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[drama 2006] Alone In Love 연애시대

Guest yeohweping

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right i agree with your insight. in real life often times it's harder for women to move on when a relationship ends because they focus of the emotions. men on the other hand tend to be rational and can more readily accept the end of something and move forward. i mean in general that is. but relationships are tough for anyone. that's why EH says love makes people hurt. when it starts, and after it starts, and when it ends, and after it ends. it's totally true.

as with JH and JP i hope they have twin boy and girl. a little JP running around with glasses and all, with the little JH chasing him and beating him up. ^^

ya so true about what you write on woman and man ...

JH and JP having kids together that will be sweet ~ ..

But I am really upset with DJ. He still hasn't confronted all his feelings about the baby and EH and yet he has gotten himself a new love already. But the way he seems so sensitive, does he think he's the one who brought on the baby's death which is why he's behaving this way?

u know somehow i do have a feeling is the death of the baby the first death of a close one that dj had to faced ..i meant the man might never had such thoughts of death of a close one before and then suddenly a new born was taken away from them ..he never know how to respond and he lost all sense of what is happiness or how they can be happy from now onwards ..in his life plan ..marriage then children ..all these are in that sequence .so once a link is broken ..he did not know how to continue on.....maybe his sense of pessimitic arise since that moment on ...

Yes, being a man, I agree with your assessment of men in general, that they "tend to be more rational, more readily accept the end of something and move forward." But just because we are more rational doesn't mean we are less loving or passionate. Do you remember when DJ was trying to kiss YK at the end of their first (I think) date in that now-famous walkway where the old ladies were walking backwards? And how DJ stopped as soon as he received a "help" call from EH? If EH stops being so maddeningly proud and confesses her feelings to DJ as she had initially planned to do, whether she did it then or does it now, DJ will drop YK or whomever instantly, and run back to EH (as I'm sure EH would if DJ confessed).

was eun ho being too proud not to confess feelings to dj .somehow i know there is pride involved but i dun think it was too much pride holding her back .she also need some indication from dj too ..in order to confess ....i dun know as a woman ....i will really want the man to at least hint or show me sighs that he will be willing to listen and be ready to take the hand if i stretch it out to him....that is not pride that is holding me back..maybe there is also a fear too ..will dj really run to her instantly if she confess ..i am not sure dj give me the feelings he has this inner fear of not being able to confront another relationship failure with the same woman again ..he is so scared it will fail again ..

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Ah~ it always so motivating to read all of your posts...

dramaok: your summaries are awesome as always; kristy: this thread won't be as alive if without your beautiful episode captures;

michael, shirley and others: your insights & opinions are what I can call, "extra footnotes" in which without it, watching AIL won't ever be the same... so, all of you regulars in this thread: THANK YOU! :wub:

As I'm barely on episode 6, and soon will be working on eppie 7, there's still a lot to catch-up with you guys.

Hehe. But just by reading this thread, and looking at those caps, pretty much gives me an idea and a whole lot of motivation 'booster' to keep on going. And proudly, as late as I can be *lolz*, I'm falling in love with the OST all over again... especially track 4, 7, 15 and 19.

Beautiful tunes, piano and jazzy too... my faves <3

was eun ho being too proud not to confess feelings to dj .somehow i know there is pride involved but i dun think it was too much pride holding her back .she also need some indication from dj too ..in order to confess ....i dun know as a woman ....i will really want the man to at least hint or show me sighs that he will be willing to listen and be ready to take the hand if i stretch it out to him....that is not pride that is holding me back..maybe there is also a fear too ..will dj really run to her instantly if she confess ..i am not sure dj give me the feelings he has this inner fear of not being able to confront another relationship failure with the same woman again ..he is so scared it will fail again ..

I agree wholeheartedly with everything you've said here... both of them, I think, need to let go of their own pride that has kept them apart for 3 years.

Of course, the two of them, each has its own pride to cover-up their feelings. And to relate to Eun Ho, I can say, as a woman herself, she needs to be more open and at times, 'swallow' her pride in order to 'get her message across'. DJ, being the man that he is, needs to step forward and be honest with his own feelings already. But then, if these things happen too fast, we won't get a 16 episodes of drama... hehe...

So anyways, even though I haven't watched the last eppie, but after taking a snoop the preview for ep 13...

wow.. Dong Jin looks sooooo happy. Never seen him like that before, up until that preview's shown.

I think GSW is a really great actor. Just seeing that less than 5 mins preview, I can tell his happiness just by looking at his expressions. He has to potray the happiness of (finally) being together with one's first love, despite of his own "heart" issue with his past (which I'm sure, still hanging around his mind at that point of time). And as the ending is getting closer, I just hope and wish there'll be happiness for both of them, even if they decide not to give it a second chance anymore. Hopefully Eun Ho will have that special someone if not DJ... (even though I kinda know, like dramaok said once, DJ is it for her) *sigh*...

This drama really has everything <3 combined.

I just love how dynamic its elements of the storyline are combined together.

Humor (love all the interactions between Dr. Gong and JiHo-- Lee Ha Na has done such a great job in this drama... she often makes me laugh/giggle a lot), seriousness, cuteness (where I can go all 'awww~~...' --Eun Sol's famous line: "can you be my daddy? I promise to be a good daughter if you'll be my father." Gosh~~ my heart melts at this point.. hehehe...), and oh, all the props also... the sets are beautiful... the bookstore..... the Dunkin Donuts' place (everytime I see them in there, I feel like I wanna order something too.), the Cafe place (such a perfect place to hang-out! beautiful interior, loving it~~ )

*Does anyone know where this cafe might be? or what is it called? any webbie? haha.. I really love it a lot.

So cozy and comfy... and did anyone catch it... JH once ate ramen right off the pot/pan also in there... :blink: how could it be? lolz*

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Guest schizoar

Hi. This is my first time commenting here but I've been visiting this thread for a while now. I haven't read your latest comments coz I am avoiding spoilers, so sorry if I ever repeat anything that was said before. This is entirely my opinion because I just finished watching episode 6 (coz that's the latest sub release of our beloved WITHS2 subbing team) and I can't help but express my feelings towards this drama. :blush:

I just want to point out some of the reasons why I like this drama. First of is the drama's humor. There are scenes and lines that were really funny, you can't help but laugh out loud (well, that was the case for me, lol). Aside from this, the main actor's are not the only one contributing to a specific scene, I mean, if you try to observe their surroundings, you'll see that the people around them are participating too. I can't describe it but I hope you get my point. :sweatingbullets: I also love how the writer not only focuses on EY and DG. The stories of other characters are slowly revealed every episode, which is good, coz you get to know all of them and why they behave like that.

I think you can say that this drama is very realistic compared to other dramas. That may be the reason why I am loving this one, hehe. You just got to love them, lol.

Ji Ho and Joon Pyo. What can I say about these two? Mwahahaha, I love them. I just hope they get to be together in the end (and I think they will), you got to love their conversations, hahahaha. You have to give Joon Pyo credit for keeping the hope of EY and DJ getting back together. Though he annoys the two (EY and DJ), I know they will be thanking him in the end coz if it weren't for him, I doubt it if they ever see each other again or even realize that they still love each other. Ji ho, she's the smart one. Is she a psychologist or something? lol. I like it whenever she analyzes something about a certain situation. She's one intelligent woman and a very straightforward person too. I thought it was funny how very casual it was when she called JP to say she was falling for him. She seemed like she was just having a normal conversation but she's actually confessing her love right? I mean hello? Can anybody tell someone "I'm falling in love with you" so casually? hahaha. She's really something. ;)

Eun Hyo and Dong Jin. It is obvious that they are still very much crazy with each other; they just don't know how to express it. You can't blame them, since they are already divorced and pride is one of the things that hinder the two of them from spilling the beans. I don't think they'll resolve their problem any time soon. I'm guessing they'll solve this maybe the last 2 episodes? Which is understandable because if they do resolve this now, then the story ends right? lol. DJ can be very mean because he usually says the opposite of what he feels while EY tends to provoke DJ so they end up fighting. What can I say? They just have to be honest with each other. :blush:

Hyeon Joong. I have to say, he's one handsome fellow, lol. I also think that he's making the excuse of loving EY just to rebel from his father. You can't blame him, he misunderstood his father. I just hope they will have a better relationship after what he was told in episode 6. About his love for EY, I think you can just call it infatuation? I don't know, I just don't think he "really" love EY. :phew:

Yu Ri. Though she is a wrestler, she's a very soft lady inside. You can feel that she is concerned for EY and DJ. I like her advices, a very wise woman, I must say.

Mi Yeon. A loving mother. Though she can be irritating sometimes, you just can't hate her, lol. I just hope she doesn't interfere too much with EY and DJ later on. :unsure:

Please bear in mind that I only watched up to episode 6, so I don't know if some of the characters turned evil later on, lol. This is just my assessment after watching the first 6 episodes.

I hope I won't be disappointed but I think this one is very promising. Good story. Good script. Good actors. What more could you ask for? B)

Okay, I think I got carried away. I'll stop my rant now. Sorry :wacko:

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Guest mhugh


i really enjoyed reading your post above!

regarding the fact that DJ will drop everything and run to EH, I don't see how that can actually happen with the characterization of DJ. The problem with him is that he's too stubborn, too pessimistic and lacking severly in perception. I think that scene in the car where EH mentioned about getting back together, I think it was a signal big enough to DJ that she wishes for a second chance actually. She doesn't put it out to him in the straightest of manners but still...it would have been a big step in helping them move forward if DJ was just more forthcoming and more perceptive himself as to what EH is driving at. I think it was already very brave of EH to even mention about it and to want to try to find out why he was not with her that day after her birth...and he, he just avoids te question and goes about talking in the most resigned of tones...

I dont know, I just don't think his love for EH is as strong as EH's to him. Or maybe the nature of the love he has for EH has changed to another form of love...love for a friend. Though definitely, EH would run to him if DJ confessed...so far it just seems so one-sided, and that's kinda sad really....

THe reason why DJ is unable to move on it seems to me, is that he's confused about his emotions, he wants to be able to see EH as he pleases but he doesn't want to have a marriage with her again...whereas for EH its more clearcut, she still loves her ex-husband more than just hanging onto the past...

Sorry for the rambling... :)

Thanks, yuta rule, because I have also very much enjoyed reading your post.

Far from rambling, I think you make perfect sense.

I think that as it stands now it would be very difficult for EH and DJ to get back together again. They just do not communicate very well together. I think you are absolutely right about DJ's characterization. I agree that DJ is "too stubborn, too pessimistic and lacking severely in perception." DJ can be at times pretty block-headed and insensitive (what he calls bad-timing, e.g., he couldn't even wait a few seconds for EH to confesss that she was breaking up with Hung-joo (the young rich swimmer guy), and he blurts out that he's dating the woman with the daughter).

In the episode 8, I think DJ was too overwhelmed with his own sadness and maybe too narrow-minded to think beyond his own pain and to empathize about his wife's pain. When he comes into the room, and everybody leaves, EH obviously needed his comfort, kind words, or some kind of understanding, but he is too deep into his own pain to think about her pain. He just tells her she did well, and that he is going to go to the bookstore for just a little while.

But despite his shortcomings, I think DJ understands what EH told him and asked him in the car. Episode 8, 34:15 - 44:11, EH asks DJ the questions: "Where did you go? Was it really the bookstore? Was it because you didn't want to see me cry, or was it because you didn't want me to see you cry?" You are absolutely right about how when "EH mentioned about getting back together, I think it was a signal big enough to DJ that she wishes for a second chance actually. She doesn't put it out to him in the straightest of manners but still...it would have been a big step in helping them move forward if DJ was just more forthcoming and more perceptive himself as to what EH is driving at. I think it was already very brave of EH to even mention about it and to want to try to find out why he was not with her that day after her birth..."

I have translated the car scene, so that everyone can see exactly what we are talking about and maybe make their own judgments as to who or what may actually be the problem between them. This scene, I think, is important not only because it deals directly with the main reason behind their divorce, but also because this scene epitomizes how they typically "fight" with each other. 34:48 - 41:41, ep. 8 : EH: "I've come to realize this when I was dating Hung-joo (the young rich guy), I think I... I still have feelings for you." He sighs heavily. She goes on, "Truthfully, I was in pain when you were with Mee-won (EH's friend with the daughter). Now that I know my own feelings, even after we've parted I don't think this is just a feeling of friendship. Before we get back together again or go our separate ways, I have something to ask you. That night.. where did you go?" After the flashback, she asks him, "That night, where did you go? You didn't go to the bookstore, did you? Where did you go? Did you not wanted to see me cry? Or you didn't want me to see you cry? If I don't find out why you weren't with me that night, then even if I start over with you, this is going to bother me." This is when he hears the coming car.

Returning unsuccessfuly to track down the car after seemingly ignoring her questions, this was DJ's reply: "Do you remember when I asked you for a divorce? Two months after what happened to Dong-ee (their son), that night when you didn't return, you cried, didn't you? That's when I realized it. That we might cry whenever we are together. Instead of being happy, I realized we may be tormented whenever we see each other. We got married to be happy, so we can't be otherwise, right? That's why I had asked you for a divorce. If we start over again, then it (the pain) would start again. It's not that important where I was that night. Are you sure you wouldn't think about Dong-ee whenever you see me? Are you confident that you wouldn't cry whenever you see me?" She replies, "Are you (confident that you wouldn't cry)?" He replies, "Me?" He sighs, "I am..." She interrupts him and says, "It's cold." His lips are still moving to speak, but she says, "Let's just walk. Walking may be better." He sighs some more and looks at her as she gets out of the car.

I think both have communication problems, but he may be worse than her. He doesn't realize that where he was on that fateful night and why he wasn't there for her that night ARE important to her. He doesn't realize that she needed him to tell her that it wasn't her fault and that he still loves her, and that they'll overcome this tragedy together. What he also doesn't realize is that she probably cried that night (two months after the stillbirth) because he wasn't there for her more so than because of her son's death.

At the same time, I thought the way she worded the questions in the car, there was a slight hint of ultimatum in the air. There was a subtle message of, if you don't tell me where you were that night, and if I'm not entirely satisfied with your answer, then I am not getting back together with you. This is different than from the first episode where she imagines telling him, "I still care for you. I still worry about you when you get sick, and it bothers me when your clothes are shabby." It also bothered me that she had interrupted him. Did she assume and knew what he was going to say, or has she already guessed the answer based on how he was hesitating. Or was she frustrated with him, because she knows what's really important is to realize that healing and loving each other is more important than obsessing over their pain. Or maybe it got too stuffy in the car, and she wanted to talk outside in the fresh air. Either way, I thought the golden rule of effective communication is to give each other reasonable time to answer the question and not assume what the answer is going to be.

I see and sense EH's pain and sometimes despair, but I also see her shortcomings, too. But as shirley puts it well, "....i will really want the man to at least hint or show me signs that he will be willing to listen and be ready to take the hand if i stretch it out to him...." DJ certainly doesn't do that very well.

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Guest dramaok

Returning unsuccessfuly to track down the car after seemingly ignoring her questions, this was DJ's reply: "Do you remember when I asked you for a divorce? Two months after what happened to Dong-ee (their son), that night when you didn't return, you cried, didn't you? That's when I realized it. That we might cry whenever we are together. Instead of being happy, I realized we may be tormented whenever we see each other. We got married to be happy, so we can't be otherwise, right? That's why I had asked you for a divorce. If we start over again, then it (the pain) would start again. It's not that important where I was that night. Are you sure you wouldn't think about Dong-ee whenever you see me? Are you confident that you wouldn't cry whenever you see me?" She replies, "Are you (confident that you wouldn't cry)?" He replies, "Me?" He sighs, "I am..." She interrupts him and says, "It's cold." His lips are still moving to speak, but she says, "Let's just walk. Walking may be better." He sighs some more and looks at her as she gets out of the car.

thx mhugh. i already deleted my earlier episodes but as i remember is the highlighted red sentence above isn't what DJ said. i thought he said 'two months after what happened to dong-ee, when i hugged you again you cried"...?

sorry i just want to clarify because if your version is correct than i have to ask, why didn't she return that night?

and at the last part of the car scene, when DJ tells her why he realized they can't be together, and when he asked her if she could be confident and she just left so she won't have to discuss anymore... i thought that was a very important point in their relationship. that's when she realized what DJ already realized, that they cannot get over the sorrow of their loss and being together is too much pain. because next day she made up her mind to 'see other people' seriously, and that's when she made the 'announcemnt' to her friends and DJ that she's not gonna see DJ anymore. but of course that didnt' really happen as she planned....

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Guest mhugh

thx mhugh. i already deleted my earlier episodes but as i remember is the highlighted red sentence above isn't what DJ said. i thought he said 'two months after what happened to dong-ee, when i hugged you again you cried"...?

sorry i just want to clarify because if your version is correct than i have to ask, why didn't she return that night?

and at the last part of the car scene, when DJ tells her why he realized they can't be together, and when he asked her if she could be confident and she just left so she won't have to discuss anymore... i thought that was a very important point in their relationship. that's when she realized what DJ already realized, that they cannot get over the sorrow of their loss and being together is too much pain. because next day she made up her mind to 'see other people' seriously, and that's when she made the 'announcemnt' to her friends and DJ that she's not gonna see DJ anymore. but of course that didnt' really happen as she planned....

Thanks, dramaok, for pointing that out.

You are absolutely correct. I listened again, and it's uncanny how similar they sound, but he does say "'two months after what happened to dong-ee, when I hugged you again you cried."

As to the last part of the car scene and how she has made up her mind after that, I didn't see the rest of the episode 8, but if EH made up her mind shortly after the car scene, then that really is very premature on her part. To come to a life-altering decision without really having a substantial discussion about it between two parties is almost incomprehensible to me.

Sorry about the confusion. Good thing you are doing the translation and not me. :P

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thank you so much for sharing your insights...

and dramaok, you rock! haha...

this show's so thought provoking and I think the wonderfuk is that there are so many ways to see it....

the car scene, when EH interrupted before DJ could give a reply....somehow I felt that she did it out of fear...she's afraid to hear him say "NO, I have no confidence" because if he says it, it pretty much closes all doors to a possibility of a getting back together. EH wants DJ to reassure her, she wanted a DJ to say yes, but looking at his face, and being the perceptive her, she knew that it was most likely going to be a No, so she rather not have it....

EH at that moment is a woman who's really pitiful I feel. She could have break down again when asking her husband where exactly he went, but she's obviously holding back...wanting to give him space and to not pressurize him, and I really respect that. Sometimes, rationality is not the best way to solve an issue like this, and DJ's just too rational and logical sometimes he can't feel what EH's feeling, and yet when he really needs logic, he lacks severely in it...

I can't say I hate DJ (though my dislike for him is gradually increasing...)and I still believe he and EH should work something out. But from a more objective point of view, if there was such a guy in real life, he probably wouldn't be desirable....and a girl like EH should find someone who deserves her better...

And have you guys checked out the sypnosis for ep14? :o I'm still pretty much in disbelief...

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Guest dramaok

In the episode 8, I think DJ was too overwhelmed with his own sadness and maybe too narrow-minded to think beyond his own pain and to empathize about his wife's pain. When he comes into the room, and everybody leaves, EH obviously needed his comfort, kind words, or some kind of understanding, but he is too deep into his own pain to think about her pain. He just tells her she did well, and that he is going to go to the bookstore for just a little while.

But despite his shortcomings, I think DJ understands what EH told him and asked him in the car. Episode 8, 34:15 - 44:11, EH asks DJ the questions: "Where did you go? Was it really the bookstore? Was it because you didn't want to see me cry, or was it because you didn't want me to see you cry?" You are absolutely right about how when "EH mentioned about getting back together, I think it was a signal big enough to DJ that she wishes for a second chance actually. She doesn't put it out to him in the straightest of manners but still...it would have been a big step in helping them move forward if DJ was just more forthcoming and more perceptive himself as to what EH is driving at. I think it was already very brave of EH to even mention about it and to want to try to find out why he was not with her that day after her birth..."

i read your post again and i agree that EH was very brave to ask why DJ wasn't with her at the hospital. but i don't see it as a signal for reconcilation. i feel that she truly wanted to know why her husband wasn't there for her in her moment of greatest loss. and i agree that she deserves to know. to a woman giving birth is a primal emotional event that changes her forever and when her child dies like that, despite all the pain she must be feeling she must also feel the sense that she failed. as a woman. as a mother. and at the moment she lost DJ as well because he rejected her.

I think both have communication problems, but he may be worse than her. He doesn't realize that where he was on that fateful night and why he wasn't there for her that night ARE important to her. He doesn't realize that she needed him to tell her that it wasn't her fault and that he still loves her, and that they'll overcome this tragedy together. What he also doesn't realize is that she probably cried that night (two months after the stillbirth) because he wasn't there for her more so than because of her son's death.

totally agree. do you remember the expression on her face? i saw despair from being rejected by her husband, not sorrow from losing baby. i know DJ didn't mean to hurt her like that but the fact is that he did, and for him to dismiss her question 3 years later.. the question that must have hurt her over and over all this time.. DJ is just really irresponsible and a coward to not give her a straight answer. in fact he sorta mocks her question, saying 'it's not important where i went that night'... well hello it is important to her that's why she brought it up.

I see and sense EH's pain and sometimes despair, but I also see her shortcomings, too. But as shirley puts it well, "....i will really want the man to at least hint or show me signs that he will be willing to listen and be ready to take the hand if i stretch it out to him...." DJ certainly doesn't do that very well.

yes shirley is correct. and i think that EH already knows that DJ loves her but her despair is not only he won't take the hand, he doesn't realize he wants to take the hand.

I can't say I hate DJ (though my dislike for him is gradually increasing...)and I still believe he and EH should work something out. But from a more objective point of view, if there was such a guy in real life, he probably wouldn't be desirable....and a girl like EH should find someone who deserves her better...

And have you guys checked out the sypnosis for ep14? :o I'm still pretty much in disbelief...

i concur. i definitely see DJ's charms. it's not a mystery that eunho, yoori, miyeon, eunsol, yookyeong, and that bookstore colleague all love DJ so much. he's simply adorable in many ways. but more and more i dislike him because i see that his love is so conditional. he'll only accept it if it still feels 'hot'.. he is coward to accept it if it requires any work. or maybe he's read too many romance novels and he wants that perfect fairytale love... whatever it is he's starting to annoy me.

btw where is ep. 14 synopsis? it's not on sbs or is it in the bbs forum somewhere? can you repost here if you have it? thx.

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ep14 sypnosis

동진은 유경에게 프러포즈 한다. 유경은 갑작스러운 동진의 청혼이 당황스럽다. 동진의 부모는 은호를 찾아간다. 은호는 동진의 부모가 자기를 찾아온 것이 무엇을 의미하는지 육감적으로 받아들인다. 동진의 부모는 아쉬움을 뒤로 하고 은호와 헤어진다.

은호는 윤수의 아내 영인이 주고 간 이혼서류를 들추며 상념에 잠긴다. 은호는 아버지가 진행하는 라디오 프로그램에 문을 두드린다. 유기영은 좀처럼 전에 듣지 못했던 강한 목소리로 이혼서류를 돌려 주라고 얘기한다. 은호는 이혼서류를 돌려주겠다는 굳은 결심을 한다. 영인을 만나기 위해서 커피숍에서 기다리던 은호는 윤수와 영인이 커피숍으로 함께 들어오는 것을 보고 당황한 나머지 몸을 숨긴다. 은호는 숨을 죽이고 두 사람의 이야기를 엿듣는다. 영인은 윤수에게 충격적인 사실을 털어놓는다. 은호는 윤수를 만나서 이혼서류를 돌려준다. 은호는 동진의 결혼식을 찾아 간다. 곱게 차려 입은 유경은 동진과 결혼식을 올리는데….

some main points...

-dongjin proposes to yukyung.

-dongjin's parents went to look for eunho.

-eunho decides to return the divorce papers and plans to meet yongin, but when she gets to the cafe, she saw both yongin and yoonsu turning up.

-yongin has a shocking truth to tell yoonsu.

-eunho meets yoonsu and returns the paper to him.

-eunho goes for dongjin's wedding ceremony...

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Guest ilovebinderclips

I was disappointed by Ep. 13... I feel like either the drama is slowing down, or they aren't spending as much time on production/editing. Yookyung's secret was pretty lame, and I feel like it's moving towards a disappointing ending (especially given the reintroduction of that character, who I won't name for spoiler reasons :P)... sigh.

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Guest dramaok

ep14 sypnosis

은호는 동진의 결혼식을 찾아 간다. 곱게 차려 입은 유경은 동진과 결혼식을 올리는데….

thank you for the preview. i am shocked. someone shoot me now. look at this picture (spoiler).

now i'm so sad. http://img.news.yahoo.co.kr/picture/e7/200...16_23840801.jpg

Yookyung's secret was pretty lame, and I feel like it's moving towards a disappointing ending (especially given the reintroduction of that character, who I won't name for spoiler reasons :P)... sigh.

can you tell me what the secret turned out to be? also are you talking about miyeon?. you can use the spoiler tags or change color? thx a lot. i won't be able to watch til at least tomorrow but i'm dying to know now.

EDIT: nevermind. i read the summary on yahoo news and i know the answers now. thx though

Alone In Love Episode 13


thank you LUV for the caps and the link!!!!!!!!!! you rock!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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icon12.gifEpisode 7 ENGLISH SUBSicon12.gif

Main Translators: hot_saranghae, ceph

Spot Translator: yeohweping

Timers: ltrang, CraZyaH

Editor/QC: ay_link

Coordinator: mily2

Special thanks to dramaok for the karaoke song translation.

icon12.gifEpisode 8 ENGLISH SUBSicon12.gif

Main Translator: rayndrop

Timers: ltrang, ay_link

Editor/QC: thunderbolt

Coordinator: mily2

Special thanks to mhugh for the spot translation.

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thank you for the preview. i am shocked. someone shoot me now. look at this picture (spoiler).

now i'm so sad. http://img.news.yahoo.co.kr/picture/e7/200...16_23840801.jpg

can you tell me what the secret turned out to be? also are you talking about miyeon?. you can use the spoiler tags or change color? thx a lot. i won't be able to watch til at least tomorrow but i'm dying to know now.

EDIT: nevermind. i read the summary on yahoo news and i know the answers now. thx though

thank you LUV for the caps and the link!!!!!!!!!! you rock!!!!!!!!!!!!!


I was pretty shocked myself, and the fact that it's gonna happen didn't quite sink in until just now when I saw the photo at Naver....sigh~still, the writer is practically begging the viewers to watch on...and things won't be as simple as they seem considering there are still 2 more episodes to go from today....so cheer up!

Episode 13 was really uber sad, especially the last scene...this kind of heartache from a K-drama would I think be a first for me really....great show, though I have a feeling the ending's not going my way...still....

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Guest thunderbolt

thank you for the preview. i am shocked. someone shoot me now. look at this picture (spoiler).

now i'm so sad. http://img.news.yahoo.co.kr/picture/e7/200...16_23840801.jpg

I'm avoiding all spoilers in this thread, including caps of episodes I've not watched. But I couldn't resist peeping at that pic after I was alerted to it by a PM. Now I feel so teary for Eun Ho. :tears::tears: On one hand, I love the realism in this drama. On the other hand, I long for a fairytale ending for the two leads. *sigh*

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