealousy spat. Hope she will just revert to 'oppa-dongsean' mode than avoiding PBG altogether.  At least, they can maintain as friends when all these are over.  It might be years later that they team-up again. Woohoo... what a sight to behold... a grown-up KYJand a stable & suave PBG.  Just my 2 cents worth of thoughts.

    • Like 18
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