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Posts posted by delishowz

  1. Wow. I haven't seen this thread move so fast in quite a while. Really refreshing! ;) Anyway, thanks guys for the coverage to ZZ's first concert. Thanks as well to those who posted the links of the performances :) It was a good one I must say. Looking forward to his next concerts. I do wish I can see him perform live and I highly doubt he will visit in my country :mellow:

    Btw, I want those glow stick thingys. They are so cute!!

    • Like 12
  2. I am just going to greet you guys an advanced happy 1000 pages. This has been really a roller coaster ride here (and its just around 5 months, but it feels like years already) with all of the events that has happened . Thank you very much to everyone for providing updates on ZZ and JY. At least there's a place I can visit where there's not much negativity and there are people who support these two. Enjoy the concert (as die with envy).  Now back to lurking for me ;)

    • Like 16
  3. *Ugh* It took me a while to recover from the series of unfortunate events that has happened while I was away. But nevertheless, I believe it will get better in the end. ^_^ I'll still be an avid YuZhou supporter. 

    Anyway, have you guys purchased ZZ's album already? For someone who can't understand Chinese, its quite a challenge to navigate through the pages. Hehe. Is the shipment cost that pricey? It seems to be more expensive than the item itself LOL

    • Like 2
  4. Oh no :cold_sweat: I just took a few weeks break for personal and work related reasons and here I am reading news that S2 will never be pushed through. EVER?!? and what about the other stuff such as ZZ's album and the DVD? Are they cancelled too ?!?! and that they cant see each other anymore? What exactly happened ? What load of silliness this is (and here I am excited to get good news about them). Ugh. reading back 300 pages would be tough :bawling: This is bad of my shipper heart.. :confounded: Goodness a lot has happened since I went AWOL and things did not go for the better. Gosh.. I hope I can get through this.. 

    • Like 3
  5. Wooo! It took me a while to get to read the backlog but now here I am on the latest page. :) Anyway, belated 500 pages guys. It's really nice to see new users on this page. It has been a roller coaster ride lately (YuZhou and  this forum) with all the random "negativity" but nevertheless, we are all still here, discussing the show and the people that drove us nuts (to a certain extent). :P Regardless of what condition they are in, let's show our neverending support.  Sorry I can't join the discussion that much as my IQ drops to 0 whenever I ship HaiYin / YuZhou :sweatingbullets: Anyway, see you around and I am just here mass liking posts. hehehe

    • Like 24
  6. Aw man... I am kinda late for the 'happy 400' party. Nevertheless, 'happy 400 pages' fellow Addicts / YuZhou shippers. B) It has been a wonderful 2 months for me visiting this lovely thread. Life has never been this interesting for me (frequent forum and IG checks with anyhing Addicted) :wub:.  Neverending thanks to all the contributors, analysts, artists, translators, shippers (aka everyone :w00t: ). More power to this thread and more projects for JY and ZZ.  May our YuZhou ship sail further and ZZ album, S1 DVD, and S2 released sooner. Hehe.


    PSA: Tomorrow is April 1 (aka April Fools) so let's take in the news that we read (especially regarding our boys and anything Addicted) with a grain of salt (more than usual). We don't want any hearts broken from hoaxes, do we? ;)

    • Like 15
  7. Ugh.. This is definitely a wrong move on my part to visit the forums during work hour break. Dammit, its so hard to keep a stern face and holding your screams while quickly scanning these posts. :bawling::cold_sweat::confounded:Thank you very much to all the contributors for this. This really made my day a bit better now. :blush: I AM SOO EXCITED TO GO HOME AND CHECK THE POSTS AGAIN SO THAT I CAN SQUEAL TO MY HEARTS CONTENT!!!!:heart::heart::heart:

    • Like 14
  8. 3 hours ago, BLFANS said:

      NEW FACE : Johnny & Weizhou

    OMG Lulu's xD


    Lulu is really looking good. Its kinda sad that her Addicted appearance made the first impression for me. :phew:

    1 hour ago, ayasdai said:


    Completely agree. That's why he has now two (rather big) bodyguards following him around from today on. The fans didn't dare to approach him today on the airport too... :w00t:

    EDIT: OH MY GOD. I've just seen a video... this richard simmons fans did it again today!! They were apologizing him and richard simmons DID IT AGAIN??? It even looks worse than yesterday!!


    Wow at least the has some sort of security now but then again it still not enough seeing that it has happened again but to a worse extent ( Those fans really are something ) :( . Their safety always needs to come first. The last thing I wanna hear (or read) is my OTP getting injured caused by fan ruckus :angry:

    • Like 4
  9. *Sigh* :( I'm just gonna vent out my frustrations seeing what Johnny has been experiencing from the fans at the airport. I mean come on, give a guy a break. I thank you for providing us international fans a peek at what is happening and some scenes can be cute and some are really downright rude and just plainly crossing the line :angry:. Seeing him in a very uncomfortable manner because of the fan's actions make me cringe and furious :tears:. Some people may say that what he is experiencing right now is the price of fame but then again that does not entitle you a free pass to invade his private space and treating him like he's some sort of inanimate object. Gosh! Can we, fans, just have some empathy every once in a while? I am really wondering what's inside the mind of that kind of fan . I mean, do they really enjoy what they are doing even to the point that they are hurting the ones they are idolizing.

    • Like 12
  10. Seriously guys, thanks for all the HaiYin / YuZhou content and insights. I really can't imagine myself right now not having a daily dose of Addicted and all the affiliated characters. Heck, just almost 1 day of not having YuZhou updates (thanks adult responsibilities) is giving me withdrawal symptoms (I need help but I don't plan on getting cured LOL ).  Getting up-to-date with my OTP is a great way to end my day :wub:. Spam liking your posts has never been so much fun.  :glasses::heart:


    On a side note, is there an official OST of Addicted and if the answer is yes, may I know where to order it ? I saw a post with a DL link of lots of songs a few days back and I was just wondering if those are official content :grin:

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    1 hour ago, samscheetah said:

    Omg they just uploaded ep11 with title youtube 


    Season 1 officially available to watch online in China via:http://movie.tutukey.cn/movie/paly.html?type=tv&id=m7&part=15

    But, season 2, due to the law, may not be online in the future in China < it may change until then>

    Walk slowly full version : http://www.weibo.com/p/10151501_100323567


    This may be a silly question but I'll ask anyway. May I know whats the difference between this ep 11 and the ep 11 uploaded last week by the same channel? :huh:

    • Like 1
  12. 56 minutes ago, alvinboi said:

    Zhouzhou says, "Addicted web series took 23 days to film. Although we don't know each other before, we have become friends now." Johnny says, "We are still together. Together, together, together. Let me repeat the important thing 3 times,"


    Gosh! I can't breathe. Also, Seeing gayyoxx's post regarding the interview made me giddy.  I really ship them in real life too. 

    • Like 7
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