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❤ Park Shin Hye 박신혜 ❤ | Current Drama: Doctor Slump - Sat & Sun @10:30 PM [Upcoming Drama 2024: Judge From Hell]


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Guest almontel

nu2me, thanks for the info on her cameo at Youcon...is there a link in Youtube we can watch it?

bitzes, thanks so much for posting those deleted scenes...i'm spazzing at the sweet scenes as usual!!!! i miss YB and our couple!!!

i just got my dc dvd and still awaiting my region free player to play them...i didn't want to reprogram my computer bec it'll only allow me to change the region codes 4x!!!

here's the international address: www.park-shin-hye.com

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Guest nu2me

Almontel, found it also at dramastyle > tudou > High Kick through the roof episode 119

don't think those eps (119 and 120) were posted in youtube. shown on MBC 3/10 and 3/11

see u all at the PSHIC :)

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Guest almontel

nu2me...i just watched ep 119 and 120 but I only saw her at the very end of 119 and zero appearance in ep 120...was that it??? ahhhhhhh, i can't believe it was only for a minute or so....

does anyone know if she's in another ep?

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Guest jaimejgs

Hii everyone :D !! I know this must be weird cuz im just popping in from nowhere.. but Im huge YAB fan and i luv Park shin hye. And for now, im looking for her cyworld. Can anyone help me :]

Hi Yanwenroxs, if you go to PSHIC: www.park-shin-hye.com/home we have updates of Shin Hye's cyworld plus photos. There is also a tutorial under FAQ on how to set up a nate account aka cyworld account.

I'm so glad to see a new star of Shin Hye here. Yay welcome to the family.

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Guest karrenstar

[2010] New CF Photoshoot (name unknown) -incomplete-




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Guest gonnabeme

Hi Karen,

wow, new CF? Is this d one GS talked bout new CF they both filmed together?

Owhhh, I'm excited...!

by d way, i found this news on Nate, it mentioned Shinhye name as one of d cast in d theater New Boing Boing. I believed this could be recent since the date of d news is 2010-03-15? help, can someone translate it?

흥행기록을 세우고 있는 연극 [뉴보잉보잉]

뉴스컬쳐 원문 기사전송 2010-03-15 16:59

[뉴스컬쳐 양훼영 기자] 9년간 관객 60만 명 돌파 기록


대학로의 대표 연극 [뉴보잉보잉](연출 손남목)가 경기침체 속에서도 인기몰이를 하고 있어 눈길을 끈다. 일찍이 관객들의 입소문으로 9년간 장기공연을 해왔지만 최근 [뉴보잉보잉]에 대한 인기가 날로 늘어나고 있다.

2002년 초연 이후 코미디연극으로는 꾸준히 ‘라이어’ 시리즈와 라이벌 관계를 유지했던 [뉴보잉보잉]이 지난해부터 ‘라이어’의 인기를 훨씬 뛰어넘기 시작했다. 특히, 올해 1월부터는 티켓사이트 전체 연극 예매순위에서 1위를 유지하는 등 파란을 일으키고 있다.

6개월마다 새로운 캐스팅으로 매번 새로운 느낌의 공연을 만들어가는 [뉴보잉보잉]은 2004년에서는 이태란, 소유진, 김지영, 강래연 등 인기배우들이 카메오로 출연하기 시작하면서 2005년에는 이정수와 이동규가 성기 역을 맡아 열연하기도 했다. 현재 2010년 상반기 [뉴보잉보잉]에는 연예프로그램 리포터로 활동했던 김명철과 가수에서 연기자로 변신한 송용식(강두)이 성기로 출연하고 있다.

지난 9년간 총 관객 60만 명을 돌파한 [뉴보잉보잉]의 손남목 연출은 “[뉴보잉보잉]의 인기비결은 단연 웃음일 것이다. 그리고 배우들의 열연은 감동적일 만큼 놀라운 에너지를 펼친다”며 “대학로 코믹극의 자존심으로 불리는 만큼 다양한 마케팅으로 더욱더 성장시키겠다”는 앞으로의 각오를 밝혔다.

현재 인기리에 진행되고 있는 대학로 공연은 물론이고 부산과 대구, 울산, 창원에서 동시에 공연되고 있어 전국이 [뉴보잉보잉]의 웃음으로 가득 찰 예정이다.

한편, 대학로 공연에서는 평일 오후 5시와 토요일 심야공연 등 다양한 시간대의 공연을 신설해 관객이 보다 편하고 가깝게 공연을 즐길 수 있도록 공연을 진행하고 있으며, 특별공연들은 다양한 할인혜택을 제공해 만원으로 공연을 볼 수 있다.

연극 [뉴보잉보잉]은 바람둥이 성기가 3명의 스튜어디스와 연애를 하던 중, 기상악화로 한 집에 모이게 되는 상황을 코믹하게 풀어낸 작품이다. 순진한 성기의 친구 순성과 가정부 옥희의 위기대처로 아슬아슬 이어지는 거짓말 퍼레이드가 작품의 주된 웃음코드다.

연극 [뉴보잉보잉]은 대학로 두레홀 3관에서 오픈런으로 공연하며, 바람둥이 성기의 결혼버전인 [뉴보잉보잉 2탄]은 두레홀 4관에서 오픈런으로 공연 중이다.


공연명: 연극 [뉴보잉보잉]

연출: 손남목

공연기간: 오픈런

공연장소: 대학로 두레홀 3관

출연: 김명철, 이한희, 김희준, 김윤환, 김원정, 이미래, 남수진, 임그린, 박신혜, 정주희, 김예슬, 최혜진

공연가격: 전석 25,000원/ 평일5시, 토요일 심야 10,000원

(문화전문 신문방송 뉴스컬쳐)

연극 뮤지컬 공연 전시 클래식 무용 콘서트 페스티벌

주간문화영상뉴스 컬쳐티비 뮤지컬 주크박스 무비컬쳐 포토티비

스타인터뷰 영상인터뷰 웰빙 뷰티 패션 웨딩 영화

<저작권자 ⓒ 뉴스컬쳐(http://www.newsculture.tv). 무단전재 및 재배포 금지>

양훼영 기자 hyang@newsculture.tv

source: http://news.nate.com/view/20100315n15841

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Guest jaimejgs

So sad PSHIC is down for me at the moment. Awesome update karen. Thanks.

Wow, I wonder if *ehem* is also in here too. CT, I hope this is the CF he talked about at his Taipei FM.

Seriously, Shin Hye is so pretty in whatever she puts on. She made them work for her.

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Guest gonnabeme

So sad PSHIC is down for me at the moment. Awesome update karen. Thanks.

Wow, I wonder if *ehem* is also in here too. CT, I hope this is the CF he talked about at his Taipei FM.

Seriously, Shin Hye is so pretty in whatever she puts on. She made them work for her.

yep, its down for me too, since 6 a.m. (Kuala Lumpur time). its OK then, we can spazz around here too :)

Mee, d u realize, d two photos Karen put up, d character of d two is against to each other. one is more to lady like, n another is more to boyish look. see d posture, clothing n posing. well, Shinhye looks great in both.

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Thanks Karen for the news

I really can't wait for the new CF.... wondering what could it be? clothing? shoes? or somthing else?

PSHIC is down for me too, n I thought it was just my network ....

But hopefully it'll up soon

Btw, Happy birthday Mee!!!

Wish you the best birthday ever!!!!

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Guest elhabe25

Hi gals...

This is my first time post here...i use to be around PSHIC,but it's down..what happen?i'm so sad..btw i always lurking in this thread bcoz so much to see...hehe..

I dying to wait PSH another drama or movie project..JGS n even Uee had start new project..i want our Shin Hye in Hong sisters new drama..pairing with LSG..huhu..ough..

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Guest jaimejgs

Thanks Kay for the birthday wish. Elhabe, we're moving to a new server that's why it's down. It should be up soon, I hope.

Yeah, ct, I noticed that too. Shin Hye could really make her clothes work for her. She's so beautiful in pretty much anything. I wonder what that news is about. We need Hailey or Karen for this. lol.

I also want to see Shin Hye in a new drama too. She said she will take up both, studying and filming, at the same time if the script catches her eye. It would be nice to see her again. I'm also thinking the new Hong sisters' drama, but I don't know about LSG. I don't know him except for the fact that he and Shin Hye performanced together. It would be interesting to see her in there though, but I still don't know. I hope we hear something soon!!

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Guest gonnabeme

shouting for Karen & Hailey

heeeeeeeeeeeeeeeelpppppppppppppppppp!! :P

Shinhye is for sure named as one of d cast for New Boing Boing. owh, how i really wish i cud understand Korean lang better. If i'm not mistaken, she's taking theater in Univ rite?

bout d CF, hope to hear more bout it soon too.

owh, how i really missed our PSHIC a lot now.

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You are welcome Mee ^^

I know that we are changing the server, but wonder ... how long it'd take * calling Sunny ^^;; **

This is the link of the preview for SH on MTV, that will broadcast on the 20th


I hope no one has posted yet ( or I may have missed it :P )

She was cute when she was younger and grew up so well to be a beautuful lady like today

....and me 2, I miss PSHIC and all the stars , of course ^^

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Guest elhabe25

Oh that's why...thank u for the explaination Jaime...i miss the PSHIC...btw..is today ur birth day?happy b'day Jaime...wishes u all t best...^^v

Well...it's not that i want Shin Hye to pair special to LSG..but i want her to take next main role pairing with another actors just to compare the chemm..;)...well anyway Shin Hye always good to be pair with any actors rite?look at the sparklings on their eyes(on screen)...hehe..i just wanna see her at another good drama,since the Hong sisters always good at drama and make a Hit..so i want her to be part of that too...but I think that's not possible rite..b'coz they just make YAB last year..well,just wait...

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Guest gonnabeme

tq kay for posting d MTV GOT preview. nope, it hasn't being posted before.

how to watch it online? urgghhh.. i still cudn't find d way to do it.

owh.. my office network sucks! they block all kind of photo hosting website. i did some screen caps of d MTV GOT preview vid.. well, i dunno how to share it here. i'll share it out once i found d way out of d firewall :P

edit: here we go. i managed to pass thruu!!










*what a cheeky smile!!





*beautiful eyes, fair complexion n glossy lips!






*matured, optimistic looks of shinhye :)


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Guest jaimejgs

Thanks ct for the screencap. She is so cute.

I wonder if we can watch this live?

Any ideas?

Thanks Elhabe. It's my birthday.

And yes, I miss PSHIC too.

edit: Thanks CT for the completed screencap.

Shin Hye is soooo cute in the "Flower" MV.

I just want to pinch her cheeks in there.

So adorable!!

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Guest gonnabeme

i cud see d star already now, i was surfing the MTV Girls On Top website finding d way of watching d show online

i hv been trying since yesterday. n unfruitful yet. i determine n hopefully i cud find d way.

anyway, here is the MTV Girl On Top website if u guys/gals wanna try it out:


good luck to us..

n oh yea, i found another news bout PSH while searching in Yahoo Korea:

박신혜, 빵꾸똥꾸 표정 누리꾼 웃음만발

*Translate: "Park Shin Hye, **ppangkkuttongkku face smiles bloom netizens"

**Shinhye script line in HTTKR which means "You stupid bad guy" that she being used to shout at BEAST's AJ; her "husband" in d imaginery scene of d drama.


[티브이데일리=이경호 기자] 배우 박신혜가 빵꾸똥꾸 표정으로 누리꾼들의 웃음을 자아내고 있다.

박신혜는 지난 12일 자신의 미니홈피를 통해 "언제 이만큼 다시 기르지?", "파마파마파마도 하고싶구, 앞머리도 일자로 싹둑 자르고싶지만, 안돼! 참아야해"라는 내용과 사진을 공개했다.

사진 속 박신혜는 입술을 삐쭉 내밀어 불만 있는 표정을 지었다. 이날 이 사진과 함께 '지붕 뚫고 하이킥'(MBC)의 해리 역을 맡은 진지희와 찍은 사진도 공개 됐다.

이에 누리꾼들은 이 사진에 대해 "빵꾸똥꾸 신혜", "꾹 참고 (머리카락)기르세요", "예전 사진이지만 귀엽고 예쁘다"라는 반응으로 호응했다.

[이경호 기자 sky@tvdaily.co.kr/사진출처=박신혜 미니홈페이지]

i think basically d article just commented out Shinhye's entry & photo posted at her CY recently bout her in HKTTR & thinking bout perming her hair etc.

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Guest Sparkly_Chic

Happy Birthday jaimejgs!

SH did cross my mind as the possible lady-lead in the Hong's Sister new upcoming drama, but what are the chances of her being cast in it since she just completed YB?

At this point, I really just want to see her in a new drama, no matter who the male lead is! (Would also be great if her and JungYongHwa could be paired as a couple!)

Thanks for the screencaps, she still has her signature GMN look!

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Guest gonnabeme

it doesn't matter for Shinhye if to work again with Hong Sisters. She did very well portraying GMN roles in YB drama which also written by d sisters. Coz Keunsuk worked with them twice before too; Hong Gil Dong (2008) n YB (2009). so, there shd b d same possiblity & chances for Shinhye.

plus, Lee Seunggi (male lead for d new drama) has met Shinhye in person before; n they both shown a gd chemistry n dance together for grand ‘wedding’ stage on SBS Gayo DaeJun in Dec 2009 which they had a joint stage and performing the proposal song ‘Will You Marry Me’ song by Seunggi. The news said that they also been up preparing for the stage, practising their choreography together for d performance. ;)

anyway, to heat d excitement... below r d comparison pict of SeungHye VS SukkieHye 'wedding' proposal :P



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