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Jang Woo Hyuk's fans raging at DBSG's fans

Guest inisblue

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For those who can't read Korean and those who are confused, THIS is a thread from DedicatedtoH.O.T. that explains clearly what happened. Thanks Elisa for the infos.

So Woo Hyuk lost 180 million won thanks to that 'pratice' of DBSG fans. Gackt lost like 2 billion won also thanks to that. And many many other artists had suffered the same thing. I'm glad that H.O.T. fans decided to make it publicized. This is a serious matter. The damage is way too much to just let it go with such a pathetic excuse.

Thank you very much for posting the link to the translation. Is this the original DTH forum? More power to you. B)

I think they need to change the ticket system--so this can't happen again. I still don't believe this was practice for anything--aside from how to ddong on other gasoo /deul's concerts/careers. I also think that there should be parental permission for people under 18 (for ticket BUYING-no reserving)--whether that will help or not, I don't know. I'll never understand the reasons for doing this to other gasoo...especially non-Korean ones. I'm American, but I understand the fan club thing perfectly--I belong to Takezone and V.O.S-- the International branches of the parent Clubs. Fortunately, neither of them really have to deal with fans like that.

I'm getting sick of hearing about these people. I wonder if the parents know what goes on in their heads, and what they're kids are up to when they'r doing these things. I also wonder if any of the older fans are involved.


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Guest _erigoo

Wow. Now this adds to the reputation of both respectable artists in a bad way. Poor JWH. Poor DBSG. I don't comprehend the thought processes of some overzealoud fans at times.. I can't imagine how JWH is feeling at the moment. :(

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Guest murdoc_19_2000

WHY WOoHYUk? LEE SOO MAN is probably the leader of the pack. <_<

g.o.d.'s farewell concert and they don't let 1000-whatever number fans see them perform for the last time.. all i can say is WOW.....

im sorry but ur first sentence makes me laugh lolz


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Guest clairdeluned

For those who can't read Korean and those who are confused, THIS is a thread from DedicatedtoH.O.T. that explains clearly what happened. Thanks Elisa for the infos.

So Woo Hyuk lost 180 million won thanks to that 'pratice' of DBSG fans. Gackt lost like 2 billion won also thanks to that. And many many other artists had suffered the same thing. I'm glad that H.O.T. fans decided to make it publicized. This is a serious matter. The damage is way too much to just let it go with such a pathetic excuse.

Are you serious?! :fury: :fury: :fury: Some DBSK fans really need to grow up. Their actions affect so many people...in a bad way.

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Guest kangtagreen27

Thank you very much for posting the link to the translation. Is this the original DTH forum? More power to you. B)



woohyuk fighting!

woohyuk35 fighting!

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DongBang Fans Practiced Reserving Tickets With Jang Woo Hyuk's Concert

jang woo hyuk was to hold 5 different concerts. 12/30/05 seoul, 12/31/05 seoul, 01/31/06 daegu, 02/11/06 pusan, 02/18/06 suwon. the seoul concert tickets went on sale on november 21, therefore had absolutely no relevance to this ordeal. the daegu concert tickets went on sale on december 30, pusan tickets went on sale on january 15, and suwon tickets went on sale on january 9. people are saying that these 3 concerts were the affected concerts, but for the daegu concert, the dongbang fans weren't even aware of the dongbang concert yet, therefore there was no reason to practice reserving tickets. for the sueon and pusan concerts, there is a liklihood that the dongbang fans practiced reserving tickets, but because a lot of people go on at the opening of the ticket sales, there is a good chance that it wasnt done at that time. practicing reserving tickets is about timing how long it takes to go from start to finish. the also thing is, it's unfair to blame dongbang fans, because as of now, there are still plenty of empty seats that can be bought. even after tickets are reserved, they are automatically cancelled if they are not paid for, and they go BACK on sale. so although we are at fault as well, it truely isnt fair to be poitning fingers only in our direction.

DongBang Fans Practiced Reserving Tickets With Other Concerts As Well

this is completely impossible, and a lie. why? because all the other concerts went on sale, even before dongbang's first concert was announced. it doesnt make sense that all these fans would randomly, for absolutely NO reason, practice reserving tickets.

  • Gackt ; the SECOND round of ticket sales started on October 20, and tickets were mailed out in early December
  • Backstreet Boys ; tickets saled started November 11, and tickets were mailed out on December 20
  • Buzz ; tickets went on sale on November 17, and tickets were mailed out on December 21
  • Lee Min Woo ; tickets went on sale on November 24, and the concert was postponed, which made the ticket sales open on December 21
  • GOD ; ticket went on sale on December 20
  • Sung Shi Kyoung ; tickets went on sale on December 29
  • SG Wannabe ; ticket went on sale on January 11, but the company said all the best seats were already reserved for the fan club

dongbang's concert was announced January 3, 2006 and all the reservations for the above concerts started quite a while before. for some of the concerts, seats STILL remain...

Where Did 'Practice Reservations' Come From?

the dongbang fans actually learned of this from OTHER fans. many other fan groups have "practice reserved" many times, timing how long it takes for them to get through the process of reserving tickets. this isn't the first, and this isn't the last, and this isn't an act that dongbang fans started. it's been around, and its happened many times before. its just the first time someone made a big deal about it.

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so this whole thing was 'twisted around' by-- *someone*...gets everyone upset and all worked up--and none of this ticket business has hurt any of our gasoo --in any way? Then it's just like--a huge misunderstanding? -________- Maybe that's one of the reasons Woo Hyuk tried to get people to stay calm.


The way you explained how tickets are reserved (especially that they go back on sale if not paid for in a certain amount of time)--it sounds like a fire drill.

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Guest HatsuHaruko

so a thousand or so fans decided to practice at the same time.

nice one.

i personally think the korean system of booking tickets should be changed. change it back to the days where people have to line up for the tickets. :lol: that way everyone will be happy and no fan groups have an excuse to "reserve" tickets.


hmm, 4tang's right... didn't really consider the fact that people WILL sacrifice school for their fav. celebs... =/

anyway, i still think that the system should change. that was you don't have fans "practicing" how to book tickets. MAYBE they should have a practice section. let fans and other people practice booking tickets with an interactive step-by-step instruction manual to guide them along. maybe they should have a stop-watch fuction in that practice section, so that fans will know how fast they can book the "tickets". :P

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^ they stopped that, sometime during h.o.t days. because when h.o.t had concert ticket sales, kids would ditch school for 2 days at a time to stand in line for tickets. :x

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Guest miranduh

:crazy: i must say..WTFFFFFF?

those DBSK fans are so damn rude; and giving the good fans a bad name >_>;;

and im totally sure they have enough "practice" screwing around now, i hope karma kicks them in the richard simmons; although i wouldn't think the other fabclubs would go and do such a dumbcrack thing!

poor Jang Woo Hyuk guy.....imagine going to the concert expecting a roar of his fans but instead he gets 1000 seats emptyin the front and the die hard fans all the way at the back.


edit// okay i saw a post up there; but they're still rude; giving many fans a really bad name

some of them were saying negative stuff like, "You guys are old, you guys are dead, we have more power -_-".

it's someone's career for jeebus; not a little fight of fangirls on whose better >_<

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Guest cpopbaby19



that's so wrong!!


even though im hating a gasoo or any other singer/group i'd never cross to that line that i'd pre-order the tix and let em expire~

that's f-cking rude of dbsg's fans~ T____T

what's their reason of doing that anyways? duh! immature~

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:crazy: i must say..WTFFFFFF?

those DBSK fans are so damn rude; and giving the good fans a bad name >_>;;

and im totally sure they have enough "practice" screwing around now, i hope karma kicks them in the richard simmons; although i wouldn't think the other fabclubs would go and do such a dumbcrack thing!

poor Jang Woo Hyuk guy.....imagine going to the concert expecting a roar of his fans but instead he gets 1000 seats emptyin the front and the die hard fans all the way at the back.


edit// okay i saw a post up there; but they're still rude; giving many fans a really bad name

it's someone's career for jeebus; not a little fight of fangirls on whose better >_<

it was equally bad. the hot fans did their share of not so nice comments. -.-;;; someone postd a really sincere apology at woohyuks daum cafe and many replied with "we dont need your stupid @$$ apologies..."

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that's so wrong!!


even though im hating a gasoo or any other singer/group i'd never cross to that line that i'd pre-order the tix and let em expire~

that's f-cking rude of dbsg's fans~ T____T

what's their reason of doing that anyways? duh! immature~

please read 4tang 's post explaining how ticket reservations work in Korea. I didn't know that practicing reserving is 'normal' before she posted.


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im in love with DBSG and junk ~but i have to admit that their fans are wayyyyyyy crazyyy!! i feel so bad for jang woohyukk...!! awww!! i love him too! i feel bad for both of them cuz dbsg has such stupid and immature fans while jang woohyuk's fans wont even be able to go to the concert cuz the tickets are "sold out". wut the frik,,!

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Guest 1tymforyomind

i read this too.

DBSG fans just need to chill and go to DBSG's concert and stop messing with other singers concerts.

although not all of DBSG fans are tht crazy.

If they are just doing tht to make DBSG happy(?)

then they are just damn STUPID cuz thts just making DBSG look like idiots and they would have bad reputation to the sunbaes-.-;;

and the fans are making MORE DBSG antis

i swear if DBSG fans did tht to 1tyms concert i would of gone crazy

I OWN PAGE 11 ;]

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