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Guest Anri Lin

I prefer streetsmart rather than booksmart.. if that makes sense. Like I don't want a guy who's too much smarter than me since I'd feel stupid and intimidated but I don't want a guy who is like.. useless. Yknow? I focus more on how he would handle my personality, lmao.

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Guest rockerbabe

it depends actually... Yes if I like him and am attracted to him... No if he's seriously dumb and his common sense is really low...

It really depends...

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there's different types of intelligence.

so thy could be good at other things instead of the general academic intelligence ppl tend to think of.

i wouldn't mind dating someone less academically intelligent than me.

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Guest allfriedup
what do girls want?

what kind of girls do YOU want?

what do you look for in a girl?

what can you offer a girl?

What kind of girl i want... i want some one nice, cute, knows what she wants, and not self centered...

i look for... cute but and face.... ^^... and someone stable...

I can offer what i just said... in what i want...

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Guest icebreakers

Dude, don't get so worked up on girls...

Instead of finding a girl that likes you, go after a girls you like.

Start by getting to know a girl... then work your way up.

I've always been the type to make a girl my friend before asking her out. Always been easier that way.

Don't stress out over this stuff ... it will only result you making another tread about acne, caused by stress.

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Guest litoaznbabix91
Hi ladies,

I'm a girl who just posted this in the Ask the Fellas thread, but also needed lady advice as well.

I have a huge crush on this guy that I don't even know who works at the grocery store I frequent. I'm not looking for a serious, serious relationship since I'm going to college in a couple of weeks, but would like to have a fun little summer fling before I go.

So, what's something I can do to initiate a conversation and be flirtatious? I'm really, really bad at flirting ><

The only thing I've ever spoken to him about was asking if they carried strawberries T_________T

Uhh...help? ><

Just be casual go up introduce yourself and start a convo. Don’t think too much and talk as if he just another guy. Ah if you want to do flings it's cool just be careful and don't get too attach. You might end up getting hurt.

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Guest JunsuLove

Less intelligent, meaning? It's more about his personality.

It really doesn't matter if he's smart or not.

As long as he's got some common sense.. lol

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Guest Joanne <3

Yes, as long as he is literate and can hold a proper conversation without bull crapping what he's saying. Like others have mentioned, there are different kinds of smart so it really depends, but generally I think I wouldn't mind. :)

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Guest hobobear

i thought all boys are dumb xP jk. but umm i find guys who are more intelligent than me, more attractive. i don't want a brain dead guy. plus, if i ever needed help on hw, he could help me! and hopefully all the guys in university are smart! or atleast smarter than me.

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Guest onesmartcookie

as long as he has an ounce of street smarts... it will be fine with me.

i hope "less intelligent" doesn't mean dumb as a rock. AHHA!

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Guest cheerydumdum

depends on how stupid they are. i wouldn't mind if they can at least grasp most of the things i say without having to say "huh? wuts that mean?" because that can get reaaaaally annoying. especially wen i think that im actually being funny. -___-

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Guest PoooBear

No definitely not.

I mean I want someone I can hold an intelligent conversation with and not have to explain everything to!

Looks doesn't matter but they don't hurt =)

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Guest eastsea_sarang

^^^i agree.go after the girls YOU like.

you said you're short..being that i'm a girl, i can personally tell you that LOTS of girls like the ideal, tall kind of guy.personality lasts more than looks, but have some charisma and make up for the things you lack (as everyone should).you like a girl? go get her.confront her..BE CONFIDENT.

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