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+tr________________{ S U M M 3 R -- S H O P P E }


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yes. i know. im a liar.

im closing this down though. XD

-making a NEW thread soon. with NEWWWW stuff.

im serious. i got a reallyyyy new style. =_______=

sorry if i didn't finish your request.

you can DEFINITLEY request at my new thread.

[i got my erased stuff back~] yay ^0^

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Guest i'kogimaruCHA



WAIT IM NOT DONE YET!` don't request yet.

........oops. did you mean don't post too? T_T


man.. i hate chu i hate chu i hate chu i hate chu. T_T T_T T_T WHY? WHY PUT THIS RESTRICTION ON ME? I'm just ranting on and on now T______T

i was REALLYYY looking forward to like, RAPING this thread too


my heart's broken </3

T_T T_T i'm soweee. i'm soweee. i'm soweee....... don't hate me ;XX (as you can tell, it's only okay if I hate, LMAOO. i kid, i kid. who can ever hate you? :blush:)

don't hate me T_T ...but uh, can i still request? o_o


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Guest xxdogluv

JUST SAVING A SPOT FOR NOW. =] will come back ltr when u finish! =P

lol ok back! =]

Requesting for: poster

title: Fahrenheit

subtitle: Arron

author: Shelly

images+names: Arron Yan- http://i139.photobucket.com/albums/q301/my...es/coupeter.jpg






*can u put this group pic somewhere on the poster, u can choose which 1 u want?* http://i62.photobucket.com/albums/h99/mich...Pictures/ff.jpg


mood: happy, mysterious, whatever fits lol

unwanted colors: hmm dirty down colors =p

etc: Komurin II


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Guest P I N K I E..W I N K I E

saved saved saved!!!

Requesting for: poster // cc

title:Door To My Heart

subtitle:Knock, Knock. Can I Enter?



Baby HanByul - "Okay...Wait...Huh?"

[x] [x] [x]

Baby Kyung Rok - "Don't worry, Kyungrokkie's here"

[x] [x]

Baby Jungroo - "Shut up and listen"

[x] [x] [x]

Baby Eun Byul - "Whatever Jungroo say is right"

[x] [x] [x]

Baby Woo Suk - "Pssh. I'm the cutest out of all of us"

[x] [x]

mood:innocent, cute, baby-ish, fun, mischievous

unwanted colors:dark icky colors >.<

etc: Komurin II

TY in ADVANCE!!!<33!!


wahh sorry i tried looking for better pics before >.<..if the pictures aren't hq enough then just reject pinkie :tears:

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Guest i'kogimaruCHA


anyways, GUESS WHAT ED? =) I love you, I love you, I love you... :wub:

... O_O


OH SHOOT. I can't request now cause I might not be able to edit within the 10 hour life spam T_T

i have to get dressed for promotion and all that crab<33



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Guest P. Meji

Oh my, pepe.RO. Your examples are hot like fireeee! xD!

Woottt, I adore your 1st CC. (: Like, seriouslyyy. Your works are so unique. xD!

So pro, man. <3 Looking forward to the results!

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Guest xLOVEyu

The first poster in your examples caught my eye,

it's different from the others. It's my favorite :]

btw your headers are adorable!

Requesting for: cc

title: The Red Door

subtitle: What happens here, stays here

author: xLOVEyu


Jung Song Wa : x x x

Choi Min Hyuk : x x x

Hwang Chan Hee : x x x

Park Eun Mi : x x x

Kim Kyung Hoon : x x x

Oh Yeol Li : x x x

mood: sad, depressing

unwanted colors: any bright colors.

etc: feel free to use your own stock pictures or whatnot. :] Komurin II

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Guest Artisticbehavior

not requesting this time.

you examples are love.

good luck with this thread!

.. oh you didn't finish my request in the other thread.


oh well. that's what I get for requesting with dbsk pictures.

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Guest shar-izzle

ed! ed! ed! ed!

you're on a roll! haha.. opening request threads all over (; i seriously love your stuff. i mean that cc you made for mwdee that was too die for! lately i haven't been liking dbsk stuff unless its on icons and banners. but dang (; you changed my mind. anyways..

I SO WANT TO REQUEST FOR A POSTER <3 i'm still thinking about it because you did already make me headers. wouldn't having me already recieved headers and now wanting to request for a poster = greedy/selfish? T_T so i'll just hold back! and my characters aren't gasoos so its tempting me EVEN MORE. but i think i can hold back.

the headers for this thread is damn cute. you're so creative.. too creative that it should be a crime! D< lol

okay okay. i've stenched this thread enough! byeeebyeeeeeee ed. can't wait to see some results!

- shar

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xdogluv your request is for a fanfic right? im just making sure. i KNOW i made a cc for you. XD

lidopinkie normally i would reject your pics. but i'll do it this once. -.-

Maria TT____________TT so sorry~ i totally forgot about your request. [i was soo busy with mwdee + spark's requests o_o] bad excuse, i know. GOMENNN~ you can request again~ (:

AKEMII~ =) a pro like YOU wouldn't want to request from a noob. -coughEdcough- XD

--i want to request from you again~ i have a new fic i want a cc for. TT___TT" hehehe :P

Shar UGHH. more gasoo's? >0< im so sick of them. i just want some NICE STOCKS to work with. hahahah D: but of course my Shar can request. ;) i LOVEEE make over madness. XD

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Guest shar-izzle

LOL! no dearest. they're not gasoos. <3 silly ed (:

you read my pathetic ff? o_o; jwer. having writer's block sucks richard simmons D< then i try and force myself to write and it turns out like craaaap! no joke.

kljslfjdwer. stop tempting me to request ed T_T i feel selfish! >P whoooooooooooooooooooosh

- shar

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Guest Artisticbehavior

nya~ ed (i can call you that right?) it's alright.


if you want to do it, you can do it. =D

Requesting for: cc

title: the girl chase

subtitle: who knew chasing for love was going to be that hard

author: artisticbehavior


Shim Changmin:

Jung MiYeon: 001.002.003

Kim JunSu:

Park HaNeul: 001.002.003

Jung YunHo:

Lee ChaeRin: 001.002.003

mood: any mood (or if you can't decide) happy/silly/random

unwanted colors: all colors are welcomed.. don't want to restrict you. =D

etc: Komurin II but remember my request is now optional. ^^

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Guest B0B0*

MEEE! It's all right I can save a spot right? '-' Well.... I'll be back soon 8)

I love your examples btw. SO PRETTY<3

I'm now a fan of your works (x


Komurin II

Requesting for: poster

title: Runaway Superstar

subtitle: You can't always run and hide.

author: B0B0*


Jin KyuRa: 01 02 03

The guy: 01 02 03

mood: Mysterious, fun, yet a bit sad lurking somewhere.

unwanted colors: I like colors(: So please no just black&white or just one color.

etc: Uhh you can click on my thread if you're a bit confused (: It's my banner in my sig. Just pick whatever two pictures you think works best(: Thanks!

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Guest rebecca_laaa

oh yay! Ed taking more requests <3 I'll be back to admire all the lovely results ^^

--> btw, I decided on DDR Max 2 :D

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Guest P I N K I E..W I N K I E

wahhh thankies soo much!! you're soo nice!! *bows 5829435u24 times*


you didn't reject...i feel soo touched >.<...

kekeke...wahh can pinkie call you ed????

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