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Lee Da Hae 이다해 李多海 イ・ダヘ ❤


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@ELY_397 I didn't read comments on Weibo so good to know about those :) 

@Tey Ling Not sure why you can't view the full Ep 2 (also Ep 3 is now available for all). But check the spoiler in case there is no otherway.


I saw some YT videos for the 1st 6 episodes (you can search with the drama Chinese or English name) but it is not full screen and not very good quality.


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@apqaria Yups hope agency are not speaking for saying purpose and talking fact.But the article i translated and read it didn't say that she is looking into work right now.The article mentioned how DH was continuously working on one after other project and was busy.Let it be lets wait and watch.

When the drama is slow people complain and when its not draggy and fast even then they complain.I agree abt dubbing part thou.

If DH and zhoumi looked ugly together then where was those comment one year back when the full publicity of drama was going on with lots of picture of them together.I don't know whose fans are those who pass such comments.For me they are good better then over hyped star couple.And this is not first time i am watching zhoumi acting.It my second time.DH has not played actress role before and abt showing emotion are they watching same show as me.The episode are funny and things are little witty between lead how do u expect emotions in such scenes the emotions scenes are soon going to come after ep 8 where second lead is going to be little nasty i guess.

Right now nothing new is there to make many kdrama are making remake of kdrama again.Look 1% of anything.The no of dramas is increased with even web drama coming that everything seem repeated.

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@Annya They didn't specify anything for sure but this is the points I referred to in what was mentioned from JS Pictures presenter in that report. But yah, lets wait and see.

"이다해가 현재 국내 복귀를 위해 여러 작품을 논의 중인 상황"

"Lee Da-hae is currently discussing several works to return to Korea" 

"작품은 확정하지 못했다. 미팅은 계속하고 있는 상태"

"The work is not confirmed. Meeting is in progress"

"복귀시기가 언제일지는 정확히 말씀 드리지 못하겠으나 곧 국내에서 인사드릴 것"

"I can not tell you exactly when it will return, but she will be greeting you soon in Korea"

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Ah, I guess we have been very busy with BL that I just remembered that tomorrow we should see her Cameo in LTAM 2. The 1st and 2nd episodes of the drama should air tomorrow at 10:00 PM China time. So, I guess we will have double dose of Dahae tomorrow :D 

Also good to see BL page on Nate is updated although Naver have a page too but it is not updated and they didn't link it to our girl's profile there!!

http://search.daum.net/nate?q=최고의 커플&w=tot&tvkey=74868&rtmaxcoll=TVP 

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Download the youku HD app, and was able to watch both ep 2 & 3. Drama so far so good, a light comedy, Dahae's clothings in drama thus far chic. Do notice that advertisements airing in drama getting longer, it is about 1 minute before each episode and 30 sec in between, guess drama gaining more viewing hence the sponsor advertisements. :):phew:

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@ELY_397 Oh, dear. Recaps aren't easy to do and you also do translation to English so it surely takes a lot of time. But thanks a lot for your effort to make us understand the drama better :wub:

Our girl updated her Weibo again today and she is quite happy with the views numbers. As she said, even if it many not be the same for China but for Korean actor/actress it is a big number :wub:

最佳情侣 04 开播不到两天就突破了3000万的访问量。 对于韩国演员来说很多,我不知道在中国这个数字算不算ee9098.pngee9098.png 

Best couple 04 premiere broke through 30 million visits in less than two days . For south Korean actor is very much, I don't know this number is not in China ee9098.pngee9098.png 

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@apqaria hope the recaps are helpful. I tried to translate the whole dialogue in ep1 using the Dragon dictation app but it took even longer...if I dictate and watch the subs simultaneously the end result is a very literal translation which might sound odd in English and worse some things might get lost in translation. The best way to do this is if I have the whole dialogue given to me in Chinese then I can do a proper translation (unlikely this will be available though unless we have access to the scripts...) will PD give it to us I wonder?

the latest count is over 40 million, this is a big number for Korean projects in Korea granted the entire population in SK is only 50 million. Scarlet Heart Ryeo had over 2 billion views for 20 episodes so if the momentum continues (10 million views per episode) we should reach 150-200 million by the end of the run.

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@ELY_397 Dear ely translating without typing lol then u need audio translator, it doesn't need typing.Just kidding.I know its tire some job,since i have done that so i know.Ely your recaps are really helpful it makes us easy to understand story and what going in scenes too.U need script from PD,but it will be in korean language even then also u will have issue :P  Ur translation is good may be ur are doing it for first time thats why u must be feeling little old.I am sure all the other translator also literally translate what they are speaking dialogue wise.I can understand ur translation dear. 

OMG our DH drama can break the record.Hope its does.I feel it can break 2 billion record for sure.

Wow Dh is finally speaking even her own drama record made her speak.

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OK, excuse me for this angry post but I am boiling now because I just can't believe they still didn't air Dahae's cameo in LTAM 2!!!!

I watched that disco scene in EP 1 which she was supposed to appear in and I am not sure if they used shots of her legs and running out in that scene and they cut her dialogue and other parts or they did film it again with another actress (of course the first case would be more ridiculous and would make me more angry)

What should I say, either Hunan TV changed their mind again about airing it and telling her agency about it (so they got free promotion reports about the drama even in Korea without a single reason) or JS actually didn't get their facts right before releasing the news or they just released it to embarrass Hunan TV and show how they actually treated Dahae or may be can make them show the cameo when they see that a news about it came out (which if was their intention it didn't work) and at the same time use the news for some propaganda for Dahae.

In all case I am just mad and need some time to calm!!! Good thing that I have BL to make me busy or this would be more disappointing :angry:

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Calm down dear the drama came out and u watch it also.They edited it stupid people then why false news to agency.Don't know what they are doing,everyone has already saw DH picture in that scene why delete it or edit it.

Here is big picture of DH in yellow dress.



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LTAM2 what a major let down!!! Either they removed it at the last minute or her agency got the wrong intel. My guess is the former. I hope DH is not affected by it. :tears:

Been watching the Jin Xing show and she was having a go at the young and rising actors in the industry. Very very interesting inside information. She said most of these guys have a frozen face and only know how to look good. One asked pd for more scenes then later requested to delete scenes because he wanted to start a new project, even tore up the script and told pd that no dialogue is needed for quarrel scene, an angry look will do, didn't think twice about deleting other co-stars lines....another co-star had to act with a subsitute for all his scenes because the male lead's schedule does not match his. Then got a call from pd a month later asking him if the subsitute was sitting or standing in one of the scenes. So the portryal of Hwan Young in BC is totally realistic. Lol

i hope what her agency said about her having a comeback in Korea is true. YEH agency said the same thing. Hope it is not just media play.

Edit: Jin Xing got criticised for her being unprofessional. Prime suspects include a familiar name who has acted with Dahae before. 

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@ELY_397 I knew from fans she felt so bad when she was told it would be cut when the whole THAAD news came out. So, if they after that told her it will air and then they eventually didn't anyone would get mad!! >.<

I saw JX name few times in top Weibo but I didn't get the whole story behind the news so thanks for telling about this. I think the problem with such inside information is that when you don't specify who you are talking about, some innocent names may get harmed by it (netizens start their guess game and through names) specially coming from such popular host in a popular show like her.

But Ent. industry is full of such stories every where and I read before few years ago Mr.X did mention about the bad attitude of a well known female actress although she is not from the younger generation (that star is actually having a drama airing in Korea right now ;) )

Anyway back to our girl, I saw those pictures on IG from one of BL sponsors ^^

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Despite this news which I wonder if it really true and take effect?! specially with our girl's other drama MGMM didn't air yet


But JS is surely following up closely on the increase of online viewers for BL. They released reports again today about the drama breaking 100 million viewers for the first week and rating of 9.5


(사진 = 제이에스픽쳐스) 이다해_최고의커플1억뷰(161121)

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I don't know how true this is though...there have never been official reports in China. BC is the only drama with Korean content airing on Youku right now. The future is unclear for MGMM. Will Jin Xing be able to save the show from being shelved...I hope so. Well, we will know the answer come next Monday.

Some fans are worried about Mama. True, HK is part of China but it is a Special Administrative Zone with their own laws and jurisdictions. Of course, China is still the big Daddy at the end of the day, but unless it is something that borders on national security, China pretty much leaves HK alone on a day to day basis. Look at Viu HK for example. That channel is filled with Korean content. Park Bo Gum is coming to HK in December for a large fan meet. HK may not be as politically sensitive as Mainland China on foreign affairs, but it is a tiny market compared to the rest of China. 

Let's keep our fingers crossed for BC and MGMM!

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