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Do You Think You Are Pretty?


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Guest pussycat

7 probably.. i am not overly adorable or wat..but among my friends i got the most admirers. Probably cos i have boobs nt EXTREMELY gigantic, almost a C , nt seriously underweight, a dimple, double eyelids, curves, full butt, clear skin no pimples.

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Guest qquinto

i also have a high nose, ladies! whoo-hoo! haha

i think i'd be an 8 if i could lose some fat.. especially face fat.

i remember feeling pretty confident about myself when i was slimmer.. though that was quite awhile ago lOL.

in my chubby and not so well rested days.. like a freaking three or four. it's lookinthemirrorandwanttosmackyourself worthy.

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Guest Joannnnnnnna

I dunno about all the damn, but I look damn attractive today! Or just plain goofy. I'm wearing elegant gothic lolita, so I'm all frilly and lacy and I've got huge platform boots and lots of lipgloss and pigtails xD;~ My eyeshadow is wicked pink so that it matches my tights. Hehe ^^;

Actually, I have a big Korean honker of a nose, courtesy of my mum, and I have a pore problem (or do I mean a chocolate-eating problem? Yeah, that's it...).

I think I'm going to tower over all of my guy friends at school today xD;

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Guest yeppmusic7

i never wear makeup but i think im really pretty without it

not trying to be conceited or anything :)

but i know some people who think im ugly

and some people who think im pretty

but to me, i think im a 8

i like to feel positive :D

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its hard to rate myself any higher than a 6 coz there are so many beautifully blessed people out there

and if i were to rate them and compare myself on the same scale, i would be a 6

in light of all my insecurities, i rate myself as a 6,

...7 on good days if im lucky!

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Guest moochelle

i never really considered myself as 'pretty'...

but when i really look closely at my face, everything is proportioned, etcetc..

and i'm pretty tall for an asian girl (5'7)

so i guess i'm a 5-6..

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Guest SukarDrops

without makeup, I'm a 7

with makeup, I'm a 9

I voted 8 (total average of the numbers above) :ph34r:

same here...a lot of ppl tell me im pretty but when i say in a convo "i dont have to try hard because i knowim pretty" they say "oh you think your all that your so arrogant" but they are the same ppl that tell me im pretty <_< .. how backwards

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Guest chibi_chibi

I voted 7 because I feel prettier now than I ever did back in the days, (XD I sound old but I'm only 19, which is pretty old compare to some of you girls, hehe). I don't wear make-ups, only chapstiks and maybe lip gloss when I remember.

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Guest Romancer.

I gave myself a 5 and voted no.

I have NO figure and I look like I'm 12. I dislike my facial features etc etc.

The only thing I do like are my lips and teeth. Then again, I've always been really harsh on myself. I want too much I guess.

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Guest Rainie_Days

I think...I'm quite attractive but I don't know because I don't see people looking at me cos of that reason :P I gave myself a 7 though.

I think I look okay, nothing totally outstanding about my looks, lol! But I'm normal like everyone else ;) But I do admit I feel prettier than how I was in my younger years, at ages 8-12 that is...those were my chubby days :mellow:

I like my eyes and my lips ^^ my family likes my nose cos it's "high"...hehe.. I don't wear any make up either, but I feel prettier without it. I feel so weird with make up on...

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Guest hikkilurver

I gave myself a 6 because the goddess Lee Hyori being a 10 definitely makes me a 6. But I mean, if I compare myself to her status and rate myself a 6, that's a pretty darn high rating.

I'm freakin' cute and adorable and lovable on the inside and outside. :lol:

YAY for self-confidence.

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Guest Sassy Aux Fruits.

I think I'm unattractive and ugly.

So I rated myself a 3. Or a 4. I don't really remember but hey.. that's just my honest opinion.

Pretty is about the face so yeah.. 3/4. The girl in my avatar is like.. not me xD I just like the way she looks but I'm way uglier. *sigh* (I'd rate that girl a 6 =D which to me is A LOT).

I'd rate my body 5/6, since i'm skinny but I still have a little bit (well, very little but still) of curves so yeahh..

So prettiness : 3.5

overall : 4.5 not that bad to me >_<;;

I don't have any confidence about my looks. About other things yeah but look-wise not at all.

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I'm an average cute/pretty girl. I don't think I'm ugly(haven't been called ugly). Have been complimented by men and women so thats why I think I'm a 7 without make-up. With make-up about a 9.

I think it sounds conceited :sweatingbullets:

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