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[drama 2006] That Woman 그 여자


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Guest chuck97

is it the secong guy from loving you?

The second guy was the bad guy in MBC Romance and SBS In The Sun. He was also in Piano playing a good guy. Finally he is appearing on the tv screen again.

Did he join the army or what happened to him?

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mic dear...

oh my.. i'm totally hooked on this drama after reading your summaries.. thanks for "telling" me about it.. wow.. the story is indeed juicy & fast-moving.. hehe.. ( just like american soap opera).. i guess i don't have to wait 4-5 episodes for a light kiss with these sorts of of drama :lol: ( to be honest.. i didn't know about these friday nights drama until tears of diamond- and i was quite shocked when i watched that drama- and the similarities i found is the fact that the husband/ guys are such scumbags.. ( ummm.. i shouldn't use that term) at all.. but really.. i want to strangle those cheating fools..

and the husband was supposed to be a professor.. my goodness.. i was so so ready to kill him when he brought that evil SJ back to the house and did what he did with her.. If I were JS.. oh my.. he would have been in the hospital by now ( or at lease I wouldn't let him off THAT easily)- sorry if i scared anyone with my wishful thinking :lol: ).

SJ deserves it.. for once i see karma in k-drama and i'm totally rooting for it ( i don't usually root for the "third" person.. but as of right now.. GO JS!!!! Take DY away from that shameless SJ and let her experience first-hand what she did to you years ago. But I doubt JS could ever stoop as low as SJ though.. and I don't want her too.. it's just it's nice to see "sweet revenge" once in awhile... hehe

I know.. while watching these dramas.. I'm totally not myself.. after tears of diamond.. i have absolutely NO sympathy ( zero) for these foolish guys who threw away their family/lover and often found myself crying along with these poor housewives to the point that i'm so so bitter for them- They're such warm, generous women who lived for their family, only to be betrayed & hurt to the worst extend one can imagine.. With that said, it is always so so exciting to see that these strong women will be able to move on, find a guy that's 10000 X better than their ex husbands/ bf.

Oh my.. i must be in my own little world.. sorry for the rant.. i could go on and on about my hatred for JS's husband & SJ.. but I'll save that for the next discussion :lol:

and I last saw DY in last year's Sea God ( playing Soo-Ae's brother) if I am not mistaken.. I am pretty sure that was him though.. he didn't have a big part.. but I think that was the drama he did before this.. ;)

and wow.. just when i was whining about not having anyone to drool over.. Mr. CHA came along.. hehe.. just in time.. he is such a cutie.. ( ummmmmmmm)... hehe.. i guess he's really hot for a construction guy,, no wonder he has women drooling over him.. hehe..( wink wink at mic)... :w00t:

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Guest dramaok

woot mily's here!

welcome any new folks! now there's like 5 ppl watching this!

and good eye DY was sooae's brother in 'hae shin'...

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Guest t_addict

Thanks a lot Dramaok for ur summaries. It really helps me understanding the story.

Been looking for this thread everywhere.....

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Guest dramaok


ep. 13:

JS = ji.soo

DY = do.yeon

SJ = se.jeong

JM = jae.min

MS = min.soo

SG = seok.gu (JM's friend)

TI = ta.in (JS's daughter)

DY and JM got in a fight because of JS... with DY pissing JM off by saying JM shouldn't undermind JS thiking it's so easy to get back together with her and JM saying it's easy and it's none of DY's business.

so both are at the police station. next SJ arrive at the station after SG calls her but SJ turns around and leaves after seeing DY with JM.

SG convinces the police to let them go since DY and JM know each other and the police agrees.

JM tells DY to keep a good eye on his proud wife.

DY gets in cab and goes toward JS's. SJ who's following DY wonders where DY's headed.

meanwhile at home JS calculates how much she needs to repair her car. TI suggests they should use dad's car but JS says her and JM are strangers now.

TI asks if her mom and dad can be friends and JS says yes....

in the middle of the night SG's wife remembers telling the maid to throw away mr. cha's boots and calls the maid to see if she really threw it away since she wants to give it back to mr. cha.

the maid says they're already in the trash so SG's wife goes out to dig through the trash.

SJ follows DY's cab and SJ is about to get out of her car to follow DY by foot but sees SG dropping JM off, and to avoid JM SJ gets back in the car.

SJ calls SG's wife for help but SG's wife's busy at the trash bin and drops the call....

MS urges JS to avenge against SJ but SJ says she can't use DY like that..

it's past 1am and DY calls. they meet outside. JS sees DY's wound and worries.

DY asks JS if she's getting back with JM and urges her not to, that she should be w/ someone she needs not someone who needs her selfishly like JM.

DY says JS shines now unlike before when she lived for JM. then DY's overcomed with love and longing for JS..and says he shouldn't have believed her 2 yrs ago and should've waited longer.

JS says DY's drunk but DY says he's not..

DY returns home and SJ pretends to be surprised by DY's wound and when he doesn't explain she doesn't press for answers, afraid that he got in a fight because of her past with JM.

later DY looks at JS's pictures in the study. SJ brings medicine and sees DY throwing pictures in his secret drawer. at night while DY's asleep SJ tries to break into the drawer but DY appears.

DY says she promised him that she wouldn't have to have his heart but SJ says she only said that to marry him and she didn't know what a big deal that promise means to him.

DY apologizes but tells SJ there's something that he can't control over and tells her not to be like this anymore.. SJ says if he means when she looks at the pictures it will be the end of them as a couple.

next day SG's wife tells SJ the reason DY and JM got in a fight was over JS. SJ is shocked to hear that and wonders if JS is trying to seduce DY with his sympathy..

SJ tells SG's wife JS had told her that she would return the same suffering SJ caused.

meanwhile JM's mom visits JS and tells her she'll always be her daughter-in-law and JS asks her not to come because it's difficult for her. JM's mom says she'll leave her alone a little longer and she doesn't want to hear JS talk about them being strangers.

JS is asked to go on a business trip with the rest of the broadcast team but she says she can't go... DY tries to convince her to go saying there's a place he really wants to go with her on their way to their trip..

still JS insists something came up at home and she can't go.

SG thinks about the way JM told DY to watch his wife and realizes SJ is JM's ex mistress. meanwhile SG's wife goes to the construction site and hands the boots to mr. cha.

mr. cha chases after her and tells her to stop her car. SG's wife gets out and gets emotional saying who is he to make her have to dig through trash can looking for his boots.

mr. cha says he didn't realize how much trouble he's been and says he'll buy her a meal to make up . mr.cha drives saying his dad told him to always be a gentleman.

but they start chatting and mr.cha gets distracted looking at her and runs her car into another parked car.

SJ calls and asks SG's wife to find a good job for JS at SGs wife's uncle's company so JS won't be seeing DY on a daily basis.

SG tells his wife DY was conned into marrying SJ and swears he's gonna tell DY about SJ and JM, but SG manages to calm him down to stop him.

SG's wife then meets with SJ and tells her what happened.

JS gets a scouting call from SG's wife's uncle's company saying they're really impressed with her work and offers her a job to start in 2 weeks. since the job is a huge promotion JS is a little surprised

DY and his 2 assistants are heading for their trip to choong-chung city but suddenly the girl assistant gets sick and the guy assistant rushes her to the hospital, telling DY to go first. DY is driving off and sees JS walking, so he pulls over and asks her what's going on.

JS says he changed her mind and wants to go with them so DY who is delighted tells her to get in and the two drive to choong-chung city together. SJ calls DY's assistant and finds out DY and JS went on the trip alone and starts to panick. at last SJ gets in her car and tries to catch up to DY and JS.

SJ misses them on their first stop but at the second stop JS sees SJ while DY went to pull up his car.... but JS says nothing and gets in the car when DY pulls up. SJ who is on the other side of a busy street calls out 'honey' but DY doesn't hear her either... so DY and JS leaves with SJ watching panicking.


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Guest dramaok


ep. 14:

JS = ji.soo

DY = do.yeon

SJ = se.jeong

JM = jae.min

MS = min.soo

SG = seok.gu (JM's friend)

TI = ta.in (JS's daughter)

JS sees SJ running after them but says nothing and gets in the car with DY, and they take off.. SJ is stunned that JS ignores her and gets in her car to go after them but loses them.

since DY doesn't have his cellphone with him SJ tries to call JS after getting lost.... JS doesn't answer her call and takes out her battery.

JM goes to JS's mom's and asks about JS's whereabouts. JS's mom says JS went on a business trip and JM asks what JS's company name is.

JS's mom scolds JM for not being more perceptive and he needs to learn that it's the little details that women care about...

meanwhile JM and JS are visiting another restaurant in the village and JS asks about the place where DY wanted to go with her. DY asks if she's okay with being together alone and JS says she's been looking forward to seeing the place..

SJ is going around all the hotels and motels to find DY and JS... but DY brings JS to a house where he knows the owner and asks for boarding rooms.

SJ who's unable to find her husband gets a call from her colleague who asks for some material for tomorrow's 10am meeting. SJ tries to delay the meeting but realizes it's too important to not go and heads back to seoul...

SJ starts to imagine her husband with JS and to distract herself while driving, she turns up her music loud and misses DY's call.

next morning DY brings JS to a wild botanical garden and tells her he's been wanting to bring her since 2 yrs ago... since they both loves plants and flowers.

JS is touched by DY's gesture and thx him and says it will give her strength in living....

meanwhile SJ works through the night and morning... worrying about DY and JS....

after strolling through the botanical garden DY shows JS a plague with a poem engraved on it.

DY says he's wanted to show her the poem for a long time as well... the poem reads:

"my flower"

you are my flower not because you are the most beautiful flower in the world.

you are my flower not because you are the most fragrant flower in the world.

you are my flower because you bloom in my heart.

JS stares at the poem and is touched by DY even more... they then take pictures and JS takes a picture of DY after gazing at him for a long time through the lense.

DY takes pictures of JS and the garden and they head back to seoul..

JM who is waiting around for JS sees DY dropping her off and finds out DY is JS's boss.

SJ who is waiting for DY to come home confronts him when he gets in and asks DY if he slept w/ JS.

SJ tells DY she followed them to the restaurant and JS saw her but pretended to not know her.

DY gets angry that SJ did all this and scolds SJ for accusing JS of ignoring her saying she's gone nuts.

SJ who is too emotional loses her balance and DY grabs ahold of her before she faints.

DY and SJ make up and SJ tells DY she wants them to have a baby. DY says they need to talk and SJ gets nervous thinking JS told DY about the past.. and asks DY if he wants to talk about JS.

DY says yes and that he loves JS.


DY confesses!

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Guest dramaok

4 more episodes! wonder how it will end. do you think jisoo and doyeon will end up together? i know DY loves JS a lot but i'm still not sure about her feelings toward him. as for sejeong it must really suck for her now.. learning that her husband who never loved her loves the wife of the guy she cheated with. yikes.

this drama ends on 2-17-06.


song seon mi

who just got married will star in the next friday drama.

i think lee jong won willbe her costar. the new drama is tentatively titled ''어느날 갑자기 - suddenly on that day' .......

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oh my~~ I finally found this thread lol...

dramaok,...you're such a life-saver hehe... I have watched the first few episodes (like ep 1 and 2, then jumped to ep 6)....but then I was thinking to make a thread for it.... then I got side-tracked lol.... But yeah, I enjoyed the first few episodes, and just wishing there'll be a summary or better yet, a translations hehe...

thank you for all the summaries! now I can resume again to watch the episodes after reading your summary :D

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Guest twinnyroo

thanks for all the summaries i am watching episode 12 now and it is soooo good is this drama gonna be like 24 episodes im not sure how many episodes there are going to be if anyone knows will they tell me thanks ^_^

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Guest soo_jung

4 more episodes! wonder how it will end. do you think jisoo and doyeon will end up together? i know DY loves JS a lot but i'm still not sure about her feelings toward him. as for sejeong it must really suck for her now.. learning that her husband who never loved her loves the wife of the guy she cheated with. yikes.

this drama ends on 2-17-06.

I happened to come upon this thread too and after read the summaries started watching it. I'm only on Episode 10 but I am so hooked!! Thanks for the summaries!!! I didn't realize that JS also plays Yul's mother in Goong right now.

I really do hope that JS and DY get together though. I do think that JS does have feelings for DY though...it's just that before she didn't want DY's wife (before she knew it was SJ) to experience the pain that she went through but that was before she found out it was stupid SJ. I'm so glad that SJ is getting what she deserves!!

One question I had though was, does DY thought that SJ was the affairee (the one that JM had the affair w/)? B/c when DY first met JM and he realized that JS was crying b/c of the affiar, there's a little flashback of DY remembering JM saying the woman is completely different from JS and there was an image of SJ.

In Ep. 11, DY blurted out to JS that the reason why he married SJ was b/c of JS but the way he said it, it didn't sound liek he knew that SJ was the affairee....it just sounded like a "you-caused-me-pain-so-i-did-something-foolish" type of thing.

Also, did they ever expand upon the reason why DY married SJ? B/c he said something about a "mistake" (when he took JS home after she saw SJ in the department store) and so I was wondering did he accidentally make a mistake? And then what is this promise that DY and SJ promised each other (That they would never talk about)? Is it to never talk about the woman (JS) that DY loved/(s)?

Sorry about all these questions.....since I just got started, I'm trying to catch up.... :sweatingbullets:

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Did anyone noticed that in SBS Friday night drama, the female lead is always older than the male lead? Before it was Tears of a Diamond, now it's That Woman.

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Guest breathless.

One question I had though was, does DY thought that SJ was the affairee (the one that JM had the affair w/)?

Also, did they ever expand upon the reason why DY married SJ? B/c he said something about a "mistake" (when he took JS home after she saw SJ in the department store) and so I was wondering did he accidentally make a mistake?

And then what is this promise that DY and SJ promised each other (That they would never talk about)? Is it to never talk about the woman (JS) that DY loved/(s)?

no, DY doesn't know.

- _ - i feel like he should though! freakingdfl. like in the bar, when he first meets JM; DY says how horrible the SJ was&& JM defends her


um, i think SJ followed him for.. three days? && supposedly took care of his mother& stuff?

i'm guessing he just wanted to get over JS. i mean, he thought JS just used him as a way

to even it out with JM so she could stand going back to him. so he was hurt && there is this

woman stalking him to america. so : x

the promise was that SJ would stop being so selfish&& for everything to go her way? {basicallythegist?}

SO no, DY is cluelesssss.

he better find out soon or im going to explode.

: x hehe the next eppys come out today? : o !

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Guest LiLjeSsica3

my mom's friend let her borrow some videos and thats how i found out about this drama... i've skipped eps here n there cuz my mom just borrows whatever her friend has, so the summaries REALLY HELPED (THANK YOU DRAMAOK) but yesterday i watched eps 13 & 14... so good... so this drama only has 16 eps? can't wait to see what happens

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Guest dramaok

episode 15.

JS = jisoo

SJ = sejeong

JM = jaemin

DY = doyeon

MS = minsoo (JS sister)

SG = seokgu (JM friend)

TI = ta.in (JS JM daughter)


DY confesses to SJ that he loves JS. shocked, SJ asks how he can so easily fall for JS's sympathy trick and asks if JS loves him too. DY says probably not and SJ wonders why he's telling her this if his love is one-sided.

DY answers he must tell SJ this now because he can't go on pretending to be available for her and he shouldn't have married her in the first place even though his dying mother's last wish was for him to marry and SJ promised him their marriage would be stressless.

SJ asks DY if he's saying he regrets marrying her and DY apologizes saying he's sorry that he can't love her. SJ asks how he can hurt her this much knowing how much she loves him, and DY says that's why he's telling her this now so she won't be hurt more.

SJ asks if he's asking for a divorce and DY says she should consider it. SJ wonders how he can be conned by JS like so and DY says not to say that about JS cuz she didn't do anything against him. SJ sits on bed in disbelief...

meanwhile JS gets ready for a work project and MS comes to check on her. JS says how foolish she was about the new job offer... it being something SJ manipulated. MS asks JS if she's gonna be okay working with DY and JS says she has to be.

overnight, SJ thinks about the way JS told her she was gonna pay SJ back with the same thing she did to her... and after a night of sleeping in separate rooms,

SJ acts chirpy and then asks DY to give her time and for the time being to act as if nothing's happened.

JS who is going to work gets a call from JM who wants to talk to her. JS says there's nothing to talk about between them unless it has to do with TI and since it's not about TI she doesn't want to talk to JM.

JM tries to talk to JS before work and JS says she doesn't want to... then JM asks when JS will be done with work and JS says she's gotta go.

meanwhile SJ tries to call JS but JS doesn't answer. SJ gets frustrated and goes over to SG's and tells SG's wife to find out JS's home phone and address.. saying JS is a fox.

SG asks SJ if DY's fallen for JS to replace the unforgetable love he has in his heart since a few years ago...

JS prepares work at the station and acts aloof with DY...

SJ tries calling JS at JS's work and sees JS right infront of her... JS says to follow her then if she really must talk and goes back to work. SJ who can't really talk about JS infront of DY decides to wait in car

DY compliments JS on doing a good prep job and asks her to come to tomorrow's meeting.

SJ waits in car and sees JM approach JS as JS gets ready to leave.. but SJ sees DY coming as well. JS says she won't get in the car w/ JM and he suggets they talk at the cafe.

SJ and JM pass by DY but neither acknowledge him. SJ watches as DY is hurt... . JM tells JS to quit her job saying he will give her money. JS refuses saying she will do what she wants and she can afford her own living.

JM meets SG who confronts him about SJ... SG says JM should.ve told him so he could've stopped DY from marrying SJ. JM tells SG about JS and DY working together.

SG goes home and asks his wife to get JS over to the wife's uncle's publishing company since JM asked for help.

DY returns home. SJ tells DY tomorrow is their first anniversary and suggests they go on an overnight trip. DY says he knows it's their anniversary and that's why he talked to her before.

MS helps TI w/ homework and asks JS if her work meeting is at 5pm.

SJ makes 6pm reservation ordering champagne and all to celebrate her and DY's anniversary.

SG's wife gives SJ JS's shop address. SJ looks at the address and says it's JM's neighborhood. SJ realizes DY went to see JS on the night he got fight w/ JM.

SG's wife says SJ should go beg JS for forgiveness now if she wants to keep her marriage.

SG's wife visits mr.cha with returning his hat as excuse but she witnesses the food lady flirting with mr. cha and gets angry, then turns to leave. mr. cha goes after her and the lady goes after him.

SG's wife tells mr. cha to go back to the bibimbap lady but the lady asks SG's wife if she is mr.cha's aunt. mr.cha grabs SG's wife and says she's his lover... and warns lady not to smile at him anymore and not to mix his bibimbap for him anymore.

JM calls SJ to meet. JM asks SJ if she's happy then they blame each other for the JS/DY situation. SJ says JS is avenging her by seducing DY and says JS must still love JM to care enough for revenge.

SJ goes to buy present for D while JM goes to ask JS why she's seducing DY. JS says she doesn't need JM to fix anything.. and when JM doesn't leave she gets upset and in a brisk moment they break tabletop glassware, shattering the pieces and JS's hand.

just then DY tries to call JS but can't get ahold of her and gets worried. then when she finally picks up he senses her crying and DY runs to get to JS. SJ arrives at DY's station to get him to go eat with her but sees DY running and follows DY.

then when SJ arrives at JS's neighborhood she sees DY escort JS to his car. watching this SJ cries...

DY takes SJ to the hospital. JS asks DY how he married SJ... . DY says there were many circumstances and he will tell her the details later.. . JS says she better not listen. DY goes home and SJ asks him how he can meet JS on their anniversary.

SJ asks DY if JS called him knowing it's his anniversary. DY says she's only hurting herself. SJ says he must really love JS and DY says sorry, then leaves.

SJ comes to JS's shop. MS gets upset after realizing who SJ is.. . JS tells SJ to go wait at cafe. SJ asks JS if she will forgive her if SJ begs for forgiveness... .


I happened to come upon this thread too and after read the summaries started watching it. I'm only on Episode 10 but I am so hooked!! Thanks for the summaries!!! I didn't realize that JS also plays Yul's mother in Goong right now.

I really do hope that JS and DY get together though. I do think that JS does have feelings for DY though...it's just that before she didn't want DY's wife (before she knew it was SJ) to experience the pain that she went through but that was before she found out it was stupid SJ. I'm so glad that SJ is getting what she deserves!!

One question I had though was, does DY thought that SJ was the affairee (the one that JM had the affair w/)? B/c when DY first met JM and he realized that JS was crying b/c of the affiar, there's a little flashback of DY remembering JM saying the woman is completely different from JS and there was an image of SJ.

In Ep. 11, DY blurted out to JS that the reason why he married SJ was b/c of JS but the way he said it, it didn't sound liek he knew that SJ was the affairee....it just sounded like a "you-caused-me-pain-so-i-did-something-foolish" type of thing.

Also, did they ever expand upon the reason why DY married SJ? B/c he said something about a "mistake" (when he took JS home after she saw SJ in the department store) and so I was wondering did he accidentally make a mistake? And then what is this promise that DY and SJ promised each other (That they would never talk about)? Is it to never talk about the woman (JS) that DY loved/(s)?

Sorry about all these questions.....since I just got started, I'm trying to catch up.... :sweatingbullets:

welcome soo_jung! long time no 'see'.. 'breathless answered all your questions...

and later on.... DY reveals that it was his dying mother's wish to see him marry. so i think his reason was 3 fold: 1. to get JS out of his mind. 2. mom's wish. 3. SJ's persistence and her promise that she won't take his heart if he can't forget his first love.

my mom's friend let her borrow some videos and thats how i found out about this drama... i've skipped eps here n there cuz my mom just borrows whatever her friend has, so the summaries REALLY HELPED (THANK YOU DRAMAOK) but yesterday i watched eps 13 & 14... so good... so this drama only has 16 eps? can't wait to see what happens

let's see. 2 episodes come out every friday so next week is the last week.. so i think it will end at episode 18.

and thank you sylver so much for uploading them on clubbox. without you we wouldn't enjoy this juicy drama!!!

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