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[drama 2006] Really Really Like You 진짜 진짜 좋아해


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Guest sweet_treats1812

wow, so many new pics of this drama already! thank u everyone for sharing!

ive still gotta check that trailer out :lol:

EDIT: bwahahaha! omg! was that eugene's voice??? she sounded so funny!!! waaaah! im soo looking forward to this drama!!! wahahaha! the little teaser alone made me laugh..how much more when i actually see it all on screen??? weeeeeeeeee!

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Guest drizy

the "trailer" is found on the main index page of the Really Really Like You website, it's in flash. Once the page loads up (it's the entire index page that is the "trailer" okay?), wait and watch, it's about 2-3min long.

:tears: hiks...poor on me :( i couldn't watch the trailer :tears: huuuueee....sob..sob...i wish i could understand korean languange :( shame on me...

Same here... :blush:

Can't wait to see her actions after long time no see :tears:

Miss her so much :wub: really...really miss her...aahhhh her angel smile, beauty, laugh, adorable,etc.

My wallpaper on my compie (always helps remind me of her)


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Guest shahju

wahhhh...looking at all the pictures makes me really can't wait to watch it!!! hope the days go by faster..hahhah hope to see more pictures and hear latest news about it...

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Guest *sayuri*

+Wow ......this thread start to grow ......many new people are getting interest in this drama ........*yay* ......:D

+Thanks those who post Eugene's pictures

Count Down:

15 days to go .....*aja ....aja*

Is that Ryu Jin?Is he wear that costume while taping on Eugene's drama?

What 'bout Eugene?Where is he?

btw, thanks Lambutan for the pics ^ ^(i'm new here,but a huge fans of Eugene noona of course :P)

+Ryu Jin ........he might play some type of science researcher or a doctor maybe .....base on his white coat he wore.....hihihi.....:P

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Guest sweet_treats1812

drizy, with a wallpaper like that, ul surely remember eugene every single day! :lol:

it seemed like yesterday when i was watching her wonderful life..i was so excited to see her in another drama after save the last dance..and now, come to think of it, it's actually been a year since wonderful life! wow~ and in jst a couple more days, we're all gonna see her in a new drama again! im so excited!!! :w00t: did u guys hear her supposed "accent" in the trailer? hahaha~ she sounded really funny and cute..

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Guest sweet_treats1812

^im assuming it's her :lol: the pics in there look so funny too~ hahaha..eugene as a true country bumpkin indeed :blush:

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Guest *sayuri*

+Ujin and Candy .......I listen to Eugene's voice at MBC's webpage ......and is just making me laugh so hard .....her "country" accent is so cute .......I can't wait to watch this drama .....only a few days away ......*fighting*.....:D

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^im assuming it's her :lol: the pics in there look so funny too~ hahaha..eugene as a true country bumpkin indeed :blush:

her voice and accent still keeps on playing in my mind and when i think of it, it just makes me laugh :D:D looking forward to how she acts with it... as the country gal

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please remember the rules stated by armanigurl: no convoying in the threads...that's what your PMs are for.

This is the only time I will remind you guys. After this, any post that doesn't follow what's stated in the pinned thread/annoucement of armanigurl's, I will delete, and if the poster commits the same offense way to many times, I will be forced to do warnings.

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Guest genn04


"금순, 삼순에 이어 이번엔 봉순이?"

지난해 이어 올해도 '순'자 돌림의 '촌티이름' 유행이 계속될 전망이다. MBC는 오는 4월 방송되는 MBC 주말극 '진짜진짜 좋아해'의 여주인공에게 '여봉순'이라는 이름을 안겨줬다.

유진이 맡게 되는 봉순이는 요리에 탁월한 재능이 있는 산골소녀로 청와대 식당보조로 시작해 대통령 사저의 요리사로 성장하는 인물이다. 지난해 MBC에 큰 효녀노릇을 했던 한혜진 주연의 '굳세어라 금순아', 김선아 주연의 '내 이름은 김삼순'의 열풍을 이어가겠다는 MBC의 속내가 엿보인다.

또 지난해 시청률 돌풍을 일으켰던 KBS2 '장밋빛인생'의 여주인공 최진실의 극중 이름이 맹순이였던 만큼 이 '순'자 돌림의 인물들은 유난히 많은 사랑을 받았다.

'순'자 돌림 '촌티이름'은 지난해 9월 개봉한 영화 '형사:Duelist'의 '남순' 하지원, 11월 개봉한 '사랑해 말순씨'의 '말순' 문소리로 이어졌다. 그뿐만 아니라 영화 '친절한 금자씨'의 이영애가 '금자'라는 다소 복고적인 이름으로 히트작을 이끌었다.

MBC는 '봉순' 유진 외에도 3월 방송예정인 '공주님'(가제)의 여주인공에게도 '복실'이라는 이름을 붙였다. 정려원이 맡은 복실 역은 불우한 가정사를 딛고 세상을 씩씩하게 헤쳐나가는 밝고 순수함을 지닌 산골처녀다.

소위 이 '촌티이름'이 가진 의미는 특별하다. 어려운 상황을 꿋꿋이 이겨나가는 토속적인 생명력을 상징한다. 스릴러 영화 속 '금자'를 제외하고는 하나같이 엽기적일 정도로 끈질긴 투지와 생기발랄함을 지닌 캐릭터다.

과연 올해 새로 등장한 '촌티이름' 계승자 봉순과 복실이 지난해 '순이 열풍'을 이어갈 수 있을 지 주목된다.

[머니투데이 스타뉴스 김태은 기자]

can someone translate these for me please??? i wonder what is says?

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Guest *sayuri*

LEE MINKI AND EUGENE!!!! yayy... =) when is this drama coming out again?

+It would be release on april 8th of next month ......so watch out ......I am sure is going to be great ...and this drama is a weekend drama so maybe 50+ episodes .....:D

Thanks genn04 for the news ......can't wait to read the translations ..... B)

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Guest jdgdko

can't wait to watch this drama. am anticipating this because of ryu jin. sorry don't know who lee minki is. haven't watch him so he better be good. kinda disappointed ryu jin is not the main lead actor. :-(

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Guest *sayuri*

+Hey jdgdko .....if you watch "nonstop 6 or rainbow romance" ......you will know who Lee Minki is .....:D His character is really funny in there .....;)

Count Down:

14 days to go ......*yay*

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+Hey jdgdko .....if you watch "nonstop 6 or rainbow romance" ......you will know who Lee Minki is .....:D His character is really funny in there .....;)

Count Down:

14 days to go ......*yay*

the days getting closer and closer... two more weeks :w00t:


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Guest drizy

hmm i wonder what this drama will be like. ohwells.. ill watch for lee mingi.

Not like u, i'll watch this drama For My Eugene noona 'coz i'm her hardcore fans :P

Aja...Aja...Fighting Eugene noona

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Guest peachys2sleep

YAY! MINKI! WEEEEEEEEE! finally this guy has gotten a lead role, its about time, he's certainly paid his dues!

in the drama RyuJin is a doctor/scientist (besides being the president's son). His character is 31 years old, has been married for at least 5 years, and has a 4-5 year old daughter.

Eugene's character is 25, while Minki's character is 28.

Eugene is actually 25 I believe.. minki is my age which is like 21... ahahahaha..

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