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lovefenni said: So there's this guy I like and I'm not sure how he feels about me. There are times that i feel like he does like me, for example he teases/jokes me a lot and he usually replies fairly quickly to my texts like within an hour, and once we start texting we can usually keep it up for a couple days...but the thing is its usually me who texts first and him to be the first to decide not to reply back... Sometimes he asks if I want to come visit him at his college (we go to different a schools but we see each other maybe 2x per week for church). Also when we talk, I really like how his complete attention is on me, but I don't know if it's cuz he likes me or if it's cuz he's just super nice (cuz he is super nice to everyone). But the thing is even when we see each other I feel like we don't talk much. I'm almost always with my friends and sometimes I feel too nervous to go talk to him especially if he's already with his own friends... And he seems to have a lot of female friends too...

Thx so much guys!! >__<

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yunath said: There's this cute white guy in my math class who sits next to me that I'm interested in. I've never been the chaser though-it's a quarter system so class will be ending in a couple of weeks. ): We do talk and we share answers and discuss homework and tests in class. I don't want to overanalyze, but when I talk to him he leans closer to me and he smiles a lot. But other than that I'm not sure if he's interested or it's just how he is, so that's why I don't want to just ask him out or anything. I don't know what to do, I noticed that white guys just seem shyer and less bold. And I'm genuinely interested but I don't want to make a mistake and find out he's not interested/has a girlfriend >_<

The issue is on the other side of me is an asian guy who always talks to me though and asks me questions so I end up spending more time talking to him than the white guy, this guy I know for sure is interested in me since day 1 of class but I'm not interested in him. I sit next to the white guy cause I thought he was cute even when there were a lot more empty seats elsewhere and the asian guy sits next to me everyday. Would that come off as disinterest since I don't talk as much to the cute white guy?

Ahhh I don't know what to do >_< How do you provoke a shy guy to get an even more sure signal that he's interested in you? Or at least to get him to ask you out or something D': It's driving me nuts cause he's sooooo cute and funny and smart

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soyabean_x said: There's this guy who i'm really good mates with, but basically he likes me. I told him that I didn't want a relationship/anything serious at the moment, and that I just wanted to keep our friendship.
Around a week or two later on a night out, he suggested we have a casual relationship. I told him again that I just wanted to be friends.
At the moment, we're still really close friends. We spend a lot of time together and after nights out, we sometimes share a bed as it's easier to go back to one place. Do you guys think this is unfair on him? One of my guy friends said that he might still be expecting more, even though I have made it clear that I only want to be friends and he understands that.
How would you guys feel about this situation if you were in his shoes?

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Guest october-rain

Guys, under what circumstances would you walk a girl to her car during the daytime when you're not going in that direction at all?

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Guest xphant0mwing

It means he is either a gentleman, or he is interested in you.. well depends on if he does it all the time or not..

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Guest leelee.

Irony. said: If you go to a BBQ and girls stare at you .. then some come up to you at the end and ask about your ethnicity... do they like you? LOL 

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Guest Ady2006

Hey fellas! I want to know how u guys think about this. I've been hanging out with this one guy that i really like. I think we had a great time together when we hung out. He's just a gentleman around me. Here's the problem...I don't know if he's interested in me or just being nice. We went out a couple of times and he hasn't made a move. I don't think he's the shy type either. The things he does just confused the heck out of me. I know u guys would said why don't I ask him straight out, but it's easier said than done. He also lives kinda far from me. It takes him bout 2-3 hrs drive to my place. He's willing to drive that far to come down and hang out with me. One last thing that makes me doubt that if he likes me or likes me not is that when it comes to texting or calling im always the one who initiate first. If i don't text him first he can go days without texting me. So fellas what do u think? Does he like me or not? He keeps giving me mixed signals!

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Guest dazzIe

boyfriend says he needs some time for himself but not a break. this was just out of the blue.....i know he's been stressed with work and i have been there for him and i would also give him space if he needs it...i really don't understand what i did wrong :'(

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Guest xyoungwoongx

So, my bf of 1 year recently moved back down south because he despises the area we live in right now (DC). FYI we first met in DC and started our relationship here.
Currently we are 1 month into a long distance relationship now because he decided to move back down. I'm in the process of finishing grad school so I never even thought about moving with him, but as the days pass by, the more I realize I cannot do LDR. Of course I still miss him and I really want to be close to him again but the distance is literally killing me - not to mention he is not talkative/hates phone. So, I'm thinking maybe I should move down south too after I finish up my studies (I have a year left). Now, my question is should I bring this topic up during my next visit or should I wait more since he has only been back down there for a month, or should it not matter?
(I was simply just going to ask him what his thoughts are about me moving down there after grad school, I wasn't going to state that I was planning on moving there because I believe moving is a very big move, therefore it is something that will require time to figure all out. Also, it would probably make me feel better about this LDR knowing that there is a "time we can be together again"

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Guest I_play_with_dolls

I'm not look for advice but just a question I want answered from at least three guys. How often do you hear other guys use the whole "nice guy and women just like jerks" excuse to cope with the fact they've been rejected? 
Just asking since I have some feminists (these people are the extremist kind btw) ranting about how they're tired of guys talk about how women are richard simmons and what not for not choosing a "nice guy" like their self. I don't here stuff like that often so yuh, just curious of how often guys actually use that excuse.

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I'm not look for advice but just a question I want answered from at least three guys. How often do you hear other guys use the whole "nice guy and women just like jerks" excuse to cope with the fact they've been rejected? 
Just asking since I have some feminists (these people are the extremist kind btw) ranting about how they're tired of guys talk about how women are richard simmons and what not for not choosing a "nice guy" like their self. I don't here stuff like that often so yuh, just curious of how often guys actually use that excuse.

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Guest iilysium

1) Face or body first?
2) Is it possible to go to a strip club for 1-2 hours and spend 180$ on yourself on only lapdances? It just sounds suspiciously a lot :l

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iilysium said: 1) Face or body first?
2) Is it possible to go to a strip club for 1-2 hours and spend 180$ on yourself on only lapdances? It just sounds suspiciously a lot :l

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Guest Losersx2

so there's this guy that i met and we get along really well- everything's going perfect, our friends think we're cute together... etc. however...
he goes to a school 2.5 hrs away and that's not really a big deal for me because i've got my own stuff to do and i'd rather not be in his face all the time, but visiting every few weekends is possible. and our homes are only 30-40min away tops. but he says he has issues with long distance because 3 years ago, he cheated on his last gf when they were long distancegiven this is 3 years ago, you'd think it's no concern, but he's still beating himself over ithe's so terrified of the thought of hurting me in the long run if he pursues a relationship with mehe says he likes me a lot and initially he was really eager to give "us" a try and everything but suddenly he was about to end things because he has so much stuff holding him back - fear of LDR, fear of cheating, etc. but we had a talk a few days ago when i visited and basically told him i would be there for him in terms of being someone he can open up to and whatnot and he's trying to not push me away because hes afraid of hurting me and he also said he's trying to change. we also realized that we're very similar- we've both made past mistakes that we regret, but i've been able to move on and grow up... but he hasn't...but like...despite our talk, deep down, im a bit wary of everything he's told me what do you guys think? just as a male perspective because there's the whole princess-girl mentality that i refuse to believe: 'he would pursue me despite fears if he really liked me' nonsense that some of my friends have brought up.

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