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even my girl will always be the number 2 girl, u'll always be number 1.

being the strongest, leading, not being able to sit down. standing all day and all night like a strong mountain for other to lean on, i am so tired.

누나 let me lean against ur shoulder to rest, everyone else's minds are too weak to support the heavy burden i've been carrying.

im so tired. im so tired. 힘들오. 너모 힘들다.

i never told you, but u are the only girl in my entire life that i've called 누나

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i'm so sick of your effing gaming. for christ's sakes, i'm sick of everything. i just don't give a mini cooper anymore! i DON'T want to speak to you, okay? so sick of it! SICK OF IT! monday, tuesday and wednesday? FREAKING HELL TAKE THURSDAY AND FRIDAY WITH YOU TOO.

you didn't even organise your stupid party as well. NICE GOING.

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Guest Crispy

I can't even begin to speak my anger right now.

Selfish? Yeah, I have to care for myself since there's no one else to do it for me.

Goddamn hypocrite.

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Guest twinkle_l0ve

I'm in such denial. I'm in the same boat as the people I put down. I'm sorry for doing that.

Who knows how long it'll be before I crack. If I ever do, whenever it is, or whereever it is, I hope he's the one that'll piece me back together.

The smiles, the laughs. What's it all for? To show everyone that everything is okay? That this is going to pass easily?

The worst feeling has got to be, when you realise that you don't believe in yourself anymore.

I've mistaken myself for someone else.

I feel so empty.

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Guest witchery


What a great day.

The smell of your leather jacket still lingers on me.

Haha it's so strange. I'm the type of person who easily gets sick/bored of people if I hang out with them too much, but you're different.

Like I've said before, you give me the perfect amount of space and intimacy.

For me, the guys are either too clingy, or too distant/cold.

But you manage to hit the right notes. And because of your capability to do that, I feel that every moment we share together is so precious, so fresh, so memorable.

I never get sick of it. And I never feel like it's not enough.


I just wanted to tell you that. I guess it's all because of my inner Aquarian haha; it's difficult for me to open up and say what's at the bottom of my heart because I just can't search for it even though I know something exists there. And even if I say something the message isn't really clear because I can only express a fragment of it.

I'm very grateful I met you. Finally, I've met someone with whom I can enjoy myself so incredibly much with.

We complement each other. We really do. We live on the same wavelength but we're not personality clones, so we're compatible but not boring.

We just have a lot of fun together too. I still remember you cracking up at practically everything. It's not even that funny but I just find myself laughing and feeling happy, seeing you smiling. Lol remember the guy who suddenly emerged on the bench? The one in the camouflaged bowler hat and jacket? LMAO and "DO YOU KIDS WANT A FINE FOR TRESPASSING?"

Haha this message wasn't meant to turn out so long. But I'm in a sentimental mood tonight I guess. I suppose it's nice to get a chance to coordinate all my thoughts together and put it in this one message so it's more convenient for you to comprehend. I'm definitely a writer, rather than a speaker haha.

We are an awesome match. We look so right together, we feel so right together.

We're electric.


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Guest Annersx3

i miss you. i hope u have a great day at school.

call me soon?? :/ please dont give us up...please

follow ur words.

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Guest to.angie

He was angry and upset with me because of you and now I'm going to spend almost every waking moment of my life by your side; though of course not deliberately. I don't think I could stomach seeing you that often but as it seems, I don't have much of a choice. Even now, he probably isn't too happy at the fact that we'll spend that much time together.


I should be old enough to know what real friends are like but apparently I have yet to get it right. I can go on for hours trying to explain how much all of this hurts but it'd get tiring.

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Guest blackwhiteblue

I miss you... I really do. You're working right now and playing vball later. What are we gonna do today? I know you're not a fan of celebrating days like today, but I'm still hoping you'll surprise me.

But then again, you aren't much of a surpriser, are you?

I miss you, and I miss hearing those three words from you.

I love you.

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Guest eternal_bliss

I'm tired. I feel so empty. I try so hard to appear happy.

To appear normal. Even on here. And that's the power of the Internet. So many lies go undiscovered.

I'm tired. I'm empty. Of what? I don't know anymore. But I never really did.

“Living under a cloud of black...udder a single word and watch the lightning strike...feel the roar of the thunder. Periods of calm are like tears dripping from a rainbow...and life goes on.”-D. Favors


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Guest BakaPrincess

You don't know it, but you've already made my day with the phone calls and the text messages.

These past two nights was difficult for me, but you've always managed to cheer me up.

Thanks hon. I love you! =)

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I don't know anymore. I wish summer would be over so i wont be able to see you as much. So I dont have to think about you that much. Then maybe i'll stop liking you.


you're ashamed of me? .... ]:

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I think... I don't like you anymore. :) And I'm pretty sure ^^' I was even hunted down by that same guy~ Not once did I wish you were there. It feels... good. Now we can be the good friends we are lah~ ^^

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my heart is aching again.

its hurts. it really hurts.

seeing your face hurts my heart.

pictures is all i see.

i cant touch, i cant kiss, i cant do anything but smile

and then cry.

to you, its easy to say goodbye

but to me, its sooo hard.

i miss you.

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