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Who Here Doesn't Wear Makeup?

Guest pikapika

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Guest theblacksheep

dont wear any makeup

but i think i'd look better with makeup since my skin is ew -.-

lol lol lol. I have eeky skin too & usually only wear makeup on special occasions.

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Guest Chokzy1430274957

I used to wear makeup every single dat before, but now I don't do it that much anymore... Only when I'm going out with my friends ^__^

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Guest chiffonpuff

i don't use make up... but im planning to start using it everyday >>

coz at uni, people judge me like some underaged girl due to my height (i'm pretty short... 157 cm?) and what some people call baby face ><. apparently with make up, i look more like my age... hmmmmm..

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Guest maybeitsjustu

i dont use makeup often

though i do use some for special occasions

if i do, i'd often use pencil eyeliner and that'd be it.

i really dont get why little preteen girls cake it.

too much makeup is a no-no...especially at a young age.

doesnt it age your skin or something?

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SIGH~~ I don't wear makeup AT ALL....but that's not because I don't want to~~~

I just have no idea about putting on makeup...brands to buy... and such~~~ :P

If I knew I would...I mean, who doesn't want to look a little prettier?

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Guest evz88

i use to wear concealer, foundation or bb cream, powder and eyebrow pencil whenever i went out but then i got lazy and stopped wearing any makeup to uni however then my skin suddenly got really bad so now its both im too lazy to and don't want to aggrevate my pimples. i still put on face makeup when i hang out with friends or go on dates with my bf though, just to look a bit more well put together.

on the other hand, i hardly ever put on eye makeup to go out because it just doesn't seem to enhance my eyes like it does for other people >< i have hooded eyelids so it makes it look like i have monolids and whenever i look at my eyes with makeup up close in a mirror it just looks unnatural and messy (even if i only have eyeliner on) which makes me uncomfortable and want to take it off.. i guess eye makeup looks best from far away or in photos.

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Guest HikariLight

and everytime i go to members411 i see all these pictures of girls but i never see a girl without makeup unless its like a special "no makeup tada!" picture

so i was wondering if there were any other more natural girls (or guys XD) out there

so am i just way out of it?

Well, usually, girls would like to tadaa people with a good picture for a good impression, so they may dressup, ergo pamper themselves with some makeup.

As for me, I don't wear much makeup. Occasionally I wear black eyeliner when I go to church, but the last time I remember putting on heavy makeup (foundation, two types of eyeliner) was at my eighth grade dance. So yeah, too young for obsessive powdering and junk. I HATE lipgloss, so i wear chapstick. And my skin is a home to tiny pimples, but I just think I'm too young for glamorous painted skin everyday, since makeup is basically used for painting over your flaws, my opinion.

Well, that's that.

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Guest sailorstars

I only use mascara, eyeliner[hardly] and neutral eyeshadow colour~I would like to try out different stuff though but too scared aha D;

and im always late for school and never get the time so only end up wearing them in parties and special occasions. ;w;

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Guest krystaliu

Never wear it :)

Unless it's for a performance when my mom feels the need to highlight my eyes... with mascara, or lip gloss, but that's the extent. ._.

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Guest hellokatie1618

on a daily basis going to class, I'm WAAAYY too tired to wear makeup. I don't feel pretty, but I don't feel ugly. Makeup is a hobby of mine, so I'll put some on if I go out, or once I'm done with class, because it cuts down on my stress.

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Guest xanthep

I have a makeup bag but it doesn't have any foundation/concealer. So basically yeah on a day to day basis, I go out letting people see all the scars and acne on my face but that's fine~ I'd rather let them see everything than cover up and have people say I'm ugly without it.

I actually don't even use the other stuff in the bag. It's too much work and I already take long enough as it is just putting on my clothes and doing my hair (I just comb and dry it okay... I'm just super slow omg). I only have that stuff because of prom and my makeup was pretty much a disaster that night, since my mom doesn't believe in makeup and doesn't know how to use anything but lipstick and foundation. I had to figure out the mascara and eyeliner on my own. ~_~

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Guest apatheticskittle

yeah I don't wear makeup on a daily basis... too lazy lol >< if i do decide to wear makeup, like going out to dinner w/ friends or a day trip to NYC, i'll just wear eyeliner and mascara (top lids only). face makeup gets too messy for me and i don't like the feeling of it on my face. i have sensitive skin anyway so i don't bother with testing out different face products. i'm just too lazy to get up earlier in the morning or make that extra effort and wash my makeup off at the end of the day lol

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Guest edie monster

What do you consider very little?

I wear mascara and eyeliner..and thats it pretty much. I would wear more but i suck big time at applying makeup :(

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