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god why did you have to go?

i thought i was finally able to properly talk to you tonite & then you go out..

you pulled all this crap abt your bro leavin soon... what do you want me to say? YOU KNW IM NOT GUNNA BE HAPPY IF YOU GO.

freaken hell..........

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Guest witchery

How can you have the heart to do those things to those guys....

I asked and you said you didn't feel guilty at all.

How heartless can someone get? Honestly.

I mean I just can't believe you guys are my friends.

I just feel so sorry for those poor guys you led on, betrayed, played mind games on and used just to serve your purpose.

Manipulative people are the very type of people I hate the most!

I'm sick of it and I can't believe you're both total masters at the game.

Neither of you have done anything wrong to me and for what you have I've totally forgiven you, but man if you guys weren't my friends I would seriously think the worst of you.

UGHH! Maybe I'm just too naive but I just really despise it when people have no morals...

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Guest Alt.Loves.Ctrl

thanks for being so understanding.

i love you so much.

i hope that our relationship just keeps getting stronger.

i hope that that problem doesn't come between us again.

and i hope you don't make the same mistakes <3

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Guest *reminiscing.soul.

It's time like these I hate..

I know you're supposed to spend more time with your family, and I support you in that, beacuse it's right..

but we only see each other about 2 half days per week..

and to think, i was so hyped about seeing you tomorrow, and now.. we can't.

I'm glad though, that I told you it was okay to not go to parra tomorrow, even though i still want to...

It's stupid, but it hurts to even think about seeing you anytime soon..

I hate that I let myself get my hopes up.. just when i thought i had gotten rid of the habit..

& i hate that you don't even realise it's affecting me this much..

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Guest Miss.Understood

Are you serious? You IM me up, out of nowhere, complaining about how long we haven't talked to each other. Hm. You even "counted the months." FOUR. Oh yes. FOUR. You know, I honestly forgot all about you after the first month, but you just HAD to bring up that incident. Hell yeah, I was pissed off, but I'm over it now. It's funny how you managed to portray yourself as the effen victim. Seriously, wtf are you trying to say? That I purposely ignored you? Didn't you do that to me? I don't have a right to do crap in this world, but you do? 'Cause you have an "excuse?" BS. Oh and now you APOLOGIZE...four months later? Haha. Great. Hm, I wonder, are you jealous 'cause I started talking to your brother? Well, keep counting 'cause I don't ever plan on talking to you again. I think I've made it pretty clear that I've obviously moved on. Feel sorry, angry, guilty all you want. Idgaf.

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Guest EHNerJI

i swear, if you cancel on me, i'm never talking to you again.

this is imporant. reply sooner please @.@ omg.

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Guest YUNMii.

You say it hurts when I bring up the past, but honestly,

Do you really expect me to forget all about it and that the pain would all be gone,

When you hurt me more than anyone ever could?

It's like you're using guilt against me so I could shut up and stop bothering you.

You want me to keep it all inside?

Fine. I can do that. I guess I can't just share everything with you anymore.

You can't blame me for questioning such a painful past,

One where you got mad at me for wanting us to be together, then blamed me for everything you did,

Blamed me for "misunderstanding" when you lead me on and broke my heart three times.

That you actually made ME think that I was actually at fault.

... What?

I shouldn't be sorry.

You don't understand. At all.

Have you ever been heartbroken as badly as I was? No. So don't judge.

And don't try and make me feel guilty for bringing up the past.

You're right, I do have all the rights to.

You have no idea how badly you hurt me. And you never will

But now that you made me feel guilty enough, I have to bottle it all up inside.

I don't want to upset you. I don't want to ruin our summer. So I can't say a thing.

You're hurting me even more.

I love you, though.

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Guest april_showers

Why did you come over last night out of the blue?

I'm glad, it's was first time we've talked one on one about our personal lives.

I realize you're not two-faced at all. You have the flaws of every human being except you don't try to hide it. While sometimes you can come off as rude, insensitive and immature, I respect the level at which you embrace your personality.

My intuition says you're out to get me, but I could be mistaken. In my head are a million possibilities of what can happen between us this weekend. I've wanted to hookup with you as a one time thing, but I'm not so sure anymore. I wouldn't want you to disrespect me.

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I've never been so disappointed in my life and I never thought that it would be you to disappoint me like this.

Because of you, I'm giving up. I don't know how to handle this and I don't know how long it'll take me.

How can I look at you every week the same way I did before, knowing this?

I'm still waiting for you to tell me the truth...

Do you not feel guilty lying to a huge group of youths who look up to you?

I was one of them and now it's all gone down the drain.

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Guest laces

the other day i wished that you could fall in love with someone and be very happy with them. but then i thought what would happen if that person wasn't me, and i got very very jealous, so i had to take that wish back. sorry. :c

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I hate you! Why did you come into my life after all? And just left like that leaving me alone..

Do you know it's been 8months already but still it's as miserable as the day you left!

I really hate you, even though I know you are by someone else happy during now already.

But maybe what I hate is myself, for loving you so much, for trusting you so much and thought you was my whole life.

And I hate how you can keep smiling happily as you are doing now, but I can't!!!

I hate how upside down my life has turned since that day..

Did you know even on Christmas day I was alone in the cold winter crying for myself while other families was inside in the warm wrapping up their presents?

And I hate you for making my heart still ache so much!!

Really I can't tell how much I hate you to death.......

Are you happy?

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Are you happy up there? I hope you are. I'm fine, I'm not crying anymore. I accept the ending to your story. Why? Because I truly believe there's no such thing as a happy ending. Everyone will be gone one day, and death isn't a happy thing so of course there's no happy ending. It's the moment you're born into the world, that's happiness, and it's the seconds you are able to live a life and breathe air, that's where the happiness are. I miss you, everyone does. Enlighten everyone's heart, and most especially watch over everyone. (:


At one point, I thought I was only trying to convince myself that I didn't like you. Throughout these years, I found out the truth. I don't like you, I only thought I did. Just yesterday, I realized that I never liked you. I just like the fact you were able to keep me company and make me laugh. Seriously, you have a girlfriend and using all those pick-up lines on me. I'm sorry to say that those don't work on me. I'm sorry to say I'm not like some girls. You know I'm different and you should know that I don't like guys who try too hard. Just so you know, I don't like you. Keep that in mind, I only want to be friends. If you keep trying too hard, it's just going to break the relationship we have with each other. My patience is wearing off from you.

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Guest cambochinkanese

Thank you for believing in me.

All of you.

I love you guys to death.

I haven't been this proud or happy in a long time.

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Guest xxpiinkified

wow. will you please grow the fck up?

i've never seen someone so immature. and how old are you, may i ask?

you're twenty fcking years old. please act your age.

i'm not interested.

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Guest bonitagirlx

life can be so simple and yet i make it so hard!

i can't control my mind and heart and it just kills me more and more each day.

i want to be loved, and i dont want to be one of those horrible lonely people who dont have anything.

what do i do? i don't want to fight and i want to be friends, but why do these things happen?

i overthink situations and im way too overdramatic. can't life just be more simple?

i just want a change. but i keep falling back into my old styles.


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Guest krngirl26

i just don't know.

you or you?

once school starts again it'll probably be you? or maybe you.

gosh i'm so bad at this...

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*scoffs* So what if they're dating, why do you have to worry? It's not your business in the first place.

Just because he drives that makes him the bad guy, right :rolleyes:

It doesn't mean he tricked her into falling for him just because she likes him *sighs*

Now you're gonna tell on her, she probably knows already.

It's so stupid, this is the 21st century mom! It's not a freaking big deal anymore.

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