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dolcedor. said:
asdjasdkk said: ok so I have this LDR thing going on for the past months now, I only met him on the internet and we've been talking for how many months.. he's planning to visit me ( I'm in asia) and he's from U.S. BUT , he's expecting me to visit me HIM in U.S too when thing's go well when he'll visit me ... and I was like o_O. woah isn't guys supposed to be the ones visiting the girl and not the other way around?? =/....and I was kinda worried that when he'll visit me , we're going dutch too =/..so do you think this is worth trying for or should I just leave this kind of relationship?

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Guest dolcedor.

asdjasdkk said:
dolcedor. said:
asdjasdkk said: ok so I have this LDR thing going on for the past months now, I only met him on the internet and we've been talking for how many months.. he's planning to visit me ( I'm in asia) and he's from U.S. BUT , he's expecting me to visit me HIM in U.S too when thing's go well when he'll visit me ... and I was like o_O. woah isn't guys supposed to be the ones visiting the girl and not the other way around?? =/....and I was kinda worried that when he'll visit me , we're going dutch too =/..so do you think this is worth trying for or should I just leave this kind of relationship?

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Guest xDollars

I feel like a hopeless teenager, but I need some advice.

A few months ago, I met this guy through one of my friends. It was a bit awkward at first, since my friend and his friend (who were in a relationship) were pushing to set us up with each other. -.- We hit it off pretty well though, I think. The thing is we've never met. It was all through texts. But, we would always talk about seeing each other and planning to go to this concert tour thing over the summer together. He was really sweet, and we would stay up talking to each other for hours. However, we started drifting near the beginning of January. There was some drama between my friend and his friend, which made it slightly awkward between us, but for the most part, our conversations flowed like usual. I think. It's been a month now since we last talked (my last text to him was apparently read but he never replied). I kind of wanna get in touch with him again, so I was wondering what would be a good way to reconnect?

I'm sorry for the reaaaaaally long mess of words. Any advice is greatly appreciated.

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Guest iwantwonbin

raymondc27 said: iwantwonbin said: raymondc27 said: iwantwonbin said: raymondc27 said: iwantwonbin said: how should I go about this- I met a guy through mutual friends a month ago, and he seems pretty awesome. Going to run into him soon again. I do want to try to get to know him better, but I don't know how...cos i don't want to seem weird. He's either really friendly or did take some interest at that time, but either way, i can at least make a good friend out of him if its nothing anyway, so any suggestions please.

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xDollars said: I feel like a hopeless teenager, but I need some advice.

A few months ago, I met this guy through one of my friends. It was a bit awkward at first, since my friend and his friend (who were in a relationship) were pushing to set us up with each other. -.- We hit it off pretty well though, I think. The thing is we've never met. It was all through texts. But, we would always talk about seeing each other and planning to go to this concert tour thing over the summer together. He was really sweet, and we would stay up talking to each other for hours. However, we started drifting near the beginning of January. There was some drama between my friend and his friend, which made it slightly awkward between us, but for the most part, our conversations flowed like usual. I think. It's been a month now since we last talked (my last text to him was apparently read but he never replied). I kind of wanna get in touch with him again, so I was wondering what would be a good way to reconnect?

I'm sorry for the reaaaaaally long mess of words. Any advice is greatly appreciated.

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iwantwonbin said: raymondc27 said: iwantwonbin said: raymondc27 said: iwantwonbin said: raymondc27 said: iwantwonbin said: how should I go about this- I met a guy through mutual friends a month ago, and he seems pretty awesome. Going to run into him soon again. I do want to try to get to know him better, but I don't know how...cos i don't want to seem weird. He's either really friendly or did take some interest at that time, but either way, i can at least make a good friend out of him if its nothing anyway, so any suggestions please.

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Guest meryemaksungur

i was friends with this guy and he knew i liked him but he was rude and said things about my appearance which made me self conscious and feel bad :P but once i move, he tells me he liked a lot and he misses me after i moved to a new school and was there for about 6 months, WHAT?!

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Hi ! Hope some guys can give me some insight to this. My current boyfriend and I have been dating just over 1.5 years now and ever since I've met his group of friends they've consistently made comments to him such as "You're so whipped" or "Your gf is the man of the relationship" and other similar remarks. I didn't think too much of it at first, just laughed and brushed it off but it's getting to the point where I feel too annoyed to ignore it because now they say it ALL THE TIME - in our presence and commenting on fb photos. From my perspective, I don't think my bf is that whipped. He can do whatever he likes without having to ask me.
He doesn't carry my handbag, only on the rare occasion when we go out somewhere we don't normally go (i.e. theme park or the beach) and I may have my DSLR with me. He'll offer to hold my handbag while I take photos or, say for example, he wants to put his jumper inside then he'll offer to carry it again. Or if he drives me home after a date, he will still get paid out about being "whipped". I find these actions sweet and I'm grateful when he does but I don't understand why his friends keep making these kind of comments? Is this normal amongst male friends? That you pay out another friend if he does something "sissy" like holding your gf's handbag?   

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Guest Mr-Nice-Watch

snowytearz said: Hi ! Hope some guys can give me some insight to this. My current boyfriend and I have been dating just over 1.5 years now and ever since I've met his group of friends they've consistently made comments to him such as "You're so whipped" or "Your gf is the man of the relationship" and other similar remarks. I didn't think too much of it at first, just laughed and brushed it off but it's getting to the point where I feel too annoyed to ignore it because now they say it ALL THE TIME - in our presence and commenting on fb photos. From my perspective, I don't think my bf is that whipped. He can do whatever he likes without having to ask me.
He doesn't carry my handbag, only on the rare occasion when we go out somewhere we don't normally go (i.e. theme park or the beach) and I may have my DSLR with me. He'll offer to hold my handbag while I take photos or, say for example, he wants to put his jumper inside then he'll offer to carry it again. Or if he drives me home after a date, he will still get paid out about being "whipped". I find these actions sweet and I'm grateful when he does but I don't understand why his friends keep making these kind of comments? Is this normal amongst male friends? That you pay out another friend if he does something "sissy" like holding your gf's handbag?   

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@meryemaksungur Aw, elementary school crush. He needs to mature a little more.

@snowytearz His friends are being idiots and they're teasing him too much. I don't think that he takes it as anything more than an annoyance, but if you think that he's becoming more frustrated with it, then you can talk to him about it. Teasing like that usually comes from insecurity anyway, so it shouldn't bother you very much.

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Guest absotively

I'm incredibly socially awkward and tend to over think things so I need y'alls help lol. There's this customer that I've served twice at the restaurant I work at and need help with letting him know I'm interested or ..something. The first time he came, he told me he liked my hair haha (do guys normally do that..?) and he asked for my name near the end when he and his friend were pretty much done eating. He came back about two weeks later and sorta remembered my name ..my name is really uncommon lol. He had different people with him this time and one of them was really friendly so I had a chance to talk to him more. I'm pretty sure I'm reading too much into this, but I figured it wouldn't hurt to at least let him know I'd like to get to know him better. I don't know how to go about it without seeming too forward or creepy though so what should do I do?

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absotively said: I'm incredibly socially awkward and tend to over think things so I need y'alls help lol. There's this customer that I've served twice at the restaurant I work at and need help with letting him know I'm interested or ..something. The first time he came, he told me he liked my hair haha (do guys normally do that..?) and he asked for my name near the end when he and his friend were pretty much done eating. He came back about two weeks later and sorta remembered my name ..my name is really uncommon lol. He had different people with him this time and one of them was really friendly so I had a chance to talk to him more. I'm pretty sure I'm reading too much into this, but I figured it wouldn't hurt to at least let him know I'd like to get to know him better. I don't know how to go about it without seeming too forward or creepy though so what should do I do?

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Guest lovefenni

So there's this guy I like and I'm not sure how he feels about me. There are times that i feel like he does like me, for example he teases/jokes me a lot and he usually replies fairly quickly to my texts like within an hour, and once we start texting we can usually keep it up for a couple days...but the thing is its usually me who texts first and him to be the first to decide not to reply back... Sometimes he asks if I want to come visit him at his college (we go to different a schools but we see each other maybe 2x per week for church). Also when we talk, I really like how his complete attention is on me, but I don't know if it's cuz he likes me or if it's cuz he's just super nice (cuz he is super nice to everyone). But the thing is even when we see each other I feel like we don't talk much. I'm almost always with my friends and sometimes I feel too nervous to go talk to him especially if he's already with his own friends... And he seems to have a lot of female friends too...

Thx so much guys!! >__<

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Guest yunath

There's this cute white guy in my math class who sits next to me that I'm interested in. I've never been the chaser though-it's a quarter system so class will be ending in a couple of weeks. ): We do talk and we share answers and discuss homework and tests in class. I don't want to overanalyze, but when I talk to him he leans closer to me and he smiles a lot. But other than that I'm not sure if he's interested or it's just how he is, so that's why I don't want to just ask him out or anything. I don't know what to do, I noticed that white guys just seem shyer and less bold. And I'm genuinely interested but I don't want to make a mistake and find out he's not interested/has a girlfriend >_<

The issue is on the other side of me is an asian guy who always talks to me though and asks me questions so I end up spending more time talking to him than the white guy, this guy I know for sure is interested in me since day 1 of class but I'm not interested in him. I sit next to the white guy cause I thought he was cute even when there were a lot more empty seats elsewhere and the asian guy sits next to me everyday. Would that come off as disinterest since I don't talk as much to the cute white guy?

Ahhh I don't know what to do >_< How do you provoke a shy guy to get an even more sure signal that he's interested in you? Or at least to get him to ask you out or something D': It's driving me nuts cause he's sooooo cute and funny and smart

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Guest utellah

Females in cocktail dresses.. What do you males generally notice first and/or prefer? A woman's nice legs or a woman's curves?

I know it differs from male to male, but just to get a general idea here...

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utellah said: Females in cocktail dresses.. What do you males generally notice first and/or prefer? A woman's nice legs or a woman's curves?

I know it differs from male to male, but just to get a general idea here...

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Guest soyabean_x

There's this guy who i'm really good mates with, but basically he likes me. I told him that I didn't want a relationship/anything serious at the moment, and that I just wanted to keep our friendship.
Around a week or two later on a night out, he suggested we have a casual relationship. I told him again that I just wanted to be friends.
At the moment, we're still really close friends. We spend a lot of time together and after nights out, we sometimes share a bed as it's easier to go back to one place. Do you guys think this is unfair on him? One of my guy friends said that he might still be expecting more, even though I have made it clear that I only want to be friends and he understands that.
How would you guys feel about this situation if you were in his shoes?

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