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@limanh kayaaah that wink makes me smile every single time :D  He can't seem to wink with left eye well as his right.  Me on the other hand can only wink with my right eye XDD

I don't roam much on other soompi thread not sure if we can embed FB vid on here or it need admin level... oh well, some one upload it on YT already hah :)  Wonder why Shinhwa don't upload it on their YT account instead....

It's funny how they line up for this vid tall, short,tall, short, tall, short XDD  and the 3 quiet one on 1 side the 3 speakers on the right.  It's like team overseas - team domestic  all over again =))

Hope Junjin keep this dark short hair.  Not many peole like his long brown hair in Roygen photoshoot last year but I kinda like it.  Though Junjin in short dark hair is way better :D

I didn't quite like this bow-ish cut on Eric at first but it's been growing a lot on me, especially when he poses certain way.... Make it looks different, quite unique & trendy

Sharing some more Roygen scans :)
Not sure if the previous scans couldn't capture the canvas like texture of Roygen actual cataglog or SinaseoU played with it but I quite like this canvas like look... :)

Credit as tagged + valteng tumblr

Not sure if all the photos in the last collage are in the catalog.....

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Looks like we never meet each other online because we live in different time zones^^
I could embed their video in my livejournal but not here...whatever reason it might be...
and yes, I really don't know why they wouldn't post it in their official YT Shinhwa company account...
I was checking it yesterday but there was none...:(( :((

Hahaha...you're right! It's really like team overseas versus team domestic...reminds me of the episode
when they were searching for the cow...I should rewatch it...lol...

I like Junjin's new hair and I also like his hair last year...I didn't really like his blond hair...as for Eric...hmmm...
as long as he does't have long hair, braids or dreadlocks I'm fine with it though my most favorite hair for him
would be during last year's Venus promotion and this year during Mnet choice...kekeke...though I have to
admit that the last big pic of him together with Hye Sung that you shared today is just breathtaking...I love his
chilled facial expression together with the tanned skin...sooooo sexy... :\"> I hope we get a HD version one day
I want to make an avatar out of it... :D

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, OTL didn't realize it's you cus new DP :P
booooo timezone difference!!! I'm in Canada, I guess you're some where in Asia? closer to the 'ShinEpicenter' than me? :)

the Venus hair, you mean this Astro Boy hair? :)
I like this one too.  He looks cute, cool & trendy with that one


His Coke Zero & Que Sera Sera & Diary of June and the super short cut in DongHwa MV are also among my favorites and these 2 from Shinbang :D  I hope no more cornrows or samurai hairs XDDD


what's the chance Eric will have a collab with Minwoo for his 10th Anniversary album?....
I miss rapper Eric, I miss Actor Mun.  Really hope to see him on screen some times this year or early 2014.  It's been looooong.

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I changed it last night when I was listening to their music...kekeke...love this picture...he is so d*mn sexy here...somehow my
vocabulary is so limited whenever it comes to this man...hahaha...
I live in Europe...so we are how many hours apart?...I think around six hours, right?...So I might be a little closer to them but not really...O_O

Yes, exactly this one!...*meeeelts*...I'm sure it was shared before somewhere here in this thread...but it's great enough to be shared again

I was spazzing to the maxxxxxx seeing him here...our living David statue...

And you are right him in the DongHwa MV is just awesome, especially with HyeSung and Lyn's voice...for those who might not know it yet:

It simply feels great to fangirl with you here...

Who are you asking? I would love to have a collab of my favorite two again...love every moment of them together!
Shinhwa Company must be very time consuming for him which is a very good sign that our guys are just doing fine but
like you I would love to see him back...especially as an actor (cause then we would see him more often...kekeke....)

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@limanh, heheh no worries, I find my adjectives getting limited when I talk about this guy.... same old words keep repeating again & again XDD
Yes, roughly 4-6 hrs difference from Europe & Ottawa.  Not too bad kkkkk

Thanks for sharing the Venus - Eric version.  He absolutely gorgeous there, the hairstyle, the built, just perfect....
He was so skinny for This Love, though that & the gel combed hair fit the high fashion run way theme so well.   Not sure if he purposely shredded some weight for This Love's model/vouge theme or he was just simply stressed with all the work from Shincom (from the magazine interview).  He's so versstile and pretty much always has different style, especially the hair (and I mean not just the color XD) in every album promo...

DongHwa is such nice MV why they don't do MV like this any more??? Good news is I finally own the DVD set!!! HAH!  Though it comes with no English subtitle... boooooo

Aside from being tied up with Shinhwa's managerial stuffs, I think he's a little burnt out from SMW too.  Any way, as much as I love seeing him back to drama land soon again, I also realize it's not that easy.... :( a good script, good production that also must not clashed with Shinhwa works (it's different for Dongwan cus he's not as tied up to Shinhwa's prepping work as Eric). 

I forever wonder what's the movie offer he turned down (on Radio Star) which he must play piano in the nude on a glass floor with moonlight shinning down...lol  And there's also other acting offers RicWan turn down cus it clashes with Shinhwa Asia tour... 

hehehe of course I'm rooting for another RicMin collab.  How could not with such awesome sauce like Reminiscence? :D

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Okie I was bored and Shinhwa's post of Eric with UFC fighter  make me wonder.... about Eric goes to MMA gyms at Korea Top Team & TeamPoma.  Looks like he joined both gym at around the same time.

Joining Korea Top Team around JAN.2012: KKT's gym director Hwang's twitter https://twitter.com/SangJHwang/statuses/162146778794307585  and more photos followed (Feb.2012) http://absolutshinhwa.wordpress.com/2012/02/02/12-02-02-pics-eric-at-the-ktt-gym/

Dinning out with KTT team members in Feb.2012.
To the right of Eric (A&F hoodie)  is UFC fighter, "The Korean Zombie", Jung Chan Sung

Credit: absolutshinhwa

Joining TeamPoma FEB.2012: Eric was spotted shopping for gym uniform in late Jan/early Feb.2012.  No one knew what gym it's for at the time  http://absolutshinhwa.wordpress.com/2012/02/21/12-02-21-fanpics-eric-at-a-sportswear-shop  But from this FB update from TeamPoma earlier this month, it was for TeamPoma!! https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=209256699242014&set=a164365950397756 Mystery solved lol

Credit: TeamPoma FB

And apparently he's still with TeamPoma till now :Dhttps://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=208808552620162&set=a.164365950397756.1073741826.164333810400970

Credit: TeamPoma FB & isamipoma Naver Cafe

Yet, Eric is seen here with Korean Top Team member, UFC Champion Lim Hyunkyu
I guess he still going to both gyms?

Credit: Shinhwa FB

Highly, highly amused at this "NEW FLASH"  :P
Shinhwa fans are awesome!!!

Credit: as tagged

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Must share this very adorable gif!!!
Remember the cute ShinStack in The Classic photobook?


Not sure where original gif came from, it popped up on my twitter without proper credit

Any one watching Dancing9 tonight??

2013.09.21 Dancing9 Red Team Jinwook & Munjung Performing Shinhwa's Wild Eyes & Scarface

And of course I must throw in this Shinhwa performance of Scarface :P

2013.08.03 Shinhwa Scarface


That's enough spams from me for today :P

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2013.09.20 K-Drama Actors and Actresses with Adorkable K-Pop Pasts

uri Eric Mun is on the list of 13!!!! :)

Last but not least, we have Eric Mun, who has had great success as both an actor and a singer,
and is the only person on this list to still be an active “idol” with the longest running group in K-Pop, the legendary Shinhwa.
Credit: Soompi

2013.09.21 Gaon Chart Top 15 Best-Selling Artists + Company Sales for January - September 2013

<:-P <:-P  Small, newbie & mighty Shinhwa Company made it top 15 <:-P <:-P


Credit: smb2stfinitesubs

Sharing another cute fanart...

Clicks on link for individual photos

Credit: msmemaaa tumblr

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Depends on where you're, it's a good idea if you may want to sent express your letter, cards, or postcard if you haven't mailed it out by now.  Doesn't need to be complicated, a simple greeting on a post card of your country/city's landmark is just lovely!!!! :)


It's going to be 10 years on Oct.22 that Eric 1st took his acting chop in Breathless (a.k.a. I Run) with Kim Kang-woo.  To celebrate, Korean fans are whipping up this small project

Hello. We're Korean supporters of ERIC.
This year is the 10th anniversary of his DEBUT as an ACTOR.
So, we're going to prepare some presents and handwritten letters.
Present ; flowers, rice cakes, champagnes, the letters and etc.
We're raising money for this support and collecting the letters.
We expect your participation.

Fund Raising:
Period : till Oct.13
Paypal : ehrrhwn@gmail.com
Minimum Amount: $5 (due to high bank fees & conversion)

For letters

Period: Must received by Oct.06
Mailing Adresses:

                 Everything for ERIC
                 #202, 1690-66, Haengun-dong
                 Gwanak-gu, Seoul, 151-812


               Everything for ERIC
               The dentist, 4th floor
               1660-6, Nakseongdae-dong
               Gwanak-gu, Seoul, 151-818

If you have any question, can drop them a shout here >> Eric's 10th Anniversary Project
(Registration is pretty easy even if you don't know Korean :)

OR you can contact through their Twitter >> @EveryEric

All info by: Only Eric

If you contribute to the Fund Raising, after sending your Paypal, please log in at the home page and complete this last step :)
Click on the <For Overseas Fans> and copy the template there then click WRITE. Paste it there and fill in the info and follow the rest.


Thank you all and hope you can participate!!!! 
:-*  :-* :-*

Credit as tagged

tumblr_m7ys1wBQ741qe0d48o1_250.gif tumblr_m7ys1wBQ741qe0d48o3_r1_250.gif
Credit megarasama tumblr

Credit as tagged + luveiei tumblr

Credit: as tagged + Forever_MinYu + Danyfike tumblr

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Hi @Phi
We know for sure it was Eric who was the Shinhwa Company FB admin today...hahaha...
I'm happy we get to see at least a little from him... :) :)

Though I'm satisfied they mentioned him at no. 13...but stilll...he should not be on the list...
cause uri Eric does not have a Kpop past...he ist still active!!!!...YAY!...

Thank you for reminding me of this project...I nearly forgot!... :x

Here some spamming of our beloved CEOs...so adorable!...Love their friendship!

ricmin_1_zps06d45235.gif     ricmin_2_zps86ff6f8a.gif
(credits to kaminbong @ tumblr)

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I love Mwave gave that extra explanation on the pun & world play.
Can appreciate the wits behind these updates by the 'Admin' ;;)

2013.09.23 [Mwave Twitter/FB Roundup] Shinhwa’s Eric Sneaks a Peek

Shinhwa Company posted a photo on its Facebook on September 23, writing


“Guess who?”


The guessing game continued (with a pun, might we add) minutes later. 
Tthe below photo popped up on the Shinhwa Company Facebook with the message:


"Whose dog?"
(The phrases ′Guess who?′ and ′Whose dog′ sound the same phonetically in Korean)


Another mysterious photo popped up on the Shinhwa Company Facebook with the message,

"Not telling."

Photo Credit: Shinhwa Company
Translation: Mwave

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So the answer to yesterday selca guessing game (if it's not too obvious already :P )
I just can't with him.  Never take nice, good looking photos, always weird ones XDD
But it's interesting and adds character to the selcas? XD

That bird nest looking hair of his, probably just woke up...
He looks so young in this pic... so not fair!!!

2013.09.24 Shinhwa FB Updates:

[관리자의 전하는 말]
정답 : 에릭

Answer: Eric

Credit: Shinhwa FB

I guess it was at his home?
 cus it's the same background as this old selca back in DEC.2011 that he shared on Twitter


Adding some edited versions of Eric's selca
Cute pink cheeks bunny Eric is cute!!

Credit: as tagged + inmyownmind1

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2013.09.25 Shinhwa FB Photo Update

Credit: Shinhwa FB


That thing is an Ostrich power napping pillow!!!
I wonder if he bought it himself or it's a gifts he received from the fans
I wish I could raid his cell phone for all these precious selcas....
They're interesting, so uniquely & distinctly 4D E.R.I.C.!!!
He's very unconventioal, so diffrent from most of the celebs....
Never change Eric, never change!!!! :-*

Just an intro of what the Ostrich Pillow is

The Ostrich Pillow started of as a prototype and first went viral on the web at the beginning of this year. Now, with the help of Kickstarter it might become a reality. Power napping increases productivity by 34%, and with this in mind the Ostrich Pillow was born - the perfect companion to nap, disconnect and dream. Your little private space within a public one, to relax and unwind. Crazy concept, but we love it. Watch the video


Credit: Bless This Stuff

Well, Ostrich Pillow has become reality since then.  If you wonder how much it costs or where to buy >> Studio Banana Things and of course there's always Ebay & Amazon :)>-

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limanh said: Hi @Phi
We know for sure it was Eric who was the Shinhwa Company FB admin today...hahaha...
I'm happy we get to see at least a little from him... :) :)

Though I'm satisfied they mentioned him at no. 13...but stilll...he should not be on the list...
cause uri Eric does not have a Kpop past...he ist still active!!!!...YAY!...

Thank you for reminding me of this project...I nearly forgot!... :x

Here some spamming of our beloved CEOs...so adorable!...Love their friendship!

ricmin_1_zps06d45235.gif     ricmin_2_zps86ff6f8a.gif
(credits to kaminbong @ tumblr)

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I don't think the last picture with the words "answer: Eric" is the newest one...his hais is too "long" on it...he has super short hair right now ;;) ;;) but you're right...he looks so young on it...maybe like 18-20ish?... ;))

When I saw his pic with the Ostrich pillow I was rofl'ing so hard....so typically ouf uri 4D-leader...but thanks, I didn't know it was a present
from HyeSung's FC...there must be some Ricsung shippers, too...hahaha...now our leader can sleep everywhere with this pillow, right?... :))

Meeeeeee, too! OMG, I'm so praying with you!....Chaebaaaaal...Eric, give us something nice, too...kekekeke....
I could never be annoyed by any of the guys posts...especially if they are so hilarious and entertaining as Eric's...I rather can't get enough...so please spam us, Shinhwa members!...

Cause I miss him so much (credits as tagged)...I saved this pic to drive my friend crazy to fell for him, too ^^:


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@limanh,  you don't think the "Answer: Eric" pic is current?
I can't tell/guess which one is more current between the Ostrich pillow and the "Answer: Eric"


It's possible his hair has grown longer but I think you might be right cus looking at since these BTS of Roygen new photoshoot in early September but his hair can't grow that fast, especially the bang (unless the Roygen photoshoot was long before the BTS photos popped up).


As for the Ostrich pic, I'm told from Feveric (Eric's Taiwan fansite) the pillow was given to Eric at Shinhwa's March concerts in Seoul this year.
Not too sure if he just took a pic with it now or it was back then when he received it.

limanh said:
Cause I miss him so much (credits as tagged)...I saved this pic to drive my friend crazy to fell for him, too ^^:


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2013.09.27 Roygen FB Updates: New Photshoot for 2013

Credit: Roygen FB

Really love that close-up on Junjin.
He looks so good with this new short dark hair.
I hope he keeps this for a long time :D

The group pic in with formal suits & casual jacket, every one looks a bit awkward
Not so fond of the combi for clothes choices, especially the casual ones
I love the last 2 pics the most (so far...:P )
They all look handsome, make the same old suits popped XD

The 3rd last pic looks Spring-ish to me
Kinda 'weird' Roygen posting that pic now when it's going into Fall/Winter season :P

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I was judging his hair length not from the Roygen pics because I don't know how new they are...I was rather compairing it with
their Chuseok greeting video...kekeke....cause I think this is the most current one...^^

You don't have anyone to spazz with you over there and you are still so faithful after all the years? I really admire you for it, dear!
For the future let's do it here together! You can share with me all the feelings... :x and of course all his pictures...kekeke....

Like this one (credits as tagged):


His smile is killing me...^^

Like you I prefer Junjin with this short dark hair...he looks so cool and manly...I always swoon over the fact how ALL of the members got so manly...
and yes, their group pics are the best...and maybe they want to fight the cold and dark winter with colorful clothes...I was looking twice at their "spring" picture to make sure it is a current one..kekeke...

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Excuse me for this long post but it's sure worth your time (old or new fans) \:D/
It's nice seeing a good long post and Shinhwa being compared to Beatles (I didn't expect this comparison tbh) XD

I won't touch on comparison between the 2 groups mentioned here in the article.  As for Shinhwa, the writer covered well all the main parts of how Shinhwa has been rolling for the past 15+ years.... Though I wonder if the writer is a new fan since the members' solo career part is a bit off to me....

For those who're not familiar with HubPages, it's not a professional news outlet.
It's a free social media network that let users to share their advice, thoughts, insights, reviews....

Read on!!! :)

2013.09.25 The Beatles and Shinhwa: Similarities, Differences and 15 Lessons Other Groups Can Learn from Them

Five years is the usual threshold of groups in Korea. Often, it’s because it is the length of their initial contract. After five years, when members have gained some experience and establish some contacts, they opt to go on their own or their management company drops some members and retain others.

It is no different in the Western world. N Sync, Backstreetboys, Eagles, and other groups go strong in the first several years only to disband at the height of their success. One group is the most prominent, The Beatles. John, Paul, George and Ringo revolutionized the international music industry. They were in their teens when they first came together but their age didn’t hinder them from reinventing music as we know it.

Unfortunately, they broke up after barely 10 years together, more than half of it were in the mainstream industry.

On the other hand, Shinhwa, the longest running boy band in Korea is not as big as The Beatles in the international scene but their success in Asia is undeniable.

If new groups want to stay together longer, these two groups offers some lessons they should learn.

1. Decide to stay together, no matter what

Shinhwa, like many groups in Korea, was put to test after their first contract with their first agency expired. SM Entertainment wanted to resign only three of the six members. The risks were big. SM is a huge company and it’s the company that invested on them heavily. They also retain certain rights over the group even if the group separates.

It was easy for the three members to stay and let the three go their way. After all, this is their career they are talking about. Shinhwa decided to stick it out as a group. Not only that, they decided to sue SM for the rights over the name “Shinhwa” and total freedom from their ties with SM. It was a decision that they would make several times over the course of their career.

Supreme Team, a hip hop duo didn’t quite make it. When E-Sens had to leave the company, Simon D decided to stay. They didn’t make the choice Shinhwa made.

Shinhwa in a 2003 interview following their short forced hiatus after leaving SM Entertainment. This is their first time to come together again after several months of not being able to perform together following a lawsuit against SM Entertainment.

2. Share one goal and don’t stop until you achieve it

You need to know what you want to achieve as a group and you have to be specific. Being the “best boyband” or “best rock band” is not enough, know what you want specifically.

The Beatles was founded by John Lennon. His vision was clear from the beginning. He wanted to write and perform his own songs. When he recruited the other members, they shared his vision and that’s what made it work.

The problem is when other members started growing up and started having their own goals but clashed with John’s goal. George started writing his owns songs and wanted those in the album, too. Ringo wanted to sing and write but John was already sharing writing duties with Paul and was not excited to share it some more.

Shinhwa, on the other hand, set a goal and when they achieved it, they set new goals TOGETHER. After their first album, wanted to win awards and beat other contemporaries. They also wanted to produce and write their own albums. They knew what they were aiming for and they did everything they could to achieve it.

Original recording of The Beatles' Twist and Shout. This is the only song they covered, other songs in their first album were all written by The Beatles. They refused to sing songs written by others. They recorded for more than 10 hours. By the time Lennon had to sing Twist and Shout, his voice was gone. He had to literally "shout" to get through the song. He did three takes until he couldn't do it anymore. However, the "raspy" delivery became a trend.

3. Know your role, the best way you can contribute to the group

A kingdom can never have 2 kings. Not everyone in the group can be the centrepiece. Members will have to accept the fact that someone will emerge the center but it doesn’t mean that he is the center in everything. For Shinhwa, although Eric is the leader, Hyesung is the lead vocals and Minwoo is the choreographer. For The Beatles, John and Paul were the songwriters and guitarists and lead vocals, Ringo was the drummer and George was the lead guitarists.

Shinhwa members knew their place and accept it wholeheartedly. The Beatles members didn’t embrace their role and instead of growing in their role, like what Shinhwa members did, they wanted to take others’ roles.

More importantly, Shinhwa played their role in the best possible way because they knew that no matter how seemingly “small” their role is, it is necessary for the whole group to succeed.

John Lennon and Paul McCartney were the primary songwriters of The Beatles. When George Harrison started writing, it wasn't met with a warm welcome by the group. It was one of the reasons George wanted to leave.

John Lennon and Paul McCartney were the primary songwriters of The Beatles. When George Harrison started writing, it wasn't met with a warm welcome by the group. It was one of the reasons George wanted to leave.

4. Let everyone shine

Just because one person emerges to be the most popular, the rest will stay in the shadows. Each member should help each other shine. Through the years, Shinhwa has pretty much equalized the vocal responsibilities to different members. They have shied away from the usual “main vocal should always be the center” concept.

In choreography, vocals, photoshoot and other activities, they make sure that each one will shine. Now, each member of Shinhwa are just as popular as the other. They mastered the art of allowing everyone to speak during interviews, making sure each get equal amount of screentime and when one doesn’t, they make sure that person will in their next appearance.

John Lennon tried to stop the other members’ growth. When George was starting to write, he paid little attention to it. Instead of supporting each other, they stood in each other’s way.

Shinhwa is one of the few bands where each member is just as popular as the other.

5. Grow… together

One of the biggest problems that The Beatles encountered is “growing up”. George Harrison was barely 14 when he joined The Beatles. He was still in his teens when they had their first US tour, when the whole world was screaming so loud, they couldn’t hear their own voice. By the time they were in their early 20s, they went through what all of us go through, grow up.

The Beatles did stick together long enough to evolve their music. They have produced several albums that featured major breakthrough in music, some of which are still being used today. However, they couldn’t “keep it growing together”. Eventually, their desire to grow as individuals overpowered their desire to grow as a group.

Shinhwa was able to grow individually and as a group. They evolved and continue to evolve their craft. Partly, it was the artists’ decision to isolate their individual careers from their career as a group. They went to the extent of coming up with a different screen name for their individual careers.

When you are together, everyone is just a piece of a puzzle, incomplete without the other

It is hard but each member will have to accept the fact that everyone is just a piece of a puzzle when they are together. No one is complete and can never do what they need to do if he is alone.

6. Don’t forget to feed your ego

The Beatles were extremely successful and it came with puberty. Along with fame and success comes ego. They developed it early. The problem was that they were a group and no one knew for sure if they had the right to brag if they were on their own. Hence, the solo projects.

It was a natural course of action. People grow up, we all rebel. We all need to go out on our own and know what we are capable of. The problem was that they lost their home. Shinhwa did pursue individual careers and they did so early. After their broke away from SM Entertainment, there was a period they couldn’t perform together. They took that chance to pursue solo projects.

However, Shinhwa decided to come together again because they knew that what they create on their own is different from what they create with the group.

7. Support the other’s solo ventures

Shinhwa often appear on each other’s solo project. They openly said that they work for each other for free. It allows them to make each other feel they are support each other and no one will stand in the way of anyone. It makes the person helping feel a bit more needed, a bit more loved and it makes the person with the solo project feel that they have a strong support system while they are in total control of something for a change.

The Beatles supported each other too after they broke up. However, no one pursued a solo career while they were still in The Beatles. They had solo projects but none launched their own “career” while they were still in The Beatles.

8. Don’t try to be bigger than the group

This is the hardest to do. After all, you have people like Eminem who went big solo. You have Beyonce who became bigger than Destiny’s Child. They were able to prove that they have what it takes, their talent was enough.

However, it doesn’t happen to anyone. No one in The Beatles became bigger than The Beatles. Justin Timberlake was never bigger than N Sync.

In Shinhwa, no one aimed to be bigger than the group. Everyone aimed to be different. Eric pursued acting, Junjin started singing, Minwoo even promoted with a different name, Andy went into production and stage musicals, Dongwan’s sound was different and Hyesung pursued a more subdued genre.

Minwoo during his solo Christmas concert.
Each Shinhwa member pursued a solo singing career except for Eric who opted to concentrate on acting.

9. Reinvent

If there is anyone who can give Madonna a run for her money in terms of reinvention, it’s Shinhwa. Early on, they established that they were going to not follow the trend. When boybands were sporting long hair, they went clean cut. When others were going crazy fashion, they went for the vampire look. They always changed their sound, their choreography, their look and their approach to their music.

This is one thing The Beatles did well. They were always reinventing. They introduced so many innovations in music that are still being used today. John later explained that there was nothing else they could do but reinvent their music because they decided to stop performing live. They had to stop performing live because the fans were too loud they couldn’t hear themselves anymore.

It proves that if you keep on reinventing together and towards the right direction, you are bound to create something great.


10. Always be partners

It may be a small detail but important in establishing their working relationship. Shinhwa, in whatever situation you put them in, will always take their members’ side. They will talk trash on each other (jokingly, of course) but when they are up against others, they will be each other’s teammates.

Whenever they do guestings on games shows or variety shows, even if they are pitied against each other, they will find a way to eliminate others first and then battle each other. That’s why it’s hard to break their bond. Their default is to help each other first.

The Bealtes allowed to many other influences in their group and it caused them to crumble. They have repeatedly denied that Yoko Ono was the reason for their break up and I personally believe that. It’s not Yoko Ono that broke them apart, it’s them. John allowed her in the studio during recordings, a place that only belonged to the four of them in their early years. The other let it get to them.

Groups need to learn that their personal lives should never meld with their career. When it comes to their group, no one else should have a say but the members.

11. But do troll each other too

Oh, Shinhwa like to talk trash to each other and the best thing is that they know they can do it without getting the each other upset. They don’t mind being “demystified” with their crazy about each other. They don’t mind their image being destroyed for as long as they bring good laughs.

Of course they know when to stop. Have you ever heard any of the Shinhwa members talk about each other’s romantic life or family life?

12. Fight… a lot

Kangta of H.O.T. went on record to say that he envies Shinhwa because they are always fighting. It is pretty amazing considering every single member of Shinhwa is smart, intelligent and has strong personality. All of them are leaders and they have proven that with the way they have taken over their individual careers.

In Shinhwa’s case, their fighting does them well because no emotions are tucked away only for it to explode one day. They let their opinions known and they let their anger out.

The Beatles fought too and one of their major ones was even captured on camera. It was inevitable. This a group made of four creative geniuses. It’s what allowed them to create great music, songs that are still being sung and reinvented to this day.

13. But make sure you are fighting for the right reasons

The key lies in knowing why they are fighting in the first place. Shinhwa, as stated earlier, made the decision to stay together no matter what. Whatever they do, it’s all to make their craft better.

It also helps that they know their own roles, their strengths and weaknesses. They know when to compromise and when to stand their ground.

14. Keep the romance going

Just like a married couples, you need to make an effort to remind each other why you got married in the first place.

When you are in a group, you need the same thing especially if you are doing well without the others. Shinhwa does one thing right. No matter what they are doing, there will always be that one point in a year when they will come together to work together. They release a yearly project to celebrate their anniversary whether or not they have a full album to promote.

It reminds them and the fans what made them successful in the first place, what else they can do together as a group which they can’t do on their own and further solidifies the friendship, perhaps the most important foundation of their career.

15. Genuinely love each other and never forget that especially during your worst times

It may sound corny but it is no less true. Groups need to genuinely love each other. Shinhwa genuinely love each other. Recently, they have been more open about how they have stood by each other through the difficult times in their personal careers. It shows their concern towards each other is real. Even Hyesung and Eric who are known to be “awkward” have admitted to run to each other for help.

The Beatles were tight and they did genuinely love each other as per their own admittance. Paul once said that at the height of their success, they often hanged out in the bathroom. They shut everyone out and found comfort on each other. When some of them were doing movies or projects away from each other, the rest of the members would jet off to keep that member company.

The problem is that they lost track of that love when the worst hits them. When they were struggling to establish their own identities, they shut out the rest instead of seeking the same comfort they found each other when they were together.

Shinhwa never lost it the friendship. Junjin said it best:

Shinhwa is home. No matter where I go and no matter how far I travel, when everything is done or when things go wrong, this is where I run to and I know I will always be welcome, needed and wanted.

Source: xpherfarrell @ hubpages

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@limanh oh you used the Chuseok video for the hair?  That was during the Roygen photoshoo as well cus you see the brick brackground in the vid is the same as Roygen photos (Eric solo pic).  His hair in the video is swept up as in the group pics, but fringe down in the solo pic kkkkk

[ENG. CAPTION] 2013.09.18 Shinhwa Chuseok Greeting


I find out some Shinhwa fans here in Canada but none are closed to me or I know them well yet.... :D
Fortunately, there're other online fans (like you) that keep me companied :D  I don't know how Eric still keep being my bias all these years consider he's not very good with fanservice or social butterflies like MinWanJin.  I mean he's friendly with the fans but his style is different.  Cus of his introvert personality, he seem to give a bit of personal space instead of being upclose & personal right away.  Though that short coming are more than made up for with his other great things that keep me interested.... Eric to me is quiet, often shy but nonetheless he's like a very interesting book that I don't know what to expect at a turn of a page. <:-P

How long you've got hooked on Shinhwa if you don't mind me asking? for quite a some time me think cus I remember seeing you at the old Shinhwa thread long before if I'm not mistaken :D

Sharing this set of Eric at H&M store opening in 2011
Just how awesome fan pics are :D
I LOVE Eric in this casual yet good looking outfit

His eyes, his lashes, his nose, his sexy lips.... perfection!

Credit: as tagged + hyun_mi_1122 tumblr

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