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Guest polaris

hx23 thanks for the NGs! I LOVE watching the NGs. Especially the interaction of GY and EH.

(especially the part where GY can't take the heat when EH runs his hand down his body, then the part where they both slip and fall on the marble floor and when GY tries to grab running EH, but end up getting dragged out of his seat by her. hahaa~~...Nancy Yoo needs to investigate these clips!..)

It's just so hilarious and their chemistry is just amazing.


Also how about: "Gong International Yoohouse" ..so his full name is included in the title??

or........."Yoohouse Yoo-Nited".

just a suggestion.

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hx23 thanks for the NGs! I LOVE watching the NGs. Especially the interaction of GY and EH.



Also how about: "Gong International Yoohouse" ..so his full name is included in the title??

or........."Yoohouse Yoo-Nited".

just a suggestion.

hi everyone! Haha polaris, I too thought of Yoo-Nited as well but with Nations added seeing we are from all over the globe :P .

However, I'll go with b. Yoohouse is apparent and certainly Gong Yoo's name and the purpose - Fan Club is obvious. No need to guess and get confused as there are other stars with similar name like Yoo Gun.

Hi xblaaah! yes I finally caved in :D I hesitated initially not having anything to share and not savvy with the posting thingy but I'm learning bit by bit. So those out there, if you arel like me, come on in! If a senior like me can learn, there shouldn't be a problem for you. I'm not telling how old I am :angry: By the way, was toying with the idea of translating iluvyoo2's long chinese article but aalhl has posted the long article which is very similar even though the months differ.

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Guest pachlex

1...my fans want to know everything that has to do with me. Now there's nothing to hide.

2...I even watch movies by myself.

3...If you can really become an actor by just having a small face then right about now every place would be filled with actors. (laughter)

4...For me the evil role is one i haven't done and the one i want (**literally: yearn)

5...I personally like clean cut short hair but long hair isnt bad either. During the time i was growing it, i felt like cutting it because it was so troublesome but after cutting it in the second half of shooting i missed the long hair. [laughter]

6...The kiss scene with Lee Yeon Hee is a subject of conversation.

Because she's still young and doesn't have a lot of experience it seemed like she was really nervous. That's why the kiss scenes done with Lee Yeon Hee had several NG's.

7...In the coming year i wish that i receive the same fruit from acting as i did. Even so sometime later i feel i might have a breakdown. Its a little embarrassing but there are times when i want to throw everything out the window and run away.

So to prevent that i hope to keep the passion i have for acting that i feel now continuously.

1... Good call baby yoo... don't deprive us of Nancy Yoo resources. :P

2... gah. why..??? why????? :o i watch movies alone too...! can i watch a movie ALONE with you?

we'll be 30 seats apart in the cinema... atleast i know you're inside too. gyahahah. :P

3... :lol: :lol: :lol:

4... wow. GY would be one hot villain! but maybe just the type of villain that's still LIKEABLE.

y'know, like Ji Hoon's character in THE DEVIL... :)

5... hahah just like how a girl gets once she starts hating her hair... after cutting it, she feels all sentimental about it. :P

6... WHAT?!?!? A LOT OF NGs????? <_<

7... awww. he does feel bad... :( i'm so happy for him that he got HK's role. atleast it gave him hope... :wub:

Arg.. I'm in a bad mood. I ordered something to be overnighted but I missed the mailman in class so I have to wait until after labor day to get it :( Totally pointless now... I need to watch GY and brighten up my crummy mood

Um I looked up a random fan club committee and listed their positions and descriptions here:


WOW! you went all out xjuliephanx... very nice. B)

i don't know if i can be part of a committee in THAT sense... but...

if ever the club would need someone to make simple graphics, or write-ups,

tweaking translated articles and the such... give me a holler. i'd love to help out in that area... :wub:

hahah I wanted to make an MV with that song for GY's going away :) I see you have good taste in music ;)

hahah. GY's military service inspired me to use this as a title and basis for a story too... :P

[i actually listen to basically EVERYTHING... i'm just very particular with the lyrics and what they mean.

lyrics are more important to me than anything else in a song. :)]

I swear to God, Buddha, Allah and another other god out there, if I see a candid photo of him wearing that hat, I'm going to burst. Just explode out of my mind with giddyness *POP!*

BUWAHAHAHAHAHAHAH :lol::crazy::lol:

Global Yoohouse - first letter is G and second letter is Y, abbreviation of Gong Yoo :lol:

ooooh. ME LIKEY!!! :):wub:

- + -

aalhl, Xena, xjuliephanx and hongkong girl... thanks for your offering of support and for your encouragement. ^_^

of course the YOOgals will be the first to know about the beginning of my sappy-slap-happy fanfic. :wub:

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Guest nhetski

hello YOOgals!

glad the thread title is back :)

aalhl, i vote for b. YooHouse: Gong Yoo's International Fan Club

but i will have YOOhouse spelt YOOhouse instead of YooHouse (hehe sorry for being picky ..)

pachlex, i would love to read your fanfic :)

NancyYoo, as usual, great investigative works :)

iluvyoo2, i especially like the wedding picture :)

anything else i missed??? will be back again..

miss ya all!

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Guest xjuliephanx

I stayed up late to study and look! I finally caught you at the same time!!

1... Good call baby yoo... don't deprive us of Nancy Yoo resources. :P

2... gah. why..??? why????? :o i watch movies alone too...! can i watch a movie ALONE with you?

we'll be 30 seats apart in the cinema... atleast i know you're inside too. gyahahah. :P

Hahaha your responses always make me laugh!

WOW! you went all out xjuliephanx... very nice. B)

:) I just copied and pasted from their site lol

[i actually listen to basically EVERYTHING... i'm just very particular with the lyrics and what they mean.

lyrics are more important to me than anything else in a song. :)]

Thats EXACTLY how I am. I don't care if its country or rap as long as the lyrics make sense and have meaning. A good beat is always a plus but it's what words I'm singing along to that are most important to me.

aalhl, Xena, xjuliephanx and hongkong girl... thanks for your offering of support and for your encouragement. ^_^

of course the YOOgals will be the first to know about the beginning of my sappy-slap-happy fanfic. :wub:

Aww... I think I'm getting a little teary :tears:

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omg! those korean fans are so good at photoshop yeah?

i love that wedding pic. i really got a shock when i saw those pics. For a moment, i thought it was real! well, the other one looks a little fake. it was just too close to each other. haha. :lol:

thanks for all the goodies, iluvyoo2! (:

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Wow!!! queeninmycastle.. that's one very good thoughts you have there.. thank you very much for sharing. I can see that you can be one very good assistant.. ;)

and the likes knows how to MULTITASK.Everything and anything will flow through ( not to worry about news,tid-bits,forums etc.) everybody will take turn in contributing to that.
With many YooGals lend a helping hand, I'm sure everything and anything will flow through. .just like what we are doing now in this house.

2nd: MONEY? Physical fan clubs are costly but as for our case, I think we still can start without having to worry about money matters yet. let us concentrate on building our HOUsE first using our CREATIVITY and TALENT.plus using FREE WEBSITE to host it.
Yes.. very well said here.. We can start without worrying about money.. The only thing that needs money perhaps is to get a domain name. But again it's not really neccessary.. We can just start with whatever we can get. Do you or any YooGals out there who know who provides the best FREE Website service? If we are to get a web hosting service then we will not need Yahoo Groups anymore.. Which one YooGals feels better? If we go for web hosting I need someone to help in finding a good free web hosting site. and I know that there are quite a lot of YooGals here who are very good artwork, but is there anyone good in web page design?

3rd ON MAKING IT OFFICIAL OR UNOFFICIAL? It would be difficult at first to make this HOUSE official because we still have to check with SIDUS HQ about this.BUT it would be GOOD to just go ahead with this plan { HOUSE is taking a BIG leap...not just RENNOVATION but also RISKING house occupants :P }THis house is BUILT to RECOGNIZE fans GLOBALLY who wants to show some LOVE and SUPPORT to Gong Yoo.
I don't think we can go official at the moment.. we just need to get something up. When we are ready, we still start to communicate with Yoo&I and SidusHQ and see if they can help us with it.. problem is during that time GY maybe at MS already and I'm not sure if his contract with Sidus is still valid and will they still handle his queries..


1. site OWNER/LEADER/PRESIDENT= one that will sign-up to making the site

2. MODERATORS= one that can monitor and update the site.

3. RESEARCHERS= anybody can contribute to this.

since this is just a website base fan club we can just POST MEssage on the board if we have any concerns.

so.. how do we pick/choose who to be i charge of what? not to forget we may need webmasters, graphics designers, programmers (??)

lastly, i hope GY will remember that even though his acting career will be inactive for awhile, this site will remind him that he still have YOOHouse to return to.

phew multitasking is fun :lol:

YAY!! We will make sure that Gong Yoo will NOT be lonely during his inactivity.. We will always be here for him, with him... The only thing he must make sure is comeback to us safe and sound.. :)

ha.ha. you should do more multitasking then queeninmycastle.. :lol: I think I'm doing too much multitasking already that I'm going :wacko: :wacko: :wacko:;) Will you be my assistant? :D

Thank you hx23 and noyna for the NGs link... Oh my... looks like Gong Yoo had a bad fall there.. Hope he's ok... I was heart-broken when I see him grab his thigh.. must be painful... :tears: and I see YEH was trying go back to him when she saw him fall, and in end she fell as well.. what a "Falling Couple"... :lol: Oh ya.. and not to mention GY bumps on to the glass door at the Barista Academy because YEH couldn't "brake" in time.. :lol:

I vote for B!! I'm getting really excited.. I hope everything works out and we get what we want..

I'd be willing to help with this project, or give donations if its needed.. just let me know

Thank you in advance for your kindness xblaaah.. :) I hope our plans will work out too.. Thank you to all YooGals who offered help, and for those who can't help, don't worry, we know you are supporting us, right? :D

Also thank you all for your time to help us choose the name for our little Yoohouse club... You can always go to the second post in page 332 (or click on the International Fan Club link on my siggy) to get last up date on our club project.. The number of votes are also listed there together with the updated list of names. I'll try my best to update it..

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Guest huongface


Thank your translating the article. I enjoyed reading. I will definitely be supporting the fan club even though I probably won't be able to help much. good luck setting it up ;)

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Guest pachlex

pachlex, i would love to read your fanfic :)

NancyYoo, as usual, great investigative works :)

thanks! :D:wub:

about the nancy yoo thing... i have nothing to mess around with lately...

and it's driving me NUCKIN' FUTS! :crazy:

I stayed up late to study and look! I finally caught you at the same time!!

hahahah after ten years [that's a slang expression in the Philippines for when you want to say "A LONG LONG TIME" :P],

we finally caught up with each other!!! missed you around the thread xjuliephanx... :)

Hahaha your responses always make me laugh!

i personally don't find myself to be funny... but hey, glad to be a punchline once in a while. hahah :lol:

Aww... I think I'm getting a little teary :tears:

wah! why??? :(

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Guest Adam Brody


Yes.. very well said here.. We can start without worrying about money.. The only thing that needs money perhaps is to get a domain name. But again it's not really neccessary.. We can just start with whatever we can get. Do you or any YooGals out there who know who provides the best FREE Website service? If we are to get a web hosting service then we will not need Yahoo Groups anymore.. Which one YooGals feels better? If we go for web hosting I need someone to help in finding a good free web hosting site. and I know that there are quite a lot of YooGals here who are very good artwork, but is there anyone good in web page design?

I don't think we can go official at the moment.. we just need to get something up. When we are ready, we still start to communicate with Yoo&I and SidusHQ and see if they can help us with it.. problem is during that time GY maybe at MS already and I'm not sure if his contract with Sidus is still valid and will they still handle his queries..

so.. how do we pick/choose who to be i charge of what? not to forget we may need webmasters, graphics designers, programmers (??)

i can help with some graphics. :lol:

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Guest xjuliephanx

hahahah after ten years [that's a slang expression in the Philippines for when you want to say "A LONG LONG TIME" :P],

we finally caught up with each other!!! missed you around the thread xjuliephanx... :)

And I missed this thread as well. I find myself at 3am Sunday morning trying to catch up on the reading I've missed. haha.

wah! why??? :(

No! It's not a bad thing. It just felt like a sentimental moment when you were thanking everyone for your support. I was just getting emotional thats all :) You know, practicing being sensitive for our baby Yoo :P

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Guest queeninmycastle

Wow!!! queeninmycastle.. that's one very good thoughts you have there.. thank you very much for sharing. I can see that you can be one very good assistant.. ;)

With many YooGals lend a helping hand, I'm sure everything and anything will flow through. .just like what we are doing now in this house.

Yes.. very well said here.. We can start without worrying about money.. The only thing that needs money perhaps is to get a domain name. But again it's not really neccessary.. We can just start with whatever we can get. Do you or any YooGals out there who know who provides the best FREE Website service? If we are to get a web hosting service then we will not need Yahoo Groups anymore.. Which one YooGals feels better? If we go for web hosting I need someone to help in finding a good free web hosting site. and I know that there are quite a lot of YooGals here who are very good artwork, but is there anyone good in web page design?

I don't think we can go official at the moment.. we just need to get something up. When we are ready, we still start to communicate with Yoo&I and SidusHQ and see if they can help us with it.. problem is during that time GY maybe at MS already and I'm not sure if his contract with Sidus is still valid and will they still handle his queries..

so.. how do we pick/choose who to be i charge of what? not to forget we may need webmasters, graphics designers, programmers (??)

YAY!! We will make sure that Gong Yoo will NOT be lonely during his inactivity.. We will always be here for him, with him... The only thing he must make sure is comeback to us safe and sound.. :)

ha.ha. you should do more multitasking then queeninmycastle.. :lol: I think I'm doing too much multitasking already that I'm going :wacko: :wacko: :wacko:;) Will you be my assistant? :D

Thank you hx23 and noyna for the NGs link... Oh my... looks like Gong Yoo had a bad fall there.. Hope he's ok... I was heart-broken when I see him grab his thigh.. must be painful... :tears: and I see YEH was trying go back to him when she saw him fall, and in end she fell as well.. what a "Falling Couple"... :lol: Oh ya.. and not to mention GY bumps on to the glass door at the Barista Academy because YEH couldn't "brake" in time.. :lol:

Thank you in advance for your kindness xblaaah.. :) I hope our plans will work out too.. Thank you to all YooGals who offered help, and for those who can't help, don't worry, we know you are supporting us, right? :D

i dont know which part would you want me to assist you but i would LOVE to :D .

calling all YOOhouse IT out there we need some help with this.

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Guest pachlex

***and I know that there are quite a lot of YooGals here who are very good artwork, but is there anyone good in web page design?

***how do we pick/choose who to be i charge of what? not to forget we may need webmasters, graphics designers, programmers (??)

i've designed webbies before... i usually do 'em in flash or in dreamweaver or a mixture of both.

i'm a little iffy about trying to design a GY fan site though.

coz if it ends up being sucky for people, i might start banging my head from disappointment. :tears::P:crazy:

...of course we can always find out who can do what by voting and submission. just like we always do. ^_^

No! It's not a bad thing. It just felt like a sentimental moment when you were thanking everyone for your support. I was just getting emotional thats all :) You know, practicing being sensitive for our baby Yoo :P

oh... yeah. eheh. heh. :P did i sound that touched to be supported? [well, yeah, i am... but. gah. i'm a dork. hahah]

*raises hand again to volunteer help with graphics and content :wub:*

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hi there I would to join too his international fan club, I like how YOO Internationale sounds
hi 2ny.. Welcome to Yoohouse.

Will try checking in again later. Need to sleep, feel so drowsy because of the medicine I took... currently down with the flu. Have a great day everybody!
Hi chicann7... Oh no.. you are sck too!? Take care.. and to all YooGals over the world, take care too!!!

please tell us your feedbacks regarding our plan to EXPAND GLOBALLY :D
haha.. queeninmycastle.. I think you SHOULD be my assistant.. is it too much to ask if you can compile the feedbacks if any and pass to me then I can update the project page.. :P Of course I read them here but I have a hard time compiling them since the thread move so fast.. so what do you say? Can we work together?

Also how about: "Gong International Yoohouse" ..so his full name is included in the title??

or........."Yoohouse Yoo-Nited".

just a suggestion.

thanks for your suggestions, polaris.. I've added them in the list in page 322. BTW, do you think you can help me with another translation? It's a profile that has been posted in the thread, and since it's moving really fast, you might have missed my request... can i PM you?

By the way, was toying with the idea of translating iluvyoo2's long chinese article but aalhl has posted the long article which is very similar even though the months differ.
oh! was the article I posted almost the same as the Chinese article, lenet? Is there anything extra from the Chinese article since iluvyoo2 mention that Gong Yoo mentioning about him confessing to a girl or something... :P

anyway, as always thank you iluvyoo2 for all the pics and wallies.. i love that wedding pic... I guess everyone was craving to see a wedding scene in CP but it didn't came true... but that wedding pic is a good PS-ed pic.. :)

7... awww. he does feel bad... :( i'm so happy for him that he got HK's role. atleast it gave him hope... :wub:
not only hope, but it certainly boost his confidence in himself, in his acting, and thus renew his passion... but I'm not sure if he will go back to that "feeling bad" again since CP has ended.

i don't know if i can be part of a committee in THAT sense... but...

if ever the club would need someone to make simple graphics, or write-ups,

tweaking translated articles and the such... give me a holler. i'd love to help out in that area... :wub:

Sure you can! You will be one really creative and fun committee providing us with lots of fun stuffs for our enjoyment.. ;) Maybe if you don't write a fanfic, you should write a comic or something.. hheh.e. :D

aalhl, i vote for b. YooHouse: Gong Yoo's International Fan Club

but i will have YOOhouse spelt YOOhouse instead of YooHouse (hehe sorry for being picky ..)

hello nhetski.. good to see you again... ha.ha.. don't worry about the spelling/caps.. we can always change that after voting is done. How about YOOHouse? :P


Thank your translating the article. I enjoyed reading. I will definitely be supporting the fan club even though I probably won't be able to help much. good luck setting it up ;)

heh.e.. I'm not the one translating it.. I wish I can.. :P thanks to tvxqsaraeng for offering to help.. :) don't worry about not able to help huongface. As long as you are supporting us, we will try our best to pull it through.

about the nancy yoo thing... i have nothing to mess around with lately...

and it's driving me NUCKIN' FUTS! :crazy:

oh? how about the one from the Happy Time NG at the bridal shop.. falling down part.. I thought YEH was startled when she saw GY fell down and quickly runs back to him, but fell along the way.. :D
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i can help with some graphics. :lol:
Adam Brody, thank you for offering your help.. we sure have lots of talented YOOhouse graphics designers out there.. the only worry is that everyone will have clashes with ideas.. he.he.. anyway, I'm sure that can be work out right?

i've designed webbies before... i usually do 'em in flash or in dreamweaver or a mixture of both.

i'm a little iffy about trying to design a GY fan site though.

coz if it ends up being sucky for people, i might start banging my head from disappointment. :tears::P:crazy:

...of course we can always find out who can do what by voting and submission. just like we always do. ^_^

pachlex.. I have confidence in you.. All you have to do is create a few designs for them to choose from. like you say, we do the voting again.. :)
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Guest iluvyoo2

Another interview for GY. (not sure the name of magazine)

Mainly talk about GY in Coffee Prince, he gave many comments to YEH too. :)


credit : hjrx

PS: The words may hard to read, so save to local drive and zoom-in to read. :)

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Guest Adam Brody

Adam Brody, thank you for offering your help.. we sure have lots of talented YOOhouse graphics designers out there.. the only worry is that everyone will have clashes with ideas.. he.he.. anyway, I'm sure that can be work out right?

that's fine, there are so many good graphic designers here.

we do need voting! :P

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