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Lee Joon Gi 이준기 | [Drama 2023] "Arthdal Chronicles: The Sword of Aramoon"


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Guest swtamy83

^ Good question, but I do not have the answer! Can anyone tell me how it's humanly possible to be as beautiful as him?

He's blessed that's why........ :wub:

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Guest SaRaNg HaE *M_M_S


i love him.. :x

i've become more and more interested in him everyday.. <33333

btw.... my name is megan... but just call me megz...

wanna be my friend???? i can spazz about lee junki all day long... ^o^

my AIM is lydo jumpee star.... ^^

ASKFJAFDASF..... he's so pretty... i need to change my avatar and sig.... ^^...

can anyone make me a set??? T_T... im not good at photoshopping... my friend made me the micky one.... anyone??? T_T

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Guest leeMinJ

jun ki has that "star quality"

hmm i want to see him dance...

and the lee soo young MV comes out soon? or did it already.... <__<

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ohmygod he's lived such a hard life!~

His grandma was the only one accepting his wish/dream to become an actor, no one else was approving it. So he said that he'll become famous + make the grandma ESPECIALLY proud but before he could become all that famous (like BIIIIIG star) his grandma died. =( So he's always heartbroken and sometimes he talsk about his grandma.

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Guest asianrice

For those who asked for a blinkie: Sophisticatedshorty88, mikaney330, nazznen. Could you fill this little form out? ^^''




Didn't make any new ones today. I was too lazy. XD.


Woot, thanks for the gifs.

lol, when he winks one eye..the other one closes too.

That's freaking adorable.

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First gif............dorkiness!!! Cute!

Second.........i love it when he blow his hair like that. Sexy!



Noticed that i used a different adjective everytime? It's because he's so muti-talented!!!!!!!!!! :w00t:

OMG that second gif is one of my favorite scenes in My Girl! I thought he was so cool when he was fighting off those gangsters and then the car chase! :wub: I think that's when I realized I wanted YR to end up with him!

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Guest swtamy83

Hahaha Linh.........I see that u're opening a little mini request shop within this thread. Good thread........u're gonna be busy from now on! = p

Love your new set............Yes. We all don't want him to suffer. That's why we're staying here with open arms waiting for him to come to us! *keep on dreaming*

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long time no post guys~~~~~

...remember me? haha ^^;; maybe? anyway...i got kind of lazy...and now its 6:30AM...and i STILL cant sleep. whats wrong with me?! so i decided to go jungi picture hunting...and i guess that was a bad idea...because im hyper off his pics. hes too cute >_<

oh! by the way, i should introduce myself...im kathy...but just refer to me as kat haha. <3

ughhhh i love this one<33333


lol @ lee dahae's expression. the 'omgimgonnadie' look hehehe


haha cute smileeee


ahaha he cant wink properly. but his version is cute =P


:o ... :o:tears:


hes all like...'grr...'






My Current Wallpaper:


BTW anyone know where i can upload gifs that are more than 2MB?!?!?! cause theres a couple of good ones that i really want to share...>_<


CREDITS: Yahoo! Blog...Putfile...and ImageShack =]

ahh hottness! i love the second one<3 thank you

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Guest flyfany89

"[병술년 운세]“이준기, 용이 승천하는 형국”


2006년 병술년(丙戌年) 새해가 밝았다.새해벽두 세간의 최고 화젯거리인 영화 ‘왕의 남자’에 대해 유명 역술인들에게 물어봤다. 이 영화는 조선시대 최하위층인 광대와 최고의 권력을 누리던 연산군이 만나 벌이는 광대놀음을 그린 사극으로 입소문을 타고 ‘1000만 관객’ 신화의 고지를 향해 달음박질 하고 있다.

영화의 성공은 ‘꽃보다 아름다운 광대’ 공길 역의 신인 배우 이준기(24·사진) 씨를 단숨에 스타 반열에 올려놓았다. 지금 이 시각에도 수많은 처자들의 가슴에 연모(戀慕)의 불씨를 지피고 있는 ‘개띠 스타’ 이준기 씨의 병술년(丙戌年) 운세는 과연 어떨까.

이준기라는 이름을 전혀 들어본 적이 없다는 ‘김봉준역학원’의 김봉준(63) 원장은 “누군지는 모르겠으나 올해 운이 아주 대단하다”며 “용이 승천하는 형국이랄까, 소위 ‘뜬다’는 운이다. 하루아침에 벼락출세해 온갖 매스컴이 다 달려드는 사주”라고 평했다.

김 원장은 “정치지망생이라면 이번 지방 선거에 출마해도 좋고, 학자라면 논문을 발표해도 좋다. 올해라면 분야를 가리지 않고 뜰 수 있다”며 “과거엔 별거 아닌 사람이었는데, 우연히 을유년(2005년)을 맞아 자기 뿌리가 생겼고, 병술년에 만개했다”고 설명했다.

이준기가 연예인이라고 귀뜸하자, 김 원장은 “도화살(桃花殺)이라고 해서 ‘아름답다, 멋있다, 잘생겼다’는 사주”라며 “멀리 소문도 난다. 특히 활동 무대를 남쪽으로 돌려 일본에 진출하면 더욱더 인기를 얻을 것”이라고 조언했다.

‘남덕역학연구원’의 남덕(65) 원장도 “올해 갑자기 아시아의 스타로 발돋움 한다”며 “배짱도 있고, 여러 가지 기가 세고, 성격도 완벽주의자에 의리가 많은 사람이라 혼신의 힘을 다해 앞으로 나아갈 것으로 보인다”고 풀이했다. 그는 “그렇게 해도 건강상의 이상이 없고 괜찮다”고 낙관했다.

반면 북한 김일성 주석의 사망과 김대중 전 대통령의 당선을 예언한 무속인 심진송(55)씨는 “음력 8월까지는 굉장히 인기를 얻을 것이나, 그 다음에는 기우는 운세”라며 “하반기에는 국외로 진출하거나, 군대에 입대하는 게 좋다. 두 가지 중 한 가지를 시행 한다면 아주 좋은 성과가 있을 것”이라고 충고했다.

^ can anyone help translate this article..

i tried reading it..and i didnt what i was reading ..and it didn't make sense at all..haha

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Guest hyunbin_sweetie

whoaaaa havent been here for while adn we already hit the

51 page this is awesome soo many pics and gifs o0o0o0o0o0o

relaly luvign those and loookieee i see lambutan that means

MORE PICSSSSSSSSSSS heheheheheh i cant wait to see what

pics of gifs it is this timeeeeeee =D

WHOAAAAAAAAA i own page 52!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!

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Guest StylishAzNx07

omg he looks mad fine in the pics of him making the new lee soo young mv.....im soo anticipating it...i cant wait to watch it soon~~

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onset w/LJK for the filming of Lee Sooyoung's MV







^ he was kinda funny with the girl.

This part went something like this:

the girl, Dabin: You're a girl?

LJK: ... ! ...

LJk:I am a girl. How did you guess?

LJK: I am a girl, Dabin. I'm a girl. (but he said it with a really deep voice to confuse Dabin)

Dabin: But why's a girl's voice like that?

LJK: This is my voice.

Dabin: You have hair (she finally figures out that he's a guy from the stubble on his face; this is the part that you see in the capture above).


credit to teal for translation.

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