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Ko Joo Won 고주원


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Does anyone have any pics of him from his new drama?

are you referring to his recently finished drama, Chil Princesses or his upcoming one? if it's about his upcoming drama, Pride, there are no pics as of yet since casting is still on going...I feel sad though that Lee Da-hae rejected the drama but I'm hoping that Go Joo-won is the lead

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I don't..... I thought he should have....... I would love to see him in another drama.

Is he planning to star and anymore dramas this year?

anyone know why he did not take the role in Pride or what his next project is?
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credits to Dramaok for the news


Go Ju-Won [고주원] just got cast as the new King in SBS '왕과 나 [King and I]' since Park Sang-Min [박상민] had to pull out.. even though Park Sang-Min is a better actor with a lot more charisma..

Dramaok's comment: I'm glad for the casting change. I can't wait to see Go Ju-Won as a king. ever since KBS 'Peculiar Men Peculiar Woman (Bizzarre Bunch)' I kept a soft spot for seok-hyeon-ee.. Ju-Won ssi.. King and I starts on August 20, 2007.



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Could someone translate this?

I have a fan club for Go Joo Won and I haven't heard anything about him appearing in a new drama.

The text below seems to be about a drama though could someone tell me what it says

JES 이동현] 탤런트 고주원이 8월 방송되는 SBS TV 사극 '왕과 나'(극본 유동윤, 연출 김재형)에 성종으로 전격 합류한다.

당초 성종 역은 탤런트 박상민이 캐스팅됐지만 출연료를 둘러싼 이견을 좁히지 못해 무산됐다. 고주원은 박상민의 출연 번복으로 난감한 입장이 된 '왕과 나'에 구원 투수격으로 합류하게 됐다. 고주원의 측근은 "박상민을 대신해 캐스팅됐지만 그에 못지않은 연기로 작품에 기여하고자 한다"고 전했다.

고주원이 연기하는 성종은 조선시대 법제도를 완성한 성군이다. 그러나 폐비 윤씨, 정현왕후 등과 관련한 궁내 여성의 갈등을 초래해 후일 파란의 여지를 남기기도 했다. 고주원은 폐비 윤씨 역의 구혜선과 정현왕후 역의 이진과 삼각 사랑을 나누게 된다.

-이동현 기자

중앙 엔터테인먼트&스포츠(JES)

- 저작권자 ⓒJES, 무단전재 & 재배포 금지 -

Here is the original page:


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Thank you very much

If you find more information about it in English please let me know.

^ singer...from what I understand it is about GJW's upcoming role in King and I...acutally vetrean actor Park Sang-min was originally casted for the role but had to backout so GJW is now taking PSM's role
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Also could you translate this too

고주원(고영철) 탤런트 최근 이슈 보기 출생 : 1981년 10월 16일학력 : 서강대학교 경제학과, 연세대학교 언론홍보대학원소속 : 하하 엔터테인먼트

Thank you very much

If you find more information about it in English please let me know.

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I have been trying to locate HAHA entertainment's website for some time now. My fan club members want to have the chance to write fan letters of encouragement to him and send him birthday wishes for his October birthday.

If you know the official website of his management email it to me?

Thank you again I greatly appreciate it

^ that's about GJW's profile...

DOB: October 16, 1981

University: Sogang University, school of Economics; Yonsei University

Agency: HaHa Entertainment

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Could someone translate this too

칠공주’ 까칠한 미칠, 결국 가출 후 친가행

뉴스엔 고홍주 기자]

KBS 2TV 주말극 ‘소문난 칠공주’의 미칠(최정원 분)-일한(고주원 분) 커플이 의견차를 좁히지 못해 하루도 바람 잘 날이 없다.

28, 29일 방송되는 ‘소문난 칠공주’에서 일한과 미칠은 오랜만에 저녁 데이트를 할 생각에 설레는 마음을 감추지 못하지만 일한이 회사 일로 지각을 하는 바람에 데이트는 시작도 못해본다.

그런 일한에게 화가 난 미칠은 일한의 변명에도 불구하고 다짜고짜 화를 낸다. 회사 일도 마무리 하지 못하고 달려온 일한은 더욱 난감한 상황에 빠지고 자신의 입장을 전혀 이해해 주지 못하는 미칠에게 화가 나 참을 수가 없다.

미칠 역시 화를 참지 못해 결국 가출까지 감행, 딱히 갈 곳은 없고 결국 본가로 몰래 들어가고 만다.

하지만 새벽에 허기를 느낀 미칠은 주방에서 밥을 먹다 명자(김해숙 분)에게 들키고 마는데, 삐거덕거리는 신혼생활을 이어가고 있는 두 사람의 사연은 28,29일 방송되는 KBS 2TV ‘소문난 칠공주’에서 공개된다.



I have been trying to locate HAHA entertainment's website for some time now. My fan club members want to have the chance to write fan letters of encouragement to him and send him birthday wishes for his October birthday.

If you know the official website of his management email it to me?

Thank you again I greatly appreciate it

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^ it is a news article on the drama, Chil Princesses which Go Ju-won starred in...about a little synopsis from the drama, about GJW and Mi-chil's character which was played by Choi Jung-won...I won't go further since I think this should be appropriately posted on the Chil Princesses thread

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Also, don't worry about finding the agency for me. Please disgard that message.

^ it is a news article on the drama, Chil Princesses which Go Ju-won starred in...about a little synopsis from the drama, about GJW and Mi-chil's character which was played by Choi Jung-won...I won't go further since I think this should be appropriately posted on the Chil Princesses thread
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Could you translate this website for me?


It seems to be some sort of fan club for GJW.....do you know if it's the official fan club for him?

^ it is a news article on the drama, Chil Princesses which Go Ju-won starred in...about a little synopsis from the drama, about GJW and Mi-chil's character which was played by Choi Jung-won...I won't go further since I think this should be appropriately posted on the Chil Princesses thread
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