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Posts posted by maiangel

  1. Guys i think she was reborn as the goblin bride afterall..i dun think a school girl is wealthy enough to even fly to quebec n looking at wats she's wearing i am 100% sure she's not human too..plus she remembers ks..if im not mistaken she said there u are when she found ks sitting at the cemetery..she's been looking for him..she did saved lives so i guess thats her reward then..eternity with ajusshi..

    • Like 6
  2. 8 minutes ago, Cef Ilagan said:


    Me too! The two became the "love" of my life! Hahaha! i was just so happy to see them taking care of each other in their own little ways. And you randomly think that ah, love really exist. Hahahahah! 

    But anyway, among the episodes, my fav is there bts. For the reason that, i see the real bogummy ang yoojungiee in there. 

    HIGH FIVE!!!ur soo right..bts is the living proof!!their current state now is soo like CP n Raon who hv to hide their r/ship so tat they can stay together near or far..

    • Like 11
  3. 8 minutes ago, Cef Ilagan said:


    I was sooo confused from day 1 of this cebu trip! Up until now, im still hoping to see pic of this two or the trio just like they used to. Hays. Should i give up now because of the issue they have right now? 

    But even so, i'll ship them as far as my heart can handle! 

    U'r right..me too..like others im also confused since the wrap up party..sumthing seems not right..like u im shipping them as far as i could handle too but i think we shudnt give up though..they're like my 'raon' to fill my everyday life..keke

    Though the fan taken vid really made my nite n its killing me to atleast see them in a group but i would rather wish tat there is none so tat they can act normal around each other without restriction..im willing to give up my curiousity as long as they're happy..


    • Like 10
  4. 3 minutes ago, Cef Ilagan said:

    Ah, so bogummy indeed hide under that jacket to avoid fans from seing them together? 

    Guess so..pity him to hv to hide like tat..y must he hide when YJ is around??but act normal when he's not with her..this proves tat all the speculations bout them are right..bout restrictions etc..bla bla bla..huhu..

    • Like 14
  5. Guys..lets put our worry aside for now..lets celebrate tonite's episode n hv a good nite sleep coz YSJ survived!!afterall we dun want to end up at hospital bed due to heart attack/high bp keke..

    i'm being positive for the upcoming episodes too..as for now we know tat they'r enjoying their 'honeymoon' hehe..n did YSJ actually lived with KMY now based on the preview??i guess he's granting MY omma's wish kekeke..chill ppl chill..salute!unity!:P:P

    AND..i think as long as YSJ are with his alpha team nothing serious could happen..we know tat they got each others back rite...newayz its juz my wishful thinking:D

    • Like 12
  6. 33 minutes ago, mulder9999 said:


    Yes I was wondering about this scene too, he takes the bullet to protect KMY and is not injured.

    so I assume they are wearing bullet proof vests on as there was no further explaination about it in the episode.

    as Alpha team, they probably know it's a dangerous mission so wearing bullet proof vests is standard.

    Yes,he did wear the bullet proof vest...here it is,u can see the silver colored bullet thingy on his backplABieRWj

    • Like 22
  7. 24 minutes ago, andy78 said:

    [http://www1.korea.com/bbs/board.php?bo_table=DRAMA&wr_id=1001 ]he will be a soldier again... Yoo Shi-jin  is such a wonderfull character ...actor did a wonderfull job...i bet he will do it again ...i wish him good luck with his movie!

    Woahhh..how i wish tat the muv is some sort of a sequal to DOTS ..its Capt YSJ's life after he got married to KMY keke..pardon my imagination:D

    • Like 9
  8. 24 minutes ago, Yongzura said:


    Maybe the Alpha Team had an operation to get back the truck which was carrying the medicine?  It looked like they were able to get back the truck and were checking the medicine right? Maybe it was just a diversion so that the team was somewhere else and Argus took the opportunity to get both KMY and Fatima at that time.  Maybe.....  (I keep telling myself to just follow whatever the writers' had planned but then my inquisitive mind keep thinking about it.. ha ha) :D

    Yeah,i got the same thinking..as seen in the preview YSJ look at ease..he's like oo everything is ok now n bammm where is my KMY???hehehe

    so mayb...argus calling YSJ is to offer KMY in exchange for the diamonds...

    • Like 6
  9. 2 hours ago, missling1 said:

    Just out of curiosity, does anyone knows which one is YSJ or SDY when they landed back at Uruk for their rescue mission at the disaster site? From the vid, you can see at first all 6 soldiers were staying in line and walking towards the site, after that YSJ & SDY stood out as the others

    My guess is they're on the right side..from the right DY then SJ..

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