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Rekidai said: The first time i met him was at a christmas party for my school and i was a bit tipsy and talked to him for awhile and kissed him on the cheek when I left. I talked to him for 2 months straight after that and we see each other in school and stuff. We started hanging out starting Valentines Day however we just spend the whole day watching movies and cuddling. After hanging out twice we started getting physical and slept together. After that we have been texting everyday still and he only wants to hang out with me when we can spend real time together. He picks days that are longer than 5-6 hrs to hang out. 
Kind of confused where this is going and since we dont talk about our feelings and stuff. Is this potentially a relationship? Or just casual? I feel like he cares about me because today i told him i thought he didn't want to hang out with me anymore since i haven't actually hanged out outside of school for two weeks and he said he wouldn't do that and he likes hanging out with me and made plans. But on the other hand we only call it "hanging out" we never say date :( 

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Guest flyhighbich

@oooroosayIMO nope! butttt if I notice she flirts off with many other guys as wellI will be turned off and obviously will not feel as special and just know that she likes the attention etc...just like ninshark said 
and it also depends on how that individual dresses obviously which gives people the impression or perception of being a richard simmons whether you are one or notkinda like how Taylor Swift is supposedly innocent but has so many boyfriends and always makes a new song for them while Miley Cyrus dresses kinda revealing and is called a richard simmons yet only stuck with one boyfriend.....yeaaaaaa 

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After days of no contact, after I've deleted his number off my phone, after I'm close to unfriending him on facebook also. He is texting me again! I replied hours later with a very cold tone but he's starting to talk again like we used to! What is happening? Why is he talking to me again? What does he want?

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lostieee said: raymondc27 said: lostieee said:

He is 25. I'm 20. He said he likes talking to me because I was strong-minded and funny and can hold up a proper conversation unlike girls from my age. Things were going good until last Friday night. I was so hammered with my colleagues and I called him to meet up. This was our first meet up by the way. He was pretty drunk too and we got a room together. Since then, our texts are different. He seems less keen and talkative. I asked him whether he deems me differently but he said not really but just didn't expect our first meet up to be that wild. We used to talk FROM DAY TO NIGHT.

What is going on? Has he lost interest completely? Is there no turn back to get this guy to have another impression of me since I've ruined my first impression? Should I just stop talking to him?

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Guest bimbalina

hey guys,
I always wanted to ask this question:
why do guys ask for your telephone number, but don' t call you?(when you go clubbing, party etc.)
It's not like I run to them and beg them to take my number. I m not that kind of girl.Besides,I am really picky and I can't trust a person so easily.Now, it happened the second time, that the guy didn't text me or called me.So, is it cool to collect girls' numbers?I don't understand that, why would u do that? I gave him my number because he told me that he studied at the same university like me. And he was nice and kinda shy, too. I like boys who are not pushy.
So, please guys answer me !
Thank you :)

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Guest showoff

Could be he wanted to prove a point/showoff to his friends. Could be you were just one of many numbers he got that day/night and he's more interested in a different woman than yourself. Could be he's just too chicken to move forward in the next phase of communicating. It could be everything and nothing at the same time. There's no standardized answer for women, sorry.

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@bimbalina could be lots of reasons, but i'd say most guys dont follow up cause they dont know how. the guy you mentioned seemed more on the shy side, so im assuming hes too nervous or he doesnt know how to follow up.

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Guest beccy

What would be a good present for a guy friend? Like, also so that he doesn't misundertand.

And also, do guys gossip? (: eg. Talk about other guys/girls behind their backs.

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Guest beccy

is it as bad as girl gossipping though? And what do guys even gossip about? I mean, for girls it's like clothing, hair, personality I guess. I can't imagine dudes sitting in a lovely little friendship circle talking about someone's bad fashion choices ><

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@beccy well obviously i cant speak for all the guys, but atleast in my circle of male friends, it involves lots of swearing and topics ranging from girls, sports, to music. you'd be surprised as to what we talk about. well its more like we argue than talk.. we do a lot of comparing too. this team is better than that team. that girl is cuter than that girl.that dj is better than that dj.poutine is better than cheese fries.
and so forth.

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