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Phi said:

LOLOL THAT'S IT!!! I'm pretty sure Admin (or Eric?) is determined to troll Dongwan at every photo post.  Perharps to get back atDongwan for leaving off on vacation secretly without telling them? :P

hahaha epic dorks epic!!!

2013.08.12 Shinhwa Company FB Photo Updates

[관리자의 전하는 말]
누군지 모르는 사진이나,
김동완으로 추정할 수 있겠습니다.

[From the Admin]
A photo where you can't tell who it is,
can be assumed to be Kim Dongwan

[관리자의 전하는 말]
부럽지 않아요.
[From the Administrator]
Not envious

Shinhwa later posted a comment/reply to the gaming pic


[Trans- ShinCom FB reply]
Yes, it is last year's photo. You have been tricked...

Credit: Shinhwa Company
Translation: Malpabo


In case you wonder about that pic of Eric, Andy, Junjin & Hyesung playing game, Shincom had posted it in May this year as their photo blur collage LMAO https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=566300643390974&set=pb.371105676243806.-2207520000.1376316155.&type=3&theater

See it? middle row, 2nd photo from the left :D
Such epic trolls!!! kkkk

2013.05.01 Shinhwa FB Updates

[관리자의 전하는 말]
재작년 신화컴퍼니를 시작하며, 적절한 공개 타이밍을 놓쳐버려 뜻하지 않게 개인소장이 되어
버린 신화님의 사진들을...
이제는 함께 공유하고자 합니다.

[From the Administrator]
After starting Shinhwa Company 2 year ago,  Shinhwa-nims photos which have accidentally became photos for personal possession
having missed the appropriate timing to reveal them…
I’m intending to share it now.

All of it looks blurry. Will reveal the clear photos according to the number of “Likes” (Or maybe not. Will think about it)

Should I reveal it at 30,000 “Likes”.. (Thinking about it)

Photo Credit: Shinhwa Company
Translation: Malpabo Tumblr

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willenette said: Phi, thanks for sharing this. Ahhh..................so, this is what they do during their summer vacation. At first glance it seems like an ordinary picture showing a gaming center and it is difficult to figure out any familiar face because the members have their face turned towards the monitor. It really looks like that they're having a wonderful time playing online games. But, as far as I could remember in the past, Eric has revealed that he's ‘fanatic’ about playing online games. And that his real-life hobby is also purchasing silly gadgets from online shopping malls. :))

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Phi said: willenette said: Phi, thanks for sharing this. Ahhh..................so, this is what they do during their summer vacation. At first glance it seems like an ordinary picture showing a gaming center and it is difficult to figure out any familiar face because the members have their face turned towards the monitor. It really looks like that they're having a wonderful time playing online games. But, as far as I could remember in the past, Eric has revealed that he's ‘fanatic’ about playing online games. And that his real-life hobby is also purchasing silly gadgets from online shopping malls. :))

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That was the awesome-est SHCJ troll EVER!!! Epic vacation troll...!!! haha..How come he is so "into-vacation" yet he still can do "still-not-envious-of-KimDongWan-in-NewZealand" troll.. hahahaha...

Eric loves games... believe or not, I tried to play the online games they are playing.. the ArcheAge & Starcraft 2.. (with the hopes that I could somehow "accidentally play in the same room with them/Eric")  LOL... but its no fun playing with no friends... I played with strangers from russia/china/brazil but no koreans... hehehe.. well no harm in trying...
thank you @phi for still keeping tabs on our bias... this would be my 1st time in months I opened this page.. you know I love ya.. haha

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willenette said: Phi said: willenette said: Phi, thanks for sharing this. Ahhh..................so, this is what they do during their summer vacation. At first glance it seems like an ordinary picture showing a gaming center and it is difficult to figure out any familiar face because the members have their face turned towards the monitor. It really looks like that they're having a wonderful time playing online games. But, as far as I could remember in the past, Eric has revealed that he's ‘fanatic’ about playing online games. And that his real-life hobby is also purchasing silly gadgets from online shopping malls. :))

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check this out, 55mins of pure 4D awesomeness XDD
I love he doesn't just show the good, cool & dandy image.
He's not afraid to show us the 4D side of him,as crazy as it may be some times.
Eric is like an interesting book I don't know what to expect at each turn of a page...
I guess THAT is why he broke my 2 year max stanning any celebrity XDD

Such dork, I miss him.

Shinhwa Eric - The originator of 4D idols


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HAHAHAHA Admin pulling out another old (but unseen) photo for the updates
Well, fairly recent cus it was the filming of a new VCR shown at their Seoul Encore concert in early August
Why is Dongwan so tall here all of a sudden?!  XDDD :))

2013.08.16 Shinhwa Company FB Update:

[관리자의 전하는 말]
누군가가 화려한 휴가를 보낼 때
누군가는 하염없이 천장을 바라보며 휴식을 취하기도 합니다.
신화 모두의 근황을 전해드리지 못해 죄송합니다.
대신에 이런 사진 어떠신가요?

[Message from admin]
While someone is having a fancy vacation
Someone else is having a relaxing vacation staring blankly at the ceiling.
We're sorry we can't provide recent updates for all the Shinhwa members.
How about photos like this instead?

Credit: Shinhwa Company
Translation: Shinhwa Singapore


Looks like the admin was swamped with requests for updates on the other members' holidays @-)
But if they choose to keep it PRIVATE for whatever reason, admin can't help it

My guess is Junjin won't have any good break cus his fanmeet is this weekend
Eric probably has to take care of the management side after the concerts like approving and settle bills among other things..
Andy is having a TV appearance soon, not so much vacation there
Hyesung... not sure what's he's up to, should be free for a long trip me think XD

If time permits, Really hope Eric will get to take his much needed and deserved vacation.
ehem how about another trip to the US to visit his little niece Chae Young & nephew Troy....

All else fails, any day with no schedule/activities... just slacking around is still just as good of a break for them.
It's about resting & relaxing, not impressing ;;)

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Here is the new VCR Shinhwa filmed just for The Classic Finale concert in Seoul in early August.
It's a parody of the 2012 movie Nameless Gangster (범죄와의 전쟁)

From Nameless Gangster...


To Shinhwa mafia mobs.... hahahaha DAE to the BAK!!! :-*


[English & Spanish sub] 2013.08.03/04 Shinhwa The Classic Finale VCR parody of movie Nameless Gangster

Credit: VikyKPOP02

Below clips of the Nameless Gangster parody VCR  are not subbed
but it is MUCH BETTER VIDEO QUALITY if you want to see the Shinhwa Mafias better!!!  =))

PART 1/2


PART 2/2

Credit: thorpegda @ twitter

Lastly, throw in this one cus Eric says breath but I can't cus faint at that deep sexy voice.......  :x

2013.08.03 Shinhwa Grand Finale in Seoul - Breathin' cut (Eric focus)

Credit: thorpegda @ twitter

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Spaming "Breathin' just because of that Eric Breathin' fancam :P


It feels so uplifting, every time I hear it...
All the vocals melt together beautifully and Eric's sexy cool rap is hella HAWT!!

[Eng.Sub] Shinhwa 10th Album - Breathin'

Credit: jstasimplesub3·

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2013.08.18 Group Shinhwa will be appearing in SBS’s “Good Sunday - Running Man”


On the 18th, according to various broadcast representatives, Shinhwa is about to film for next week’s “Good Sunday - Running Man” and this episode is expected to air on the 25th. Apart from Kim Dongwan, who is currently on a holiday in New Zealand, Eric, Lee Minwoo, Shin Hyesung, Junjin and Andy will participate in the filming.

It has been 1 year and 8 months since Shinhwa has appeared on SBS, following last April’s “Jung Jaehyung Lee Hyori’s You and I”. Prior to this, Shinhwa has returned to the music industry in May with their 11th album title song “This Love”, and although they’ve promoted actively on music shows and various variety programs, they could not be seen on SBS’s programs.

Also, it can be said that Shinhwa’s appearance on “Running Man” this time round is unusual. Because official promotions for Shinhwa has ended following them holding their encore concert on the 4th in Seoul for their “2013 Shinhwa Grand Tour” which was held after concluding promotions for “This Love”.

The combination of Shinhwa, experts at sports-related programs, and “Running Man”, carried out with endless running and moving around, is gathering great interest from the viewers. Also, points like Shinhwa and national MC Yoo Jaesuk’s combination, and original “variety-dols” Shinhwa appearing on a real variety program are also gaining interest.

Note: Shinhwa is filming Running Man at Yoohan University from 4:00 AM to 1:00 PM tomorrow!
To be broadcasted August 25th, Sunday.

(cr runningmanconfessions)

Source: xportsnews
Translation saranghaech@soompi


Awesome news!!!! Finally SBS butt hurting no more!
I'm surprise at Shinhwa coming onto Running Man now instead of during their promo period. Nonetheless, it's awesome news!
Time patches everything and I guess Shinhwa have been working their charm rightly XDDD

There's accounts that Dongwan has returned to Korea.  Not sure if it was planned or he cut it short because of the earthquake in New Zealand a few days ago or because of Running Man filming and the press isn't updated.... In any case, we'll find out very soon when they start filming in less than 6hrs from now

Can't wait for 'spoilers' kkkkkk

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There're a lot of conflicted fan accounts flying from K-fans on twitter about Shinhwa filming for Running Man yesterday but NO photos of Shinhwa members spotted.  They keeping thing so hush hush this time?

RM's cast were spotted at Yoohan University & Techno Park in Incheon but no sighting of Shinhwa members.  Latest I heard, Shinhwa members were boated out to the island and looks like they spent a night there.

Even though there's no photos but the korean fans seems pretty sure Shinhwa was/is filming... The broadcast date is changed to Sep.01 broadcast date instead of Aug.25 intitially.  That seems to be more reasonable but the source of that seems to come from Wiki which I'm a bit on the fence since any one can edit that.  Last year or so it showed Eric to be on Running Man which turned out false

As for Dongwan, majority of fan accounts said they didn't spot him filming... but I don't see why he doesn't join in if he's back in Korea already. I guess we'll find out soon....

A couple photos from Running Man's filming at the Island yesterday.  I can't spot if Shinhwa members are in the beach photo or not XD

Credit as tagged + hs_1127 & septy_9095 @ twitter

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So despite no photo from yesterday filming, it is official about Shinhwa guesting on Running Man!!!!

Apparently there's news about Shinhwa filming for Running Man on SBS' Morning Wide News this morning and it will be broadcasted on Aug.25... (禾是樸恩_迷戀鄭弼教 + inmyownmind1) Gosh the broadcast date totally flickers from Aug.25 to Sep.01, back to Aug.25... well if it's mentioned on SBS Morning Wide news then it's official.

It's also said that Dongwa wasn't present at filming (cr 핀하 @ 6senses + malpabo).  I really don't understand why he doesn't participate  if he's already back to Korea days before the filming.... It's too bad but nonetheless, I'm looking forward to seeing Shinhwa this Sunday

2013.08.20 SBS Morning Wide News about Shinhwa filming Running Man


Finally some photo with Shinhwa (red stripe shirts)
My guess from the left in: Hyesung, Andy,Eric, Minwoo & Junjin

Credit: as tagged + arisull610

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Finally some photos!!! (nott too sure why there are many pics of Hyesung :( )

There's fanaccount of Dongwa was filming with Shinhwa too and the mission is "Finding Dongwan".  There're also other accounts that he's still vacationing in New Zealand.
Another account said DW is doing the anual army reserved training (the rest of Shinhwa members did theirs in March).

so many conflicted accounts, I don't really know what to expect any more of Dongwan's whereabout....

In any case, I'm content with Shinhwa on Running Man, it's a good sign SBS patching things up, regardless whatever reasons.  Hoping to see more great things to come in the future....

2013.08.20 Shinhwa Filming for Running Man at Daijakdo Island (Incheon)



It seems he has the fringe trimmed a bit shorter or he has it styled up...




Having lunch break

Andy & Junjin


Junjin & Minwoo




Minwoo, Junjin, Hyesung, Eric (standing up) & Andy



Back to filming after lunch

Junjin & Eric (sitting like a boss)? XD


2 teams on floating platforms


Credit as tagged

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Apparently there were lot of spoilers about the filming/game at the island yesterday on Weibo.... and didn't seem they leave the island after filming yesterday, wonder if there's any more filming for today.


Looks like it is official that Shinhwa will be on EP.160 which will be aired this Sunday AUG.25

Credit: Running Man + Screencap by michaelaolivia

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from ShinMafias to ShinPirates!!!!

Hoist the Colors!!!
Aye Aye!!!! Arrrrrrr

Eric looks most pirate like me think cus of his stubble & rugged look XD

2013.08.21 Running Man Preview

Caption: And… ‘Pirate’ Shinhwa’s appearance!

Credit: Running Man Preview + 어도비 @ 6senses
Translation: Malpabo Tumblr

[PREVIEW] Running Man EP.160 - AUG.25

We think Shinhwa will be shown last half or later part of this Sunday episode
Then the majority of it will be shown on the following episode next Sunday, SEP.01

Credit: Shinhwa House

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[ENG SUB] 2013.08.23 KBS World Entertainment Weekly
Interview with Shinhwa at the Finale concert on AUG.04

Credit: KBSWorld

[FAN MADE] Shinhwa This Love - Eric version

Credit: sleep0520

[FAN CAM] 2013.08.18 VCR at Junjin's LiveTalk Birthday Fanmeet

According to Eric, this is the difference between Junjin & ChoongJae (Jin's real name)
LOL this 4D guy never never fails to crack me up with.  I love him!

Credit: TheGina8880

Longer clip with Eric disrupting JinSung at the end
lol this guy is a kid at heart & forever dork!

Credit: Jh Obsess

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