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Guest AngelsTrumpet444

Also, what is the cleanest way to reject a girl

"I'm actually gay, sorry" happy.gif

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Guest AngelsTrumpet444


If it's not true, don't use that line. It's pretty insulting.

Yeah, that was a joke dude.

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Guest xphant0mwing

Hey ladies,

So 3 weeks ago, i went to a church to play volleyball for them.. and then... i met this one chick there...from the moment that we met we've been talking continuously nonstop. er almost. but you get what i mean.. i hope. and like the thing is.. in these 3 weeks.. she asked me to do so many different things with her.. its sorta weird.. not really idk... but sorta.. like i wouldnt expect a girl to ask to do all these things.. For example... she asked me for my number.. which i dont really see or hear about any girls that do that.. heres how that went down. " hey can i .... (looking at her own phone)" and i was like "haha you want my number?" " haha yes please... (somethinglike that) honestly, if she didnt look at her phone and ask about it. i probably wouldnt have thought about giving her my number..

next scenario.. we talk about different things to do around our city. she lives 30 minutes away from me. haha. the next thing we know, we're talking about going to disneyland, six flag, introducing both our cities to each other. (as in stuff we like to do on a regular basis or what we do with our friends) oh yea, she even asked me to go with her to a overnight sauna.. with just us two.. i guess thats really weird.. esp since we've known each other for less than a month. and then.. we start talking about other things like hobbies.. and then one thing led to another.. she wants to go shopping with me.. which okay, i guess is okay.. but then the thing is.. its not shopping for her clothes.. its for my clothes. lawl, i guess theres smething wrong with the way i dress. HAHA anyhow.. we're going next friday.. so i got some time to decide if i want to go or not.. i think .

anyhow... my questions are.

Is this normal for a girl to do? and im guessing no.. but then if a girl does that.. what does it mean?

i know it might seem obvious to some people.. but im trying to be cautious. dont wanna get burned.

Im scared of getting played. i know weak huh? haha but how can you tell if a girls just playing with you?

I actually have my own thought about it.. but i just wanna see what the community thinks before i base it off anything.

i will continue to post updates. but in the mean time. Answer please :D thank you guys alot.

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i always wondered about the psychology of staring. for example, let's say a guy and girl stare at each other for a couple of seconds (i.e. 2-3 seconds). the guy is the first one to break contact (i.e. looks down, up, or to the side).

what does this tell the girl about the guy?

is he indifferent? shy? insecure? nothing? __________?

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Guest Andreas1

i always wondered about the psychology of staring. for example, let's say a guy and girl stare at each other for a couple of seconds (i.e. 2-3 seconds). the guy is the first one to break contact (i.e. looks down, up, or to the side).

what does this tell the girl about the guy?

is he indifferent? shy? insecure? nothing? __________?

I'm not a chick so please excuse the intrusion here, but from a guys point of view this might shed some light on what we are doing most likely in a few different scenarios..

Could be a number of things.. when I'm just people watching/scoping out teh ladies heh, and I catch the eye of a girl I am totally not interested in as far as looks go,I avert my eyes as fast as possible so as not to give the wrong impression.. maybe that's more like 1 second 2 at most I guess. If I lock eyes with a cute girl I try to hold it for a little.. maybe raise my eyebrows slightly, that often gets a smile but if it doesn't I just look away and maybe check back in a couple secs with a glance. If a guy just looks at you while your looking at him but doesn't give any sign of life then he's probably indifferent or just spacing out tbh. If he looks at you like he would like to do something about it but turns away first without any smile/nod/eyebrow raise/wave/etc.. then he's prob just shy/insecure/or taken.

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Hey ladies,

So 3 weeks ago, i went to a church to play volleyball for them.. and then... i met this one chick there...from the moment that we met we've been talking continuously nonstop. er almost. but you get what i mean.. i hope. and like the thing is.. in these 3 weeks.. she asked me to do so many different things with her.. its sorta weird.. not really idk... but sorta.. like i wouldnt expect a girl to ask to do all these things.. For example... she asked me for my number.. which i dont really see or hear about any girls that do that.. heres how that went down. " hey can i .... (looking at her own phone)" and i was like "haha you want my number?" " haha yes please... (somethinglike that) honestly, if she didnt look at her phone and ask about it. i probably wouldnt have thought about giving her my number..

next scenario.. we talk about different things to do around our city. she lives 30 minutes away from me. haha. the next thing we know, we're talking about going to disneyland, six flag, introducing both our cities to each other. (as in stuff we like to do on a regular basis or what we do with our friends) oh yea, she even asked me to go with her to a overnight sauna.. with just us two.. i guess thats really weird.. esp since we've known each other for less than a month.   and then.. we start talking about other things like hobbies.. and then one thing led to another.. she wants to go shopping with me.. which okay, i guess is okay.. but then the thing is.. its not shopping for her clothes.. its for my clothes. lawl, i guess theres smething wrong with the way i dress. HAHA anyhow.. we're going next friday.. so i got some time to decide if i want to go or not.. i think .

anyhow... my questions are.

Is this normal for a girl to do? and im guessing no.. but then if a girl does that.. what does it mean?

i know it might seem obvious to some people.. but im trying to be cautious. dont wanna get burned.

Im scared of getting played. i know weak huh? haha but how can you tell if a girls just playing with you?

I actually have my own thought about it.. but i just wanna see what the community thinks before i base it off anything.

i will continue to post updates. but in the mean time. Answer please :D thank you guys alot.

I, being a girl, see this as her most likely liking you. It's so cute ^_^ I'd say, not to be blunt about it, but if you like her back, ease into it~!

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Guest roar.

How do you reject somebody?

After rejecting said person, are you able to hang out with them?

Interpret however you please.

How would I reject a guy? Well, I am sure that I would say something along the lines of "Oh, aw, well I am sorry but ... I just don't feel the same way."

And yes, most likely, I would still be able to hang out with them. Unless they were really open about their feelings and got all touchy-touchy, you know? I still need my personal space. lol

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Guest Aliyosha

Ladies (particularly the asian-cultured ones),

Do the relationships portrayed in the dramas and the asian films really reflect what girls fall for (mind you, fall for doesn't mean want)?

 It makes me think that everything that happens goes against everything I've seen in real life, but then again I live in North America so I have no idea how people in Asia/people who've lived and had relationships in Asia act.

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Guest Arethuse

Hey ladies, what does it mean when you hold her/ cuddle for a long bit, and she opens up to you. But then the next few days she completely ignores you i.e. no msn/ facebook/ cellphone response at all.

I'm thinking cold feet?

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Ladies (particularly the asian-cultured ones),

Do the relationships portrayed in the dramas and the asian films really reflect what girls fall for (mind you, fall for doesn't mean want)?

 It makes me think that everything that happens goes against everything I've seen in real life, but then again I live in North America so I have no idea how people in Asia/people who've lived and had relationships in Asia act.

I haven't watched Asian dramas in a long time.  My mother watches these bad dubbing, traditional dramas and they have really cheesy stuff about true love .  Having said that, I don't know what kind of relationship they depict other than the corny true love.  Would you mind elaborating?   

Hey ladies, what does it mean when you hold her/ cuddle for a long bit, and she opens up to you. But then the next few days she completely ignores you i.e. no msn/ facebook/ cellphone response at all.

I'm thinking cold feet?

She felt vulnerable when she opened up to you and that feeling can be terrifying.  Or maybe she felt embrassed about her vulnerability and doesn't want to be reminded of it.  I know you're having a hard time contacting her right now, but I think you should assure her that you won't betray her.  She confided in you and you must maintain that trust. 

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Guest Aliyosha

^ The concept of platonic love is really strong and emphasized in most asian films. The love story is shows that thoughtfulness and caring through your actions are the way to a girl's heart... all without hugging or holding in some movies! It makes me wonder sometimes what they do after the movie. Do they start being extremely physical and emotional towards each other?! 

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Guest azn3dvietboy

whats a guy gotta do to make a girl get over her EX that she doesn't like anymore but still has feelings for him???

cuz i wanna date this girl but her past relationship is getting in my way. D=

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Guest cutemonster

she could be playing, or she might want to revisit your interest to see where it could go.

either way, the best way to find out (if you really are interested/curious), ask her out for a casual dinner or outing, or ask her to hang with old friends. then it might clarify things up.

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Guest aeviation.*

Sometimes people may just want to get over the past and move on to better things. Of course I'm giving her the benefit of the doubt here, but she may have found you to be someone who's worth reconnecting with, even if you both weren't meant to be lovers. I think it's always good to have a friend, or at least be on speaking terms, with someone who was once important in your life. That's just my two cents though. If you don't really care about what has happened in the past anymore, maybe take the chance to just catch up. Who knows, you might meet someone through her later and she can put in a good word or two for you. ;)

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Guest roar.

whats a guy gotta do to make a girl get over her EX that she doesn't like anymore but still has feelings for him???

cuz i wanna date this girl but her past relationship is getting in my way. D=

First things first: you can't change how a person feels towards you, or someone else. But. it's possible, only, it might take a lot of time.

Are you guys in the talking stage, or she's clueless that you're trying to make a move? If she's clueless, then it might be harder for you. If you guys are already "talking", then, you can jsut show her that you're a better guy in general, prove to her that you could treat her better than the ex. etc. Just don't overdo it. Be there for her. Be her best friend. The simplest things can mean a lot to a girl, really. (:


The thing is, she doesn't know that you've liked her all this time. She probably already forgot about it and just wants to be friends. Maybe she does remember the rejection part, but I doubt she thinks that you still like her. Most likely, she just wants to be friends. You know, she probably just wants to catch up with life, hopefully make a good friend out of you.

Unless she just wants to add you just for the sake of an increase of people on her friends list, but meh, I think that's not very likely.

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Guest azn3dvietboy

thanks roar lady/man!

another questions....

i've NEVER done the "i'm seeing someone phase" like me and this girl are "seeing each other".

is there like rules i should follow like...no lovely dovely stuff?? kissing, holding hands teasing etc..

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