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Guest sui85


ur up late!!


Im toooooooooo shy >_< ..... dont have the guts to sspeak to him e v e n on on on mm m s s s n n n .... feel like im stuttering

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Guest manlytoe

If it weren't for your kindness, funniness, adorableness, cuteness and good looks, i woulda never have fallen for you. I miss you so much, it's killing me to think, write, and talk about you. I try to push you away, but you just always seems to pull me back in without even trying to. there is sorrow running throughout all my veins. i'm asking myself why, why must it be you, a lazy smoker that has such a wonderful personality and attractiveness, why must i have fallen for a man i said i would never? This one sided love i am living is slowly eating away at me, but what can i say, that's what love is all about. i miss you so much, i would think back on those times we shared together. back when i first spoke to you, when you first held the door for me, when you first looked me in the eye because you remembered me, when you told me about yourself, when you said your pizza was ugly and when you taught me mandarin. i miss all of that. i would pray every night just to see you again. each day, i would hope that i'll surprisingly come across you and we'd talk a long talk again. S.M. I miss you, love you and wish you the best.

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Guest to.angie

If I had never met you, I honestly do believe that my heart wouldn't feel so burdened. I would be a happier person and I would have shed less tears. Despite my various attempts to move forward without you, I always end up moving a step backward. You left me with all the pain and I'm constantly complaining to myself about how much it all hurts. You watch me and feel nothing. You go about your life as if I'm worth nothing. You're the one who said you cared most but tell me the truth. What exactly do I mean to you? Everything is so simple for you, isn't it? Loving, letting go...they're practically one in the same. Neither of them have caused you to waver. They mean nothing at all to you. I feel sorry for both you and me. I can't let go of the past. And you'll never realize the kind of person you've become was the type of person you were most afraid of becoming. Such hypocrisy.


YI, hopefully we can go, then we can escape the two of them for a bit. It'd be nice to forget they existed...even if it is for a mere 6 hours. And thanks for being someone I could lean on. And I'm happy I could be there for you too.

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Guest ``HyoKi

why are people coming out to me NOW? when they already know i have a boyfriend.

stop confessing to me.

it's screwing up my head.

stop playing around with my feelings

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ahh, you're right.

Every now and then i have that "darn i should've dont better" feelings.

/: arggg. hopefully it'll go away.


haha are you serious? Me? Captain? Reallyy? [x I just started learning. I dont think i'll be that good.


I want to talk to you.

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I'm not some stupid toy you can easily use to relieve your sexual frustrations.

I hate you!


I don't know what it is about you, but you make me melt.

My eyes are always on you and I lose focus in class because of that.

I absolutely love the way you coolly sit there, calmly talk with your friend.

You just so damn sexy. I've a big crush on you.

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Guest hiswendy

You know, maybe we just aren't meant to be together.

I mean, really. Wednesday you wait after your exams & hang out in front of the subway station for no particular reason at all. I would've had to bump into you, right? Oh, but no. I had to go to the bank & therefore go to the other subway station. Friday after exam, you wait what... 2 hours after your exam & hung out again outside the subway station. For. whatever. reason. But my friends happen to have a whole freaking drama with where to go & have to wait a whole hour for some inconsiderate people who left when they shouldn't have. So when we got to the station, you and your friends are gone. Later in the afternoon, I call Woon-a-tai because I'm bored & to my surprise you're with him. Lol, that was like a taunt though... like a "ha-ha you're so close yet he's unattainable" thing. Monday, I pray to God you're there. You are. But before I could summon up the courage to talk to you, you leave. Granted, it took me the whole hour to summon up the courage. Then we go to the mall & I ask my friend what are the chances you'd be there. He answers "thick to chubby" (slim to none). There you are. But before I can even say hi, my close friend who always happens to be the flirty one to whom you 11ers look to for the definition of "beauty", pulling you into a tight embrace like it's you & her who enjoyed all those hours of long conversations together. AFTER ALL THAT I decide I can't give up so I ask your friend for help. But the one person I ask for help, your dear best friend, cannot stomach to give me your phone number. T__T REALLY? FOR REAL. OMG. SO THERE. It's just not meant to be. Bah.



Dear Mother,

if you cannot figure out know why I'm so angry tonight, then there's no point in telling you. Because there's nothing more obvious than it meaning it doesn't matter if I tell you because you'd still be too innocent? ignorant? to fully comprehend it.

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Guest lovetoday.

don't hate me for having feelings for you again.

i didn't mean to, and now there's a chance you might find out.

please don't hate me, please don't let anything change on our friendship.

i cherish our friendship alot, i'd sacrifice my love feelings just for our friendship.

that's how much our friendship means to me.

please ..

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Guest Big_Bang

I'm just so confused. A part of me says it's already gone and that it's vanished into nothing now.

But then again, when I see you this way, I feel so awful. Knowing that I'm the one who caused it.

I'm trying to make you let go..to find someone else. I'm sorry that it hurts. Do you hate me for it?

But I'm only trying to do what's best for you. And what will make you happy.

Right now, waiting for me..I know it can't be making you smile. I mean, how can it possibly?

yet you say it's okay. that you don't mind and will understand. I don't think so.

LOVE. This word.. why must things be so difficult? How did things end up this way?

I don't get myself. So many things are holding me back. So many. I avoided the calls. I deleted the messages.

Perhaps, I'm a little cynical too. I don't know. I really don't know.

What do I want ? I don't know. But after all that, I'm uncertain whether I want to be in one again. Not for a long time at least.

I've sort of gone back to thinking what I used to think. That they mean nothing but trouble.

In a way, I sort of hate you too. It's your fault. You were the one who told lies and expected me to believe them.

You were the one who committed such a cruel action that I'll probably never be able to think of you the same again.

I think about it now and realize...you were nothing but trash to me.

You were the one who walked away, thinking no matter what I would come back to you.

Well, you were wrong huh ? you turned around and found I wasn't there. I'm not dumb.

Everything that's happened between us..it's just too much to forget and start again.

I forgave you by speaking to you on friendly terms again. So don't push your luck. We're better off as friends.

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Guest x.o112

wow i am so stupid for waiting all this time for you, thinking i would have a chance. maybe i did. and you didnt say anything about it. maybe i miss it. but i wish things would be like before, back in november and october. those were the happiest months of the entire year for me cause i felt loved by you. i love and remember every word you say, and you.. i dont even know anymore. you say your busy and dont call anymore. and in the hallways we never talk either, what do you want? to be clear.. i gave you tons of hints this entire year.. but no. today was the last day of school getting yearbooks, and i wished you said sth. but no.

i`m not waiting anymore.

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