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Posts posted by matthew2312

  1. 20 minutes ago, abbraccio91 said:

    Found a new candy on YuZhou Chinese thread; according to this OP, the shirt ZZ wore during Thai dance practice and during Seoul rehearsal concert is particular. From a French brand, Andrew Crews, it has a Judo belt attached on, the belt is the same used in Jiu-Jitsu. [doge]

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    But ZhouZhou wore this particular T-shirt even during Walk Slowly encore. Why he should wear this T-shirt with such a uncomfortable item during practice and during that particular song. Probably he wanted a certain someone was close to his heart.

    Cr. Baidu

    Oh this is so sweet :blush:

    • Like 8
  2. You guys know that people have been talking about ZZ at this cc in Korea, that he said something like he wouldn't be able to keep going this road if it were not for the fans. And fans say that they've never seen this sentimental side of ZZ before. Before even if he was sad or something he always held back his emotions or would never shed a tear or show a weak side of his. But he did this time. So some people are wondering if something has happened before the cc. And there is also rumor that they've been talking so much that some people do know that one of the casts in a BL movie is really gay and that movie was banned and the main casts aren't allowed to see each other. They say that's the most they can reveal and fans have to figure themselves. Well I personally don't care about that gay/straight thing at all but it's quite interesting to delulu about it, isn't it? :P some say they have feeling that BLY really giving them the gay/bisexual vibes while GH seems really straight. Well i actually sort of agree with that. I have a very strong sense that it was ZZ who fell for JY first and then sort of tried to attract JY. On the other hand, I believe that JY just couldn't resist ZZ's charm( well who could?! :D ) so it's been happening like that until today. What do you guys think? Is it okay if i brought this up? :P 

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  3. #throwback

    http://youtu.be/9aJN9PmeEEY don't know why but after watching the show I just wanted to run back and re-watch some of the bts vids and one of them is this Yoho interview

    Anyone can help me elaborate the last part when the interviewer asked JY and ZZ if they want to have sort of like a 5 year pact with each other like Ho Ge and Wallace Huo. First I thought JY's interested in this idea, he even actively asked ZZ "Do you want to do that" I was sort of happy at that moment. And ZZ just looked all smiley and excited like he really wanted that but somehow pretended not to (he knows how to not wear his heart on his sleeves i guess haha good job ZZ! you have to play hard to get! That's how it's done :D) hehe so then he also gave the same response to JY by asking the same question but then JY sort of disappointed me and probably ZZ too by saying "Do that for what?" i can clearly see that ZZ was disappointed but somehow managed to laugh but it was such an awkward laugh right?! Haha just my speculation, has anyone discussed about that before, or anyone have any explaination other than mine? :P 

    • Like 10
  4. 19 minutes ago, KKmegan said:

    Actually I think ZZ is probably the more domineering one between the two. He does look cute and plays the aegyo card, displaying cute expressions and gesture (well they work obviously.... heh heh) but I think he is the one who steers the ship if they are really a couple. Haha! JY is actually very low key and very very soft-hearted. 

    I guess that sounds also quite true. However for me ZZ looks very dominated whenever he is next to JY :D He can look quite tough with other guys but only when he's with JY, he just looks really really cute :D I don't know why it's just my personal thought :D oh re-reading that, I kind of agree with you. but Jingyu becomes really protective when he's with ZZ :D 

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  5. On Ngày 21 tháng 6 năm 2016 at 1:53 PM, bearology said:


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    Cr sleeprunway_band




    Anyone noticed that the boy on the right who's wearing hat also starred in a BL movie. It was a very successful BL movie back then i think 2007. The name of the movie was The love of Siam. It was a pretty cute movie. And i heard ZZ also went to GMM channel company which i know that that company has also been producing some BL movies lately, Club Friday 5 is an example :). Hmmm you think there is any connection?? ^^ anyway these boys look like they're having a good time and plus they all look so cute too! :D 

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