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Posts posted by giofidelito

  1. Actually, last summer I spent 10 weeks in Suzhou, 2 hours from Shanghai. During my stay, i like to play zhouzhou's song and no one in my lab know about his song. They didn't even know addicted, ZZ, JY. However, i think that the younger generation more open to same-sex love, even they asked me whether I am gay or straight.

    I think that entertainment industry in China is a bit unique. With a really big population, a new star may only catch 15-20% of china market. Meanwhile, a senior artist like Jaychou may catch almost 80-90% of china  market. 

    It's a bit weird for me at first since I'm not from China and I also thought that ZZ and JY are really famous in China, but the truth is not.

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  2. I don't know why, but I am too emotional with everything that is going on in these past days. 

    Looking at how ZZ and JY begin their career, so many ups and downs in CPFs, and realizing that today is ZZ's first concert. It makes me realize that no matter how hard it is, both of them always try to do their best for us. I don't know how to express my feeling again. I never been falling to a BL movies before and from the day I watch SY, I always try to find any updates on both JY and ZZ. Sometimes, I try to stop keep updating, because I am too tired with all of the bad news. However, it just makes me love them more. :cry:

    I don't know when all of these addiction will stop. :cry:

    Even though I rarely post in this thread, I feel really welcome to be in this thread and you guys just like my family who keep updating what our parents (ZZ and JY) do everyday. Love you all.

    Also, I can't wait to go to China (SuZhou) this Wednesday June 8. I am too curious to see how big is the fame of ZZ and JY in China.

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  3. Hi, this is my first post and I can't resist it anymore to join this group. I used to read all of the update about JY and ZZ. However, I can't resist anymore to join with you guys. 

    First of all, let me introduce myself. I am Gio from Indonesia.

    I even try to get an summer attachment program in China in order to buy ZZ album and see them with my own eyes. And finally, I am accepted to do an summer attachment program in a lab in SuZhou. I just saw @izziehudson post something about ZZ concert in Beijing. It makes me really sad because I can't go there. 

    Is there anyone planning to go? I am trying so hard to go there, but no one will accompany me in Beijing. It is kind a sad, but if you guys want to come with me, I will try to travel to Beijing first and then go to SuZhou for my attachment program. Looking forward for all of your responses guys. 

    We can talk more in personal messages.Thank you everyone for reading my first post. 

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