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Who Here Can't Swim Well?

Guest 영원한 사랑

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Guest tuttyfruit

how embarrasing. i do not know how to swim at all..

last year in p.e. we had aquatics for like a quarter... but i didnt know how to swim so i barely went inside the pool. but everyone was like to me 'are you for real?'..

i did have swimming classes when i was little but never actually got to learn how to swim...

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Guest halcyondays

i cant even float....

took swimming back in hs pe for freshman and senior for a coupla months total

lets just say i try to stay away from open water :unsure:

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Guest mr. lovely

I can't float =\

So when I'm in the deep end, I have to keep swimming from one side to the other.


I can't right a bike though, which is worse.

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Guest Classic Example

I'm pretty good at swimming. My mom sent me to this really mean swimming place where they literally take away your floaty boards and just tell you to jump in the water when you have no idea what's gonna happen :tears: My mom says I got my swimming genes from my dad but who knows -_-

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Guest justaddclouds

I'm a doggy paddle master.

haha that made me laugh

i can swim ok but only under water haha

and i love jumping into deep water and i can swim my way up

but thats about all i can do =P

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Guest yoojini

*raises hand* MEEE! :(

I can do basic ones only.

For example, front crawl a little

and doggy paddle. *runs*


roflmao. same here.-_-

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how embarrasing. i do not know how to swim at all..

last year in p.e. we had aquatics for like a quarter... but i didnt know how to swim so i barely went inside the pool. but everyone was like to me 'are you for real?'..

i did have swimming classes when i was little but never actually got to learn how to swim...

I feel your pain. In fourth grade we did Water Safety and they still made me do it even though I didn't know how to swim. We did an exercise in the deep end one day, and I was busy clinging to the ledge, with a life jacket on. They told me that nothing would happen to me and encouraged me to let go of the ledge. Well, I ended up floating towards the middle and couldn't get back to the side to get out. They kept telling me to swim my way out of it, so I started to flail my arms and legs...but I didn't get anywhere, lol. They had to fish me out with a pole. Apparently the instructors thought that I could at least doggy paddle. Nope.

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well since im born and raised in australia

you got to know how to swim.

we are known for our swimming and we're an island surrounded by water.

many parents over here take their child/ren to the pools and get lessons at a very young age.

you see 'toddlers' in the pool. its amazing!

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Same here, forgot how to swim after a year of not touching the pool or beach.

I remember just holding onto the pole the whole time &stayed at 5ft &below. LOL

My goal this summer is learn again. haha[: Wish me luck.

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Guest L'alice

you're better than me.you know,my parents used to hire the teacher for me to learn swimming lessons but now i still can't even float for 1 second. ToT

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Guest __현★__

i CAN'T swim !! ~.~

all i can do is to float in the water..

and swim on my back..

and i am scared of water that are really deep until my feet can't reach..

that's why i always tell my friends if they deceide to kill me one day..

they can just throw me into the water.. ^O^

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Guest xjaneee


my dad is by far the worst swimmer ever..

i had to save him from drowing..

which almost i drowned to..

well... he used to swim when he was like in 5th grade

but then his ear got infected big time from swimming so they went to a doctor and the doctor took a 10 inch long needle and stuck it in his ear like every week a couple times to get the scab or what not out... but whenever they failed they told him to come back later..

and my grandpa would give him like 100 bucks to get it done

but at the end my dad ended up lying that he could hear, but they got most of whatever they needed to get out out.

but i hear if you get your ear infected like that they still do it the same way.

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