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Posts posted by alexza_18
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    I´m waiting too see who is the famale lead ... cuz if the lead isn´t PSY i´m not watching it LOL not the I have something against the other girl is just that I really like PSY and I´m tired of her being the second one or the lead who suffer like crazy :P
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    I have always been a silence reader but this is just to much to handle alone :angry: one of the things that make me fall in love completely with 2pm was their reaction after the whole Jay situation how they dedicated him every award ... things like that I feel like they were being sincere but after this I can tell anymore what was an act to gain sympathy and what was true I don´t hate them I´ll never do that but is really heartbreaking when you feel cheated, why they bring jay name so low ??? for what, I can´t really see the reason behind all of this... I wish the best for them but I can see myself as a hottest anymore I´m sorry and Jay I hope the best for you you´re young and any mistake that you have made you still have the time to erase them :) and you´ll be fine cuz you have a lot people getting your back
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    I don`t know if this have been posted here I hope not :P but this are some videos of the monterrey wonderfuls
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    (a lot of people do this for like 3 hours LOL but just this girls recorded it )































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    I´m from Monterrey and it was great really like a dream ... they were so shoked cuz wé were a lot and they let us go in to take a picture with the girls to all of us even if they weren´t fan*tastic cuz there was a lot of fans who didn´t know about the Fan*Tastics thing but they went and help to promote the girls some of then since 1 pm until the 7:40 we give flayers and theach the tell me dance it was so fun and the people was like who the hell are them ? LOL cuz you should have tickects to be inside the parking and there´s like a little venue befor you get in the actual arena but no one of us have tickets you just get in with lies and taking chance of distractions of the guards ... and yeah we stay there and most of the parents that were waiting for their kids stared at us, and everyone was like OMG I hope they let us get in !!... I was in the list of the fantastics as well my brother and sister but all of my friends weren´t ...then shedsc00127csw.jpg who I lovee since today come and start the to pass the list my friend asked her if she could come too that she miss the day for the video and she say "I´ll bring you too" my friend started to cry and them everyone was cheering cuz all of will be meeting the girls in a few minutes then the thing get a little out of control like running for you place cuz they get us for one entrance to other but when we were finally in control we all start to scream things like "Say Wonder" and reply "Wonder" "Say Wonder Girls" "Wonder Girls" ... or "Wonder..Wonder" then we started to sing "Nobody" in the korean version :) and "Irony" it was really touching and exiting , then she started to record us and her face was like WTF !! yeah we surprised her and I belive that all of the JYP staff were like that ... and the time arrive I was literally shaking and my little brother and sister as well, we got into the arena and they take us down stairs and we were screaming but they make us be quit cuz the concert was being held inside (but I don´t really get why LOL I mean the jonas fans screams were loud enough to make us look like a little mouse screams ) they give us some indications but It was really sad... we could´t bring and pen picture ..anything for being sing ... and the worst part no cameras !!! we all started to complain and the let us get one cam but in groups of 5, the security people was really canky too ... speacilly a woman from here she was screaming at us like "shut up" "Why don´t you shut up" "stay away" "no purses" o yeah that to we have to let all our things outside ... and a man but he was american he just scream at us things like "back uo back up" and my time come!! i entered to the tiny room and my dream come true the Wonder Girls in person I hug Sun Mi and the tears automatically started to come out then Ye Eun say to Yoo Bin and Sun Ye " she´s crying" (but I couldn´t say anything my shock was soo big) and all of them were like "Why are you crying" "Don´t cry" I find it really sweet So Hee hug me really thigt ... but the best part was when they saw my little sister she´s 9 but she looks younger and they hug her like if she were a doll and Ye Eun and Sun Ye say to her "You´re sooo cute" and Yoo Bin she give a huge kiss to my brother (he has a chubby cheeks so he´s cute LOL) they took the picture (It took me for surprise) and I look awful like just ugly LOL ... but I don´t care I meet the WG and me and my friends were crying even after we come out ... It was just like 40 seconds and they didn´t give us the single or anything singed but who cares I meet them :) I give them a present but a lot of people bring mexican candys and lettlers little things cuz yeah this was sooo sudden
































































































































































































    I´m sorry for my english I´m tired and I sucks at grammar, but I just want to share the mexican love LOL
































































































































































































    I really hope to see them again !!
































































































































































































    this is my pic whit 2 of my friends and my sis and bro... ignore me.... but my poor sister was sooo couless cuz they where saying things like hurry up! that she didn´t have the chance to stand next to Yoo Bin (she´s her favorite) and my brother too but he with Ye Eun ... it would be the next time ... (off topic I lovee my friends pose with SunYe )
































































































































































































































































































































































































    sorry for the long post :/
































































































































































    Ít´s my first time posting in anny soompi forum cuz my english sucks LOL but I always read you guys... but the past week I was out of the city and I don´t understand something it´s true that the girls are coming to mexico for the shows of the JB I´m from monterrey and the Jonas are going to come the 31 ... the weekend I met my cousin ahs she´s a huge fan of the Jonas , I asked her if she know whó will open the show and she say that only Jordin soo I don´t know :huh:
































































































    And I think that all of you understand how great it´llbe for someone like me in this country to meet one of my favorites asian bands !!!
































































































    Please answer me!!
































































































    and again sorry for the english

















  6. I might have jumped the gun with my judgment of JanDi as a character. i was (unreasonably, I suppose) expecting a more Makino-like performance where she was more dignified and less childish. I'm rather tired of the overdone '"tough korean girl" cliche. What attracts me most about Makino's character was that she was very polite and dignified even when lashing back at the bullying. She rarely ever forgot her polite speech even when telling Domyouji to cut his crap. She also wouldn't shove food down her throat in the cafeteria.

    I don't know exactly what makes people think uncouth behaviour=strong girl. This is waaay too prevalent in kdramas and I was quite dissappointed seeing it happening to a beloved character. I'd blame in on directorial decisions except i've realised they were trying to not make the drama Hanadan part deux, so there had to be differences in Makino/Jandi's characters. I just wished they'd find a way to be more subtle in potraying strength in a young lady.

    I´m totally agree with you !!

    Jandi is cute but she´s a total cliche of the typical korean girl in any drama and you don´t need to be rude to be strong ... that´s the beauty of her , and her maturity , just to be clear I´m not waiting for a Makino part 2 I´m not expecting that the girl jumps to the balcon an begings to scream "Arienaitsuno" , I´m just hopping for a stroger girl :sweatingbullets:

    and I point to the director too , the girl is doing great with what she has and she´s really pretty

  7. I never comment in any thread cuz my english sucks lol but this is worth it ... I like the episode that was a surprise cuz I really love the other two versions , my only complain it´s that the girl it´s way to cute I know that it´s another version and it´s not a copy but this girl was like searching for trubles since the start and it supossed to be the oposite cuz her only dream after going to that horrible school was have a peaceful life and don´t catch the attention of no one specialy the F4 I always tough that it was a rule for the Makino character despise the version , for the rest I fell in love with them F4 the family even the mean girls... the OMG lol

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