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Guest 01nc7

AHH its like a burden has been lifted! now i no longer have to worry about what you're thinking, or if im boring you, of if im interesting enough, funny enough, pretty enough, cool enough. i feel freer. for some reason, seeing you on the kd trip started something that kept growing inside me until i felt like i was gonna burst. when i reached that point, seeing you on aim was like seeing a lake in the desert. so i talked to you and flirted a little, i asked you about the message i sent and it turns out you wrote something back and thought you sent it. however, you left to go watch a movie without resending it. also, i was the one propelling the convo forward, and when i asked about coming to kumdo you only said "it wouldnt be very interesting." while that may not sound like much, at the end of the convo i somehow knew that whatever it was that we shared before was gone. to be honest, i was very sad and i cried knowing that it was truly over. soon after, i found incomplete melody by wang leehom and it cheered me up a lot. which is ironic because i searched for wang leehom songs expecting to get heart wrenching ballads haha. but while i was listening, my tears just dried up and i felt lighter. i dont know how else to convey what i mean. i feel much happier now. the old feeling of desperation is gone, replaced with carefree-ness, lightheartedness and hope.

so whether we see each other again or not, i sincerely wish you the best in your life. thank you for caring about me.

it's ok, it's all ok. you didnt know, right?

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Guest &&TiFF;ANY.

i'm holding my breath

hoping for the best

it's hard to think optimistic at a time like this

but if i don't, who will

everyone will keep bringing you down with their pessimism

i want to make things better

everything is spiraling

my head hurts

i'm scared

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Guest manlytoe

i loved you then,

i love you now,

i don't know if i'll stop loving you like i did then and now.

i missed you then,

i miss you now,

maybe one day, you'll be the one missing me.

i miss you, love you and wish you the best.

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john tesh....

john tesh

john tesh

john tesh

john tesh...

Even when nice guys get the girl... they still finish last.

john tesh john tesh john tesh this john teshing break up...

It's hard... And yeah... I'm crying... I'm crying and I john teshing hate it.

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Guest rehonishi

i know you probably like her more

but im still here right?

i wish youd count me in sometimes

or remember me every once in a while

im still here

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Guest &&TiFF;ANY.

this hurts

i want to cry

i'm confused

what do i say

what CAN i say?

what can i do?

kowai desu....

i'm scared to my wits end

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Guest LUX.

I don't understand myself right now. I don't feel what I felt when we saw each other on a regular basis. Maybe I'm finally over you, I hope. What's sad is that the only thing I know about me and you is that if I were to see you again, meet with you again, speak with you again, I would fall in love with you all over...again.

Maybe it was all the Disney, but I thought that if you love someone, and it was truly love, each and every day the love you two share is just like the first day it was created. You might fight and cry, but still love. Does that mean I didn't love you? Or was it just stupid of me to have thought of love in that way?

I think the only reason I'm asking that last question is because admitting that what I felt for you wasn't love...would be the most painful thing in the world.

Even more painful than thinking about your wedding, and the future you'll have with her--the life you should be spending with me.

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Guest Yoochun<3

I rather you be nothing and happy

than being something and unhappy..

its tearing us apart cant you see that?

I want you to be happy, so i can be happy.

if its me, please just tell me. I would much rather be hurt and recover

than see you suffer because you're unhappy cause of me baby..

sometimes u get me so angry do you know that?

how you treat me when you get in a bad mood

& how you treat my friends when all they want to do is have a good conversation w/you.

aii.. ill just stay out of your way from now on..

just be happy.

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Guest to.angie

Sorry, it's just that I've been so busy with things so I haven't really had the chance to speak to you all lately. I need to be by myself so it might take a while for me to get back to you guys. I'll call you up when I have the chance. When I'm done, we'll all hang out and do something fun..okay?

- -

...such a terrible habit and because of it, I'll probably lose my eyesight .__. Usually this would be the point in which you'd lecture me...

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Guest coreancc

The windswept valley bent down low

With trees broken and bent askew -

An eerie silence held the woe.

Still dripping tears, the trees that knew

Abuses of the night wept slow.

Bit by bit I write it out...

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Guest ttris

today is canada day and i reallie thought u were there to watch fireworks but i couldn't find you at all.. and i started to cry.. i reallie wanted to see u there... u know i was so upset... i felt so bad for making my friends feel bad and everything... but then lucky i saw u there driving ur new car.. and i was happy again.. and then once i left to drive.. when i came back you were gone... but then afterwards i saw u again.. and let me tell u ... i was super happy... but y did u wonder off and talked to your other friend.. i reallie wished u came to talk to me.. and asked me out... -_- i wish...

but wait.. do u still like me?

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Guest miriyum

richard simmons PARENTS richard simmons RELATIONSHIPS richard simmons ALL YOU HATERS AND D-CKS.. richard simmons YOU ALL!

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Guest AMIbunny

i hate hate hate hate hate you...............................................you're so ANNOYING.


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Guest babii_gurl


im so excited tosee you babbbyy!!

i been up since 3 in the morning ^^"


time should go by faster

gaah!! <_<



i loooveerrrss you! =]

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Guest YUNMii.


I don't know if I still like you or not ^^?

Hopefully I'm over you though. ><!

Because that would be great.

Our friendship was something I really treasured

Even if I didn't like you, it would still be the same.

I'm glad we're still friends! :]

Hopefully I got over you. I don't even know myself.

Hey, at least I'm trying. ^^ ;;

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