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Guest putasmileon

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I was wondering if anyone could translate this chinese song into english, I can't find the english translations anywhere T_T

熱恋煙火 by 安又琪

他不特别 让谁多看一眼
来去匆忙 随时都会不见
在我面前 比起我更腼碘
半天不说话 连心跳都听得见
空气中 眼神里 一些些迟疑
互动中 交谈里 一丝丝默契
思念中 等待里 一点点慢慢清晰
是他 就是他 迟到的想法
眼泪却停不下 我想他
只想他 夜快乐走吧
平凡上演 没有伏笔预言
好象他出现 就像广告时间
我在他面前 也会画清界线
他不跨一步 我也不肯走上前
蓝色的 紫色的 彩色的夜空下动人的

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Guest merongyie

If someone could help me translate these short phrases, it'd be very much appreciated.
1. Do you need to pee?2. Did you pee?3. Mom is coming.4. Stand here.5. Where did you get hurt?6. Why didn't you tell the teacher?7. What happened?8. Be quiet. (Just trying to silence kids when they're too noisy, I'd prefer the most polite and nicest way to say this phrase in Mandarin, even "Be quiet" sounds kinda mean in English to kids lol)9. You're being too loud / noisy.10. When you wake up, I'll give it to you.11. Wake up. (Is it "chee lie"?)12. Goodnight.
Just to give some context, I'm working with kids who all speak Mandarin and of course, lucky me, I don't know any. I'd appreciate it a LOT if someone could let me know how to say these things. TIA!

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Guest thomas1700

Hi could anyone translate this Chinese writing to english for me please. I'm buying clothes from TaoBao and the sizes are put on pictures rather than actually written on the site so google can't translate it.
If someone right down the measurements for me please for each size that would be great. Thanks
P.S anyone know another good TaoBao agent, Im using Taobaoring.com I used to love them but Im growing tired of them now.

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thomas1700 said: Hi could anyone translate this Chinese writing to english for me please. I'm buying clothes from TaoBao and the sizes are put on pictures rather than actually written on the site so google can't translate it.
If someone right down the measurements for me please for each size that would be great. Thanks
P.S anyone know another good TaoBao agent, Im using Taobaoring.com I used to love them but Im growing tired of them now.

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Guest thomas1700

sameth said: thomas1700 said: Hi could anyone translate this Chinese writing to english for me please. I'm buying clothes from TaoBao and the sizes are put on pictures rather than actually written on the site so google can't translate it.
If someone right down the measurements for me please for each size that would be great. Thanks
P.S anyone know another good TaoBao agent, Im using Taobaoring.com I used to love them but Im growing tired of them now.

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Guest mineforkeeps.

I was just wondering if any of you have any tips on studying organization/formats for learning Chinese?  I.e. How you study/organization notes? Do you make vocab lists? Flash cards? Charts? Do you use notebooks? How you separate sections?  What sections you have? etc.  I know a big factor in learning Chinese, or any language, is to actually speak it, but I'm asking more in terms of organizing your materials.


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Hi @merongyie

no prob asking ;)

so it looks like I predicted right for the "walking up" part, just use what I said.

Ok, to calm them down using their parents as a reassurance collateral would be best as 妈妈来了,妈妈来了 ma1ma1 lai2 le 2x.

If you're asking "why is this wet", you'd ask 你怎么濕了?ni2 zen3me shi1 le? <-- this is how you ask why part of them got wet (in the context you provided). if you want to ask why something else got wet (like their homework or toys, not part of their body or clothes) then you'd replace "you" with "this" 这 zhe4

easiest way to tell someone to take off their shoes- just say 脱鞋 tuo1 xie2.
you could also tell them to: 把鞋子脱下来 ba3 xie2zi tuo1 xia4lai2.

And if you were to thank me for helping you ;), I'd reply back with 不用客气 bu2yong4 ke4qi4. it means, "don't worry about being polite"
some say 别客气 bie2 ke4qi4,but I don't like the sound of it, heh, just my preference.

I saw you mention that you don't know what they want half the time. you can say: 啊,对不起我不明白。(^-^;) a, dui4bu2qi3 wo3 bu4 ming2bai2. make sure you give them that embarrassed smile too so they forgive you, heh.

it's good that you want to learn a little bit. I grew up in America too so I was always so jealous of the fobs I met in college with perfect Chinese (well obviously, just like my "perfect" English from living in US). I really started practicing 'cause I thought I'd be more authentic, heh. I only speak to my parents in Chinese now. You must be at least 2nd generation then, not to have had the childhood imprinting?

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Guest Sleepless.

Can someone translate this into English? Thanks.

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Guest xtraordinarilynaked

I'm taking Chinese and my professor requires us to have a native Chinese speaker to practice with for 10 hours and I have had no luck finding a language partner. Does anyone know of any sites or something where I can find one? Thanks.

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The first one says that: "In the alley, I came across a black cat, a really black cat. It was bawling, and double-took as I went by."
The double-take part is meant to show that the cat took notice of you, turned your way for a brief moment.

The second line says: "Good job, you just met Sergeant Black Cat."

^hmmm...sounds weird, there may be something I'm missing here and I might be interpreting the 2nd one wrong.

I can help you if it's not like 10 hrs. a week, but spread throughout a longer time.

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Guest merongyie

@Ninshark: You would be correct. My Chinese was actually quite good when I was younger but as I grew up and attended middle school and high school, my Chinese greatly worsened while my English improved.. :(
Really thank you for helping me with the Mandarin phrases, it makes things considerably better at work! Xie xie ni!

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Guest xtraordinarilynaked

Yea, it has to be 10 hours for the whole semester. My professor wants to be able to contact the conversation partners though to make sure they are actually fluent.

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Hey peoples, I'm wondering, what is the average length of study to start "getting by" if you went to china? 2-3 years?I'm mainly just talking about speaking, the reading and writing part for me is really easy...my memory for characters is quite good I can easily memorize 2-300 characters a week and remember them forever after, so mainly just the speaking part if I may ask. (the reason I know this is about 2-3 years ago I took a level 1 class but had to drop about a month in, I still remember all the characters learned) just don't remember much of the speaking ^^;
And which do you think would be better to learn, Mandarin or Cantonese...I'm going more based on a business advantage...

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  • 3 weeks later...
Guest Sleepless.

I'm pretty sure this is a Chinese idiom "咸吃萝卜淡操心", but I'm not really sure what it means. Can anyone explain it to me? Thank you! :)

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trying to help someone sub.

today's word "計較". the sentence 他做錯 沒有跟他計較
google translate and mdbg are always where i look to for translation.

can i translate it as
He did something wrong and you didn't mind OR ...you didn't make a fuss? How about calculative?

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