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Guest Chioster

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The thing that pisses me off with Laker fans is they're just too cocky and selfish. Lakers don't perform well, they'll just hate on their home team and complain all season long, blaming and criticizing everyone not named Kobe. If Lakers do good, they'll just brag and boast on how this team is perfect without any flaws. Kobe/Laker fans? They think that Kobe is PERFECT, even better than a god, always arguing that he's the goat and 10000 times better than MJ. They can't accept the fact that even their idol boy has flaws. It would be the perfect ending for the Celtics to beat the Lakers

Don't generalize all the fans. There's a level of criticism that has to be maintained constructively when it comes to criticizing anything here, and this applies to all of those criticizing fans of every team.

Like seriously, you might as well say be saying something inaccurate like all the Celtics fans in Bill Russell's time were racists. :mellow:

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Guest GO!zilla
The Lakers, covertly, might be one of the top three despised teams in the sport. Part of it is their uncanny and nearly unmatched success, which is certain to generate an Andromeda-like strain of hate.

OOOOOOOOOOOOOO now i get why we are hated haha. i never knew that before.

one would be New York Yankees... idunno what the other is.

Celtics star: Kevin Garnett. Nice guy. Lakers star: Ko-Me Bryant. Cheated on his wife. Advantage, Celtics.

Celtics cheerleaders against Lakers cheerleaders. Close call but because Paula Abdul was a Laker girl and she's a Loony Tune, have to go with the Celtics.

Anti-Lakers chant: "Beat L.A.!" Anti-Celtics chant: "Boston sucks!" Advantage, Lakers. "Beat L.A.!" is a classic and what's old is new again.

Biggest superiority complex: Boston or Los Angeles. Advantage, Los Angeles. Actors live in L.A. Enough said.

Celtics coach: Doc Rivers. Sincere, affable. Lakers coach: Phil Jackson. Smarmy know-it-all. Advantage, Jackson. He's dating the owner's daughter. You have to give him props for pulling that off without getting fired.

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Guest epark1281

Jazz fans (well the ones that attended the games really) are probably one of the worst fans ive ever seen, it was painful to watch the lakers play the jazz in utah =\

Actually, there are two fan bases that I have no appreciation for. I don't like:

A. Philly Fans

B. Suns fans.

The crowd in philly is just rediculous. No class. No mercy. No sportsmanship. Their team goes down by 15, boos. They win a game, they geer the other team. A guy get's knocked down and gets injured on the opposing team, Cheers.

Suns fans, what can i say? Do they know what a travel is? Do they know what a foul is? If you watched any of their series, you'd know. They chant every time, "bulls**t, bulls**t, bulls**t" when a foul is called, when the replay clearly shows that they actually fouled the player. It's like you can't call a legit foul because you feel like the entire crowd will jump you.

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Guest GO!zilla
scorpkev (7 minutes ago) Report Violation

"Lebron is the golden boy of the NBA, while Kobe is the scapegoat of everything

If Lebron shoots too much and carry his team by himself, he is been glorified as a warrior

If Kobe shoots too much, he ball hogs

If Lebron threatens to leave his team if GM does not improve the team, he is all about championship

If Kobe complains the same thing, he is a crybaby and doesn't respect the team

When MJ or any other greats call on his teammate to step up, they are a true competitor

If Kobe calls on his teammate, he is selfish and not a team player

MJ and Lebron are loved by media, Kobe is hated by the media.

He does the same thing others do, he gets the worse side of it, and others get all the praise.

Maybe he is the closest thing to MJ, that is why media and everyone else wants to take him down to preserve the greatness of MJ that nobody should ever come close to him."

just thought this guy had a few great points :)

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Guest epark1281

^^^ its true... haters just dont want to admit it

it would have been a lot easier to root for Kobe if he wasn't talking smack to MJ when he was a rook and had that whole incident In Colorado, not to mention, whether or not it was real, the beef between Shaq and Kobe didn't make things any better. All Lebron's been guilty of is being a manchild.

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it would have been a lot easier to root for Kobe if he wasn't talking smack to MJ when he was a rook and had that whole incident In Colorado, not to mention, whether or not it was real, the beef between Shaq and Kobe didn't make things any better. All Lebron's been guilty of is being a manchild.

i dont know if it's necessarily talking smack, but its just being a competitive player. MJ was one of the ultimate smack talker next to GP and Reggie. MJ would just go attack anyone verbally and on the courts ("with no regard for human life" - kevin harlen :D)

Shaq's a lazy aging bum who could've been the best player ever, instead he uses his humor and baby antics to get what he wants. Its hard to defend a guy who doesnt do wutever it takes to win games. From "if i get injured on company time, ill have surgery on company time", to having the ability to shoot at least 65%-70% from the line being taught by the great rick barry, but he chose to look like a "man". And coming to each season overweight demanding more $$$$.

Im no way saying kobe doesnt have his faults, but i think it took kobe to lose shaq and becoming #1 for him to realize teamwork wins games. Shaq and kobe could've been the best duo ever. You can dislike the guy, but dont judge him by the shaq and colorado incident.

Lebron's guilty of being a whiny darliing manchild of the NBA. He knows he's the "king" of the NBA and he flaunts it, it's sickening.

I hate the player, not the game

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Guest epark1281

eh. I'm not saying that i judge him for what happened. Alls i'm saying is that HE didn't exactly made it easy to like him.

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Guest mojomunkeez
eh. I'm not saying that i judge him for what happened. Alls i'm saying is that HE didn't exactly made it easy to like him.

Because he's obviously done something bad to you personally to warrant your vendetta. :rolleyes:

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Guest GO!zilla

haha Celtics fans must be scared or something... they passing out shirts that say "Gotta Beat LA."

AHAHAHA wtf is the gotta part -_-' RUINED~!

Pred: Lakers take game 1

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Guest KeepinItReal

lmao kobe's choking big time...celts up by 10 and at this rate, theyre gonna win just like predicted

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Guest circustricks03

I'll be sleeping happily tonight. My babee KG brought game tonight. Yup, he's my man. Though I can't get my hopes up cause I tend to jinx every team/player I root for. :sweatingbullets:

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Guest mojomunkeez

What will it take for a foul to be called? The announcers are even saying it: "posey bumps kobe"

Paul Pierce and James Posey have been sumo-bumping Kobe all night, and no fouls!

Props to Pierce for playing through pain, but let's hope he wasn't just playing on adrenaline. Hope his knee is okay after a night.

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Guest Seipher

As a Laker fan that was frustrating to watch, but I have to say the Celtics played some great defense tonight. Bryant really had to work for some of his shots, and the Celtics dominated on the boards as well.

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Guest xsilentangel


Hope he is ready to play in Game 2. I know he plays well injured though.

Hated the Celtics turnovers, but we did well in the second half, especially when Pierce was in the lockerroom.

Eeks Perkins injured him!! Perkins had a horrible night!

KG missed some of his shots that he usually banks in :/ but that last dunk was nasty.

Many ties, no double digit leads (til the end).. intense game!

I know Lakers will definitely step it up.

Hope Game 2 will go like this game.

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Guest KeepinItReal

Pierce stepped it up in the 3rd quarter and that's how it's done if they wanna win this series. Celtics played great team defense and made key offensive plays. Posey played amazing D on Kobe and I'll give him credit for making Kobe a non-factor throughout the game. I really thought Kobe would be aggressive in the 4th quarter but I guessed wrong. It must be the jitters or something because any rational fan, hater or not, would see that he wasn't playing his usual game. Nevertheless, give credit where it's due. KG needs to be more aggressive in the 4th quarter, he just dies off in the 4th. Overall, this game was just great and it exceeded my expectations. I can imagine David Stern and the TV execs busting out their champagne glasses. Like I mentioned before, you guys can boast and brag how great Lakers offense, mainly Kobe, is but the team with the better defense always wins. The Celtics just showed how a team effort defense wins games. You can never go wrong with the quote "Defense wins games."

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Guest mofo

kobe took 26 shots or something.

he had an offnite..

i think he was too busy trying to get his teammates involved the whole game that by the time he decided to take over, he didn't have his rhythm.

sam cassell was in the game way too long in the 4th quarter...i'm starting to wonder why he's still even playing..he took some terrible shots and was not looking to get his teammates involved.

both teams were working out the game 1 jitters..both played sloppy at times..i'm surprised how bad the lakers were playing down the stretch. i'm surprised how poised the celtics were down the stretch lol

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You can never go wrong with the quote "Defense wins games."

But "Defense wins championships" is posted in the Nuggets' locker room :phew:

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