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Guest witchery

Oh...holy crappers dude

We only met once

....and talked to each other for like 5 minutes

Wtf...the cheesy romantic piano music...the corny message...omfg.

I'm kinda creeped out to be honest. =X

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Guest iced.green.tea

i shall rant. oh yes i shall.

but im too tired. :(

youve exhausted all my tears. what happened to us?

our relationship is so..twisted.

but its ended now. with one single tear.

and you never forgot about her. that little

proud cow who is in love with herself, not you.

but you cant see that, but youll realise soon enough.

the truth will tear you apart. and i pity you.

so continue on with life,

without me.

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Guest gpie9

Will I see you today, or won't I?

I'm trying to prevent it, but my little heart is going thumpity-thump-thump at the thought of seeing you again so soon. At the thought of wanting to see you.

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Guest luvjunjin0819

now that the truth has revealed itself, i can decide what to do. But that doesn't mean I am not hurting so much inside. Why do I do this to myself? Why can't things ever be normal?

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And you wonder why I don't talk to you, selfish punk.

You think you can place your crap on my bed and can't even keep my damn senior project poster under your bed? Just you wait.. I will go as far as destroying your things. I honestly couldn't care less about you anymore.

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Guest crystallizedtear

If I'm too weak to withstand this test of our love

than our love isn't meant to be anyways.

I miss you.

And yet I don't want to see you right now.

It's times like these that I wish I lived in a bubble and that every day was simple.

But real life always has its practical side, the side that we need to face sooner or later.

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Guest strawberry.llamas

i love you...you know that? and sometimes it feels like you don't love me at all.

the way you just go off into space, the way you don't deny when i say that i'm fat or ugly.

the way you don't text me or call me that much, the way you don't tease me anymore.

when the only time you say, "I love you" is when we leave each other.

I know i'm being selfish but i want to hear you say that to me all the time.

Knowing the fact that someone loves me and that i'm not alone anymore.

what am i going to do without you?

You live 3 minutes away from me, not even a mile away. and i saw you almost everyday except for sunday.

Now you're going to live 180 minutues away from me, 200 miles away and now i'm gonna see you every three months/90 days

i love you...and that'll never change even though you might not love me the same.

i'm missing you already, and you haven't left yet.

i'm sorry for being clingy, and sorry for worrying about you...

you're my first love/my first everything...

please take care of my heart, please don't break it.

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i dont understand you, your sad, you want me, but you cant. whats stopping you?? your an idiot. i want to beat the crap outta you. im never ever falling in love again, i wont ever let it happen, i never want to feel the way im feeling now. or did. but .... i misss you so much... its unfair.

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Guest meilove

lol dudeeee i bet ur so freakin happy

well ...i'm happy too lmfao

and i'm so freakin tired

& idk why but u make me happy nowadays

aww XP

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Guest __mill

i still want to grab your shirt and not letting it go..


i can't let you go..

sometimes i wonder, why fate bring us together in the first place just to see us falling apart in the end. why ? it's unfair..

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Why is okay for my friend to stay at our house from 11am or noon until like 10 or 11pm and its not okay for me to stay at theirs for over 5 hours? It's so not fair. You know that i know whats bad and good, i know when to leave when somethings gets bad. i know what to do when something bad comes up. I'm not stupid. I wish you'd stop treating me like a baby. I wished you trust me enough to let me go out and have fun. You always assume that i'm the last one to leave, when i'm always the one to leave first. It's not fair. I'm growing up, please give me more freedom.

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Guest crystallizedtear

... i know you care about me

but i feel as if you're pushing me away from your life

i have a feeling that you have a really bad impression of me, and of what i do in life.

i admit, im not perfect

and in fact i'm very glad you no longer put me on a pedestal

but it almost sounds like you don't believe in me any longer

and don't want to support or encourage me

i guess i need to seek support elsewhere

i remember i told you i don't want to rely on you for emotional support

sighs. i can't take back my words.

i just miss the simple and sweet times.

now i feel like we're disconnected.


i miss you a lot dear

and i'll continue missing you

even if you push me further and further away

i promise i won't cling or prod and push

i'll stand here quietly

supporting you, k?

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Guest Joanne <3

I'm trying to do my work, so please please please stop the rambling!! It's getting on my nerves... I just need some peace and quiet, freakin' Hell...

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You are a great person. You are, beneath all those layers and layers of insecurity.

I wish you would just let it all go, and be who you are.

I don't know who you are. I don't know who you are at all actually.

And I wonder, do you really know yourself?

Contradicting, I know.

How can I say that you're a great person, when I don't know who you are?

Everyone's got something that makes them valuable.

If you just shrugged it all of, let it all go, and started all over...

Really, it's not worth it anymore. I know what you're trying to do...

Trying to do something that's way over the top, something that you're not capable of right now.

Please, listen to me and hear what I say.

I'm not trying to bring you down, I'm trying to help you. It's the only way I know how to get you out of this ditch right now.

Doing this, just to be something you're not... please, let it go. It's going to take away who you are.

Do it for yourself; not to be better than anyone else. Don't do it, just so you can be on top, and be better than everyone else.

I don't know if you know, but you're hurting me in the process.

It angers me, how we're always compared. We're friends, aren't we?

Anyone who is my friend wouldn't compare themselves to me. Because that's just not what a friend is...

Come on, think it over and hear what I say. Think about it, reflect on it, and try to understand it.

Don't say things to make me happy, don't say it just because I want to hear it. Don't say it because you want me to like you more...

You think I don't notice, but I do. You think I really do agree with the things you do, but I don't.

I know that you haven't always been truthful to me. And that hurts.

You lied to me, just because you wanted to be equal or better than me. You lied, because you wanted to be accepted by me.

I wish you weren't this way. I really didn't, because that takes away from who you are.

You're a precious person, washed over with this horrid curse-like trait.

It brings down the rest of your personality and if only it were gone...

I don't know how you'll take this... but you can look at it in two ways:

- A way for our friendship to grow into something greater. Something real.

- A way to end our friendship; something that you don't want to deal with.

Whatever you choose... it's your choice. I'm saying how I feel... and I hope you take it in a positive way.

I'm not asking you to change yourself; I'm asking you to be who you are.

Just... do it for yourself, and don't be fighting for temporary happiness all the time.

Because acceptance isn't what you're feeling right now.

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Guest mMmMm M&M's x3

i'm thinking about you again..

i just want to hear your voice...

i want to talk to you..

i really want you to tell me..

you still miss me and love me..

because i still do...

been reading over some emails from wayyy back..

i miss us..

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