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Posts posted by momokyomo

  1. 11 hours ago, samscheetah said:

    I just wondere how couldn't GH realize that LY loved him since LY had said that the handmade scarf had been given to anyone you loved :v just right after LY gave GH a red scarf,. that's how he answered GH's insecurity question :v

    You remember that, the tongue is sharper than action.
    Sometimes, just say I Love You plus action, that can make another one feel more secure and it's like a casting magic to make another people keep fighting :). The person wanting to hear it might being trying hard in struggling in something without anther one know.

    • Like 1
  2. 2 hours ago, fritzgerald said:

    Hi everyone!

    i just would like to welcome our Ex-Lurkers.... 

    Welcome!  Bienvenido! 歡迎  Selamat Datang! chào mừng!    ยินดีต้อนรับ    환영     स्वागत हे   Mabuhay!  Bienvenue  ようこそ

    @Maria Fe Jonson  @mctmy8  @blinthatorder   @Gilbert Gonzales   @justhereforzhou   @heroine04   @dokiedokie  @momokyomo

    @leven  @Kevin Woo  @sonicwave  @Ivn Trrjs  @delishowz   @friendok   @Zairief Ezzren   @kimjessie16  @Charliemagne Moreto

    @ichiichika @hryy  @jerffreyphoenixiii @Jonathan Oon  @Tongchai Cheanew  @delishowz  @Chris1987  @angga prasetyo  @momokyomo 




    May all of you be more "addicted". :P

    This is best kissing scene of HLY :wub::heart::heart::heart::heart::heart::heart::heart:
    i got horny with this :) when zhou zhou caring johnny head :) n kissing...
    only the passionate kisser can do it :) so this one is a real kiss to me

    • Like 7
  3. 12 hours ago, mchansk07 said:
    4 hours ago, alvinboi said:

    Novel comparison for Episode 14 is still a work-in-progress. *here*

    I'll be deleting this link, once I finish it and upload it here in a new post. There's no need to save this link.

    Have a good Saturday. Enjoy~

    Edit: OMG I saw a spoiler on Book 2 while quickly back-reading. GGAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHH!! I think that's on Page 105 or something. Thanks a lot! Gonna read it later.

    Thank you so much for your hard work....
    as a non-chinese background, ur work is more than anything to me as being the Addicted's fan and addicted fan :)







    • Like 1
  4. 9 hours ago, guhai said:

    You Can Be Daddy

    The morning after the wedding found Guhai and Luoyin both incredibly exhausted and sore—not that either would complain. It was the kind of bone-deep exhaustion that traveled through your body and up to your lips in the form of a tired smile, that made you feel like lazing around in bed all day—which was exactly what they planned on doing.


    Stretching out and popping a few joints with a satisfied groan, Luoyin nestled back on top of the thick comforter. He turned toward his husband (he still couldn’t believe it), head propped on his elbow. “Good morning.”


    Said husband (Guhai couldn’t believe it either) smiled at him lazily, reaching out a hand to pull the other towards him. Tilting the other’s chin with two careful fingers, he kissed him slow, comfortable. There was no heat, no passion, just a wet, lazy kiss with no rush. They had nowhere else to be anyway—nowhere they would rather be.


    Breaking apart, they found themselves sitting side by side on the bed in comfortable silence.


    Guhai was the first to break it. “Hey, Yin Zi? Did you ever plan on having kids?”

    Luoyin shot him an incredulous look. “Guhai.”




    “We got married yesterday and you’re asking me about kids!”


    Guhai scratched the back of his head, confused. “I don’t see why not. Isn’t it better to know now? I just got married to you, it’s not like I’m going to divorce you—by the way  you’re not allowed to divorce me either—and you wanting kids probably won’t change five, ten years from now.”


    “Oh for Christ-“ Luoyin huffed, rolling his eyes and getting more comfortable on the bed to talk. “Yes, I grew up thinking I’d have kids someday,” he admitted, sighing and staring out of the window at the falling snow. “I always thought I’d get a job nearby, earn enough to give my dad a comfortable life and then rent my own apartment once I saved up enough money. I didn’t plan on dating seriously until I at least had an apartment. At that point, I was just hoping I’d meet a nice girl and start a family with her—give my dad some grandchildren while I’m at it,” he joked, a melancholy look on his face as he suddenly found himself lost in memories of the false reality he had created for himself as a child who sometimes didn’t have enough to eat, who sometimes showered in freezing cold water during harsh winters. This false reality had kept him full and warm on those rougher days, encouraging him to push through the sadness because it was waiting for him at the end of the tunnel.


    Seeing the look on Luoyin’s face, Guhai looked down at his bent knees, feeling gutted. He was a man. He couldn’t give Luoyin that. But- “We can adopt?” he suggested.


    Luoyin’s eyebrows shot up in surprise as he turned to look at his husband. “What?”


    “Well, I mean, that’s the only way for us, right? You can be mom and I’ll be dad, or you can be dad and I’ll be mom. Or if you prefer we can be daddy and papa?” he suggested hastily, clenching the bed covers nervously.


    Noticing his husband’s twitchiness, a tiny smile graced Luoyin’s face. “Are you serious right now?” he teased.


    Apparently not sensing the teasing tone, Guhai went on, “Yeah I mean I like kids too!” he exclaimed with forced excitement, arms flailing and fooling no one. “You see me with your step-brother all the time right? We get along great! I mean-I never uh, actually wanted kids myself, but I think I can handle it? How hard can it be to be someone’s daddy—wait. Wait no, that sounds really wrong. But-but well, it’ll be pretty hard I guess, now that I think about it. The crying, the feeding, the money, the diapers—oh god, the diapers—wait but what if you end up loving him more than me?”


    “What. Wait a sec-“


    “Oh god what if you start paying attention to him and not me? We already don’t see each other enough between the company and your training! How am I supposed to split the time we have with a kid? I don’t want to be jealous of my own kid! Oh god what if you spend all of your time with him? What about me! What about the sex! We already lost 8 YEARS of sex Yin Zi! How will we have time for sex?!




    Guhai’s head snapped up in surprise, even more surprised to find Luoyin’s face so close to his. “What?”


    Luoyin crashed their lips together, teeth grazing, sending them toppling down on the bed. Guhai bit back a surprised moan, reaching for the headboard to steady himself. Just as he was about to ask what his husband was doing, Luoyin pulled away, breathing heavily between their subtly touching lips.

    “I love you,” he rasped, pecking the other’s lips again, “and I promise you that it’ll be just us two. When you’re ready, if you’re ever ready to have a kid, we’ll consider it then, hm? I wanted a kid, but this kid—he or she doesn’t exist yet. You’re here with me right now. I’d be dumb to not love you while I can, Guhai.”

    Guhai gazed back at him, long and hard. A moment later, he crashed their lips together, pushing back with just as much force, rolling them around on the bed until he had his husband pinned under him. "I think I'm too in love with you, my Yin Zi," he breathed against a quickly reddening ear. "I don't even know how to tell you anymore...so let me show you just how much I love you."

    Oh god... m in love

    • Like 8
  5. 12 hours ago, GMLA06 said:
    20 hours ago, mym999 said:

    This is completly my IMAGINATION

    After marriage GH asks BLY do you like kids..He says ya i like kids..Do you want one...We can adopt a child..you can be Mom and i will be Dad..
    Bly will be shocked whether he is serious or joking...He asks are u serious...

    GH : i like kids but i dont want one..What if you like him more than me..What if you spend more time with him than me..How can i see you pamper him ,How can i share your smile with him...I don't want to be jealous of my own child...Its not like we are spending every minute together..I have office and you are busy in training..I dont want to share your time with anyone...I already lost 8Years ,I dont want to lose not even a second..Lets just 
     before he finishes  

    BLY kisses GH on lips and finishes by saying lets be together just two of us...I only love you and want you...I promise...GH kisses him back and says I love too much yin za...

    OMG ♥♥♥♥♥ This made my Night XD ughhhhhh Gu Hai of my life wher art thou? BUT SERIOUSLY IF IT IS NOT BLY NOBODY CAN HAVE GUHAI *POINTS KNIFE*

    Your imgainination is so damn sweet...
    i cant agree more... <3 :wub::wub::wub:

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