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Skin Complexion... What are some ways to make your skin "brighter"


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Guest saggiorpiioxgalaxy

i forgot to add an important detail to my reply earlier

SLEEP EARLY AND RISE EARLY! when i was in college. i was pratically online everynight 'til the crack of dawn playing games, then i would sleep well pass lunch the next day. that is so bad for your skin. our body produces a certain chemical after a certain hours, you want to be in resting mode when that happens. so try to sleep before midnight and rise before 9 am.

avoid spending too much time infront of the tv / computer. believe it or not. keyboard produces more radiation than the monitor

Yes. Sleeping early is important and the result is very obvious on me.

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i forgot to add an important detail to my reply earlier

SLEEP EARLY AND RISE EARLY! when i was in college. i was pratically online everynight 'til the crack of dawn playing games, then i would sleep well pass lunch the next day. that is so bad for your skin. our body produces a certain chemical after a certain hours, you want to be in resting mode when that happens. so try to sleep before midnight and rise before 9 am.

avoid spending too much time infront of the tv / computer. believe it or not. keyboard produces more radiation than the monitor

Wow. Thanks.

I think these two reasons might be a part of my problem.

I have really light/fair and glowy skin in every part of my body... with the exception of my face. <_<

It's noticably darker, dead, and dull looking. And it's not like I go out in the sun everyday...

thanks everyone for the tips.

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  • 2 weeks later...
Guest fluffpuff

2 things that really work: lime and milk powder. for lime, just squeeze some juice from a lime and apply to your face, leave on for as long as u can stand, then wash off with cleanser. if it bites, that's absolutely normal. as for milk powder, mix with water till a thick paste is formed. leave on face till dry (it should take about 10-15 min) then wash off. milk is a natural cleanser so no additional cleanser is required to remove the milk mask off your face. the lactic acid from the milk leaves your skin baby-smooth. gals, u have to try the milk powder mask on your faces. i swear it's the best mask ever for your skin. and because it is so natural (and cheap), you can do it everyday!

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  • 6 months later...
  • 2 years later...
Guest goomstooms

-Drink water(6-8 glasses a day)

-Use a cleanser and face brush to exfoliate

-Toner-this makes your skin more even toned

-Face mask-once a week


-Sunblock 45 mins before you go out.

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