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Guest 1S0ULL

OMG . Christian and Claire in the cabin.

Claire looked drugged XD

OMG. im so confused & im gonna miss this next episode V__________________V

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sadly, I think shes dead too, but I don't see how she died?

It makes sense now! Why Sun was crying to the tombstone like Jin was dead, she may want to go back but can't because she doesn't know where the island is ...

cause Im like 95% sure that Jin isn't dead lol. maybe im in a little denial :lol:

Gah, I know!

Like I hope he isn't dead. I was really confused why they showed the scene where he was buying a giant panda though.

I know he was doing that for his old boss, but what was the significance?

To show that he would like to have a baby someday? And he eventually did. Hmm....

And I think Claire is dead cause there are more clues to her being dead.

Her attitude's so mellow when she was with her Dad, whom she had bad terms with.

She was also in the house that exploded.

Also Miles kept looking at her, which in my opinion was cause he saw her as a ghost and kept wondering why she was there if she was dead.

He must've seen Christian too.

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Guest dudeman

I'm actually kinda privy to the idea of Claire being dead now...that would actually be kinda interesting.... Of course, the question of how Claire was able to hold Aaron would have to be answered...

And really, guys? Mass spoiler tags? Unless concrete info on a future episode is provided, there's really no reason to put spoiler tags on every little thing. Spoiler tags are for concrete information that hasn't officially been revealed, not speculations.

Like this speculation, for instance: I predict that it's either Hurley or Desmond in the casket. I believe this because the person in the casket is a person that Jack has had a connection with that would compel him to go to his funeral, whereas that person has had little or minimal connections with Kate. I believe this because:

1. It's a he.

2. Unless something happens that forces Desmond to return to the island, he sure as hell ain't going back.

3. Since this person was reported to have died in the paper, he is either one of the Oceanic 6, or he's someone else that Jack and Kate knew.

4. Kate made a promise with Sawyer, who was known to have stayed on the island.

5. Unless Locke does a 180 on his perspective of his life, he sure as hell ain't getting off the island (and judging by how much of his life we've seen throughout the show and culminating in "Cabin Fever", he definitely doesn't have much of a life to go back to. Plus, he still has a job to do for the island: moving it).

6. Like hell Ben is really going to let himself die. Like hell Jack would even care.

7. Like hell Sayid is really going to let himself die. Like hell Ben would let him.

8. The emotional grief Jack experiences over the news of the death is so tremendous as to drive him to jump off the bridge. Could it be as a result of sympathy Jack garnered for Hurley after being constantly haunted by the island himself? Keep in mind that Jack has visited Hurley more times than he ever really cared to.

9. One major note: The flashforwards are definitely not in the order shown; in other words, Hurley's perfect state of being when he visited Sun could have been before he flipped out.

10. I don't think Jack or Kate would care about whether Michael died at this point, assuming it was Michael who died.

Yeah, that's all the speculation I got on me. I sure hope I'm wrong though; if Hurley is indeed the one, I'm gonna bawl, and the last time I bawled watching this show was when Charlie died (and Hurley's and Claire's reactions to it) Can't wait for this week's episode!

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Guest graceyoon

isn't claire dead since she was in the cabin?

cuz christopher is dead, that's jack's father right...

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Like this speculation, for instance: I predict that it's either Hurley or Desmond in the casket. I believe this because the person in the casket is a person that Jack has had a connection with that would compel him to go to his funeral, whereas that person has had little or minimal connections with Kate.

Hurley or Desmond. You think? (I've given my own speculation up above in post #1562, so I won't rehash)

But just in rebuttal to your speculation, I simply offer this:

1. The funeral director asked Jack if he was "friend or family", to which Jack replied "neither".

2. When Jack met Kate outside the airport and showed her the obituary clipping, hoping she would have gone to the funeral, Kate answered, "Why would I?"

Given these two instances, and taking into account the kind of relationships shared between the 4 characters, do you still think Hurley or Desmond would have warranted these kinds of responses from Kate and Jack if either of them were the one in the casket? Despite the seemingly emotional reaction by Jack at the casket, he still elected not to have the casket opened for a viewing - and perhaps even more curious and overlooked, Jack doesn't even stick around for too long to even reflect and further offer his respects. Would he act this way if it were Hurley or Desmond?

In that season 3 finale, the flash forward begins with Jack on an airplane when he discovers the newspaper clipping of the person who died. With hindsight being 20/20, we know that Jack was on that plane because he had been using his Oceanic "golden pass" to fly back and forth across the Pacific multiple times in hopes of crashing and finding the island again. As he would also later disclose to Kate at the airport, Jack's been actively trying to get back and this is further evidenced by all the scattered maps and notes strewn all about his home in another scene. Yet, following the airplane scene, we find Jack parked on the side of a bridge sobbing, with obit in hand, and ready to commit suicide. Furthermore, at the time of his visit to the mortuary, Jack enters an empty viewing room and a closed casket. He converses briefly with the funeral director and is mildly surprised to hear that absolutely nobody showed up for the viewing. And as quickly as he's come in to the mortuary, he's just as quick in exiting.

What I'm basically suggesting here is that the context of how the finale is structured, it could be extrapolated that Jack's need to go back to the island, his frustration in trying to locate it, and ultimately his despair in not being able to find it is related to the death of this 'mystery person'. To be more direct with my assertion, it might be that the dead person was perhaps somebody that held the key to getting back to the island - and now that this person was dead, Jack lost the one link between his current reality and the alternate reality that was the island. And now without this person, Jack would be pushed to point of hopelessness and suicide.

This was a person that Jack was shocked to read his death reported in the newpaper. A person that Jack was neither a friend or relative of. A person that Kate didn't care enough to feel compelled to attend the funeral. A person that anonymous that absolutely nobody didn't come to attend the viewing. A person that despite a brief showing of respect by Jack, he still sees fit to pop a pill at the foot of the casket and then make a hasty exit out of the mortuary - because hey, nobody showed up to the viewing ... and maybe Jack hoped he would come across a mourner that might have helped in finding the island by virtue of their connection to the deceased in the casket.

If I've been able to convince you enough to think that it can't be Hurley or Desmond fitting this bill ....

...then who do you think I could be alluding to here?


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Guest dudeman

^ Just so you are aware, because of the overuse of spoiler tags completely blacking out even a full post, I completely missed whatever you wrote for that previous post (reading highlighted text does not bode well for my eyes); so I had no intent in any way to upstage anyone else's speculation. I was just simply stating my thoughts. If you think my speculations are wrong, that's fine with me (no amount of speculation leaves us the wiser anyway), but I just wanted to clarify that I wasn't trying to overshadow your speculations, or anyone else's, for that matter.

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^ Just so you are aware, because of the overuse of spoiler tags completely blacking out even a full post, I completely missed whatever you wrote for that previous post (reading highlighted text does not bode well for my eyes); so I had no intent in any way to upstage anyone else's speculation. I was just simply stating my thoughts. If you think my speculations are wrong, that's fine with me (no amount of speculation leaves us the wiser anyway), but I just wanted to clarify that I wasn't trying to overshadow your speculations, or anyone else's, for that matter.

Oh no, I didn't take it as upstaging in any way. I'm just enjoying the debate.

For all we know you could be right and maybe it is Hurley or Desmond. I wouldn't put it over the creators to find some reason other than what we've seen so far. Sometimes there is no rhyme or reason.

And yes, I agree with you about the over-use of spoiler tags. In retrospect, I was probably just as much guilty of it.

As I understand it, the big reveal of who is in the coffin will come in the finale - and with only this week's episode to come and the implication that Ben has a means to willfully come on and off the island, I'm leaning towards it being him that could be dead.

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Guest CK92842

Today's episode was alright, it basically felt like a connect the dots sort of episode. Not much going as far story progression goes but why did abc all of a sudden decide to give a 2-hour finale in 2 weeks as opposed to just airing 1-hr shows week to week. :angry:

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Today's episode was alright, it basically felt like a connect the dots sort of episode. Not much going as far story progression goes but why did abc all of a sudden decide to give a 2-hour finale in 2 weeks as opposed to just airing 1-hr shows week to week. :angry:

No kidding. It's like in the weeks leading up to this finale, there's been misinformation after misinformation.

For example, this is from the producers themselves in this interview:

Source: LOST's Damon Lindelof and Carlton Cuse - AV Club interview

(....When this interview was conducted, Lindelof and Cuse were in the middle of writing a two-part, two-hour finale. Since then, it's been expanded to a two-part, three-hour finale....) AVC: It'll be two hours long?

Damon Lindelof: It's going to air in two separate hours this year, because Grey's Anatomy has a two-hour finale that airs on May 22. They run from 8-10 p.m., and then the second hour of our finale will run from 10-11 p.m. So Hour One will air the week before. They're going to air it like they aired the original pilot, which was shot as a two-hour, then split up into two parts.

So now, instead of what's been stated, we've bounced from a two-hour finale split between two episodes across two weeks, to a three hour finale split between one hour one week, and a two hour presentation the next week, to now just a two hour finale all in one night? Haha, man get your acts together.

Anyway, my guess as to why a two hour finale in two weeks is probably because they just want to devote next Thursday night's programming to Grey's Anatomy's 2 hour finale and push the LOST finale to the 29th. I guess this way ABC would hope to dominate the ratings for the next couple of Thursday nights, I don't know.

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Guest graceyoon

i derno why u guys are getting upset, i still loved it, i'm surprised ben can survive getting beat up all the time lol

i think the reason why jack becomes so obsessed to go back is maybe to find claire now that he knows she's his sister

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Guest epique.

I used to love this show SO MUCH.

Now they're really dragging it. So I've stopped watching it.




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Guest dudeman

The conference was so freakin awesome...I love all the answers they gave to the reporters, it felt hilarious and kinda scary, knowing that everything that they said wasn't totally true.

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I agree. I can't wait for the finale to find out what the circumstances were as to why the Oceanic 6 are compelled to have to give their fake story. Was it their idea? Or maybe they were sworn to secrecy by Ben?

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Guest papabear

^Hrm... interesting.

Well, this episode was certainly a brain tease--dropping various clues to keep us guessing who would survive, if people would meet again (e.g. Ben giving Locke the collapsable baton--we know Ben comes into possession of it later, so they have to meet again, and so on).

Maybe Jack decides [in part] he needs to go back in order to reunite Claire with the baby, and because he now knows she's family.

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Oh, that dude in the picture?

That's Chuck Noland, an employee of FedEx. In an earlier scene when the woman exited the cockpit, she passed a stack of FedEx boxes.

In case you don't remember, Chuck Noland is the character Tom Hanks played in the movie Cast Away.

Okay, I'm just kidding here. Don't take this seriously. :P

I don't think that person sitting there is of any particular importance. It's probably just someone that's just part of Oceanic personnel that probably attended to the needs of the O6 if they needed it during the flight back.

But then again, who knows?

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Guest 1S0ULL

This episode was soooooooooo goood!

It kinda connected a lot of things from past episodes.

Now I am really interested to find out what is the truth behind the conference!!

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Guest KimBoLee

sumtimes i think they're dragging it on as well but i always bounce back and think it's the best damn show EVARR!! is it only me or do u guys sometimes get chills watching this show.. i keep thinking sumthing freaky is gonna happen and i get creeped out thinking what happened to the rest..

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