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Guest han.

eh, they could your chances with a girl if done too early as well. she might just think you're gross and uncourteous for bluntly breaking wind. :sweatingbullets:

hehe i was joking. guess that post didn't reak of enough sarcasm. :P

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Guest CIRee

What are guys thinking when their girlfriends are in their arms laying in bed with them?

bananas ;D who knows, ask your boyfriend.

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Guest honeylove

What are guys thinking when their girlfriends are in their arms laying in bed with them?
I wanna beat.


This is a great topic (: I'ma post a question when I can think of one.

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Guest iEatPowder

What are guys thinking when their girlfriends are in their arms laying in bed with them?

If I am truly and completely into someone, then the only thought that runs through my head would be that "I could lay here like this with her forever." :)

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Guest Teddy

What are guys thinking when their girlfriends are in their arms laying in bed with them?

If I am in love with her then I'll probably just look at her and just tell myself that she is the most beautiful girl I have ever laid eyes on and then I'll wrap my arms around her and cuddle my face against hers.

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Guest 강유미

What are guys thinking when their girlfriends are in their arms laying in bed with them?

That she's heavy and blood is not flowing correctly.

Starting to feel numb, because her head is too heavy.

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Guest iEatPowder

That she's heavy and blood is not flowing correctly.

Starting to feel numb, because her head is too heavy.

LOL that is the worst, when they're lying next to you on one of your arms... the circulation gets cut off, and the arm begins to tingle. You lose feeling in your hand first, and then it creeps up the arm until eventually, it feels like you have no arm. xD But you don't want to wake her, so you tough it out, or you can do what chandler did and rip the arm out from underneath and send her flying over the edge of the bed. :lol:

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Guest 강유미

Farting girls, anybody like that? :unsure:

No, I think she should first fart before she gets in the car.

Because that junk smells more than my fart.

What does it mean if your bf's best friend "doesn't believe that you guys are actually dating"? ><;;

He's saying that he has a chance of banging you.

Which means he thinks you're easy and looking down on you a little bit.

1) Are guys more likely to continue to pursue a girl even if she already rejected him?

2) Does it matter to a guy if a girl is a virgin or not?

3) Who should say "I love you" first? The guy or the girl?

4) After a guy breaks up with his gf and tells her that he wants to remain friends, does he really mean it, or is he just saying that because he feels bad about breaking up?

4.5) And if they do become somewhat friends again, will he always see her as an ex, or will he eventually consider her as a friend again?

5) When a girl asks a guy if he finds her pretty, are they more likely to say the truth, or sugar code it?

Thanks ^^! (yeah, i have so many questions)

One) Yes, he's still horny (We can't fix that problem).

Two) Yes, it matters a lot.

Three) The guy should say it first.

Four) He means it.

Four point five) He only sees her as an ex-girl-friend.

Five) He knows that you have feelings for him, so he tries to be nice so he can get you.

You're welcome. You're one lost girl.

A lot of questions turns off boys.

1.What do guys think about girls who turn tomato red really easily?

2.What about girls who wear glasses? Is it a turn off?

1. I would think she has a high blood pressure problem. She should go check the doctor.

2. It's a turn off, yes.

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Guest Stevent

I don't just disagree with your answers, they kinda richard simmons me off because of how you use extreme absolutes and there is no inbetween with many of your replies, and then you have the gall to make it sound like your answer is for certain. You assume so much when you know so little about these people's situation, and then you can sum up an answer in one sentence or a phrase. What's the point of giving half-@ssed advice and answers to people who need help?

And what the heck is that "ultimate goal for humans" stuff? We don't live in prehistoric times anymore where we must have sex and replicate so our genes to survive. It might be news to you but not everyone's ultimate goal in life is to have sex and make babies, but over-generalizing seems to be a habit of yours. People can also consider en-vitro babies where no sex is required. And people can simply adopt a child for various reasons. So I believe I can argue with that. <_<

whoa whoa calm down, everyone is entitled to their opinion. Dont judge another's opinion because it doesnt exactly match our own. That is why we give multiple answers to any one of the questions the girls ask.

What are guys thinking when their girlfriends are in their arms laying in bed with them?

As everyone else stated above, it varies from guys to guys because you are asking a question that is very specific.

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Guest 강유미

Girls who argue a lot of political issues and are really smart, is that a turn off since it hurts a guy's ego?

Yes, it's a turn off. She needs to chill out and relax, because I'd just stare at her veins on her neck and freak out.

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Guest Stevent

Yes, it's a turn off. She needs to chill out and relax, because I'd just stare at her veins on her neck and freak out.

well it's only a turn off is she needs to be right all the time :rolleyes:

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Guest 강유미

1) do guys mind if girls are taller than them by 1-2 in?

2) Do guys care if girls are smarter than them, by a lot?

1) Yes, we mind that a lot.

2) Yes, we care. But we would stop caring, if she brings a lot of money home.

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why is it that the boyfriend always likes to boss his girlfriend around or in other words ask her to do things for him or get him things when he's around his friends or alot of people

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Guest Stevent

why is it that the boyfriend always likes to boss his girlfriend around or in other words ask her to do things for him or get him things when he's around his friends or alot of people

it is more or less to show to his friends or such that he is in control of the relationship, that he wears the pants.

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wow quick replies hmmm.. another question, why do some boyfriends like to tap their s.o's asses in public places or places with alot of people foresay the gym

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Guest 강유미

why cant guys make up their minds when it comes to girls~?!? O.o

Because we don't want to decide anything and go along with the flow.

I have one, why don't guys call when they say they will, and instead call a week after? <_<

Because we're lazy.

Do guys ever cry infront of girls because of emotional problems and do guys just act tough around girls, or are they the same when with their friends as well?

We try not to, because we have close friends for that one.

We would if the girl was our wife though.

how would you know if a guy ever truley loved/loves a girl?

You have to ask the person for that one, because they have the heart. We don't have his heart.

Do guys like blunt girls? :mellow: I'm curious on this one.

Sometimes, but when we're about to get married... We throw them away.

why is it that the boyfriend always likes to boss his girlfriend around or in other words ask her to do things for him or get him things when he's around his friends or alot of people

I don't do that, so I think you got the wrong bf.

wow quick replies hmmm.. another question, why do some boyfriends like to tap their s.o's asses in public places or places with alot of people foresay the gym

To see your reaction. He's basically treating you badly.

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Guest Stevent

wow quick replies hmmm.. another question, why do some boyfriends like to tap their s.o's asses in public places or places with alot of people foresay the gym

to let others know that you are with him

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Guest iEatPowder

whoa whoa calm down, everyone is entitled to their opinion. Dont judge another's opinion because it doesnt exactly match our own. That is why we give multiple answers to any one of the questions the girls ask.

Meh... I guess you didn't even bother to read past the first sentence of my reply. I'm not judging his opinion because it doesn't match my own. And please don't do that "calm down" deal... it's very condescending.

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Guest bombshell

a lot of these questions require common sense......

there are a lot of different types of girls. guys often go for the cute lovable type....but i dont think im really that. are guys attracted to independent females...ones who have class, sass, and a lil bit of bada$$.. it seems obvious they would, becuz if i was a dude, helll, i'd be goin for those.. but i see a majority of guys going for the cute type. im guessin' its the invisible caution tape around those girls that prevent guys from trying, but uh...any other explanation that a chick might not have thought of that a dude would care to explain? ..and my bad if this question was already asked. i'm not going to sit and read all 20 pages if u know what i mean....thankz.

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Guest 강유미

how much confidence does it take for a guy to ask a girl out online through myspace, facebook, xanga etc, where all his friends and my friends and other people can know? Do you think this is sincere or a little suspicious...? or am i just being paranoid..? lol and thank you guys for answering our questions!!!

He's being a wussy. It's not sincere and weird.

I understand you being paranoid, because that's all I can see from this.

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