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Guest enticing

Dear Boss

You are a $%#@$@(#@(#*!#! Stop making us work so freaking hard when you're not even paying us minimum wage. We are overworked and underpaid. Who the heck works 10 hrs and a half with under minimum wage? FYI if this continues, I'm going to quit and I'll just tell you when I get my paycheck. My coworker saids he'll quit if I quit so have fun trying to find 2 desperate people who are willing to work your god forsaken hours. :tongue2:


Won't you come back from your vacation already? I'm so curious to know whether or not you are with someone. :ph34r:

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YOU know i dont use the word "hate" not unless i mean it..

at this moment i do...i HATE what you become...you will never grow up and

always will remain the immature twenty something....when will you realize?

i HATE your friends and what they put in your ears....two and half years i never

encounter anything so harsh and cruel, and now that we're thru...all i hear is this and that!!

im tired....please leave me alone!!! i dont have any more tears to shield for you or

for any of your friends because, yall arent worth a d.amn thing to me...

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you're leaving for florida tomorrow and we havent stopped arguing for awhile now. i miss the old you, so much. i wish the old you would come back into my life but sadly the old you has left forever. i dont know what to expect anymore. i'm leaving everything to time. hopefully time wont turn its back on me for i want us to be together.

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Well, today was the last day. To be honest, I wasn't all that sad.

Not as much as I expected to be anyways. But I'll definitely miss walking into the classrooms.

It'll be weird, not having any assignments to work on for a while, and I'll miss having class with you guys.

There's so many things that I've gone through.

So much that I've learned.

Thanks, for being people that I could talk to.

Of all classes, I'm glad I was placed in this one. I'd never want to switch out, because you're all great people.

Sure, we might go unnoticed in typical classes, but we were something special this year.

Despite the hardships we might all faced personally or as a group, there was an undeniable aura about us.

I prefer to be around you people, than any other group of kids.

Sure, we weren't all close friends, but I found new people I could talk to and relate to.

Really, you're all so supportive and so awesome to have around.

I don't think I'll ever be in such a good class again. Thanks for making this year worth it.


To be honest, I'm glad that I got the things that I've been working so hard for...

But really, I didn't feel as much as I expected when they were handed to me...

I guess I got all that I wanted when I accomplished all that I wanted to do.

It was just a personal goal; I wasn't looking to be rewarded, not as much as I was today.

All this time, I wanted appreciation, recognition, to be successful and to be the best.

That's what I thought.

I'm happy enough, being able to do what I want to do and having it accomplished.

I think there are plenty of people out there, who deserve it more than I do.

They're the ones that try hard, and strive for excellence.

They're the ones that started from rock bottom, climbing up to the highest of expectations.

They're the ones that need the recognition, and they deserve it.

They've put so much effort in to all that they do, and they're so motivated to become the best that their bodies will allow them to be.

All this time, I was just doing things for myself. I was happy enough, doing something amazing for myself.

Of course, I appreciate all the praises and compliments that others have given me.

And I'll always keep them at heart. Because those words being said, from amazing people like all of you, mean a lot to me.

I know, I should be standing proud and high but it all just doesn't feel right.

I don't deserve these as much as others.

There's someone who deserves it more than I do, because they have a stronger faith, a better understanding and more knowledgeable about the subject than I am.

There's someone who deserves it more than I do, because they've striven so hard, have ridiculous amount of talent and I've taken away what he was good at...

And no doubt there's someone out there who deserves it more than I do; I hardly even got to do anything and hardly participated.

There's someone else who's more passionate on this subject than I am. Why was I even chosen? I still don't understand how it measures up.

I shouldn't be getting these things. Really. I feel so empty and guilty. I have something, that someone more deserving should possess.

This isn't me. I'm no longer looking for recognition. I just want to be able to do what I want to do.

There's more worthy people out there, and they should be seen first.

But thank you to those who saw potential in me. Thank you to those who saw me as someone with talent and a bright future.

To be honest, I'm just an ordinary person trying to find the right pathway to walk on. I'm just trying to find out what my purpose is.

I'm just doing these things, to find my potential and what I can truly do. I'm just trying to find out more about myself.

I don't exactly know what I want to do yet, or who I really am and that terrifies me most.

But to those who deserve it more, I'm sorry I took it away from you. And I feel most guilty for it.

I don't have the confidence to say these things to anyone, and I wish I did.

Because what you all know and think, is a false impression of me.

I'm really... not worthy of the things I got today... I really don't think I am.

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Guest mr. lovely

god you're so sweet.

...but attracting girls is your forte.

i don't even know if you mean anything...

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Guest Big_Bang

Just let me go. & find happiness elsewhere.

I'm sorry. We can't be what we used to be.

Not now. Not anymore.

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Guest mz_imperfect

You really ARE clueless and I hate the way that you pull me back in. Everyone tells me that you're just a player... even those that don't even KNOW you. Am I just being stupid? Because you make me feel that way sometimes... The girls contradict the words you say to me. The way you are contradicts your words! But actions speak louder than words? Why can't I just know what's in your heart? Why can't I just really know how you're feeling... stop dragging me along. I'm pathetic because of you. Okay, now I'm just blaming you. It's partially my fault. You've changed me for the worse though. I've never been this way. Never been the one to fall this hard. I get over things so easily, yet I can't this time. I refuse until I win. And you're so damn clueless. Who are you trying to play? The things are straight in front of my face and I'm sick of playing stupid just because of the way I feel. I'm ignoring reality, but it just keeps slapping me in the face. Who are you? Are you the person that hurts people? Can you see what you're doing? Or are you truly that sweet person that I thought I knew. The one that made the promises and said those words... said everything I wanted to hear. Is that what you really wanted to say? Do you mean them? You say you do, but I can never be sure. You have me questioning myself... whether or not it's me and my nontrusting self. How can you not see the way I feel? How can YOU be the one not to trust ME? I've done everything I can for you. I've been there in every single way. Are you blind? Or maybe I am. Love is blind. Is this what it is? Is that what I'm in? Love? I refuse to believe that. I let you and karma hit me. You hurt me because I was vunerable. I tried not to be this time because you have put me through crap over and over again. I say I won't be. I refuse to be... but you know what happens? You tell me things. You talk to me like it's nothing. And I fall all over again. I'm so naive and stubborn... I want to believe and I want to hope that you're telling the truth. Is that truly you though? Is my heart right? Is it telling me the same thing my mind is or is my brain just lying to me to hide me from the truth? Is everyone right? Or am I? I can't pull out anymore. This hole we've dug is way too deep... everything reminds me of you. I even find myself thinking about you randomly. I tried to put you out of my mind because I was mad. You know what happened? I just thought of you even more and my heart ached even worse than it did before. Who are you? This person who makes me want to curse at the top of my lungs and lash out against, yet I can't because after I hear your voice, I feel everything all over again. You make me weak... and I can't break the strings. I'm looking for loopholes to fall back in when everyone wants me to fall out. For now, I'll believe. Until this 'storm' passes and I see your true colors... and where you truly stand. Until then, my heart will continue to ache and worry and bleed. All I have are your words. Don't disappoint me. Don't hurt me. You already know.

MAN that felt good.

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you're SO FRIGGEN CUTE T__________________T

so cute when i was teaching you korean. omg.

"oh and house in korean is called jib..."

"jib? JIB!? come to my jib! this is my jib! jib is my house! jib jib jib! we're going to my jib!"

-______-" DORKKKKKK~

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Guest livfree

even though we're only acquaintances now... i still value you as a friend. well valued more like it. i've put all this effort to be friends with you , and you leave me for that pinkberry. i don't really care whether we're friends from this point onwards. you're not worth the effort, time and tears.


are you really oblivious to the fact that it is you that i like?

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Guest MoonlightConfessionx3

Yeah, it's gonna be a while and I will miss you. But I made a promise and I'll keep it, well I hope I do. But y'know, have fun over there and tell me all about it when you come back! I just hope things won't be all awkward. Siiigh.

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