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Ahn Yong Joon 안용준

Guest loving_D

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Guest Rxgoodleaf

Rxgoodleaf you're amazing. i've never seen so many ahn yong joon pics!


When one looks hard enough and is motivated enough! LOL

Please enjoy fruits of my labor... ;)

P.S My 888th post! Number eight supposed to mean money in Chinese culture, right?!

Does this mean I am going to win the lotto?! :D

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Guest Rxgoodleaf

His recent pictures from visit to North Korea as goowill embassador in May... with his Jumong co-star...



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Guest Rxgoodleaf

Currently in Capital Scandal as Kang In Ho... apears in episodes, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, and 8... so far...

From official Capital Scandal site...


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Guest Rxgoodleaf

Latest news of AYJ 6/25/07 My Daily News...




마이데일리 = 임이랑 기자] '주몽' 유리왕자 이미지는 너무도 강해 그는 항상 '유리왕자 안용준'이라는 꼬리표를 붙이고 다녔다. 그러나 그는 지금 '유리왕자'가 아닌 '강인호'로 우리 앞에 섰다.

KBS 2TV 수목드라마 '경성스캔들(극본 진수완, 연출 한준서)'에서 친일파 고리대금 업자에게 총을 겨누는 독립투사 안용준의 모습은 고집스럽고 바른 유리왕자의 그것과 많이 닮아 있다. 하지만 그 와중에도 안용준은 연기 인생의 변화를 꾀하고 있다.

'유리왕자'와 '강인호' 사이, 아역과 성인역 사이, 신인배우와 인기배우 사이 그 어딘가에 선 안용준이 마이데일리를 찾았다.

"인상깊은 배역이라면 동성애도 OK"

우리가 안용준을 처음 만난 것은 아마도 '주몽'에서겠지만 그는 우리가 기억하는 것 보다 훨씬 많은 작품에서 우리를 만났다. EBS 청소년 드라마 '비밀의 교정'으로 데뷔한 그는 "데뷔한 지 1년 된 신인입니다"라고 이야기 하지만, 실은 단막극을 제외하고도 '사랑과 야망', '반올림3', '내 사랑 못난이', '90일, 사랑할 시간' 등 1년 만에 8작품에 출연한 '경력 있는' 배우다.

'비밀의 교정'에서의 안용준은 쉽게 연기할 수 없는 '동성애자'로 출연한다. 첫 주연작에서 '남자끼리의 사랑 연기', 신인배우로서는 분명 쉽지 않은 선택이었을 것이다. '반올림3'에서는 나쁜짓이라는 나쁜짓은 모두 도맡아 하는 '악역'이었다. '주몽의 아들'이었던 그의 모습만 알고 있는 사람이라면 선뜻 상상이 가지 않겠지만 예전의 그는 그랬다.

신인임에도 불구하고 동성애, 악역 등을 두루 거친 안용준은 "동성애자로 출연할 때는 상대 배우와 정말로 사귄다는 소문도 돌았어요", "악역 할 때는 길거리를 걷다가 뒤통수도 맞았죠"라며 담담하게 기억을 털어놓는다.

하지만 이런 반응들도 배우로서 기꺼이 받아 들인다는 것이 그의 생각이다. "좋지 않은 소문 돌아도 상관 없어요. 임팩트 있는 역할이라면 배우로서 욕심나요"라고 자신 있게 강조하는 그는 부쩍 프로로 성장해 있다.

"'주몽' 하면서 평생 만날 선배님 다 만나"

"아무래도 지금까지의 작품 중 가장 기억에 남는 작품이에요"라고 '주몽'을 소개하는 안용준은 아직까지 '유리왕자'의 기억에서 벗어나지 못한 모양이다. '유리왕자'와 크게 다르지 않은 캐릭터인 강인호를 선택한 이유로도 "유리왕자 이미지를 조금은 더 가지고 가고 싶었기 때문이에요"라는 대답을 내놨다.

'주몽'은 그에게 연기자로서의 이름을 알리게 해 준 중요한 작품이기도 하지만, 연기자로서 여유를 갖게 해준 작품이기도 하다. NG 한번에 소심해 지고 어떻게 해서든 이번 장면만 넘기려 하던 안용준은 더 이상 없다고 한다.

쟁쟁한 중견 연기자들이 모두 참여한 '주몽'에서 여러 선배들과 부대낀 만큼 그는 신인의 티를 한 커풀 벗었다. 안용준은 "평생 만날 선배님들 다 만난 것 같아요"라며 그만큼 배운점도 많다고 전했다. 이제는 촬영장에서 NG 한번에 일희일비 하는 대신 자신을 혼자 컨트롤 하는 힘이 생겼다고 한다. 또한 드라마의 분위기와 큰 틀을 이해하고 연기하는 능력을 가지게 됐다. 사극 한편을 하고 나면 큰 연기 성장을 한다는 공식처럼 안용준 역시 주몽덕을 본 것은 부인할 수 없다.

"'강인호'는 연기의 갈림길이죠"

스무살, 동안의 얼굴 때문에 안용준은 청소년 역할만 계속 해 왔던 것이 사실이다. "아역 이미지가 굳어지면 변하기 힘들 것 같아 바꿔야겠다고 막연히 생각하고 있어요"라며 이제는 그 이미지를 탈피하려는 움직임을 시작했다고 밝혔다.

'경성스캔들'에서의 강인호는 여전히 청소년이지만 조국의 독립을 위해 싸우는 강인한 남자다. 또한 '유리왕자'와 닮아 있지만 '유리왕자'에서 벗어나고 있는 건널목이다. 이렇게 연기 인생의 갈림길에 서 있는 그는 앞으로 독립투사 강인호의 역할 충실하겠다는 계획이다. 아역으로서, 바른 청년으로서 종지부를 찍고 나면 더 큰 변화를 준비할 것이다.

"내 안에 순간적인 또 다른 모습을 보여주고 싶어요"라고 말하는 그는 아직도 연기욕심이 크다. 영화 '엽기적인 그녀'에서 차태현이 보여줬던 개구쟁이 같지만 톡톡 튀는 역할 또한 해 보고 싶다고 한다. 동성애, 악역, 왕자까지 모두 소화한 그에게 무리가 가는 캐릭터는 어디에도 없을 듯 하다. 이제 막 날개를 편 안용준이 '경성스캔들'을 통해 훨훨 날개짓을 하기 바란다.

Jumong’s Yuri Prince image was so strong, he had to live with a label “Yuri Prince Ahn Yong Joon”. However, he now stands in front of us as Kang In Ho and not as Yuri Prince.

In KBS Wed/Thur drama, Capital Scandal, aiming gun at someone (not sure of this one), the independence fighter Ahn Yong Joon has a lot in common with stubborn and discipline Yuri Prince. However, he is trying to change his acting career.

Between Yuri Prince and Kang In Ho, between child role and adult role, between new actor and popular actor, standing somewhere in between, Ahn Yong Joon came to My Daily.

We first met him in Jumong, however, he has been in a lot of other projects then we can remember. Debuted in EBS, Secret Of School, he says, “I am a newbie, debuted only a year”. However, not counting one episode drama, he has been in “Love And Ambition”, “Sharp 3”, My Lovely Fool”, and 90 Days Of Love”, 8 dramas in 1 year.

In Secret Of School, Ahn Yong Joon plays a homosexual role, a difficult role to act. As a newbie, it must not have been an easy choice to make, his first acting role. In Sharp 3, he played the villain. If you only knew him as Jumong’s Yuri Prince, you would never have imagined his previous roles.

As a newbie, he had played a homosexual and a villain. “When I was playing the homosexual role, there was a rumor that I was dating the fellow actor in real life. And, when I was playing the villain, someone hit me in the back of the head on the street.”

However, he thinks that as an actor he should be ready to receive that kind of response. “I am not concerned about rumors. If the role can make an impact, I want to play.”

When talking about Jumong, he said, “That was the most memorable project to this date.” Seems like he hasn’t completely come out Yuri Prince character. One of the reasons he chose Kang In Ho character was, “I wanted to keep Yuri Prince image a little longer.”

Jumong was the one that made him famous but it was also the one which taught him to be more relaxed as an actor. No more Ahn Yong Joon who got upset because of NG, just wanting to get the scene done.

Being among experienced actors in Jumong, he has peeled off one layer of being a newbie. Ahn Yong Joon said, “I think I have met all the (older) actors whom I would ever meet in my life’ and that he had learned a lot. Nowdays he has learned to control himself when there is a NG, rather than getting really discouraged and upset. Also he has learn to understand the drama’s mood as well as the frame work. It is true that once you act in a historical drama, you grow as an actor and Ahn Yong Joon definitely received the benefit.

“Kang In Ho role is my acting career’s crossroad.”

20 years old, it is true that the baby-faced Ahn Yong Joon has always played teenager roles to date. “If the teenage image gets too strong, it will be difficult to change and I have been thinking about changing the image.”

Capital Scandal’s Kang In Ho is still a teenager but he is an independence fighter, a strong willed man. Although very similar to Yuri Prince, it is also a chance to escape the Yuri Prince image. At the crossroad of his acting career, he plans on giving his all to the Kang In Ho character. Teenager roles than strong young adult, he is getting ready for a big change.


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Yep, I will... just takes me some time to translate...



His surprised expression when the girl said let's kiss!


Here, he is like are you sure? :D

he's sure cute here..lolz..tnx for the translation...

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Guest Rxgoodleaf

thanks for the translation rxgoodleaf.

is it secret reform or secret of school?


"Secret Reform" was direct translation but I think it's better known as "School of Secret" or "Secret of School"... aired on EBS 2006, 24 episodes total...

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Guest koko_krunch

During his Fantasy Couple Dance (You tube version that Rxgoodleaf uploaded, between 00:02 - 00:04), traces of shock and horror could be noted in one of the guests (the one wearing a blue dress). Reckon she didn't expect what she saw. :lol: .

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Guest Rxgoodleaf


'유리' 안용준이 일본에서 차세대 한류스타로 눈길을 끌고 있다

안용준은 일본 현지에서 모바일을 통해 화보와 일기를 서비스하고 있다. 또 안용준은 직접 일본의 모바일 이용자들이 하는 질문에 답변을 해주는 등 일본 팬 끌어안기에 나섰다. '주몽'이 일본에서 방영된 지난 4월말부터 시작된 이 서비스는 '주몽'이 후반부로 치달으며 더욱 인기를 모으고 있다.

덕분에 일본에서는 현재 안용준이 출연하는 KBS-2TV '경성스캔들'에 대한 관심도 높아지고 있다.

안용준은 '경성스캔들'에서 나여경(한지민)의 야학 제자 강인호 역을 맡았다.

Brief translation...

Apparently Yong Joon's popularity is increasing in Japan since he started uploading pictures and diary via Japanese mobile service... also there were question and answer sessions... Jumong has been on Japanese air since April... now past half way point, his popularity is soaring... because of that, interest in AYJ's current project, Capital Scandal is rising... AYJ is currently Kang In Ho in Capital Scandal...

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Guest heartshapelove

Hi Rxgoodleaf ~ I was on the Get Karl! Oh Soo Jung 칼잡이 오수정 website and saw these two articles ( 1 ; 2 ) with pictures of AYJ in it. Could you give me a cliff notes version of what it said? Basically, I'm curious to know if it says AYJ will be on Oh Soo Jung. Thanks!! :)

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Guest Rxgoodleaf

Hi Rxgoodleaf ~ I was on the Get Karl! Oh Soo Jung 칼잡이 오수정 website and saw these two articles ( 1 ; 2 ) with pictures of AYJ in it. Could you give me a cliff notes version of what it said? Basically, I'm curious to know if it says AYJ will be on Oh Soo Jung. Thanks!! :)



Ah~ You beat me to it! :D

Two news articles regarding casting of AYJ in "Get Karl! Oh Soo Jung"... to be aired 7/28/07...

Ahn Yong Joon will be playing younger brother of Oh Soo Jung (Uhm Jung Hwa's character), Choi Soo Hyuk... a comedic role!

He is currently wrapping up Capital Scandal...

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Guest flyfany89

^ really?! That's great news

I really didn't like his character in Banolim 3

but now I love him haha

plus he has a cute smile...it makes me smile when i see it <3

can't wait to see more of him

and thank Rxgoodleaf for the pictures and translations ^^

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Guest heartshapelove

Ah~ You beat me to it! :D

Two news articles regarding casting of AYJ in "Get Karl! Oh Soo Jung"... to be aired 7/28/07...

Ahn Yong Joon will be playing younger brother of Oh Soo Jung (Uhm Jung Hwa's character), Choi Soo Hyuk... a comedic role!

He is currently wrapping up Capital Scandal...

aww yay! ill get to see this cutie again soon. and of course itll be a comedic role because Oh Soo Jung looks to funny. :D

& yahh AYJ's characters on CS is gettin beatin up pretty badly ehh.. :(

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Guest Rxgoodleaf

Stole some caps from Capital Scandal thread... ^^

Thanks to Luckione...




Poor thing indeed...

I haven't started watching Capital Scandal yet... but soon!

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Guest Rxgoodleaf

Started watching Capital Scandal...

Finished episode 3...

Surprisingly entertaining although it's a period piece... Love all the bright costume!

Not much AYJ screen time so far...

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Guest Rxgoodleaf

First episode of Butcher, Oh Soo Jung aired today...

Here is AYJ's character description...


Choi Soo Hyuk, Soo Jung's brother

Same mother but different father, so his last name is Choi rather than Oh.

8 years ago, Soo Jung's mother brought him home.

He calls Soo Jung "Mommy" (nickname). Due to Yook Dae Soon's lie, not knowing true identity of Soo Hyuk,

Man Soo thinks he is Soo Jung's son. Soo Hyuk thinks the world of his father and his older sister (ie would do anything for them).

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