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Guest miyavaki

a.) Do you girls care if the guy has long hair?

i think its sexy XD

b.) How long is too long?

at the butt butt

c.) Do guys worry about the reprecussions of having long hair?

i dont know.....

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Guest joongieforeva

long hair is ok but not too long

i actually like guys with longer hait than shorter hair

slightly longer than the shoulder is ok but not way too long till the chest level

and i think not all guys suit long hair

so not everyone can keep long hair and still look good

so it depends whether they suit the hair style or not

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Guest mangchilo

I don't like long hair on guys. A little bit long-ish and shaggy is OK, but I agree with Kirei_BoA that short hair is neater and sexier. If your hair goes past your shoulders, I'd prefer it shorter, and actually shoulder length is already longer than I like unless only the back reaches the shoulders. I especially dislike the long hairstyles where guys use long bangs to cover a lot of their faces. I've seen some guys who actually looked OK with longer hair, but in the majority of cases? No. Many Kpop stars' hairstyles seriously hurt my eyes, as do some of the styles that the guys from Hong Kong and South Korea were sporting on campus this past year with longer hair.

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a.) Do you girls care if the guy has long hair? If its the person I like or my s/o, yes.

b.) How long is too long? Um. Like below the neck hair.

c.) Do guys worry about the reprecussions of having long hair? Thier choice with whatever they do with their own hair.

I tend to like guys with shorter to medium length hair.

Because it looks neat.

& also hot<3

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Guest akitorin

a.) Do you girls care if the guy has long hair?

Only if he looks good with it. Some guys just look so much better with shorter hair and visa versa. Just as long as they keep their hair neat and in good condition, it should be fine.

b.) How long is too long?

Anything past shoulder length.

c.) Do guys worry about the repercussions of having long hair?

Well, it's their prerogative.

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Guest beana*

a.) Do you girls care if the guy has long hair?

yes i actually do. i really hate long hair on guys i feel like long hair on guys make them look "dirty", leave the long locks to us girls imo

b.) How long is too long?

anything pass ear length

c.) Do guys worry about the repercussions of having long hair?

i don't think so like everyone said its their decision... i just don't like it

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Guest CutieGirl303
1) What specific thing can a guy do to make your knees weak?

2) Why do you girls overanalyze things when our (guy's) intention are sincere?

3) Why do you feel the need to be correct most of the time?

1) Go on ur knees, hold her hands, kiss it, look into her eyes, tell her u love her and mean it

(but seriousllyy i feel really bad when my bf cries when hes truly sorryy)

2) I like to think and judge my guy over their personailty and their history

3) Cuz we go out more, learn more things when guys are at home gaming LOL

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Guest babossagaji

I posted this in the Ask The Fellas Thread but I wanted opinion from the female's perspective also (I am a girl, btw)


Let's just say that John is dating Jane but he went out with Kelly before (for about a month only). The thing is Kelly and John has been friends since high school (they're two years apart) and they decided to go out because Kelly had a crush on him for two years. He was dating Kelly and things didn't work out so they broke up. They are still friends but John told Jane that Kelly is annoying but they im each other online (but Kelly is always the one who starts the convo and somtimes John just ignores her). Kelly has a boyfriend and likes that current relationship and John is also dating Jane. Now, Jane is getting annoyed that Kelly always ask about how they're doing as a couple (Jane and Kelly do not even know each other!) and so on. Jane and John both don't care about Kelly's relationship and according to Kelly-Kelly and John are still good friends. Jane asks John to not talk to Kelly about their relationship and he respects her wish.

Now, Jane goes to John's town one day to a store and wants to decide on what sandwich to buy, and Kelly works there. Jane notices her but walks past and John says hi to his ex/friend Kelly (now, Jane doesn't mind him saying hi to people he knows and he doesn't even see Kelly much anyways and it is rude to just pretend you don't see someone u know). Jane can't decide on what to buy and goes off with John. An hour later, she feels really hungry and decides to go back to buy a sandwich (this is a very small town btw). John doesn't want her to go by herself and wonders why. She asks him why and supposedly he's afraid his ex/friend might do something to Jane. Jane doesn't care so she walks back and John follows afterwards but the store is already closed. Jane asks why John is so worried over such a small thing and John thinks his ex/friend might do something to her and Jane replies that she can take care of herself (or maybe he thinks Jane might do something?).

Now, Jane is annoyed that this Kelly still IMs him. But Kelly has a bf so why does she still keep in touch with John?


One reason I came up might be cos Kelly and John live in really small town & Kelly is bored (btw, kelly is a high school student and the other two are in college) so she just chats with him.


What do you gals think about this? Doesn't Jane have the right to be mad? Should Jane be mad at the ex or just at John? Or should she be mad at both? Is the ex being fair here? What is the ex's intentions? OR ????

I don't really know how to respond to this whole scenerio.

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Guest 01nc7

a.) Do you girls care if the guy has long hair?

for me personally, (im a girl) i like medium length the best.


b.) How long is too long?

past the shoulders

but "you might as well choose the hair-style you like personally and disregard what girls "may" like, because regardless of what hair-style you choose, there are going to be a certain number of girls who gravitate towards the one, and there are going to be a certain number of girls who gravitate towards the other." --Lie


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Guest Wendyyy
I posted this in the Ask The Fellas Thread but I wanted opinion from the female's perspective also (I am a girl, btw)


Let's just say that John is dating Jane but he went out with Kelly before (for about a month only). The thing is Kelly and John has been friends since high school (they're two years apart) and they decided to go out because Kelly had a crush on him for two years. He was dating Kelly and things didn't work out so they broke up. They are still friends but John told Jane that Kelly is annoying but they im each other online (but Kelly is always the one who starts the convo and somtimes John just ignores her). Kelly has a boyfriend and likes that current relationship and John is also dating Jane. Now, Jane is getting annoyed that Kelly always ask about how they're doing as a couple (Jane and Kelly do not even know each other!) and so on. Jane and John both don't care about Kelly's relationship and according to Kelly-Kelly and John are still good friends. Jane asks John to not talk to Kelly about their relationship and he respects her wish.

Now, Jane goes to John's town one day to a store and wants to decide on what sandwich to buy, and Kelly works there. Jane notices her but walks past and John says hi to his ex/friend Kelly (now, Jane doesn't mind him saying hi to people he knows and he doesn't even see Kelly much anyways and it is rude to just pretend you don't see someone u know). Jane can't decide on what to buy and goes off with John. An hour later, she feels really hungry and decides to go back to buy a sandwich (this is a very small town btw). John doesn't want her to go by herself and wonders why. She asks him why and supposedly he's afraid his ex/friend might do something to Jane. Jane doesn't care so she walks back and John follows afterwards but the store is already closed. Jane asks why John is so worried over such a small thing and John thinks his ex/friend might do something to her and Jane replies that she can take care of herself (or maybe he thinks Jane might do something?).

Now, Jane is annoyed that this Kelly still IMs him. But Kelly has a bf so why does she still keep in touch with John?


One reason I came up might be cos Kelly and John live in really small town & Kelly is bored (btw, kelly is a high school student and the other two are in college) so she just chats with him.


What do you gals think about this? Doesn't Jane have the right to be mad? Should Jane be mad at the ex or just at John? Or should she be mad at both? Is the ex being fair here? What is the ex's intentions? OR ????

I don't really know how to respond to this whole scenerio.

I think that 'Jane' should just trust 'John'.

'Kelly' has a bf so she should be no threat to her.

But if 'John' keeps acting fishy when 'Jane' wants to get sandwiches by herself, then I think she should try to get a straight answer out of him. Like scared that 'Kelly' may do what to 'Jane'?

And the whole IM thing, maybe since they live in a small town and she doesn't have that many people on her buddy list. xD

If it bothers you THAT much, why don't you just ask 'John' to block her? Maybe because 'Kelly' had a crush on him for so long, she doesn't want their contact to stop.


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Guest Xiaoba1tu
to begin im only turning 18 this year, still young and have a lot to learn. if theres one thing i've noticed with girls that i meet is that older girls 19+ are the ones that are more attracted and interested in me than the girls younger or similar to my age. my question is, as you girls get older, do you get attracted to different things in a guy? i know this seems like a broad question, but its something i felt like asking. it seems like theres something older girls are attracted to that girls in their teens arent preferably attracted to? heh sorry if i confused you ladies, i cant seem to grasp a simpilar way of asking this =/

I don't have anything for the guys younger than me (I have a thing with maturity) but I do think that girls will be attracted to different traits in the guys they like. Say, they are really young and only go for looks, later they'll decide looks is not everything and go for personality.

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Guest beana*
I think that 'Jane' should just trust 'John'.

'Kelly' has a bf so she should be no threat to her.

But if 'John' keeps acting fishy when 'Jane' wants to get sandwiches by herself, then I think she should try to get a straight answer out of him. Like scared that 'Kelly' may do what to 'Jane'?

And the whole IM thing, maybe since they live in a small town and she doesn't have that many people on her buddy list. xD

If it bothers you THAT much, why don't you just ask 'John' to block her? Maybe because 'Kelly' had a crush on him for so long, she doesn't want their contact to stop.


well said

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Guest onino
I was JUST about to ask if there was a girl version in the guy thread. I'll ask a really vague question that really depends on the person, Ladies, what personality traits do you look for in a guy?

i like when a guy gets along with everybody!...funny, respectful, and must love me no matter what!...

Got another one, what do you girls think of a guy that is good with kids?

that's just the cutest ever!...

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Guest onino
I got one for you...ok maybe more than one...but here it goes.

Exactly what do girls want in a guy?

Do looks matter most?

How would you like for a guy to ask you out?

What could a guy do to make you more likely to date him?

If you got into a relationship with a guy what is a must in the relationship in order to prevent it from falling apart?

What is it that attracts you to a guy?

1: to be there for her when she needs it!

2: nope!

3: say it face to face, and not on the phone!

4: be nice with everyone...

5: understand each other!...

6: personality...

1) What specific thing can a guy do to make your knees weak?

2) Why do you girls overanalyze things when our (guy's) intention are sincere?

3) Why do you feel the need to be correct most of the time?

1) carry a baby!...

2) i don't..

3) why not...?

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Guest ♥P U R E D O L L

a.) Do you girls care if the guy has long hair?

YUP ! longish hair on asian guys are soo fly ~

but i think it varies for other races :sweatingbullets:

b.) How long is too long?

anything that goes beyond the neck hair is EEEEK !

c.) Do guys worry about the repercussions of having long hair?

doesnt matter

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Guest ShadowMax76

do you fight your urge to change a guy for the better? or just do it, because it'll mean he'll grow into a better guy all round?

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do you fight your urge to change a guy for the better? or just do it, because it'll mean he'll grow into a better guy all round?

I think fighting is usually a misunderstanding ^^; If a girl wants to change her boyfriend, it is usually so that the relationship work out. I hope the boy truly loves her or she’ll just be too demmanding... :s

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Guest junkers
a.) Do you girls care if the guy has long hair?

YUP ! longish hair on asian guys are soo fly ~

but i think it varies for other races :sweatingbullets:

b.) How long is too long?

anything that goes beyond the neck hair is EEEEK !

c.) Do guys worry about the repercussions of having long hair?

doesnt matter

i dont quite understand the "anything that goes beyond the neck hair". cuz my hair is at neck lenth. its medium-long. do you mind posting some pics

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Ok ladies, please enlighten me.

1. If I tell you you're cute, how do you react? [you don't know if i'm interested in you or not, but likely the latter]

2. Do you mind if a guy likes to fight(mma, boxing, kick boxing, etc.)?

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