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Love quotes or sayings that took your breath away!

Guest catchthesky.

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Guest dearpaperheart.

There`s always going to be that one person that no matter what he does, what he says, or how many times he hurted you, you just can`t let him go because he means that much to you..

- unknown

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Guest cpx3s0ul


- KimSamSoon

Forget the past, there's a reason it's not coming back.

The most unfortunate people in the world are the ones without memories.

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Guest _crazinessism

The one who smiles like nothing's wrong, are the ones who are fighting a battle you know nothing about...

i don't hate you, i just can't stand being around you

a person who's nice to you, but is not nice to the waiter, is not a nice person

you can go to the four corners of the earth looking for love, but until you give up, you'll never find it

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Guest poupée de chiffon

love is like the wind

you can't see it but you can feel it.

- a walk to remember

I remember that one :lol:

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Guest citrus-fresh

somewhere out there, there is someone who is meant to be the love of your life, your bestfriend, your soulmate.. the one you can tell your dreams too, he'll smile at you when you tell him, but he will never laugh at your heart. he'll brush the hair our of your eyes && send you flowers when you least expect it. he'll call you to tell you goodnight just before you get into bed, or just because he's thinking about you. he'll be burtsting to talk to you each morning, just to hear the sound of your voice, he'll look into your eyes and tell you that you are the most beautiful girl he's ever seen && for the first time in your life, you'll actually believe it.

-- Dawsons Creek.

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Guest hershy kissez

Love has its own time, its own season, and its own reasons from coming and going. You cannot bribe it or coerce it or reason it into staying. You can only embrace it when it arrives and give it away when it comes to you.

--Kent Nerburn

the space between your fingers, are meant to be filled with mine


"In dreams and in love there are no impossibilities."

--Janos Arnay

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Guest fasionfreak321

There was once a story about a girl and a guy who fell in love. They guy didn't like the fact that they met in a dark tavern so he brought her to a rose garden and said to her "This is the place we first met".

-Daddy long legs

There was once a writer who wrote novels. And everytime she finished a piece, she would put it on her husband's desk so he'd be the first one to read it. That's how much i love him. I would put all my cakes on his desk for him to take the first bite.

-Kim Sam Soon

There was once a very ordinary boy, who fell in love with a very extrodinary girl. If he could seperate his life into two parts, it would be before he met that girl and after he met her.

-Stained Glass

Girl: How much do you love me?

Guy: I love you so much that I would spend a lifetime in hell, just for one more second with you.

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goes something like this...

If for every single time you make me smile, I would pick a star from above... I would have the whole sky in my hands.

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Guest johnnifer

'Meeting you was fate, becoming your friend was a choice, but falling in love with you was beyond my control'

'To the world you may be but one, but to one you might be the world'

'Sometimes you need to run away just to see who will come after you'

'To the world you may be but one, but to one you might be the world'

'If you count all the stars in the sky,all the grains of sand in the oceans, all the roses in the world and all the smiles that have ever been, then you will have a sample of how much I love you'

all credits to a dork named sunny(sunza on soompi)


these quotes are sooo cute.

i was gay until i met you.

that's a lovely one sunny. im sure the girl you tell that to will just love you. i wonder if your gf will slap you if you say that too her<3

-Jenn Ly

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i was gay until i met you.

hahhaha. good one, that would totally melt a girls heart :D

“If you love it set free, if it comes back it’s yours, if it doesn’t than it was never meant to be”

“You can’t lose something that was never yours”

“You never lose by loving. You always lose by holding back.”

“If you loved someone but you don't love them now it means you never did loved them...”

"the hardest part about walking away from you is knowing you wont come after me"

"Love is not two souls finding each other, but one soul finding it's other half."

"Do you know what is the farthest distance in love?"

"Death and Life."


"Heaven and Hell."

"No. It is when you are standing in front of person yet you can't tell them how much you love them."

you asked me.. what’s more important me or ur life?

and I said.. my life

and you walked away.. not knowing u were my life.

"Loving you is like touching a star........ I know I can never reach you, but I can’t help but try."

"I dream of a love that even time will lie down and be still for. "

"I dreamed of a wedding of elaborate elegance: a church filled with flowers and friends. I asked him what kind of wedding he wished for; he said one that would make me his wife."

I can't really credit them coz i collected them ages ago

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Guest Incise Soul

"no one ever dies a virgin, life screws you over and over."

-- Unknown

"Don't waste your time on me. You're already the voice inside my head."

-- Blink 182: Miss You

"Envy is ignorance and imitation is suicide. He must take himself for better."

-- Emerson

"I wish I could be the one, the one who wouldn't care at all."

-- Unknown

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Guest Melyxcious

"if there was a snowflake for every thought I had of you... We would be in a never ending blizzard..."

-from my one friend; i thought it was sweet ~ <3

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or was it, i thought i was gay until i met u.

heres my real one xD

all mine!

lets make the perfect crime.

ill steal your heart

you steal mine

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^That's cute.


"Most people want to be the sunshine in your life, but I want to be the moon that shines down on you in your darkest hours"

"Those who only look up at the stars, fail to see the beautiful flowers by their feet."

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Guest biforever

if i had a penny for everytime i fell in love with someone as amazing as you, i'd have exactly one cent.


i dont get this??


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