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  • Posts

  • Joined

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Posts posted by swEEEt.Tofu
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































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    So an unlock lollipop 2 is not release yet?
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































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    What is the differences in the real and fake one? o.O
















































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    I got bored with my 9010c..... I decided to go back to the WX-T923














    http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v355/IonNuke/DSC00460-1.jpg" />



























    omg...how much and where? :)














    oh what brand is this?














    thanks ^^


































    Where's the best place to buy a dslr, beside Fry's, Best Buy, Circuit City, and Conn's??
























    I don't really want to trust ebay since it is a large sum of money. =/
























    Thank you.




































































































































































































































































































































    noob question:
































































































































































































































































    Does any dslr have the function of fisheye style photo or is it a separate lens you have to buy for that?



































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    The pullout one is the Izone camera. I still have mines. :lol: but no films. I tried checking it out on Ebay, and it's pretty expensive and expired; just like the regular polaroid films. I just hope the Instax will never run out of fiilms. :unsure:

    Anyways, I'm pretty happy when I took these photos. Came out really nice. Especially the house one. :lol:



































    Your picture came out so pretty.












    What setting did you put when taking the outdoor picture because mine always come out too brightly glow from the sun. =(


































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    Are the films relatively cheaper for the Fuji than the Polaroid ones? Also what is the differences b/w the instax mini and the instax 55i beside the size and the battery needed for each?
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    (I wish the sell the Polaroid films already! LOL)



































































    thanks! :)

    i got them in hong kong :X sorry hahaha unless well, you're there! then that would be convenient.












    i got them at this mall full of boutiques at causeway bay.












    the store i got it in was adorable O_O i wish i could buy everything. they sold little poops too :P












    oh! but the brand of both is marimo












    and the website on the little tag is marimo.com.hk if that helps! :)























    aww :(












    Everything that is cute is always oversea :angry:












    but nonetheless, SUPER CUTE ^_^
























    excuse mah face :D just webcammed bcus i was lazy.












    it's a red boxing glove that says LOVE PUNCH <3 <3 <3 on it :P my boyfriend has the black one.












    and i attached this keychain thing my 8 year old sister made me :D












    i usually have way more than this but this one alone is already massive O_O












    this is the one i had before i changed it and right after i got my new ice cream <3:



































    THOSE ARE CUTE ^.^, especially that boxing glove!!!












    Mind me asking, where did you get those? xD


































    ^ totally love your eyes w/ the flash lashes and eye makeup
























    so pretty ^_^












































































































































    my old phone [toshiba]




























    the chains were actually heavier than the phone -w-



















































































    where did u get that phone sock? its so cute




























    and i so adore your strawberry charms ehhe




























    so cute >ll<




















































































































































































































































































    where did ya got that crown sticker for your phone?? :o
















































































    so pretty LOL
















































































































































































































































    yes where did u get your mirror like the above use asked
























































































































































































































































































































    awww...i dont see much pucca's cell charm =/ lol
















































































































    ^mine nothing much;cell look naked hahah








































































































    one of the pucca vibrates if you pull it down;and i dont use both makes my cell look very very BIG compare to the cell itself hehe ^^








































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































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    hmmm do i have single eyelid?? o.O and can some one help me enhance my eyes some how?
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    -sorry old old pic x.X...and a noob at makeup =/

































































































































  • Create New...

Important Information

By using this site, you agree to our We have placed cookies on your device to help make this website better. You can adjust your cookie settings, otherwise we'll assume you're okay to continue..