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Posts posted by Ariodante

  1. 1 hour ago, bearology said:

    Y + Z

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    I have this uncanny feeling that never leaves me when I look at their solo fashion pics… ZZ's gaze is like an open window; with this barely noticeable mischievous air he invites you to partake in whatever fantasy one thinks about, regardless it is a still from a street in Japan, or frolic in a bed. JY, on the other hand, draws a thin veil of secrecy between himself and the viewer: be it a photo taken during a car ride in Milan, or while looking into a distance on the Cote d'Azur. Do you know what he is up to, what's his stance on this or that…? Even here, with the boxing-related theme, the effect is markedly different...
    How I dearly miss they cannot star in another Men's Uno-style setting together for the time being… One could simply sense so much high-voltage electricity in the air looking at those pics…

    • Like 15
  2. 3 minutes ago, kyrie777 said:


    Is there an election or something major happening soon?

    I really hope this is just a temporary spike in censoring and won't become the norm. The world is progressing ahead while China is regressing. 

    No election, just general trend… to the dogs…

    Link to the article here 

    Thinking of it, YZ could actually fly under the radar… They are still going strong… getting nothing but better every week:) while continuously throwing so much sugar and candies on the way that diabetes is a serious concern in the fandom

    • Like 13
  3. The Mainland Chinese govt. is cracking down on independend journalism hard again! Top Chinese internet portals have been just forbidden from producing original reporting on politically sensitive topics and are hencefort permitted to publish stories on “social and political issues” only if they had been sourced from government-controlled news agencies.
    Internet companies such as Netease, Sina and Sohu were ordered to pull the plug on their current affairs operations on Monday. I am just wondering how far it goes regarding societal issues, such as LGBT+, and whether the entertainment journalism would be rather left alone. I hope it won't compromise bringing news about YZ to the public any further. 

    WHY, oh WHY there are never good news on that… it is getting usually from bad to worse…

    • Like 15
  4. 1 hour ago, KKmegan said:

    Thanks Fuyuko. Personally,  I don't think he is devalued at all./…/

    There is no biz like a showbiz… Pretty nasty line of work to be in, most probably, if you ask me … One has to be pretty thick-skinned to survive ups and downs. The competition is pretty fierce and relentless, backstabbing is as common passtime as dining out, one has to be on their toes 24/7 in order to avoid becoming flavour of the month. Pressure is felt in Hollywood, Bollywood, K-pop circles, you name it. Look even at the current programming on major American networks. The regular drama/sitcom season is over. Other than short summer series, there are many game shows: silly, funny, dreadful, everything in between, where you can see the same actors participating. Well, it's another way to make money. Nobody knows how long good luck will last job-wise. 

    I am pretty happy to see JY and ZZ milking any good opportunity they consider worthy to stay in the loop, make money and, hopefully, live their dreams. Being still NKOTB(*), subject to major ban (that would depress a lesser humain being), they are doing quite alright imho. These series were the first that made me learn the concept of fanservice, as understood in China, Thailand, Korea… Look, it's akin to schmoozing with the public here. Prob unavoidable, part of the package. Wanna see willing fanservice to the extreme? We had to endure Paris Hilton and the Kardashian clan on this side of the pond *shrivers*

    *New Kids on the Block (not associated with the boyband)

    • Like 18
  5. 1 hour ago, bearology said:

    When Hai has Yin full YouTube Link

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    Walk Slowly Full Youtube Link

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    I bet there was no dry eye left in the audience, and beyond. What a fantastic sing-along response from the public!

    I am personally tone deaf, but I sense that the acoustics were so much better now than in Beijing.

    Oh, if you could only hear it: thank you so much ZZ!

    Edit: only strong personality like XWZ would be able to finish singing these 2+1 songs without becoming a waterfall of tears. Fighting, ZZ!

    • Like 23
  6. 2 hours ago, dignity1 said:

    haven't checked here in a while

    have the boys been doing well?


    Exceptionally well, considering the circumstances!!! They are on a firm path to glory, from personal and professional point of view. It's written in the stars; their karma is aligned; you name it… Evil people who wish them bad will bathe in eternal flames of hell… Hope you get my drift 

    • Like 23
  7. 4 hours ago, shanegere said:

    Is that his personal body guard? 


    Cant we make a fuss about this? Imagine what will hapoen if this will reach to Johnny's knowing. That poor bodyguard. If in the coming days we cant longer see that man around ZZ, we already know what happened. Hahahahaha.

    Give a poor guy a break…lol… he is only doing his job (wink…wink) - very well, I hope. Security guards aren't usually well paid to begin with. Not that I wouldn't switch my desk job for that very moment:)

    • Like 9
  8. 13 minutes ago, bearology said:

    ZZ update. OK is that just me or this white shirt is too big for ZZ :phew: and ripped jeans :phew:

    That's the style carried over from the last year, I am afraid… oversized sweats or t-shirts with a backflap… You are def right - it doesn't fit ZZ's style imho. He should perhaps be sticking to something more tailored/slim-fit, especially being of a lanky built now. He screams preppy boy, doesn't he?!

    • Like 9
  9. 4 hours ago, skeletonworks said:


    Yes yes yes!! I was talking about this just moments ago with my friend.. I told her this is beyond unfair. This is inhuman! To do this kind of things to our boys! My friend suspected that CCTV purposely invited him with the intention to cut him out so that no one else dares to invite him to their show. CCTV is a government broadcasting network or something right? So if even CCTV did this, others won't dare to invite him to their show anymore... When Zhouzhou was invited to this show, I even thought it was fishy but being an optimist, I thought that the ban is finally wearing off.. but then this happened... It's so freaking evil! I am so speechless... I cannot stand it anymore...


    That's pure evil incarnate…grrr… How can they do it to still basically kids???!!! I really wish they could find a permanent outlet for their talents outside of that richard simmons country. Were they to move abroad, I know that the language barrier could be an issue beyond Taiwan (even Singapore is still extremely squeamish about same-sex content), but I am persuaded they have a pretty solid fan base in HK, Thailand, Korea just now. The time the proverbial straw will break the camel's back might be getting closer; JYZZ's patience must be wearing thin…

    But then what else would you expect from a country whose Foreign Affairs minister had the temerity to berate the Canadian journalist over a question on human rights, and that during his official visit to the country… unbelievable …


    • Like 15
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  10. 11 hours ago, narakeiko said:

    Woaaaa... It's so good.. I love guys in white shirt... totally into them... Ah, and I just had a dream about them being together in an event IIRC... LOL

    We have to make a list for the things that could be bought only in Milan... and then look closely to a certain someone...;)

    Basically, the reference point for all the major fashion brands, mostly Italian obviously, is a central zone called "il Quadrilatero della moda". Think about one brand, and the store will be there. The thing is these brands are also available in China. JY would, on the other hand, find much better selection there (it is also less expensive to buy one item in Milan than in China). Can anybody msg JY suggesting him Navigli neighbourhood? Other than nightlife, there are some interesting vintage stores around

    Anyway, we shall look for something from Iceberg 




    Maybe a nice leather bag by Fortu Milano 





    Something from Dolly Noire Store




    Or JCM - Jey Cole Man



    Or a pair of shoes by Brunello Cucinelli 




    • Like 12
  11. 15 hours ago, Scandani said:

    @charlie10 I don't kno blog but whaleandmonkey usually post it on her IG, quite fast. Like this



    That def screams another "couple outfit"!!! (does anybody keep track of number of "coincidences"*?). I think they have one pair each IMHO. Wouldn't it be more convenient this way? In any case, JY is somewhat taller than ZZ. However, his pants look like at the right inseam lenght. ZZ would need to roll pants up (it doesn't look like), were they to wear the same pair.

    Couple outfits are all the rage in KOR, JPN, and also in China (corect me if I am wrong) - a neat way to show affection to each other and claim the existence of relationship. (cr: Cheryl Tao's blog) "While public display of affection is not welcome in China young people seek for other ways to express their feelings. /…/ Besides clothes there is a wide range of other matching items – such as pillows, underwear, cups, watches, necklaces (check!), bracelets (check!), rings (check, check, and check!) and so on. Isn’t it sweet to have some common little thingies? It comes naturally when you are two and in love and don’t care about what other people think. On the contrary, strangers turn into witnesses of your love."

    Edit: * coincidences like that, statistically speaking, ceased to be random occurrences a while ago. Way too many shoes, jewelry, pants, jackets that match…seemingly out of a blue… I don't think so…:)

    I rest my case, and hop off to bed

    • Like 21
  12. 14 hours ago, ryokise said:

    @skeletonworks  The cactus post was still a pinned post today but he cancelled it just now. I think around the timing when he posted the airport post.



    I am not sure if it is shared opinion in China, but cactus plant may symbolize endurance (edit: like in love?) and to someone that is going through a hard time or even someone that is extremely determined, this is a great gift to give them with great meaning. Was it a virtual gift for a certain someone, then? 

    Also, cactus plant placement at home is very important according to Feng Shui (bolding is mine; read it as you wish)


    In order to bring good Feng shui the cactus have to go in the fame and reputation quadrant. The fame and reputation quadrant is the part of your home dedicated to what and who you are and what you want to bring to the outside world. In Feng shui, the fame and reputation corner corresponds to the fire element. Colors present in this quadrant should be bright and fiery, for example, orange, yellow or red.

    When you put your cactus plants there, symbolically you work on protecting your career and reputation. The "fame and reputation" corner of your home is directly across as seen from the main entrance.


    • Like 21
  13. 3 hours ago, sohocomo said:

    I can only tease it right now (work weekend for me).

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    JingYu squirmed, the plastic sheet under him sticking to his skin. Skin made tacky by a thin sheen of nervous perspiration that had broken out all over his body. What had he gotten himself into? What had he agreed to exactly? His ears strained to hear...anything. His eyelids fluttered rapidly, but his sight was only darkness, the blindfold WeiZhou had tied around his head blocking out all light. JingYu tried to bend his arms, relieve some of the pressure on his shoulders. The rope around his wrists dug into his skin, though, as it strained against the knot WeiZhou had tied around the leg of the sofa. JingYu knew WeiZhou was nearby. He could feel the presence on his skin, even if there was no physical touch to confirm it. When warm, whisping breath blew on his ear, accompanied by the soft rustle of fingers on his hair, JingYu shivered, his senses concentrated by those denied.

    "JingYu, do you trust me?"


    <insert evil laughter here> 

    Remember about the safe word for them!:sweatingbullets: How about tanghulu (糖葫芦) - candied fruit on a stick? Wasn't it @thoron who memorably compared it to …


    …a**l beads ?:w00t:


    • Like 9
  14. I know we haven't been throwing richards simmons much around lately, but the real one went AWOL and emerged recently after an alleged reassignment surgery and wants to be called Fiona, as stated in one of the British tabloids. I wonder if it is then appropriate to richard simmons anymore. How we can vent out frustration at SAPPRFT, incompetent managers, stalking airport fans, pesky CA visitors, and such, from now on?

    • Like 8
  15. 31 minutes ago, ronper2016 said:

    hello everyone, i've been following this forum for a while but it's my first time to join in. never in my life had this addiction with any actors (hollywood, bollywood, asians, etc.), so getting hooked with HJY and ZZ is really a new experience to me. and dang, i can't get enough of them! would anybody tell me if they have official twitter and instagram accounts? and if yes, which ones? thanks from Canada!!!!


    Hey, welcome and good morning/afternoon (if on the West Coast/back East)! Please check the first page of the thread for a goldmine so full of assorted goodies (links, and so on) your head might explode… Okay, eh?

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